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7 Reasons Causing Crinkly Leaves on a Peace Lily

7 Reasons Causing Crinkly Leaves on a Peace Lily

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The Peace Lily plant needs little to survive and is known to thrive even in conditions that may not always be favorable.

This plant is often grown for its unique blooms and stunning glossy, dark green leaves.

The Peace Lily plant is simple to care for. However, some small issues can cause the plant to suffer from issues such as crinkly leaves or most commonly known as curling leaves.


What Causes Crinkly Leaves on Peace Lily?

You may often find that Peace Lily can show signs of unsatisfactory conditions through their leaves. Often times the leaves on Peace Lily start to crinkle up, and there can be several causes behind it such as temperature issues, humidity issues, intense sunlight, quality and quantity of water, insect, and over-fertilization.


Reasons Why You Peace Lily Leaves Are Curling Up



Bright direct sunlight can cause your Peace Lily leaves to curl up. This is because this plant is from a tropical area and is grown under a shade, even in the forest.

Too much direct sunlight can burn the leaves and cause them to dry up. You may even notice brown spots developing on it because of this issue.



Peace Lily will suffer if your room temperature increases above 90-degree Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius). This high temperature can put a lot of stress on your plant.

High heat can dry up your leaves, and they can start to crinkle.


Water Quality and Quantity

Peace Lily needs to be given the proper amount of water. If it is overwatered, then the roots will rot.

If it is not provided with enough water, then the leaves can start to curl up. Watering your plant frequently will allow your plant to thrive in high temperatures and low humidity levels.

The type of water you use also affects your plant. Water high in chlorine levels can be dangerous for your Peace Lily


Root Rot

Root rot can occur when your plant is over-watered, or the soil is waterlogged. This can also occur due to an excessive amount of direct sunlight.

Though rotted roots are not the most common cause behind crinkly leaves, they can still be one of the reasons.



Peace Lily does not need to be fertilized a lot since the leaves do not require much fertilization. Most plant owners fertilize their Peace Lily for the blooms.

Excess fertilizer is more harmful to your plant as it can cause the leaves to curl up.


Humidity levels

Peace Lily enjoys being kept in high humidity levels. However, this is hard to duplicate indoors.

But keeping them under moderate humidity levels is more than enough for the plant to thrive.

However, humidity is also not one of the main reasons why Peace Lily leaves curl up.

But it can still play a role in this issue. Low humidity levels can cause your Peace Lily to dry up faster, and this can cause your leaves to curl up.



Peace Lily is not often attacked by insects, but once they are, it can be hard to get rid of them.

The most common insects that attack the Peace Lily plant are mealybugs, aphids, and spider mites.

All of these insects are known to suck out the sap from the leaves of every plant. When this happens, the plant becomes dehydrated, and the leaves start to curl up.


Solutions for Crinkly Leaves on Peace Lily


Protect Your Plant from Insects

Getting rid of mealybugs, aphids, and spider mites is simple. You can use organic solutions such as neem oil.

You can also use dish soap to get rid of these pests. Simply take one tablespoon of liquid soap and half a cup of water.

Put it in a spray bottle and spray the leaves of your Peace Lily with this solution. Let it stay there overnight and wash off the leaves the next day.


Regulate Humidity Level

You can easily fix the humidity level by placing your pot in a larger pot. Then take sphagnum moss and add it into the space between the large and small pot.

This will cause humidity levels to rise around your plant. You can also mist the leaves of your plant for better results and less crinkly leaves.

A humidity above 50% is ideals for a Peace Lily.


Give Proper Fertilizer

You should use a balanced 8-8-8 fertilizer for your Peace Lily. This fertilizer will also ensure that your plant is receiving enough nutrients for its blooms as well.

Using a fertilizer high in nitrogen is only good for the leaves. So, if you want good leaves at the expense of this plant’s blooms, then you can use a nitrogen-heavy fertilizer.

Provide your plant with fertilizer every month during the spring and summer seasons. But only provide it with fertilizer after every four weeks during winter and fall.

This practice will stop your leaves from crinkling.


Prevent the Roots from Rotting

Rotting of the roots is common in plants that have been overwatered or not provided with properly draining soil.

You must also make sure that the pot has drainage holes in it.

Keep an eye on the plants surrounding and then water them. Do not use soil that holds on to too much moisture.

Use a soil mix of vermiculite, peat moss, and tiny rock. This soil mix will promote drainage and hold on to just enough moisture for your plant.

Root rot causes leaves to not only crinkle but also turn yellow, so there are many signs to indicate this issue with your plant.



The amount of water you provide your plant is important. To ensure you are not underwatering or overwatering your plant, check the top half of the soil.

If it is dry, then you must water your plant again. You should also avoid using tap water as it contains a lot of chlorine.

If tap water is your only option, let it sit out for the night so that the chlorine gas can be released into the air.

The best option is to use rainwater or distilled water as they have all the nutrients in the perfect amount. These two options will prevent your plant leaves from crinkling.


Regulate Temperature

Peace Lily does not like being kept in temperatures lower than 60-degree Fahrenheit (15.5 degrees Celsius).

The best temperature range is between 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (15.5 to 26 degrees Celsius).

Keep your plant away from drafty areas, such as open doors and windows. Make sure to keep it away from air-conditioned rooms or rooms that have heaters in them.

The best surrounding temperature is room temperature. This will stop your Peace Lily leaves from curling up.



The best light for Peace Lily is bright but indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight will cause your leaves to crinkle, and this is a sign that your plant is getting damaged.

Make sure that your plant is kept at a distance from the window glass since it can get hot in the afternoon. Also, keep your plant close to the north or west-facing window.


Frequently Asked Questions about Crinkly Leaves on Peace Lily


Do crinkly leaves mean that my Peace Lily is about to die?

Crinkly leaves simply show that your plant is being provided too much or too little of something. It can be corrected and alone will not lead to the death of your Peace Lily.


Can I cut off the crinkly leaves on my Peace Lily?

You do not have to cut off any of the crinkly leaves present on your Peace Lily. But if you do not like the look of it, then you can cut them off as it will not damage your plant.