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Anthurium Dorayaki Plant Care – A Gardener’s Friendly Guide

Anthurium Dorayaki Plant Care – A Gardener’s Friendly Guide

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The Anthurium Dorayaki is no less than an exotic beauty with its vibrant colors and diverse shape. 

These Anthuriums mostly have two varieties- flowering and non-flowering. The former variety is mostly famous for its blooms, while the latter has fans for its foliage. 

The blooming variety produces colorful, attractive flowers, while the non-flowering species give rise to lush, green leaves with small spathes.


Anthurium Dorayaki Plant Care

The Anthurium Dorayaki enjoys indirect, filtered sunlight and high moisture levels. It thrives in fertile soils, mostly containing perlite, that does not retain too much water and have considerable airflow in-between pores. Furthermore, it prefers temperatures between 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 32 degrees Celsius).



Generally, Anthuriums prefer free-draining soils that hold some amount of water. 

Outdoor potted Anthuriums prefer locations that are slightly steep or do not accumulate water. They like moisture; however, they dislike growing in soggy soils.

Different varieties like different soils, but most thrive in soils that are similar to their natural habitat. Choose a potting mix that’s light and loose with a pH of about 6.5. 

If you do not like perlite, use a mixture containing soil (1 part), orchid mix (2 parts) and, peat moss (1 part). 

You can also create your own potting mix out of pine bark, perlite, and peat, all in the same quantity. Most of these contents soak up water and parcel it out gradually. 

Soils with excess water are an open invitation to several opportunistic microbes that can cause a wide variety of diseases such as root rot and yellowing of leaves. 

I recommend you stay away from garden soil as it retains more than the required amount of water. 



Anthuriums enjoy being watered from time to time. They are tropical in nature, and so enjoy a good amount of moisture in their surroundings.

However, if kept in such conditions for too long, they begin to lose their normal structure.

Ideally, water your Anthurium Dorayaki only once a week. However, if the weather is dry you may have to add water twice a week.

You can also rely on the finger-dip test for watering. Simply insert two fingers into the Anthurium Dorayaki soil’s top two to three inches (5-8cm). 

If they seem wet, withhold water for hours or days. In contrast, if the soil seems cracked or dried out, add lukewarm water. 

To minimize the probability of root rot, avoid watering your plant to the point that it becomes soggy. 

However, if it has already undergone extensive root rotting, carefully rinse the affected roots to save your Anthurium Dorayaki. If the damaged roots still do not come off, use scissors to cut them off.

Another important factor is to use water that is at room temperature and contains very little to no chlorine. For areas with chlorinated water, fill up a bucket with water and leave it overnight. 

The chlorine evaporates, leaving you with chlorine-free water. 

If you are a fan of misting and find it easier, you can mist your Anthurium Dorayaki plant every few days. However, the spread should be even and not directed at one point only. 

But please keep in mind that misting isn’t a watering substitute. 



Light plays a crucial role in forming blooms and fruits. Therefore, especially for the Anthurium varieties that produce flowers, ideal light conditions are essential. 

Although the Anthurium plants can tolerate a wide range of light levels, the Anthurium Dorayaki plant needs bright, dappled sunlight. 

This plant produces larger and more vibrant flowers in filtered sunlight. However, if exposed to direct sunlight for long hours, it leads to leaf scorching and burning. 

When growing outdoors, the Anthurium Dorayaki should be kept under partial shade or on the balcony. It is an epiphyte; therefore, growing it under a tree’s shade is also a good idea. 

However, please make sure the Dorayaki plant is not under direct sunlight. 

Inside the house, you can grow the Anthurium Dorayaki plant in several locations. Try placing it in front of a south or east-facing window; they offer just the right amount of sunlight. 

Similarly, you can put it close to a glass door where the sunrays are indirect. 

Alternatively, you can use artificial growing lights for your Anthurium Dorayaki plant. 



The Anthurium Dorayaki thrives when grown in higher temperatures, ranging from 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 32 degrees Celsius).

 Anything below or higher than these values can increase the chances of the plant catching infectious diseases. 

The house gardeners living in areas with temperate climates do not have much trouble maintaining this range. However, occasionally, problems arise for those residing in cooler climates. 

In the summer and spring seasons, let your Anthurium Dorayaki plant grow outside. However, when the temperature drops below 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celsius), bring this fine beauty inside. 

To maintain the ideal range, place the plant in close proximity to a heater in the winters, but far enough to prevent the leaves from burning. 

On the other hand, when the temperature scale crosses 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius) in the summers, put the Anthurium Dorayaki near a fan or an open window. 



Fertilizer is one of the most important growth determinants of any plant. It is primarily responsible for supplying the right amounts of nutrients. 

The greatest roles in the development of Anthurium Dorayaki plants are played by nitrogen, potassium, and phosphate. 

Each of the macro elements plays an essential role in the Dorayaki plant’s lifecycle. 

Whereas microelements, such as Manganese, Calcium, and Sulphur, are also involved in several enzymatic reactions and the transfer of genetic information. 

Anthurium Dorayaki likes a high-quality NPK fertilizer diluted to a strength of 1/4th. Use it every few months or as directed on the product packaging. 

For this plant, use feeds that contain abundant phosphate to promote blooming. 

You can either opt for a slow-release fertilizer or a liquid fertilizer. The former is usually absorbed instantly, but its effects last for a relatively lesser time. 

The latter type is taken up slowly by plants, but its results persist for a longer time. 

I suggest fertilizing only during the spring and summer seasons. The plant is mostly busy conserving energy in the dormant season and does not need too much feed.

Please avoid overfertilizing your Anthurium Dorayaki, as it can have serious complications. 



Anthurium Dorayaki plant is tropical in nature, so it likes plenty of moisture in its environment. The high humidity keeps the plant upright and maintains the leaves’ turgidity. 

The Anthuriums are only picky about their humidity needs. They prefer 70% to 80% of humidity throughout the day. 

These levels are significantly high and can be uncomfortable for humans. To solve this problem, simply put your Anthurium Dorayaki in a separate room of the house. 

In drier seasons, put up a humidifier that maintains adequate hydration levels. For suitable moisture distribution, place all your plants in one room. 

Alternatively, you can place it close to a pebble-filled tray of water.

If you are having trouble keeping track of the moisture levels in your house, purchase a moisture meter from any local store.

Please protect your plant from excessive humidity as it often leads to pest infestation. 



Repotting is mostly beneficial for plants; it helps spot diseases before they can cause significant damage, refreshes the soil’s nutrients, and gives the plant an overall healthier look. 

The Anthurium Dorayaki is a small to moderately sized plant that does not need frequent repotting. However, if it is root-bound, it is time for repotting. 

If you are confused about whether the plant is root-bound, look for the following signs: 

  • Roots circling the plant’s container 
  • Roots coming out of the pot’s bottom or drainage holes 
  • Wilting foliage despite a correct watering frequency 
  • Water running straight through the drainage holes 
  • Cracked or bent container 


If you notice any of these signs, your Anthurium Dorayaki is probably root-bound, and I suggest repotting it as soon as possible; failure to do so may result in permanent wilting. 

However, if it is only the beginning, wait and let the plant grow a little more. 

Anthuriums like having their roots slightly crowded in their pots. It usually takes years till your Dorayaki needs to be repotted. 



When it comes to Anthurium plants, pruning monthly or even bimonthly is not necessary. 

These plants, especially the Anthurium Dorayaki, should only be pruned when their vines have outgrown the pot or the leaves are infected. 

During the process, prune your Dorayaki plant from the top down. Firstly, prune the discolored, dead, or abnormal-looking leaves. You can also get rid of the dead or wilting blossoms towards the stem’s base. 

I also recommend removing wayward leaves that are bringing down the plant’s appearance, but please leave at least three or five leaves in place for a finished look. 

Please use disinfected pruning shears and wear gloves for your protection.



The Anthurium Dorayaki plants are reasonably easy to propagate. You can grow them from stem cuttings. You will need the following:

  • Clean scissors 
  • Gloves 
  • Container 
  • Water 
  • Fertilizer 


Step by Step Guide:

  • Prepare a container with a well-aerated and well-draining soil mix. 
  • Please cut a segment of the Anthurium Dorayaki plant’s stem that has at least two nodes. 
  • Pick a section with sprouting aerial roots. Now take this segment and put it in its new container. 
  • Put some soil around the segment. Add some water and fix the segment with your fingers.
  • Ensure that this segment is as upright as it can be.
  • Add some water and fertilizer and some perlite (optional). 
  • Put this container initially under some shade.
  • Move it in dappled sunlight after about a week. 

However, please remember that the Anthurium Dorayaki plant matures slowly, so be patient when propagating it. The cuttings usually take several months to grow to adult size. 



There is no confirmed data about Anthurium Dorayaki plant blooms, particularly. However, most Anthuriums produce flowers all year-round, with each lasting for two to three months.

If you mimic the plant’s natural rainforest habitat conditions, the Anthurium can produce up to six blooms per year. 



The Anthurium Dorayaki plant, with its slow to moderate growth rate, grows close to the ground. In addition, it develops in a sideways pattern rather than upwards. 

It reaches a height of about 12 to 18 inches and spreads to approximately 9 to 12 inches. 


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Common Problems for Anthurium Dorayaki Plants


Bacterial Blight

This condition is one of the most common problems occurring in Anthurium plants. 

A Dorayaki plant infected with bacterial blight has a yellow appearance (chlorotic) with abnormal-looking spots that form along the leaf margins. 

The spots grow further to form fatal V-shaped lesions that are characteristic of the disease.

The bacteria, mostly Xanthomonas Axonopodis pv. Dieffenbachiae, usually enters through pores, damaged parts of the plant, pruning injuries, or insect bites. 

When the flowers are harvested, the bacteria can also invade via wounds.

To control the disease, use disinfected tools only and keep plants at a safe distance from each other. Make frequent use of an antibacterial spray. 


Root Rot

Another common attacker is the fungus Rhizoctonia Solani, which causes root rot. The term ‘damping off’ is often used to describe this condition. 

It mainly attacks juvenile stems that become girdled and appear soaked. 

Moreover, the infected plant is unable to support its weight due to weak lower stems. When moisture level increases, the infection spreads, involving the upper leaf canopy as well. 

Once the Anthurium Dorayaki plant falls prey to it, getting rid of the infection becomes a tough job. The fungus even survives unfavorable conditions, such as drought and rains, and spreads rapidly. 

To prevent this issue, avoid incorporating native soils into potting mixes without steam sterilizing them. 

Additionally, use well-draining soil mixes and prevent adding sphagnum moss, peat moss, potting media, and chips that have been stored for a long time. 

Lastly, use disease-resistant seed varieties. 


Black Nose Disease

This disease, caused by Colletotrichum Gloeosporioides, can cause havoc in flower-producing Anthurium plants, leading to significant damage. 

Along with internal problems, the plant’s overall appearance is ruined. 

Use fungicides to treat block nose disease and maintain good hygiene. Furthermore, use disease-resistant varieties. 


Tips for Growing Anthurium Dorayaki Plant 

  • Grow Anthurium Dorayaki in bright but dappled sunlight. 
  • Avoid overwatering it. 
  • Use disease-resistant varieties, preferably. 
  • Maintain ideal moisture levels. 
  • Keep a safe distance between plants to prevent infection spread. 


Frequently Asked Questions about Anthurium Dorayaki Plant Care


Is an Anthurium Dorayaki plant easy to grow?

Ideally, grow your Anthurium Dorayaki plant in a cool environment in USDA zones 10 or higher. The care is pretty easy as long as you provide the plant with key elements, including filtered sunlight, high moisture, and fertile soil. 


Can an Anthurium Dorayaki be misted?

The Anthurium Dorayaki plants like high moisture levels that are greater than 60%. Therefore, misting them every few days is safe. However, please remember misting is not a substitute for watering. 


Do Anthurium Dorayaki plants like to be root-bound?

The Anthurium Dorayaki plants like to be root-bounded slightly. However, crowding them for long periods is not a good idea. If your plant’s roots begin circling its container, it is time to transfer it to a bigger pot. 



The Anthurium Dorayaki plant is reasonably easy to care for.

It requires well-draining soils with good aeration, moisture greater than 60%, bright, dappled sunlight, and moderate fertilizing. 

With their convenient size and attractive looks, they can liven up your home’s dullest corners.