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Is Monstera Adansonii Toxic? Let’s See!

Is Monstera Adansonii Toxic? Let’s See!

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You are reading this article to know if Monstera adansonii is toxic.

Monstera adansonii belongs to the Araceae family, also popularly known as the Five Holes or the Swiss Cheese plant. It is commonly found in Central and South America at lower elevations.

It can grow up to 6-8 ft (1.8m – 2.4m) tall as a houseplant. Many plant lovers have pets and children in their houses, so they are concerned about the toxicity of their favorite Monstera Adansonii.

Is Monstera adansonii Toxic?

Monstera adansonii is toxic to small animals such as cats and dogs. Most parts of the plant, such as the stems, leaves, and roots, contain calcium oxalate crystals. Even though it is not fatal, it is important to look out for symptoms so the vet can be contacted quickly. Common symptoms are excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, pawing at the mouth, burning sensation, and obvious irritation in the oral cavity.

According to ASPCA, Monstera deliciosa and Monstera adansonii contain insoluble calcium oxalate crystals.

Is Monstera Adansonii Toxic?
Is Monstera Adansonii Toxic?

Symptoms of Poisoning

The symptoms will appear immediately if your cat or dog chews the Swiss Cheese plant. While most of them are not fatal, they can cause severe discomfort.

The most common ones include excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, pawing at the mouth, burning sensation, and obvious irritation in the oral cavity.

Diagnosis of Poisoning

If you see your pet developing the symptoms listed above, it may be a sign of Swiss Cheese plant poisoning and also a sign that you should take them to a veterinarian at the earliest.

You can also help the vet make a quick diagnosis by showing a picture or a sample of the Monstera Adansonii.

If you have not witnessed your pet having the plant, you can bring their vomit sample for the vet to identify the plant material.

Since there is no test to identify if your cat has Monstera adansonii plant poisoning, the vet would need your information.

By closely examining your pet’s mouth, the vet can determine if crystals are lodged inside.

It is possible to conclude that Monstera adansonii causes the poisoning if the vet finds calcium oxalate crystals, a toxin commonly found in the plant.

Monstera adansonii Poisoning Treatment

Your pet may be in a great deal of discomfort due to poisoning. Initially, the treatment should focus on increasing their comfort level. The vet will first wash your cat’s or dog’s mouth to erase any visible crystals.

Dairy products high in calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or milk, can also be fed to your cat to lower the pain. The vet may do a gastric lavage to remove toxins from the stomach.

If your cat vomits in great quantity, the vet may use sucralfate or Kapectolin for stomach lining coating and avoid more irritation. During the treatment, your cat’s condition will be monitored closely.

Because of excessive vomiting, your cat may experience dehydration. In that case, it would need to receive fluids.

The vet may also administer Benadryl if he thinks there is a risk of swelling. It is often used as a preventative measure if your cat’s airways become swollen or off its air supply.

Recovery from Poisoning

While poisoning is not fatal, it brings discomfort to your cat or dog. Most cats or dogs will be released quickly after treatment, but some may need to stay longer to get enough fluids in case of dehydration.

Do speak to the vet regarding any changes in diet for your cat for the coming few days. Your cat may also have a sore mouth and stomach because of treatment.

Therefore, your vet may recommend giving them soft food to avoid irritation. To prevent poisoning in the future, make sure to keep your pet away from the Monstera Adansonii.

Is Monstera adansonii Safe for Kids?

The good news is that houseplants are usually not fatal. A Monstera adansonii is not a severe danger to kids. Therefore, eating it is not exactly life-threatening.

However, you should still keep them away from pets and small children alike, as the symptoms they get could be painful.

Children often have a habit of tasting or chewing things within their reach, which can harm Monstera Adansonii.

Even if your child puts a small portion of the plant in his mouth, it would not taste good enough for them to keep chewing. Your child will most likely spit it out and not try it again.

Ingesting a Monster Adansonii can cause your child’s stomach upset or their skin to react. However, consuming it in larger amounts can cause the symptoms to be life-threatening.

If you see your child ingesting or coming in contact with a Monstera Adansonii, carefully assess the situation.

If you observe your child having difficulty breathing or swelling of the throat or mouth, you should not wait any longer and take them to the nearest healthcare facility.

Make sure to baby-proof your house when caring for a Monstera adansonii. Try to keep them at a higher place or at a distance so your child cannot access them.

Read this article about toxic houseplants for cats next.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I be worried if my cat has consumed a Monstera Adansonii but is not showing symptoms?

If your cat has no symptoms, there is nothing to worry about. Try to keep the plant away from your cat’s reach. Suppose your cat chews just a little bit of the plant. In that case, it may not show symptoms such as excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, pawing at the mouth, burning sensation, and obvious irritation in the oral cavity.

Is a red bump a sign of Monstera adansonii poisoning in my Cat?

Eating a Monstera Adansonii will most likely cause oral irritation, drooling, or ulcers in lips and gums. If these signs are absent, your cat may not have eaten it.

Monstera adansonii is toxic so keep it away from kids, cats, dogs and other pests.