Monstera Adansonii is a unique variety of flowering plants that belong to the Araceae family.
Its standout feature is its green foliage with unique narrow holes that cover up to 50% of the leaf. They can grow up to 12 feet tall in ideal growing conditions.
Monstera Adansonii is a climber or trailer by nature. They require support if you want them to climb. Some claim that Monstera Adansonii is one of the rarer Monstera available, while others claim the contrary.
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Is Monstera Adansonii Rare?
Monstera Adansonii is not a rare plant. Many plant enthusiasts have begun to propagate their own, and they are sold frequently in most parts of the world. Instead, Monstera Obliqua is another variety of Monstera that is much rarer. It is a plant Monstera Adansonii is often confused with it. They are both similar looking as they have foliage with holes that give them a unique appearance. A truly rare version of the Monstera adansonii is the Variegated Monstera Adansonii.
How to Identify if You Have a Monstera adansonii or a Monstera Obliqua Peru
Although Monstera Adansonii and Monstera obliqua are very similar at first glance, they have distinct differences in foliage, growth rate, and other characteristics.
Monstera obliqua gets more and more common. But you most likely own a Monstera adansonii if you are unsure.
In 99.99%, you will have a Monstera adansonii if you are unsure whether it is a Monstera Obliqua or a Monstera Adansonii.
The more justified question in most cases is if you have a general Monstera adansonii or a Monstera adansonii subsp. Laniata.
The Shape of the Holes
Monstera adansonii has narrower and smaller holes on its leaves which cover up to 50% of the surface. Whereas Monstera Obliqua Peru has wider and larger holes covering 90% of the surface.
Monstera Obliqua Peru is the most well-known of the Obliqua complex. However, they start with no to very few fenestrations and will fenestrate more as they grow.
To make it even more confusing, there are lots of Monstera Obliqua that have no holes at all, as the number of holes is not a defining factor of a Monstera Obliqua.
The Monstera obliqua Columbia and the Monstera obliqua Bolivia have few to very few holes at most.
But let’s get back to discussing the Monstera Adansonii.
Thickness and Size of Leaves
Monstera adansonii has thicker leaves than the paper-thin leaves of Monstera Obliqua Peru.
Moreover, the size of the leaves on Monstera adansonii can grow up to 2 feet, in contrast to Monstera obliqua, which has 6-7 inches long leaves.
The edges of Monstera adansonii are straight versus the wavy edges of Monstera Obliqua Peru.
Growth Rate
Monstera adansonii also has a faster growth rate than Monstera Obliqua. They can grow a few feet in a matter of one month.
On the other hand, Monstera Obliqua, even in the ideal living condition, takes months to achieve the same growth.
Appearance of Stolons
Monstera Obliqua has Stolons, whereas Monstera Adansonii does not. Stolons are like bridges between two plants with their roots. They are horizontal growing stems that eventually develop their own root to propagate into a new plant.
All Inflorescences on Aroids are similar looking. They consist of a spathe and a spadix. The flowers on Monstera plants are very small and grow on the spadix. Monsters Obliqua has fewer flowers than Monstera Adansonii, and each inflorescence, although similar, looks unique.
The Cost of Purchasing
If you purchased a Monstera Obliqua at a price that is too good to be true, the bad news is, it is precisely that. The cost of buying a Monstera Obliqua can go up to four-digit numbers.
If you are very lucky, you might be able to purchase it for hundreds of bucks and not thousands.
Unfortunately, many sellers, plant shops, and garden centers mislabel Monstera Adansonii as Monstera Obliqua and sell it like that.
So, if you got your Monstera cheaply, it is 99.99% not to say 100% a Monstera Adansonii.
How to Spot the Rare Kind of Monstera Adansonii – The Variegated Monstera
Variegation is a term used to denote the appearance of white or yellow splashes on the leaves, stems, or stalks. The appearance of variegation in plants is rare.
Hence, if you want to purchase a variegated Monstera Adansonii, be ready to pay big bucks.
Variegation can appear as a mutation, part of genetics, or lack of chlorophyll pigment. There are two types of mutation. One is random; the other is genetic (called chimeric).
Discoloration vs. Variegation
Discoloration does not equate to variegation. Most times, the discoloration that most plant owners misunderstand variegation for is a side effect of a disease named Mosaic Virus or malnutrition.
Causes of Variegation
Genetic mutations are one of the causes of variegation. It is characterized by the absence of the green pigment named chlorophyll.
This occurs due to the disruption in the biochemical process of chloroplast biogenesis. Random mutations are another reason for variegation. Albeit it is very common, it is the most unstable form.
How to Care for a Monstera adansonii
Monstera adansonii care is not difficult.
Monstera Adansonii grows best in indirect bright light. They will still grow in low light conditions, but the growth rate will be significantly slower.
Your Monstera adansonii can survive low humidity levels, such as in an in-home environment. However, they grow best in humidity levels above 60%.
Overwatering is a common mistake made by new Monstera owners. Monstera Adansonii requires lightly moist soil and needs to dry out slightly before re-watering is necessary.
Monstera Adansonii grows best in temperature ranges of 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit (15.6-26.7°C). Any temperature below 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15.6°C) will exponentially slow the growth rate.
Monster Adansonii is a climber by nature. Hence, it will require additional support if it is to climb. You can use moss poles, trellises, and stakes to support your Monstera.

Daniel has been a plant enthusiast for over 20 years. He owns hundreds of houseplants and prepares for the chili growing seasons yearly with great anticipation. His favorite plants are plant species in the Araceae family, such as Monstera, Philodendron, and Anthurium. He also loves gardening and is growing hot peppers, tomatoes, and many more vegetables.