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Monstera adansonii variegated Care – #1 Best Care Guide

Monstera adansonii variegated Care – #1 Best Care Guide

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Monstera adansonii variegated or variegata is a Monstera adansonii with white or yellow coloring that resulted from a chimeric mutation. When caring for Monstera adansonii variegata, a big difference is that the vaiegata needs more light than its green counterpart, the regular adansonii.

The Monstera adansonii is nicknamed the “Swiss Cheese” plant for its many holes.

The soil should always be well-draining, and the plant needs a lot of indirect but bright sunlight.

The Monstera plant is a vining plant that climbs up moss poles and trellises.

This is because the roots cling onto soil or even rocks for support. All Monstera plants are these epiphytes, making them fun to work with.

The Monstera plant originates from tropical climates, particularly in South and Central America.

Monstera adansonii variegata Care Takeaways

Species Monstera adansonii variegata
Synonyms Monstera adansonii variegated,Variegated Monstera adansonii
Family Araceae
Genus Monstera
Growth Climber
Height 8 feet
Width 2 feet
Soil Well-draining aroid soil containing perlite, bark, charcoal, potting soil
Watering Water every 5 to 7 days
Light Bright indirect
Temperature 65 to 80°F
Humidity 60-80%
Fertilizer Fertilize 2 times per month
Propagation Stem cuttings, seeds
Toxicity Insoluble calcium oxalates. Toxic to Dogs, Toxic to Cats. Mildly toxic to humans

Monstera adansonii variegated Care

To care for Monstera adansonii variegated, use well-draining soil and bright indirect sunlight. Provide a temperature within 65-80°F (18-26°C) and water once the top 2” (5cm) of soil is dry about once a week. Provide a humidity above 50%, ideal 60-80%, and fertilize every two weeks in spring and summer using a liquid fertilizer.

Monstera adansonii variegated Plant Care


The Monstera adansonii variegated plant needs well-draining soil. This is the balance of all soils.

Well-draining soil ensures that the plant isn’t overwatered. It allows the excess water to drain through to the bottom of the soil.

This is where plant pots with drainage holes come into play. You don’t want that excess water standing at the bottom. This will cause issues as well.

The drainage holes in a plant pot let that water continue draining through.

But well-draining soil also holds onto moisture for your Monstera plant to thrive.

The best soil for the Monstera adansonii variegated plant has sphagnum peat moss.

This peat moss can hold onto moisture. But it also allows aeration and drainage of extra water.

The perfect mix will include the following:

  • Sphagnum peat moss
  • Perlite or vermiculite or both
  • Orchid bark
  • Charcoal

The pH of the soil should range between 5.5 pH and 7.0 pH. This means it should be neutral but slightly acidic is okay too.


Monstera adansonii variegated grows best in bright indirect sunlight.

The Monstera adansonii variegated needs lots of sunlight or artificial light.

Since it’s the variegated form of the plant, it has less chlorophyll than other plants.

This is because the white or yellow leaves don’t allow them to absorb as much light compared to other houseplants.

Without that light, your Monstera plant has to work twice as hard to go through photosynthesis.

Sometimes it’s not possible to do it. So lots of light is super important.

But you want to avoid direct sunlight whenever possible.

The leaves will scorch under too much sun. This means you don’t want to sit your plant under artificial light, either.

Instead, place your Monstera adansonii plant in a north or east-facing window. This ensures it gets enough light without the sun blaring down on the leaves.

If you use artificial lights, place the plant a few inches away from the light.

We originally bought our first grow light in winter but then realized that our plant profits from artificial light all year round.

No matter which method you use, rotate it throughout the week so the entire plant gets enough light.


Water Monstera adansonii variegata about once a week once the top 2” (5cm) of soil is dry to the touch.

Your Monstera adansonii variegata needs slightly moist soil at all times.

This doesn’t mean you should saturate the soil, though.

This plant is easy to over-water because of its’ epiphytic roots.

Saturated soil leads to several problems, the worst of which is root rot (or wet feet).

When the soil has too much water, oxygen can’t get through. This means oxygen can’t get through to your roots. And oxygen is as important to the roots as water is.

Without oxygen, the roots start to rot away.

It’s hard to detect root rot without pulling your Monstera plant out of the soil to examine the roots.

Once root rot has started, it can be hard to eliminate. You have to trim the bad roots and switch out the soil right away.

When all the roots have rotted away, your plant isn’t going to survive.

To make sure you’re keeping the soil moist instead of saturating it, check the top 2 inches with your finger.

Stick your finger into the soil until it hits your top knuckle. If the soil is dry, it’s time to water your plant. If it’s still wet, check it again in a few days.

In most cases, you must water the Monstera adansonii variegated plant about once a week.

You’ll water it less often during cold temperatures because it’ll hold water longer.


The best temperature range for the Monstera adansonii variegated is between 65F (19C) to 80F (26C).

Neither too hot nor too cold.

Temperatures below 65F (19C) will slow the growth considerably.

According to the University of Florida, the leaves will become damaged if the temperature drops below 32F (0C). It can’t take freezing temperatures.

The stems will become damaged at temperatures below 28F (-3C).


Monstera adansonii variegated grows best in humidity above 50%.

For the Monstera adansonii variegata, moderate humidity is okay. Your plant will still grow and be happy.

But if you want a super lush Monstera plant, high humidity is great—especially above 90%.

You want to mimic the humidity it would have in the tropics where these plants originate.

Most homes have to create humidity for their tropical houseplants. But this is easy to do.

Some like to spritz the leaves of their plant now and then. When the water on the leaves evaporates, the moisture goes into the air. Since it’s right by the plant, that moisture goes straight to it.

The only issue with this method is that you have to guess when you should spritz the Monstera’s leaves.

My favorite method is the pebble tray method. All you need is a tray, pebbles, and water.

Fill the tray with pebbles to the very top. It’s okay if the pebbles sit a little bit above the tray.

Next, fill the tray with water. The water should sit right beneath the pebbles. You don’t want the water to cover the pebbles at all.

Last, all you have to do is place your plant pot on the pebbles. The water evaporates and creates plenty of humidity in the air.

Plus, you don’t have to worry about maintenance until the tray runs out of water. Then all you have to do is refill it.


Fertilize Monstera adansonii variegated every 2 weeks in spring and summer using a liquid fertilizer.

While the Monstera adansonii grows, you must fertilize it every two weeks.

Fertilizer is as important to this plant as sunlight due to its’ lack of chlorophyll.

Don’t fertilize the plant during the winter season. And never fertilize it right after you re-pot it. The roots are susceptible to fertilizer burn while still vulnerable.


The Monstera adansonii variegated plant can grow to 13 feet in height if it has the space to grow.

The leaves grow to be three to four feet in length. You won’t see the holes in the leaves until the plant gets older.

The stem of this plant grows to be between two and three inches thick.


A Monstera adansonii variegated plant must be re-potted every two years. You should be doing the re-potting process during the growing season.

You can tell your plant needs re-potting when the roots start to grow out of the drainage holes of the plant pot.

When you do go to re-pot your Monstera plant, only use a plant pot that’s two inches bigger.

This plant gets stressed out when there’s too much room for the roots to stretch. A stressed plant is more susceptible to plant diseases and plant pests.

Monstera Adansonii Variegata Care
Monstera adansonii variegated Care

Monstera adansonii variegated Propagation Steps

Propagating the Monstera adansonii variegated plant isn’t difficult. Stem cuttings are the most common propagation method.

You can propagate the plant with stem cuttings, soil, or a similar medium, such as perlite, pumice, or sphagnum moss. Or you can propagate the plant with stem cuttings and water.

Using Stem Cuttings and Soil

  1. You’re going to need the perfect Monstera adansonii variegated stem cutting. Your stem cutting should be three to four inches in length. Make sure you cut a bit below a leaf node and that at least two leaves are attached. You’ll need sterilized pruning shears to do this. You can use 70% isopropyl alcohol to sterilize the shears. Once your pruning shears are ready, you can go ahead and cut.
  1. The stem cutting needs to cure before you can plant it. This means the cut end of the stem cutting needs to callous over to promote root growth. Let it sit in a warm environment to cure the cutting for about a week.
  1. While waiting for the stem cutting to cure, you can get the plant pot ready. The plant pot should have drainage holes at the bottom of it. Make sure you’re using well-draining soil. Since this plant is vine-climbing, you will need a moss pole once it’s been growing for a while. Plant the moss pole too if you want to get a head start.
  1. After the week is over, you can go ahead and plant the Monstera stem cutting. Stick your finger into the soil about two inches deep. This is where your stem cutting will sit. Make sure you pack the soil around the cutting tight.
  1. The packed soil should help the stem cutting stay up. But sometimes, you may still struggle. So, you can tie the stem cutting to a straw. You can tie the cutting to the pole if you have already set up a moss pole.
  1. Now that your stem cutting is in soil, you’ll care for it like a mature Monstera. Ensure it’s getting plenty of sun; don’t forget to rotate it. The soil should be moist at all times.

Using Stem Cuttings and Water

  1. Like with all stem-cutting propagation, you need the perfect Monstera adansonii cutting. This stem cutting should be about three to four inches in length. Cut right below the leaf node and ensure at least two leaves are attached. You’ll need to sterilize your pruning shears with isopropyl alcohol before you cut.
  1. You have to cure the stem cutting next. Let it sit out in a warm environment for a week to cure it. This allows the cut end to callous over. A calloused end will root much better.
  1. Once the stem cutting has calloused over, you will need a large jar or vase. Place the stem cuttings into the jar. Fill the jar with clean water. Make sure you don’t saturate the leaves while you’re doing this. The water should be at room temperature. And if you use tap water, let the water sit out for 24 hours before use. This allows chlorine and any other chemicals to dissipate.
  1. You’ll need to switch out the water every five days or so. This ensures your stem cutting always has clean water so bacteria don’t grow.
  1. While the roots are growing, get your plant pot ready. Fill it with the appropriate soil and ensure the pot has drainage holes.
  1. You’ll see roots growing from the stem cutting within a few weeks. The roots should be three to five inches long within a month. This is when it’s safe to plant your new Monstera adansonii variegated in soil. Be careful while you plant it because the roots are fragile. Don’t plant the roots too deep, since it’s an epiphyte plant. Make sure you pack the soil tightly around the stem cutting.
  1. Now you’ll care for your new plant as you do the original. Make sure the soil is always moist and make sure it’s getting bright indirect sunlight.

Other Varieties of Monsteras

The Monstera adansonii variegated isn’t the only cool Monstera species. There are plenty to choose from when decorating your home. There are over 30 different species.

Here are some of the most fun Monstera species out there.

Monstera deliciosa

The Monstera deliciosa is often mistaken for the Monstera adansonii and vice versa. This is because they both have holey Swiss cheese leaves. But the holes in this species are open-ended. They’re more like slits.

Monstera pinnartipatita

This species is rarer than other Monstera species. It produces large beautiful leaves. These leaves have an almost glossy texture to them.

Monstera deliciosa aurea variegated

This hybrid plant creates very large leaves draping over your other plants. They have open-ended slits. But the coolest part is the lush green and pastel yellow mix on the leaves as they mature.

Monstera siltepecana

The Monstera siltepecana is a smaller Monstera species. Like most Monstera plants, it grows in vines. This makes it great for a hanging basket fixture. The small leaves have an interesting design and beautiful veins.

Common Problems with the Monstera adansonii variegated

Like most plants, the Monstera adansonii variegated is susceptible to plant pests.

Most plant pests in this plant aren’t hard to eliminate. If you catch an infestation early, the Monstera will be fine.

The mealybug is the most common plant pest in indoor plants. These bugs have soft bodies, but they’re covered in a cotton-like substance.

This substance works as a barrier between their bodies and outside dangers.

When they lose their cotton-like substance, they can lose all the moisture in their bodies. This dehydrates them and kills them in a matter of minutes.

Mealybugs feed on the sap from your plant. When they feed, they steal nutrients that should be distributed throughout the plant. A large or long infestation can end up killing a plant.

Spider mites are also a common issue for the Monstera adansonii variegated plant. These mites aren’t actual insects but arachnids instead. They have eight legs and resemble teeny little spiders.

Like most plant pests, spider mites feed on your plant. They steal the sap by piercing through the outside of the plant. The sap holds cells that carry both nutrition and hydration to all parts of your plant.

Spider mite infestations can grow rather fast. It’s important to treat your plant right away if you find these creatures.

Brown scales love Monstera plants. They’re soft-bodied insects that are flat. They’re super small so they’re hard to see with the naked eye.

Again, these plant pests steal the sap from your plant. They have straw-like mouths. These mouths are sharp enough to pierce through the skin of a plant. They suck up the sap with ease.

Getting rid of small infestations is simple. The best method is using neem oil. Neem oil is all-natural and rarely has any effect on the actual plant. But you still always want to test a small area to be safe.

You don’t want to use straight neem oil on your plant. It’s best to dilute it with water in a spray bottle. It makes it easier to mix up.

Once you dilute the neem oil, spray down your plant. The substance drowns the plant pests. Most are dead within a minute. You’ll see pests popping up from places you didn’t even know they were hiding in.

After they’re all dead, you want to wipe the plant down to remove the bugs. Check your plant again in about three days. You might need to treat plant pests again if there are still plant pests.

Tips for an Unhappy Monstera adansonii variegated

The Monstera adansonii variegated doesn’t have to be hard to care for. It is very similar to Monstera adansonii care. It doesn’t take any more work than most other tropical indoor plants.

Here are a few tips for encountering an unhappy Monstera adansonii in your care.

Your Monstera adansonii variegated Plant’s Leaves are Wilting and Falling

When the leaves are wilting on a Monstera adansonii variegated, it’s not getting enough water.

Underwatering takes longer to kill a plant, but it’s still deadly if not corrected immediately.

Always, always check the soil before you water. The first few inches should be dry when you go to water. But you don’t want the soil to get much drier than that between watering.

Sometimes it helps to keep a schedule for watering. You might not need to water your plant, but check it at least once a week.

If the soil is dry, water your plant right away. The faster it gets moisture, the faster it gets better.

Your Monstera adansonii variegated Plant’s Leaves are Yellow

When a Monstera adansonii variegated has yellow leaves, you’re over-watering. This is the easiest mistake to make when caring for any indoor plant.

Over-watering is not only the most common cause of unhappiness but also the most dangerous thing you can do.

It’s important always to check the soil before you decide to water. This Monstera constantly needs moist soil but not saturated soil.

Stick your finger into the soil down to your top knuckle. This will let you know how wet the soil is.

When the soil is too saturated, you might have to change it. Even if you wait to water it, your plant’s roots will still sit in that water for too long.

Your Monstera adansonii variegated Plant’s Leaves are Brown

There are several causes of brown leaves in a Monstera adansonii variegated plant. But the most common cause is that your plant isn’t getting enough light.

As I stated earlier, the colors on the leaves make it harder for your plant to absorb sunlight. They have less chlorophyll than non-variegated plants.

You might want to switch to sunlight if you’re using artificial lights. Monstera plants can be picky, and the plant loves the sunlight.

When your plant is in the window, make sure you’re rotating the plant. Try rotating it throughout the day instead of the week. That way, every leaf on the plant is getting light.

If you love variegated plants, I suggest you look at Philodendron birkin care next.

Buy Monstera adansonii variegated

If you want to buy a Monstera adansonii variegated, your best bet is Facebook groups or eBay auctions, as well as Instagram. But be prepared to shell out several thousand dollars for a plant or a cutting.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I clean my Monstera adansonii variegated?

It is important to keep a Monstera adansonii variegated clean. This plant attracts a lot of dust, which attracts plant pests. Wipe the leaves with gentle soap and water whenever you see dust building up.

How fast does a Monstera adansonii variegated grow?

The Monstera adansonii variegated plant grows faster than most other indoor tropical plants. They can grow anywhere from a foot to two feet in a year. However, the variegated version will grow slightly slower due to the lack of chlorophyll.

Is the Monstera adansonii variegated toxic?

The Monstera adansonii variegated’s leaves are toxic. It can cause difficulty swallowing, excessive drooling, and even vomiting. Keep it away from where your pets or children can reach it.


Monstera adansonii variegated care guide:

  • Well-draining soil
  • Bright indirect sunlight
  • Temperatures between 65-80°F (18-26°C)
  • Watering once the top 2-inches of soil (5cm) are dry about once a week
  • Ideal humidity 60-80%
  • Fertilize every two weeks