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Peperomia Clusiifolia Care in a Nutshell

Peperomia Clusiifolia Care in a Nutshell

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The Peperomia Clusiifolia has all-natural characteristics of a typical tropical plant as it belongs to the Peperomia genus. This variety is indigenous to the West Indies and Mexico as a Herbaceous perennial.

This plant has many other interesting names. It is commonly known as the Red Edge variety because it has a red border on the edges of the leaves. According to the University of Florida’s Peperomia guide, the leaf shape and growth pattern of this species greatly resemble the Peperomia Obtusifolia.

Another nickname for Clusiifolia is ‘Jelly’ because of its jelly-like leaves and the light pink coloring on the tips of its foliage.

Although it is unique in appearance, many of its care requirements are similar to classic Peperomia plants. If you have recently added this plant to your collection and are struggling with it, we are here to guide you with some extra tips.


How Not To Kill Your Peperomia Clusiifolia

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Basic Plant Care Instructions for Peperomia Clusiifolia

Peperomia Clusiifolia does great in bright to medium indirect sunlight. Let your plant dry out between waterings so as to keep it safe from diseases. The suitable temperature for the plant is around 68 degrees Fahrenheit (around 20 degrees Celsius).



Since these plants do not like to sit in water, well-drained soil is necessary to prevent water obstruction. Try mixing the normal soil with cactus soil and perlite. This should provide you a light, airy potting mixture that avoids collecting too much water.

Being an epiphyte, the Peperomia Clusiifolia type grows beautifully in normal soil but cannot survive if the roots are submerged in water for longer periods of time. When creating the growing medium, combine cactus soil with a portion of perlite and add sand to make the material much more durable.

The Peperomia Clusiifolia plant is very small, so you don’t need to transfer it into a larger container. What you have to do is substitute the soil with a potting mixture that is nutritional only once a year. You can do this routine any time around the season.



Like many other Peperomia plant species, Peperomia Clusiifolia is a plant that doesn’t like to be watered too much. When this plant is over-watered, it can become prone to root rot that can harm it. One essential sign is that the leaves get mushy, turn black, and drop off.

It is considered ideal for letting the soil get dry between watering. You just want to be certain that the soil is reasonably moist throughout the growing season.

The number of times you water your Peperomia Clusiifolia should be reduced during the winter when temperatures are very low.

Try using a moisture detector if you find this hard to evaluate. Stick the detector in the soil; when the dial readings are 1, 2, or 3, it is time to give the plant some water.

If the soil gets too soggy, it becomes a feeding spot for bacterial and fungal infections. If you do not leave the soil to dry out thoroughly between the waterings, the leaves can become pale and gradually discolor.



Peperomia Clusiifolia will do really well in bright to moderate indirect levels of light. It is safer to keep the direct sunlight away as it can burn them. But you can allow a few hours of direct sunlight if you live in an area that gets little sunlight.

It also likes fluorescent lighting, making it perfect for the workplace or cellar flats.

It should receive bright and indirect sunlight when it is cultivated as an indoor houseplant. More sun means your plant will lose the moisture faster; this exposes the Peperomia to dehydration.

Although the plant tolerates low light conditions, it won’t produce bright flowers and will not grow very fast.

In order to take care of its extremely radiant foliage, this succulent must have exposure to the early morning sun. You can also put it under growing lights for around 12-15 hours each day.



When checking in the warm months, your Peperomia Clusiifolia should pull along relatively well and shine at temperatures between 64-75 degrees Fahrenheit (18-28 degrees Celsius). This species can handle hot temperatures as long as the humidity level is reasonably high.

This variety starts to undergo growth issues and suffers from common diseases when the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius). This Peperomia species do not respond well to droughts or irregular watering.



Peperomia Clusiifolia can thrive through medium to high humidity levels because it appears to do well under most household situations. One thing should be avoided; do not keep them in close proximity to radiators as they can cause the air throughout the plant to dry out too much.

If you don’t have a humidifier, but you want to raise your plant’s humidity level, then think of placing your plant on top of a pebble tray. This creates a microenvironment where the water rises and the humidity around your plant rises.



Although Peperomia Clusiifolia can develop pleasant foliage naturally, fertilizer supplies your plant with all the essential nutrients that serve as development stimulants.

Nevertheless, Peperomia Clusiifolia grows stronger with a little fertilizer application. Too much of it damages the leaves and leads the plant to die in the coming years.

Compared to synthetic fertilizer, I personally like fertilizing my soil with worm compost every spring. If you want to continue with the soluble fertilizer, only use it once every month during the summer season.

The ideal choice is the use of a balanced 10-10-10 water-soluble fertilizer once per month during the growing season for the Peperomia Clusiifolia plant. Your houseplant doesn’t need to be fed when temperatures are incredibly cold, so you can miss fertilization whenever it’s winter.



Peperomia Clusiifolia can live in a fairly small container for years. They enjoy a very root-bound life, and this, coupled with their slow development rate, means that you should let them be until you see roots growing out of the drainage holes. Repot in a slightly bigger pot with an acidic potting mixture or orchid bark.

It is normally a good idea to repot the Peperomia Clusiifolia plant every 2-3 years in order to avoid a too compact potting mix, which will limit drainage in time.

  • Prepare your new pot with a suitable potting mix. Apply half the fresh potting mixture to the pot and leave the other half on the side.
  • Gently extract the Peperomia from its present pot and gently remove as much of the former potting mixture from the roots as possible.
  • Carefully move the plant to the new pot and then start applying the rest of the potting mixture all-around the plant.
  • Firm the potting mixture carefully around the roots, but don’t compress it too much. Eventually, water the plant properly to ensure that the plant is well established in its new place.



This plant can handle pruning well, even heavy pruning, so do not hesitate while trimming and shaping your plant. The elegant, compact look of Peperomia Clusiifolia is among the reasons why I love this Peperomia, so I am typically very aggressive in maintaining their decorative nature.

You should prune your plant regularly, not just for cosmetic purposes but also to remove the dead parts. You can remove all the dead growth or the leaves that display the sign of damage and illness.

Detecting unhealthy foliage early and eliminating them via pruning is a significant way to keep your Peperomia Clusiifolia safe.

The only precaution is to wear safety gloves and goggles to keep yourself safe. Always disinfect your pruning tools to protect your plant from getting diseases.


To propagate this tropical Peperomia Clusiifolia using leaf cuttings and stem cuttings, you need to do the following steps.

Leaf Cuttings

  • Cut a nutritious leaf and make sure it has an inch or two of the stem attached to the parent plant
  • Let the base of the stem dry out by giving the cutting some time
  • Dip the tip of the stem in the rooting hormone to accelerate the development of the roots
  • Water the cutting, protect it with a plastic bag, and leave it so that the roots can have some waiting period to shape. This also preserves the moisture from evaporation.
  • Place the cutting in bright light environments to boost photosynthesis
  • Open the plastic bag every once or twice a week to prevent the roots from rotting.
  • Formulate some potting soil, add organic compost, then put the cutting in the container.
  • Moist the soil gradually. Also, remember to place the medium anywhere with suitable light, humidity, and temperature levels.

You can see the results within 6-8 weeks. If you are thinking about replanting this succulent into a larger jar, then here’s the deal Peperomia Clusiifolia is growing at a slow rate, so you first want to wait for one year.

Stem Cuttings

  • Cut a stem that is healthy from the plant, and it is ideal to have three pairs of leaves along with the stem
  • Remove the lower pair of the leaves so that you have a small section of stem exposed for further procedure
  • Dip your cut end in a rooting powder
  • Now make a hole in the potting mixture
  • Put the cutting in the hole and even out the soil around the cutting
  • Thoroughly water your plant for healthy growth



It produces a loose group of white flowers with spikes each spring. These spikes only turn up if your plant is in good condition—the flowers of Peperomia Clusiifolia range in gorgeous shades of yellow and brown.



With USDA hardiness zones 10 through 12, Peperomia Clusiifolia can be grown in a container under the surrounding field with medium humidity. It can hit 6 inches height mark on average. You’ll be shocked to see how strong and dark-green the leaves of this succulent appear, even during the dry seasons.

The oval leaves have cream and pink edges, creating plant a unique variegated plant. The Peperomia Clusiifolia includes long vines with a length up to 12 inches, preferably if produced in a hanging basket. They don’t grow much larger than 8 -12 inches tall & wide.


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Common Problems for Peperomia Clusiifolia

Some major problems you might encounter while growing Peperomia Clusiifolia are discussed below.


Peperomia Clusiifolia is fairly resistant to pests, but fungal gnats, mites, and mealybugs can still be widespread.

Fungus gnats are tiny black flies and are observed on the ground. The bugs that feed on the roots of the plant are responsible for damage to the plant. The grown-ups do not harm the plant directly.

You can regulate them by reducing watering and top-dressing the potting mix with sand. Sprinkle some cinnamon powder on the soil surface to get rid of them.

Mealybugs are known as white masses that are found on the lower surfaces of the leaves and on the roots. Along with mealybugs, mold is also visible. Infected plants are going to have their leaf production stunted. You should treat the infected plant with an insecticide soap or mist, or you can try neem oil.

Mites are typically very small and can be unnoticed for a long time, sometimes until your plant already has experienced major damage. Mites can result in necrotic leaf areas and weak growth. Control with a pesticidal soap or spray. Make sure you target all infected areas.


Peperomia plants tend to be reasonably resistant to disease, but it is important to watch out for a few bacterial and fungal diseases.

Pythium, which induces stem and root rot, is by far the most serious disease of Peperomia Clusiifolia plants. This is perhaps the most severe disease faced by Peperomia Clusiifolia and can cause the death of a healthy young plant very rapidly.

Pythium is a self-serving fungal infection that flourishes in waterlogged soil situations. Therefore, it is so crucial to stop overwatering. Pythium typically begins at plant roots.

You may see black or oedematic spots of patches on plant stems, but it’s always too late by that time. The first clue of a problem is usually when the plant falls, wilts, or just looks very sad in general.

By finding waterlogged soil and then examining the roots, you can recognize Pythium.

The roots affected are soggy and sensitive and have to be removed for the survival of the plant. The most successful way of rescuing the plant is to vigorously cut off the affected roots and repotting the Peperomia Clusiifolia in a fresh pot mixture.


Peperomia Clusiifolia will wilt for two main reasons. First, over-watering, and the second reason is under-watering. Underwatering tends to be a straightforward indicator of wilting, but overwatering is a little more surprising. The explanation for this is that the plant is not getting enough water in both situations.

If the issue is not too serious, immediately stop watering the plant and let it dry out. Detach any foliage that is severely injured and hold water from this point. If the situation has worsened, it is best to repot your Peperomia Clusiifolia.

Yellow Leaves

There are several causes of a Peperomia plant having yellow leaves, including insufficient watering, prolonged sunlight, or as a response to a dramatic switch in location or temperature. The best way to avoid the yellowing of the leaves is by taking care of all these situations.

Tips for Growing Peperomia Clusiifolia

  • Provide your plant sufficient sunlight, not too much, and not too little.
  • Water your plant adequately.
  • Do not repot your plant unnecessarily, as it can survive in the same pot for years happily.


Frequently Asked Questions about Peperomia clusiifolia


Is it easy to care for Peperomia Clusiifolia?

Like other Peperomia varieties, the Clusiifolia plant is relatively easy to take care of and does not demand much from you. The only special care it needs is in terms of overwatering; you do not want your plant to sit in water.

Should I place my Peperomia Clusiifolia near the radiator?

You should avoid doing this because Peperomias do not like very dry climate. The name of the radiator plant is very misunderstood. Placing your Peperomia near the radiator would cause the soil to dry out rapidly and the moisture across the plant to fall.

Is Peperomia Clusiifolia toxic for the pets?

Fortunately, Peperomia plants are absolutely healthy for humans and pets. Your pets are not at risk from touch or ingestion. Although they don’t taste very good, you don’t need to worry if your pet likes to have a leaf munch here and there.


This succulent doesn’t use too much room, so it’s a great indoor addition when you’re just aiming to nurture a slow-growing houseplant with less caring needs. This variety is suitable for places with bright yet filtered light, such as a window sill or a shaded balcony.

You can also prefer to cultivate it in a hanging basket and let the vines go down. These attractive and resilient plants are grown for their showy, colorful leaves as well as low light tolerance.

Peperomia plants flourish despite neglect and can easily live for six or more years if they are grown under the right conditions.