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Philodendron Camposportoanum Care Demystified

Philodendron Camposportoanum Care Demystified

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Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or just starting your green adventure, this post will equip you with the knowledge to nurture your Philodendron camposportoanum to perfection.

Embark on this journey with us, and let’s dive into the intricacies of Philodendron camposportoanum care, ensuring that your plant thrives in the best possible way.

Philodendron camposportoanum

For ideal Philodendron camposportoanum care, use well-draining soil, provide bright but indirect sunlight, and water when the top inch of soil is dry. Ensure temperatures between 60°F to 75°F and humidity levels between 60% to 80%.


Like most Philodendron plants, the Philodendron camposportoanum needs well-draining soil to thrive.

Well-draining soil prevents you from both over-watering your plant and under-watering it.

The first attribute of well-draining soil is its’ great aeration. If you over-water the plant, excess water is going to drain through to the bottom of the plant pot.

It’s not going to hold onto all that unneeded water.

You should use a plant pot with drainage holes at the bottom. This way, excess water won’t sit at the bottom of the soil either and affect the plant’s roots.

But this soil still holds onto enough water to keep your Philodendron plant alive.

Porous potting soil mixes are the best for this plant. These soils not only let extra water drain through, but they allow plenty of oxygen to get to the roots.

Keep in mind the Philodendron camposportoanum’s soil needs neutral acidity. This means the pH should be around seven.

A great potting soil recipe for this Philodendron includes:

  • sphagnum peat-moss
  • perlite
  • vermiculate
  • sand
  • shredded bark
  • lime

Sphagnum peat-moss is high in acidity. Adding lime to the soil of your Philodendron will bring the acidity back down to a more neutral range.


Bright but indirect sunlight works best for the Philodendron camposportoanum. Like other tropical plants, light is a must for this Philodendron to do well.

But you have to be very careful when it comes to sunlight and your plant. Direct sunlight can be dangerous for the leaves.

In the best cases, the leaves of the plant will turn yellow or other strange colors. In the worst cases, direct sunlight scorches the leaves.

You can avoid direct sunlight without sacrificing bright light. Place the Philodendron camposportoanum plant in either a north or east-facing window.


The Philodendron camposportoanum plant needs a bit more hydration than other Philodendrons.

Instead of checking the first few inches of the soil before you water, you only have to feel the very top layer.

If the soil is dry to the touch, go ahead and water the plant. Just don’t get overzealous. If it’s still moist, wait a while before you hydrate it.

It’s important to keep the plant hydrated but you need to prevent over-watering too.

Over-watering any plant leads to major complications. For a Philodendron camposportoanum, the biggest threat is root rot.

When the soil of a plant sits in saturated soil, little or no oxygen can find its way to the roots. This leads to icky rotting roots.

If root rot (or wet feet) isn’t treated right away, your plant won’t survive.


The temperature range for the Philodendron camposportoanum plant should be between 60F (16C) and 75F (24C).

You shouldn’t let the room temperature drop below 55F (13C) at night especially not during winter.

Avoid letting frost form on the leaves of your Philodendron camposportoanum.


A Philodendron camposportoanum plant loves humidity. High humidity isn’t a must-have to keep it going, but it sure gives it a glow like no other.

Most homes aren’t able to create the right amount of moisture in the air for tropical plants. But humidity is easy to create by yourself.

The most common method used is the pebble tray method. All you need for this method is lots of pebbles, a tray, and some water.

Start by filling the tray to the very top with pebbles. It’s okay if the pebbles sit above the tray a bit.

Next, fill the tray with water. Make sure the water doesn’t cover up the pebbles.

And last, all you have to do is sit the Philodendron camposportoanum plant pot on top of the pebbles.

It takes time, but the water will evaporate, creating plenty of moisture in the vicinity. Since your plant is right there, it’s going to absorb all that new humidity.

But the pebble tray method isn’t your only option to create humidity. You can also invest in a humidifier. This is the best option if you live in a climate with dry air.

Another method used often is spritzing the leaves of the Philodendron. Like the tray method, the water evaporates and goes right to your plant.


A Philodendron camposportoanum plant enjoys a fertilizer that’s slow-release. It makes it so you don’t over-fertilize or under-fertilize your plant.

While your plant is growing, you’ll need to fertilize it once a month during the warmer months.

You can cut back on fertilizing during winter since the soil holds onto it longer.

You can use an all-purpose fertilizer, but make sure it has a high amount of nitrogen in it.

The nitrogen ensures the leaves in your plant grow to be lush and a gorgeous shade of green.


The easiest way to propagate a Philodendron camposportoanum plant is through stem cuttings. Your other option is to propagate the plant by the air layering method.

To propagate Philodendron camposportoanum through stem cuttings, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the Stem Cutting: Obtain a healthy stem cutting about 3-4 inches in length. Ensure it has at least two leaves and cut just below a leaf node using sterilized pruning shears (use 70% isopropyl alcohol for sterilization).
  2. Cure the Stem Cutting for Optimal Growth: Let the stem cutting sit in a warm environment for about a week to allow the cut end to callous, promoting easier rooting.
  3. Prepare Planting Materials: Get a well-draining plant pot with drainage holes and fill it with appropriate soil.
  4. Plant the Cutting: Once cured, plant the cutting by inserting it into the soil about 2 inches deep, leaving an inch of the stem above the soil. Firmly pack the soil around the cutting.
  5. Provide Support: If needed, use a cut straw to support the cutting until it can stand on its own. Tie the stem cutting to the straw.
  6. Care and Maintenance: Place the potted cutting in a location with adequate sunlight, such as a north or east-facing window. Water it as needed, ensuring the soil remains moist but not soggy.

To propagate Philodendron camposportoanum through air layering, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Deep Wound on the Plant
    • Sterilize a knife using 70% isopropyl alcohol.
    • Make a cut about two inches deep and two inches long, near the top of the plant.
    • If the wound doesn’t stay open, insert toothpicks through the top and bottom of the wound.
  2. Apply Moistened Sphagnum Peat-Moss
    • Spread moistened sphagnum peat-moss into and around the wound.
    • Consider using a string to help the peat-moss stay in place.
  3. Secure with Plastic Wrap
    • Carefully wrap plastic wrap around the wound and stem. Avoid wrapping too tightly.
    • Use duct tape to secure the plastic wrap.
  4. Wait for Root Growth
    • Allow about three weeks for the roots to start growing.
    • Prepare a plant pot with drainage holes during this time.
  5. Remove the Wound and Plastic Wrap
    • Once the roots are around four inches long, use a sterilized knife or pruning shears to remove the wound.
    • Gently remove the plastic wrap, taking care not to damage the fresh roots.
  6. Plant the New Philodendron
    • Ensure the roots are fully covered with well-draining soil.
    • Water, provide adequate sunlight, and consider using fertilizer for optimal growth.


The Philodendron camposportoanum plant isn’t very big compared to other Philodendron plants.

They grow to be about a foot to a foot in a half in height. The leaves grow to be between two and eight inches in width.


You need to re-pot a Philodendron camposportoanum when the roots stick out of the drainage holes.

That’s the simplest way to tell when your Philodendron plant is getting too small for its current plant pot.

When you do go to re-pot the Philodendron, you should aim for spring or summertime. It makes it easier for the plant to adapt to its’ new home.

Move the Philodendron camposportoanum to a pot that’s only a bit bigger than the original. Philodendron roots don’t adapt well to too much space.

This extra space stresses the roots out. A stressed plant is more susceptible to diseases and even irritating plant pests.

Other Varieties of Philodendrons

The Philodendron camposportoanum plant isn’t the only cool Philodendron out there.

Here are a few other unique Philodendron species you’ll enjoy growing.

Philodendron lazorii

You won’t find this Philodendron plant in many households only because it’s a little-known Philodendron species. The climber plant has small heart-shaped leaves with a pretty shine.

Philodendron mamei

The Philodendron mamei plant is one of the smaller Philodendron species out there. You don’t need a lot of room to home this special plant. But the hybrids can grow like trees.

Philodendron andreanum

The Philodendron andreanum plant is nicknamed “Black Gold”. This is because of the colors of the leaves. It grows to be quite big, so you need space to grow this plant inside.

Philodendron micans

A Philodendron micans will brighten up any home with its’ tropical vibes. The leaves have a velvety feel and turn a purple color in some lighting.

Philodendron campii

This Philodendron is a non-climber. It grows narrow cylinder leaves that reach towards the sky.

Common Problems with the Philodendron Camposportoanum

Now and then, you might find a crawler hiding on your Philodendron camposportoanum.

Or you might notice your plant going through some changes and difficulties.

Either way, it’s normal for plants to come into contact with plant pests sometimes. What makes a difference is when you catch them and how you treat them.

Spider mites

Spider mites are one of those pests that love Philodendron camposportoanums.

Spider mites aren’t insects, like most plant pests. They’re actual arachnids with eight legs, so they’re named the way they are.

These mites like to hide on the rounded edges of your plant’s leaves. They suck the sap out of your plant for nutrition.

It may be healthy for the spider mites, but it’s unhealthy for your Philodendron plant. The sap is an important part of the photosynthesis process.

The sap carries both nutrients and hydration throughout the plant. Without all that good stuff, your plant’s not going to feel very well, and it’ll show.

Spider mites are so small it’s hard to see them unless you’re looking for them. If you spray your Philodendron camposportoanum down, they’ll come running from hiding.

A mealybug infestation is another possibility for your Philodendron plant. These pests make it look as if your plant is covered in cotton balls.


This is because mealybugs are covered in a cotton-like substance. Since they’re soft-bodied bugs, this substance is their form of protection.

They feed off the sap inside your plant, stealing everything it absorbs from the soil. They leave tiny little marks where they suck the sap from the leaves.

Our favorite way to combat most plant pests is by using all-natural neem oil. You can buy it online or in garden stores.

You need to dilute the neem oil with water first. Then, fill a clean spray bottle with the natural oil.

Spray the plant down with the neem oil and water. This suffocates most plant pests, so they die. It doesn’t take long at all for this process.

After all the dead pests start to pop up on your plant, you have to wipe it down to remove them.

Tips for an Unhappy Philodendron Camposportoanum

Philodendron camposportoanum plants don’t take much work to care for. They’re simple and easy.

But that doesn’t mean you won’t come across an issue or two from time to time.

On the bright side, these issues are super easy to fix. We will go through the most common problems you’ll face with this Philodendron plant.

Your Philodendron camposportoanum has brown leaves

Brown leaves on a Philodendron camposportoanum plant are usually a symptom of over-watering.

As we’ve discussed before, over-watering your plant can be dangerous and can even kill it.

And brown leaves are an early sign that you’ve been over-watering.

You can check how much moisture is sitting in the soil by placing your finger a few inches deep. You can feel if it’s saturated right away.

In most cases, it’s easy to remedy an over-watering problem. As long as it hasn’t caused root rot, all you need to do is cut back on watering the Philodendron.

When your plant’s soil is too saturated, you might have to change it out. You don’t want to leave your Philodendron camposportoanum sitting in soaked soil.

Your Philodendron Camposportoanum is leggy and lacking leaves

A leggy Philodendron camposportoanum that lacks leaves isn’t getting enough light.

Insufficient sunlight for a plant causes a variety of problems that you have to deal with down the road. Worst case scenario, it can kill even the toughest of plants.

When you have your Philodendron in the window, make sure you’re rotating it occasionally. Otherwise, the whole plant isn’t getting the light it needs.

If you use artificial lighting, you have to be careful about what types of lights you use.

According to the University of Missouri, avoid lights labeled as white lights when growing.

These lights don’t produce enough red rays for your plant to thrive.

Make sure you use artificial lights made just for growing plants. They have a higher rate of red rays to balance out the blue rays they also produce.

Philodendron Camposportoanum FAQ

Why do the leaves on my Philodendron camposportoanum curl up?

When the leaves on a Philodendron camposportoanum curl up, you’re over-fertilizing. Fertilizer can be a great factor to a healthy plant but over-fertilizing builds up salt in the soil. Cut down on how often you fertilize your plant.

How does a Philodendron camposportoanum clean the air?

The Philodendron camposportoanum plant cleans the air by being a bio-filter. The leaves and even the roots absorb the toxins in the oxygen. Then they release fresh and clean oxygen back into the air.

Can I prevent plant pests from taking over my Philodendron camposportoanum?

Yes, you can usually prevent plant pests from harming your Philodendron camposportoanum plant. Clean your plants on a regular basis because dust attracts these pests. And always check new plants before you expose them to your Philodendron.


The Philodendron camposportoanum plant is a great choice for beginners. It’s easy to care for and fits in with other fun tropical plants. You won’t have to stress out about this little plant.