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Philodendron Majestic Plant Care — Everything You Need To Know!

Philodendron Majestic Plant Care — Everything You Need To Know!

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Philodendron Majestic is a beautiful hybrid of the Philodendron sodiroi and Philodendron verrucosum

It is well known for receiving the best traits of both its parent plants: the gleaming and glaucous silver leaves of Philodendron sodiroi and the large, luminous leaves with red undersides of Philodendron verrucosum.

This hybrid has received universal acclamation and has gained a reputation as one of the finest houseplants. 

These are easy to grow and care for, and their large and showy leaves make for an excellent charm in your home. 


Philodendron Majestic Plant Care

Good water retaining soil potting mixture, bright and indirect light, temperatures between the 70-90-degree Fahrenheit range (21-32 degrees Celsius), and high humidity are the secrets to sprouting Philodendron Majestic’s impressive foliage. Avoid over-fertilizing as the plant’s more prone to having a mealybug infestation.



Philodendron Majestic likes moist, organic-matter rich, and well-draining soil. 

You can use loose potting soil to grow this plant, which is able to retain water and won’t dry out your soil quickly. Make sure that your soil is well-watered at all times. 

Flush and drain your soil occasionally with water to prevent the storage of excess salts that are added to the soil during the watering of the plant. 

These are not required by the plant and cause yellowing of the leaves

An addition of peat moss or any similar organic compost will boost the growth of your healthy plant. 



Philodendron Majestic requires consistently moist soil for their growth. 

It is necessary to keep a strict check on the soil’s moisture content and keep watering it as soon as the soil starts to feel slightly dry. Do not let more than an inch of the soil become dry. 

Avoid overwatering the plant. If the soil becomes waterlogged, the gorgeous leaves of Philodendron start wilting, and the root and stem also begin rotting. 

To fix this problem, immediately drain the excess water in your pot through the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot and make sure not to water your plant for the next few days if the soil still appears wet.

Varying conditions of humidity and temperature can have an effect on how much water your plant may require. 

Make use of plant gadgets or use your sense of touch consistently to determine how much water your plant may need instead of keeping a regular watering schedule. 



Like most house plants, the ideal condition in which Philodendron Majestic thrives is bright and indirect sunlight. 

Place your Philodendron near a west-facing window where your plant gets ample light without the sun rays directly hitting the leaves of your plant. 

Philodendron is a climber, and it grows in the direction of light. 

They can survive in moderate to low light conditions, but the plant grows fragile, requiring mechanical support for the growth of its foliage. 

Make sure you do not place your plant in the direct sun as that can burn the leaves, causing them to become yellow and die. 



The Philodendron Majestic is a tropical plant that grows in moderate to hot and humid conditions. 

The plant ideally requires a temperature of 70-90 degrees Fahrenheit, but it can survive in day temperatures as low as 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

Any temperature below this limit is not recommended if you want to grow a healthy Philodendron Majestic as it cannot tolerate cold temperatures, and even a slight frost will immediately kill your plant. 



As mentioned above, Philodendron Majestic is a tropical plant and prefers highly humid conditions (humidity above 60%).

Although they can survive in comparatively arid conditions (humidity up to 40%), you can take a few small steps to increase the humidity if you are growing your plant indoors. 

Regularly spraying and misting your plant and its environment, using humidifiers, keeping your plant away from drying objects such as air conditioners, radiators, and not using clay pots are some of the measures you can take to meet your plant’s ideal growing conditions. 



Philodendron Majestic is a houseplant that generally dislikes the cold and thrives in warmer temperatures. 

Their growth becomes slow during the fall and winter seasons, so it is encouraged to feed your plant during the time of its increased growth. 

These plants require regular monthly feeding during the spring and summer seasons of a balanced liquid fertilizer. 

Make sure the fertilizer does not contain too much nitrogen as that can burn the leaves of the plant and attract pests like mealybugs.

The average leaf size of Philodendron Majestic is about 8 inches. Suppose the leaves of the plant start to progressively grow smaller than this. 

In that case, your plant is deficient in nutrients, especially calcium and magnesium, which are the two primary nutrients required by the Philodendron Majestic. 



Philodendron Majestic is one of the easiest plants to propagate, and just a small cutting of the plant is enough to grow a new full-sized Philodendron Majestic in all its glory. 

The stem of this plant has nodes at regular intervals. New leaves and growth arise from these nodes. 

If you want to propagate the Philodendron Majestic, just cut the stem below each node and plant each cutting in separate pots filled with good potting soil. 

Medium or small-sized pots are sufficient for growing a healthy plant as Philodendron Majestic prefers small and cramped areas for the growth of their roots. 

Water the cuttings thoroughly so the soil is moistened fully, and place the pot in bright indirect sunlight. Ensure the plant’s getting the ideal humidity and temperature conditions it needs. 

New growths will start from the cuttings within 4 to 5 weeks. This is when the plant will have established a small root system, and repotting is possible. 

If you want to grow the Philodendron Majestic outdoors, shift your plant at this point. Your new plant will now require regular feeding and attentive care until it reaches full maturity. 


Growth and Blooming

Philodendron Majestics are not known for their flowers or blooms. 

They belong to a unique genus of plants that have stunning leaves and are more eye-catching than most flowering plants.



Philodendron Majestic is a climber, and it requires frequent cutting and pruning to ensure the rest of the plant grows robust. 

This plant shows positive phototropism, and whichever part of the plant does not receive plenty of sunlight becomes weak and leggy, and the leaves of such part of the plant become yellow and shriveled and ultimately die. 

Regular pruning and trimming of such stalks grooms your plant and allows the growth of new leaflets in the space of the old and yellowing leaves. 

To prune your Philodendron Majestic, make use of sharp shears or scissors. 

First, make sure to sterilize your equipment to prevent the growth and spread of diseases caused by pests and bacteria. 

Gardening tools can be sterilized by boiling them in water for some time if they are made of stainless steel, or just cleaning them with regular rubbing alcohol is also sufficient to sterilize them.


Tips to Keep Philodendron Majestic Problem-free

  • Keep an attentive check on how much you water your plant as your plant requires an ideal condition, and anything less or more than that would hinder the growth of your plant. 
  • Make sure you do not overwater your plant in order to keep your soil moist, as that can promote root rot.
  • Pots made out of clay and ceramic are well known for absorbing water. It is preferred that you use a plastic pot with small holes at the bottom for drainage instead of one made out of earthy materials that will absorb most of your soil’s water. If you are using clay pots, your plant will dry out quicker, so keep watering your plant attentively as soon as it dries up. 
  • Take special care of your plant in winters as that is when your plant is furthest from its ideal growing conditions. 
  • As Philodendron Majestic is a vine, you can put a stalk in the middle of your pot, and your plant will automatically start growing around it and receive good support from it. This will ensure that your plant grows to be healthy and robust.


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Common Problems with Philodendron Majestic

The most common problems your plant can face are the yellowing and browning of leaves. This can mean that your plant is under stress, which could stem from various reasons. 

Inspect if your plant’s receiving the following proper conditions.



Underwatering and overwatering both could be the reason for the leaves of your plant turning yellow.

Overwatering the plant causes root rot that impairs your Philodendron Majestic’s ability to absorb water. The clogged water also makes it difficult for your plant to intake oxygen. 

On the other hand, if the plant’s receiving less water than it should, the leaves will become discolored and drop off. 

Philodendron Majestic is very particular about its water, so adjust the moisture content of your soil correspondingly.



Calcium and magnesium are the essential nutrients required by Philodendron Majestic. A deficiency of magnesium results in chlorosis. 

You can mix Epsom salt with a gallon of water and slowly feed it to the plant to fix this problem.



Although Philodendron Majestic can survive low light conditions for some time, if that time period becomes too prolonged, the plant becomes stressed. 

Stress causes the foliage to start turning yellow. Please change the location of your plant and keep it near a window that gets a better amount of lighting. 

Don’t place your Philodendron Majestic in direct sunlight, as that can also cause your leaves to burn. 


Pests and Diseases


Mealybugs and Aphids

Mealybugs and aphids are small, soft-bodied pests often found preying on the plants that grow in warmer, tropical climates. 

They attack your plant by preying on its nutrients and sucking out the sap of your plant until it becomes lifeless.

Mealybugs are attracted by plants with high nitrogen content, so avoid over-fertilizing your plant. 

Getting rid of these pests is comparatively easy; just clean the leaves with rubbing alcohol or spray them with cold water. It is sufficient to get rid of the infestation. 


Spider Mites

These tiny bugs are a real nuisance as they are unseen by the naked eye, and the infestation is generally not discovered until sufficient damage has already been done. 

If the Philodendron Majestic has been affected by spider mites, the leaves will gradually start showing small spots, become yellow and then die. 

Spider mites are better managed with the use of organic methods such as the application of neem oil on the leaves. 

Neem oil will prevent the infestation of spider mites without damaging the other beneficial insects present on the plant. 


Frequently Asked Questions about Philodendron Majestic Plant Care


My Philodendron Majestic is placed in an ideal location and meets all the growing conditions but the leaves are still showing yellow discoloration. What could be the problem?

Check the water quality that your plant is getting. Saltwater is not liked by the plant and the excess salt accumulates in the soil, causing chlorosis. If that does not seem to be the problem either, sometimes the leaves of Philodendron Majestic become yellow as part of its normal life cycle when they become old. Just pinch off these leaves to make way for the new leaves to grow.



Growing Philodendron Majestic as a houseplant is like having a small tropical jungle in your own home. 

Once you understand the requirements of this plant, you are able to recognize its wants and needs by observation and touch skills alone, and caring for it becomes an easy job. 

Growing this plant requires minimal care and attention, and most inexperienced plant enthusiasts are successfully able to propagate it. 

Your blood, sweat, and tears are rewarded as each leaf of the Philodendron Majestic unfurl to showcase its exotic beauty.