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Philodendron Fibrosum Care — What You Should Know

Philodendron Fibrosum Care  — What You Should Know

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Philodendrons fibrosum is a widely known plant that is kept in homes and gardens all over the world. 

They started blooming excessively in the northern side of Europe in the 19th century, where they managed to earn a lot of popularity due to their stunning large leaves and efficient growth. 

This versatile plant can be grown indoors as well as outdoors. 

Growing at the high altitudes of Colombia and Ecuador, Philodendron fibrosum has always managed to grab people’s attention, thanks to its striking characteristics. 

The plant is available in many varieties, which is perhaps the biggest reason behind its expensive price tag. 

Many gardeners like the South American Philodendron fibrosum the most for its stunning good looks and ease of maintenance. 

This species has beautiful leaves shaped in spades, setting it apart from other varieties. The leaves are medium in size, and they do not have any odor.

Philodendron fibrosum was officially identified in 2010. It is alternatively known as a collector plant, foliage plant, and climbing plant in different parts of the world. 

The shape of the leaves and the color of this plant gradually change as it develops into a fully matured plant.

After careful observation, it has been noted that the younger plants are dark in color and have a quite silky and smooth texture. 

Despite having some unique features and incredibly good looks, this plant does not require costly or complicated maintenance. 

It can be easily grown in your home garden if you are up for complying with some essential yet easy maintenance protocols. 

It comes with extremely hairy petioles located on the stem, which help the plant absorb the required moisture from its surrounding environment. 

This special characteristic makes Philodendron fibrosum a low-maintenance and easy-to-grow plant. 

The plant care routine of a Philodendron fibrosum is quite easy. Here are a few points that should be at your fingertips to ensure that your plant is healthy. 


Philodendron Fibrosum Care

Philodendron fibrosum does well in low to direct light when young but requires brighter and dappled daylight as it grows in size.  Provide it with 0.8 cups of water every twelve days, keeping it away from direct sunlight, and pot it in a 5-inch pot. Keep the temperature between 64.4-77 degrees Fahrenheit (18-25 degrees Celsius). Humidity should be high and stay above 70% for the best possible growth.



One of the major factors that can facilitate encouraging plant growth is using the right kind of soil. Every plant requires a different type of soil and Philodendron fibrosum is no different. 

The ideal soil for Philodendron fibrosum should have a pH value in the range of 6-7, which means the plant prefers a slightly acidic medium to achieve its best growth. 

Besides this, the soil should be porous and loose, thus having an improved drainage system. 

A well-maintained soil with an efficient drainage system allows the plant to absorb the required moisture, which is important for its healthy growth. 



Maintaining the water content as per the requirement of the plant ensures prevention from the risks associated with overwatering or underwatering the plant. 

It is important to note that you should only water your Philodendron fibrosum when the top layer (1-2cm) of soil has completely dried out. 

This plant requires 0.8 cups of water every 12 days when it is not directly exposed to sunlight and has been potted in a 5-inch pot. 

However, in winters, when the level of humidity decreases, it becomes important to provide your plant with more water. 

Spraying with water can be an ideal option in cold weather as Philodendron fibrosum likes humidity. 

Following these tips will ensure that your Philodendron fibrosum always has the required amount of water according to the weather conditions. 



The Philodendron fibrosum is an interesting plant in terms of having different sunlight requirements during different stages of its growth. 

When the plant is young, it requires low to moderate sunlight, however, when it grows into a fully mature plant, it requires brighter sunlight. 



It is ideal to set the right temperature for optimum growth of your Philodendron fibrosum. 

According to many gardeners and what I have learned through my personal experience, 64.4-77 degrees Fahrenheit (18-25 degrees Celsius) is the perfect temperature for this plant.



This Philodendron fibrosum is fond of staying in humid conditions. Keep humidity above 70% for best growth.



The nutritional requirements of your plants must not be ignored as it can lead to several growth-related problems. 

The soil mix prepared for Philodendron fibrosum caters to most of the nutritional needs of the plant. 

However, once the plant grows and depletes all the nutrients in the soil, it becomes important to shift the plant to a larger pot with a new soil mix. 

Keep an eye on the growth of your plant and shift it to a bigger pot as soon as it doubles in size.  



Philodendron fibrosum’s one of the easiest Philodendrons to grow as a small cutting is more than enough for you to grow it into full size.

The plant’s stem has regularly-spaced nodes. New leaves and growth arise from these nodes. 

If you want to propagate the Philodendron fibrosum, all you need to do is cut the stem below each node and plant each cutting in separate pots filled with good potting soil. 

Medium or small-sized banks are sufficient for growing a healthy plant as Philodendron fibrosum prefers small and cramped areas to grow its roots. 

Water the cuttings thoroughly to moisten the soil, and place the pot in bright indirect sunlight. Ensure that the humidity and temperature conditions remain ideal. 

New growths will start from the cuttings within 4 to 5 weeks. This is when the plant will have established a small root system, and repotting is possible. 

If you want to grow the Philodendron fibrosum outdoors, shift your plant at this point. Your new plant will now require regular feeding and attentive care until it reaches full maturity.


Growth and Blooming

Philodendrons fibrosum is not known for its flowers or blooms. 

They belong to a unique genus of plants with stunning leaves and are more eye-catching than most flowering plants.



Philodendron fibrosum is a climber, and it requires frequent cutting and pruning to ensure the rest of the plant grows robust. 

This plant shows positive phototropism, and whichever part of the plant does not receive sufficient sunlight becomes weak and leggy, and the leaves of such part of the plant become yellow and shriveled and ultimately die. 

Regular pruning and trimming of such stalks grooms your plant and allows new leaflets to grow in the space of the old and yellowing leaves. 

To prune your Philodendron fibrosum, make use of sharp shears or scissors. First, make sure to sterilize your equipment to prevent the growth and spread of diseases caused by pests and bacteria. 

Gardening tools can be sterilized by boiling them in water for some time if they are made of stainless steel, or just cleaning them with regular alcohol is also sufficient.

After sterilizing your equipment, cut off the stalk from the exact point from where it joins the stem. 


Tips to Keep Philodendron Fibrosum Problem-free

  1. Keep an attentive check on how much you water your plant as your plant requires and provide it with the required amount of water as mentioned above. Anything less or more than that would hinder the growth of your plant. 
  2. Don’t overwater your Philodendron Fibrosum by keeping your soil moist, as that can promote root rot.
  3. Pots made from clay and ceramic are well known for absorbing water. You should prefer to use a plastic pot with small holes at the bottom for drainage instead of one made from earthy materials that absorb most of the water from the soil. If you are using clay pots, your plant will dry out quicker, so keep watering your plant attentively as soon as it dries up. 
  4. Take special care of your plant in winters, as that is when your plant is furthest from its ideal growing conditions. 
  5. As Philodendron fibrosum is a vine, you can put a stalk in the middle of your pot, and your plant will automatically start growing around it and receive good support from it. This will ensure that your plant grows to be healthy and robust.


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Common Problems with Philodendron Fibrosum

The most common problem your plant can face is the yellowing or browning of leaves. This indicates that your plant is under stress, stemming from various reasons. 



Overwatering and underwatering both could be the reason for the leaves of your plant turning yellow.

Overwatering the plant causes root rot that impairs the ability of your plant to absorb water. The clogged water also makes it difficult for your Philodendron Fibrosum to take in oxygen. 

On the other hand, if your plant receives less water, the leaves will become discolored and drop off. 

Philodendron fibrosum is very particular about its water, so adjust the moisture content of your soil accordingly.



Calcium and magnesium are the essential nutrients required by Philodendron Fibrosum. A deficiency of magnesium results in chlorosis. 

You can mix Epsom salt with a gallon of water and slowly feed it to the plant to fix this problem.



Although Philodendron Fibrosum can survive low light conditions for some time, the plant becomes stressed if that time becomes too prolonged. Stress causes the foliage to start turning yellow. 

Also, please change the location of your plant and keep it near a window that gets a better amount of lighting. 

Don’t place in direct sunlight, as that can also cause your leaves to burn. 


Pests and Diseases


Mealybugs and Aphids

Mealybugs and aphids are small, soft-bodied pests often found preying on the plants that grow in warmer, tropical climates. 

They attack your plant by preying on its nutrients and sucking out the sap of your plant until it becomes lifeless.

Plants attract mealybugs with high nitrogen content, so avoid over-fertilizing your plant. 

Getting rid of these pests is comparatively easy; clean the leaves by rubbing them with alcohol or spray them with cold water. Ridding the plant of the infestation’s sufficient enough. 


Spider Mites

These tiny bugs are a real nuisance as they are unseen by the naked eye, and the infestation is generally not discovered until sufficient damage has already been done. 

If the Philodendron fibrosum has been affected by spider mites, the leaves will gradually show small spots, become yellow and then die. 

Spider mites are better managed using organic methods such as the application of neem oil on the leaves. 

Neem oil will prevent the infestation of spider mites without damaging the other beneficial insects present on the plant. 


Frequently Asked Questions about Philodendron Fibrosum Care


My Philodendron Fibrosum is placed in an ideal location and meets all the growing conditions, but the leaves are still showing yellow discoloration. What could have caused it?

Take a look at the water quality that your plant’s getting. The plant does not like saltwater, as the excess salt accumulates in the soil, causing chlorosis. If that does not seem to be the problem either, sometimes the leaves of Philodendron fibrosum become yellow as part of its normal life cycle when they become old. Just pinch off these leaves to make way for new leaf growth.



Growing Philodendron Fibrosum as a plant within your home is like having a mini tropical jungle in your own home. 

Once you understand what this plant requires for its survival, you can recognize its needs easily. 

Growing this plant requires minimal care and attention, and most inexperienced plant enthusiasts can successfully propagate it.