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Tiny Tim Tomato Plant Care – All You Need To Know!

Tiny Tim Tomato Plant Care – All You Need To Know!

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The Tiny Tim tomato plant, also known as the unique dwarf, is a top favorite of several house gardeners due to its convenient size. 

Growing them seems a tough job considering the many diseases associated with the Tiny Tim plants.

However, with this simple guide, you will master this art on your very first try.

Tiny Tim Tomato Plant Care

The Tiny Tim tomato plant likes brightly lit areas with direct to filtered sunlight. It also enjoys being watered every day and high moisture in its surroundings. It prefers organic, well-draining soils with a pH of 5.8 to 7.0. 


The growth of any plant is highly affected by the soil it is grown in. 

When it comes to Tiny Tim tomatoes, they grow best in moist and organic soils. 

Anything too dry to wet makes the plant susceptible to various infections. 

The Tiny Tim tomato plant’s soil mustn’t retain any water. 

On the other hand, excessive soils will begin to take away moisture from the plant. 

To assess the soil’s moisture content, you can check it’s upper two to three inches.

Like most of its fellow species, the tomato plants perform well in slightly acidic to neutral soils (5.8 to 7.0). 

If kept at a lower or higher pH level, the plant’s leaves are quick to react; they either lose color or shrivel up. 

Acidic soils are tomato plants’ favorite as the low pH helps the crop take in the nutrients from the soil relatively quickly and efficiently. 

Acidity also helps the plant develop a stronger immune system.

One way to make the ideal soil mix for the Tiny Tim tomato plant is to put together some organic compost or aged manure and ground soil. 

Put this potting mix into the top layer of the potting soil for greater fertility. 

You can also add some worm castings; this maintains a constant supply of organic nutrients throughout the growing phase. 

Alternatively, a combination of work compost, worm castings, and aged manure can also be added. 

I suggest avoiding soggy and heavy clay-like soils that retain excess water; such a setting exposes the plant to numerous fungal infections.

If you plan to use clay soil, add some sand or organic matter into it, such as peat moss or compost. 

This will help your ground stay sufficiently moist without holding too much water. 


Almost all varieties of tomatoes enjoy being watered thoroughly. Similar is the case with Tiny Tim tomatoes, which should be watered daily, especially during the hotter summer season. 

The Tiny Tim tomatoes are quick to lose water when the temperature scale goes up, so pouring lukewarm water over the plant’s roots helps it survive the heat. 

Adding a large amount of water all at once is a big mistake many gardeners make; the correct way is to water it every day using a water hose or irrigation system. 

Those who do not have access to both can simply use plant water bottles available at all local garden shops. 

I recommend using room temperature water as if it is too hot or cold; the plant may undergo shock. Likewise, water with high chlorine content causes massive damage. 

To overcome this problem, fill a bucket with water and let it sit overnight; this allows all the excess chlorine to evaporate or settle at the bottom. 

If you are still unsure about when to water your Tiny Tim tomato plants, make use of the finger method. 

Dip one of your fingers into the plant’s soil’s top two to three inches deep (5-7.6 cm). If it seems dry, add some water. However, if the water is wet, withhold watering till it dries up slightly. 

The trick is to keep the soil moisturized at all times but not soggy or clay-like. 

Tiny Tim Tomato Plant Care


Most tomato species love unobstructed sunlight; however, the Tiny Tim tomatoes should be kept in bright, direct to dappled sunlight at all times.

Exposing them to unobstructed sun temporarily will not cause much damage, but it is better to keep it within filtered sunlight only. 

If planted outdoors, the Tiny Tim tomato plant should be kept under a partially lit area or in the shade of big, thick trees. Balconies also offer good sunlight for growing this crop. 

Most gardeners grow Tiny Tim tomatoes indoors due to their small and convenient size. 

Inside the house, you can place the plant next to a south or east-facing window from where filtered sunlight comes in. 

Alternatively, you can put them behind a covered window or glass door that slightly obstructs the direct sun rays. 

Another option is to use artificial growing light; they offer sufficient sunlight to the plant to grow normally and produce abundant fruit. 


The Tiny Tim tomatoes prefer temperatures ranging from 55 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (13 to 30 degrees Celsius). 

While most varieties grow normally within this range, others may set fruit at lower or higher temperatures only; therefore, before planting your Tiny Tim plant, ensure you can maintain its desired temperatures.

In areas where the temperatures are mild, growing the Tiny Tim tomatoes is not much of a hassle. 

However, in cooler regions, the plant may have to be brought in when the scale drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. 

On the other hand, in areas with moderate climate, I suggest growing your Tiny Tim tomatoes under a fan that provides good aeration. 

Sometimes, the Tiny Tim tomato plants quit bearing fruit at temperatures beyond 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius). 

Therefore, protecting it against very high temperatures is a must.


The Tiny Tim tomatoes thrive in mild to high humidity. 

They can tolerate low moisture levels for a while; however, if kept in unfavorable conditions continuously, they lose their normal shape and stop producing fruit. 

The Tiny Tim tomato plant likes daytime humidity levels ranging from 80% to 90% outdoors and indoors. During the nighttime, it prefers levels from 65% to 75%.


Tiny Tim tomato plants do not need as much feed as the bigger tomato plants. 

However, a good and stable feed supply with all macro and micronutrients is essential to produce a good harvest. 

Ideally, a high-quality feed made explicitly for tiny tomatoes works exceptionally well. 

Fertilizers with a good Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potassium (NPK) ratio and a majority of trace elements, such as Calcium and Sulphur, are preferred overall. 

I suggest adding a premium-quality slow-release fertilizer at planting time over the Tiny Tim tomato plant’s roots when they are wet or follow the instructions on the product packaging.

Usually, feeds with balanced 10-10-10 (NPK) ratios and some trace elements work wonders. Alternatively, you can opt for a blended formula.

During the initial growing phase, the feeding routine should be twice every one to two weeks. During this time, the Tiny Tim tomato plant needs ample nutrients to grow. 

The frequency should also be high during fruiting as such species constantly store their supplies in the fruits. Feed normally during the rest of the phases. 


Tiny Tim tomato plants take little space; therefore, repotting them even after six months is unnecessary. Simply repot your plant when it outgrows its container. 

Please use a larger and well-draining pot to repot your plant. 

The container should ideally have some holes at the bottom so that the excess fluid can flow out through them. 


For a plant as small as the Tiny Tim, frequent pruning is not required. 

However, it is no doubt that cutting off a few vines here and there gives the plant a fresh and neat look. 

More importantly, it also helps you spot any abnormalities and get rid of them before they complicate things further. 

There is no set timing for pruning, and thus, I suggest you prune your Tiny Tim plant whenever you think its vines are beginning to form unruly or messy patterns. 


To propagate the Tiny Tim tomato plant, you need disinfected plant-cutting scissors, hand gloves, water, fertilizer, and a small container.

  • Take a mature Tiny Tim tomato plant and cut off a healthy-looking vine. 
  • Remove the lower leaves from this vine carefully. 
  • Prepare the container you plan to propagate your plant in; put in some soil and add some water. 
  • Now plant your vine into this container and add more soil and water if necessary. 
  • Add some fertilizer around the plant’s base. 
  • Put the container in a brightly lit area. 

You will most likely see some roots sprouting from the plantlet’s base in about one to three weeks. 

During this time, continue watering it and feed it properly.


The Tiny Tim tomato plant usually forms small, deep green leaves.


The Tiny Tim tomato plant has a fast to moderate growth rate; however, it does not take up a lot of space. 

The plant is mostly grown for its small, convenient size, and so, even when fully mature, it occupies small corners only. 

When grown to its full potential, most Tiny Tim tomato species grow  8 to 16 inches (20 to 40 cm) tall and 6 ½ inches (17 cm) wide. Some types may reach greater heights or spread when given the ideal care.

Common Problems for Tiny Tim Tomato Plants


Many gardeners experience various problems with the Tiny Tim tomato plant’s seedlings. 

These include failure of sprouting or the seedlings falling over when inside the plant. 

The former problem arises due to several reasons. One of the causes is the usage of old or damaged seeds. 

Old seeds do not support new growth and so do not form a mature plant despite being given the ideal care. 

Other reasons include cold soils and shallow planting. Add a bottom heater or use a germination mate for incorrect soil temperature. 

For the latter, ensure that you have planted your seed at least 4 ½ inches deep (11.4 cm) so that it can reach access water underground. 

Absence of Fruit

A common problem among all tomato plant growers is the absence of fruiting despite a seemingly correct plant care routine. 

This can also occur due to several reasons. 

Poor pollination brought about by high heat is the most common cause. In weather extremes, the plant is often dehydrated or frosted; thus, it is not healthy enough to fertilize itself. 

You may intervene and solve this problem by bringing your plant into a cooler environment. 

However, it mostly resolves all by itself. 

Yellow Leaves

This problem is not specific to tomato plants only; it occurs in almost every single plant. 

Although it is very tough to reverse it, preventing the formation of yellow leaves is doable. 

Start with going over your plant’s care routine and make sure that you are not underwatering it. Another method is to use fertilizer that is made for tomatoes especially. 

Alternatively, check for any signs of disease or infection. 

Yellow leaves are an indication of fungal infections. Spray your plant with an antifungal spray to eliminate the disease. 

Powdery Mildew

Another frequent problem experienced by thousands of gardeners worldwide every year is powdery mildew

It occurs due to an infection by the fungi Erysiphe, Podosphaera, Oïdium, or Leveillula. 

The solution to this is spraying your plant profusely with an antifungal spray, especially before the hot weather begins. 

Tips for Growing Tiny Tim Tomato Plant

  • Keep in brightly lit rooms and exchange spots between direct to indirect sunlight. 
  • Plant in pots that drain freely and are well-aerated. 
  • Do not repot unnecessarily; this may damage existing growth and limit new growth. 
  • Water abundantly; do not lessen the frequency even during cooler days. 
  • Watch out for any signs of pest attacks or infections. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Tiny Tim Tomato Plant Care

How long do Tiny Tim tomato plants take to grow?

The Tiny Tim tomato plant takes approximately 55 days to grow. Initially, it is a small plant that develops within 1 to 3 weeks, then it gradually matures over two months to produce fruits and seeds.

How do I look after my Tiny Tim tomato plant?

To grow a healthy Tiny Tim plant, put it in bright sunlight and water it frequently. Due to its small size, it is better to plant it in a small container about 25 centimeters in diameter. Moreover, protect it from bacterial infections by spraying it with antibacterial and antifungal sprays. 

What’s the best fertilizer for Tiny Tim tomatoes?

For Tiny Tim tomatoes, choose a fertilizer that has a balanced NPK ratio along with trace elements. For better results, chose one with a high phosphorus content as it encourages blooms. 


The Tiny Tim tomato is a great plant for growing indoors. 

The small, bright tomatoes and vibrant, lush leaves can brighten up the dullest corners. 

Place this nutritious plant in bright sunlight, give it plenty of water, and shower it with love for the healthiest and happiest Tiny Tim potato plant.