The obsession with Peperomias never ends; here is another one that’s gorgeous and rare. The tiny, heart-shaped succulent leaves and reddish-pink stems make Peperomia Perciliata an amusing plant. This plant can be grown in baskets, terrariums, or as an underplant. This plant grows well in peat or perlite based organic mixture. With minimal watering needs, …
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(image credit, IG: nottodayrootrot) Tuberous begonias are typically grown for the attractive blooms. Begonia pearcei, however, is unusual in the sense that it has very attractive foliage as well as flowers whilst being a tuberous Begonia. The leaves are velvety and dark, with prominent white venation. The flowers are showy yellow that makes a great …
(image credit, IG: urbanjunglersinparis) The genus of Peperomia belongs to the pepper family, (Piperaceae). Out of all the wonderfully vibrant Peperomias, the one that looks strikingly similar to pepper itself is Peperomia maculosa. The leaves are a deep glossy green with pronounced veins. Not just in terms of looks by the way. If you grow Peperomia …
Today on the Plantophiles menu is the Peperomia blanda, a shrubby Peperomia native to pan-tropical locations like Asia, Africa, Australasia, and Polynesia. Often found growing on damp rocks, creeping and crawling around river ledges, between boulders, and on tree trunks. It is a drought-tolerant, wind tolerant, and relatively low maintenance plant considered pretty hardy by …
Every tropical-plant-loving gardener lives to create a wonderful mosaic or ornamental aroids or members of the Araceae family. The Anthurium angamarcanum is a natural choice for such a collection because it’s slam dunk exotic. Collectors grow Anthurium angamarcanum for the velvety sheen and exaggerated length of the leaf blades. The veins are silvery and prominent. …
The exotic Philodendron warszewiczii is native to the pacific coast of Central Americas along Mexico, El Salvator, Nicaragua and Honduras. According to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, the species occurs usually on rocks in dry rain forests. The leaves of this large tropical ground runner are bipinnatifid. This means the leaf blades are deeply divided …
Philodendron el choco red is a climbing Aroid with velvety leaves. The leaves start out with a striking red abaxial leaf surface that is somewhat fading once the leaves mature. This houseplant is often confused with the Philodendron luxurians choco. Both of these plants are found in the Choco region in Colombia and hence the …
(image credits, IG: lesucculente) One of the most desirable houseplants and one that makes a classic gift choice for Valentine’s day is the Hoya kerrii. It’s also known as the Valentine hoya, or the sweetheart plant due to its heart-shaped leaves. Hoya kerri Care To care for Hoya kerri use a substrate mix using 50% …
(image credits, IG: philodendreams) I was first introduced to Macodes petola by my nursery guy who told me to “be brave” and purchase a specimen! I was under the impression that Macodes petola care was very complicated and there wasn’t that much information amongst my (indoor)-gardening friends on jewel orchids in general. However, I was …
Hoya hoarders are always looking for new Hoyas with unique features. Hoya Affinis, or the Red Wax plant, is an extremely gorgeous plant with red flowers. The typical star-shaped flowers in red with lush green foliage make this a very bright and pleasing houseplant. This robust plant is native only to the Solomon Islands, Oceania. …