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How To Grow Blackberries From Cuttings? Here’s The Answer!

How To Grow Blackberries From Cuttings? Here’s The Answer!

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Did you know that blackberries are an easy and hardy crop to grow?

It is true- and there are a few different ways to propagate, that is, plant berries including from seeds, suckers, tips, or cuttings from an existing plant that you may have.

Blackberries are considered a bramble, and it is tolerant of heat but require plenty of water and well-draining soil to thrive.


How do you grow blackberries from cuttings?

To grow blackberries from cuttings, first, take the cutting from the top of a healthy plant. Strip the leaves from the bottom third of the cutting before putting in a couple of inches (centimeters) of water to sprout. Keep it in a warm, sunny spot and change the water after a couple of days before transplanting the root to soil.


Planting Blackberries from a Cutting

Ready to grow your own blackberries from a blackberry cutting? It is easy and the chance of the cutting growing roots is good.

First, cut a decent six-to-eight-inch cutting from the top of a healthy blackberry plant.

Make a clean cut using scissors or a sharp knife. Make sure that the plant has plenty of green leaf growth where you are taking your cutting.

Try not to take cuttings too near the plant’s trunk or base.

Remove the leaves from the cutting (bottom part) that will be submerged in water to root. Leave the cup of water with the cutting in a sunny window or warm, bright spot for a couple of days.

Check the water and change it every couple of days, ideally.

In a couple of weeks, roots should appear on the end of the cutting. When the roots are long enough, usually after a month in water, you can transplant the cutting to soil.

As soon as the transplanted cutting sprouts its own leaves or greenery, it is hardy-enough to move outdoors.


Propagating the Cuttings and Scraps

After you prune cuttings and trim back your blackberry, what do you do with the scraps that are left over?

You can use these trimmings for propagation! It is easy; here is what to do!

Similar to a cutting, put the Blackberry pieces in water.

Make sure to water your cuttings with a mister to keep any foliage on the cutting cool and moist. As soon as you see some root at the end of the scrap usually a few days put them in soil to cover.

Perlite helps the blackberry so consider adding some to your soil or potting mix. As soon as you see some root at the end of the scrap-it can take up to a month- put them in soil to cover.

Water blackberries when the soil seems dry or sandy, but not too much — blackberry cuttings that are soaked can rot fast.

Transplant cuttings into the soil or ground within a couple of months after it forms roots, when you believe it is hardy-enough to sustain itself.

Again, make sure to enrich soil with peat, loam, compost, and even sand if it needs it. Water every few days, once a week at the very least.


Adapting Plants to the Sun

Slowly acclimate your transplanted blackberry to the sunshine by exposing it to more and more sunlight gradually.

Ideally, your blackberry will eventually be exposed to sun for eight hours without burning the leaves. Blackberries should be transplanted outdoors in early Fall in acidic, sandy soil.

Stake young, transplanted blackberry plants to help stabilize and support them.


Growing Blackberries

Growing blackberries is easy but starting them right is key. That is, propagate your blackberry cuttings and let them root in water, but prepare the ideal conditions for them while you wait.

The soil must be loose and sandy, able to drain thoroughly and quickly, or you risk root-rot.

Look for a spot to transplant your blackberries that provides full sun for at least a few hours per day. Enrich the soil with compost, loam, and peat as needed to comprise the right soil for your plants.

Remember that blackberries are a perennial, and they will come back each year, so take care to ensure they thrive.

Most Blackberry plants are biennial, which means, although they come back again and again, they may only yield berries after they turn two years old.


Frequently Asked Questions About How To Grow Blackberries From Cuttings


What are the best tips for growing blackberries?

The best time to plant your sprouted cuttings is in early spring. First shake any matter away from the roots and soak in water for a couple of hours prior to planting. Use sandy soil or loan in a raised bed for best blackberry results.


How to clip cuttings to grow blackberries?

Always take your cuttings from a healthy plant and clip your cuttings from the top of the plant. Strip the leaves around the bottom of the cutting where it will be exposed to water. Keep it in a couple inches of water for a few days until you see roots growing out of the end, which means it is time to plant it in soil.


How to grow blackberries from suckers?

Suckers are the small blackberry plants that sprout near the main plant from a root. If they have developed roots, you can replant these to produce blackberries directly in the soil but give them plenty of room to thrive and spread.



Blackberries are an easy-to-grow bramble that can grow in varied conditions.

They yield the most delicious, dark berries that are not only nutritious but full of antioxidants as well.

Use these tips to grow your own blackberries from cuttings- or other methods- this season.