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How To Grow Ginger From Root – 7 Essential Steps You Need To Know

How To Grow Ginger From Root – 7 Essential Steps You Need To Know

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How to grow ginger from root. Did you know that you can grow store-bought ginger at home? I am sure you have already seen these buds growing from the ginger you bought for cooking.

Ginger itself is often used in Asian dishes. But did you know that you can grow ginger from ginger scraps and store-bought ginger?

But how to grow ginger?

The ginger you buy in the supermarket is known as ginger root. The spiky things that sometimes grow out of the ginger root are buds or eyes where new shoots will start growing on the rhizome.

What is referred to as a root is a rhizome, according to Texas A&M University.

A rhizome is a modified plant stem that grows in the ground.

On the rhizomes, you can find eyes. These are little knubs where shoots will start to grow.

Therefore, when selecting ginger (Zingiber officinale) in the supermarket, look for ginger with many rhizomes and eyes, where shoots will grow.

How to Grow Ginger From Root

Select a ginger root with many ramifications in the supermarket to grow red ginger. Get a paper towel and wet it using a water sprayer. Put the wet towel around the ginger root. Move the ginger root into a ziplock bag and bring it to a warm and humid location. Wait 2-3 weeks for the ginger to grow roots and shoots. Check every week on the ginger and spray more water in case the zip lock bag is drying out. Light is not very important at this stage.

How To Grow Ginger
How to grow Ginger from Root

Growing Ginger From A Root Bought In Supermarket Video Tutorial

Growing Ginger at Home Video

How to Grow Ginger Indoors Step By Step

1. Buy a Ginger root at a supermarket

It is as easy as that. Look for a big and healthy ginger root with lots of rhizomes. Clean the ginger root with water as often growth inhibitors are used on the ginger root.

Buy a ginger root at the supermarket
Buy a ginger root at the supermarket

2. Get a paper towel and wet it using a water sprayer

The water and humidity will ensure the ginger root starts to grow new shoots and roots simultaneously.

3. Wrap the paper towel around the ginger root

The wet paper towel will water the ginger root and keep it humid.

Wrap the paper towel around the ginger root
Wrap the paper towel around the ginger root

4. Put the ginger root with the wrapped paper towel in a ziplock bag

A ziplock bag will ensure that it stays humid for several weeks

Move the zip lock bag to a warm and humid location
Move the zip lock bag to a warm and humid location

5. Move the zip lock bag to a warm and humid location

The ginger plant loves humidity and warmth, and it will speed up the rooting and growing process.

6. Roots and Shoots will start to grow in 2-3 weeks

After 2-3 weeks, you will see roots and shoots growing on the rhizomes.

Roots and Shoots are starting to grow. This ginger root has been in a zip lock bag for 2 weeks
Roots and Shoots are starting to grow. This ginger root has been in a zip-lock bag for two weeks

7. Plant the Ginger root into a flat and square container

Plant the Ginger roots with the shoots facing upwards 1 inch deep (2.5cm) into a container with drainage holes and fertile potting soil.

The Ginger Plant

Ginger is a tropical plant native to Southeast Asia that is easy to grow and loves warmth. The compound in Ginger that makes it spicy and fresh is called gingerol.

Gingerols are the compound that gives the ginger root its distinctive taste.

A ginger plant growing in my greenhouse
A ginger plant growing in my greenhouse

Where to Buy Ginger to Grow

You can buy ginger to grow in the supermarket. Looks for large, heavy chunks of ginger with lots of ramifications and eyes (buds).

Big ginger roots will grow best as there are many places where ginger shoots can start growing.

When to Plant Ginger

The best time to plant ginger is early spring—after the last frost in colder regions and in the wet season in the tropics.

Ginger can be grown as an annual in colder climates. For this, you need to grow it in pots indoors once the temperature gets below 68ºF (20), as ginger is a tropical plant.

Ginger can also be grown year-round if you live in a tropical region such as Florida.

The Best Conditions for Ginger to Grow

Light: Bright indirect sunlight with at least 2-5 hours of direct light (east or west-facing window)

Temperature: 68 to 79ºF (20 – 26ºC)

Humidity: 40-50% humidity is ideal for growing ginger

Pot: Select a shallow, rectangular pot for optimal root growth.

Potting Soil: Use fertile and well-draining potting soil for ginger.

Fertilizer: Use slow-release fertilizer to ensure your ginger plant is fertilized constantly.

How to Grow Ginger at Home

To grow ginger at home, buy ginger in the supermarket. Once you get home, rinse the ginger root to eliminate any growth retardant on the ginger. Some producers will add this to the ginger root to prevent it from sprouting.

You can either take the whole ginger or a ginger (rhizome section) with at least one eye to grow the ginger at home.

Get a pot (a rectangular, shallow pot is preferred) with drainage holes and add potting soil with mixed-in slow-release fertilizer. Put in the ginger with the eyes and potential shoots that are already present pointing up.

Put the ginger horizontally into the pot and add 1-2 inches (2.5-5cm) of soil on top of it.

Water the soil thoroughly and put the pot in a warm location with humidity and light.

Water the ginger plant once weekly and keep the soil moist but not soggy.

After several weeks or even months, depending on the season, you will see green shoots starting to come out of the soil.

Wait at least 8-12 months before you harvest the ginger you are growing at home.

Since ginger is a herbaceous perennial, you can grow ginger indoors for several years. The big advantage is that the temperature indoors will ensure you can grow ginger throughout the year.

How to grow ginger at home
How to grow ginger at home

How to Grow Ginger in Water

Ginger does sprout and grows in water. To grow ginger in water, first, drain it using water and soak the ginger root that you bought in the supermarket for 24 hours. This way, you are getting rid of the growth retardant on some gingers to prevent them from sprouting.

After rinsing the ginger, place it in a container with fresh water. Change the water once every 7 days. After about 2 weeks, roots and new shoots are starting to grow. Once the roots are at least 2 inches long (5cm), remove the ginger from the water and put it into the soil.

How to Grow Ginger in Pots

To grow ginger in pots, choose a wide and narrow pot. Ginger roots will grow horizontally and don’t need a very deep container.

I also recommend choosing a square container as a round container will lead roots to grow in circles.

This way, your ginger plant will become pot-bound, and the roots will suffocate each other.

Another important point is choosing a pot with drainage holes. As you water your ginger plant, you don’t want it to sit in water.

Too much water can lead to root rot and rotting ginger rhizomes.

Watering a pot with drainage holes is also much easier as the water will drain quickly, and you will not overwater your ginger plant.

How to Harvest Ginger

To harvest ginger, you can dig up the whole ginger plant. Remove part of the underground root and put the remaining section back into the soil so the ginger plant continues to grow.

Alternatively, you can harvest the whole ginger plant.

According to Texas A&M Agriline, you should wait at least 8-10 months before harvesting ginger.

I recommend waiting at least one year before you harvest ginger. After 2-3 years, you will have a mature ginger plant, and the taste of the ginger root will get better the more mature it is.

Conclusion On How To Grow Ginger

To grow ginger, follow these steps:

1. Buy a Ginger root in a supermarket

2. Get a paper towel and wet it using a water sprayer

3. Wrap the paper towel around the ginger root

4. Put the ginger root with the wrapped paper towel in a ziplock bag

5. Move the zip lock bag to a warm and humid location

6. Roots and Shoots will start to grow in 2-3 weeks

7. Plant the Ginger root into a flat and square container

Please tell me how it did turn out for you! I hope these instructions on how to grow ginger at home were helpful.