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How To Grow Large Strawberries Like A Pro!

How To Grow Large Strawberries Like A Pro!

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If you have been intimidated at the thought of growing your own strawberries, don’t be!

Strawberries are not hard to grow, and you can grow them in any size space- including pots and containers.

The size of a strawberry is often dictated by the type that you are cultivating as well as the distinct berry’s genetics.

Know that bigger is not always better; some of the sweetest and tastiest strawberries are smaller varieties.

Want to grow your own big, delicious strawberries? Keep reading to learn more!


How To Grow Large Strawberries?

If you want to grow large strawberries, the methods and techniques used in growing are key. Other factors are genetics and the type of strawberry that you are planting. Strawberries like moist soil and a sunny location that has not been used to plant nightshade plants for the past three years.


Growing Large Strawberries

If you are determined to grow large berries, you need to know the right types of strawberries to cultivate.

You should know that varieties that yield larger berries typically yield a smaller crop, while smaller berries may yield more berries per plant, overall.

The following strawberry varieties are known for producing larger berries:

  • Ventana Strawberry
  • Diamante Strawberry
  • Fern Strawberry
  • Albion Strawberry
  • Allstar Strawberry
  • Chandler Strawberry
  • Douglas Strawberry
  • Parajo Strawberry

Growers should also choose a June-bearing type of strawberry if they want larger size berries, such as Earliglow, Allstar, or Sparkle strawberry varieties.


The Right Conditions for Strawberries

The better your growing conditions for your strawberries, the more likely that the plant will yield larger, tastier berries.

Strawberries do best in spots that receive full sunlight all day long. Strawberries are not resilient to cooler temperatures and will suffer from frost.

Plan to plant your berries in June which is also when many varieties first yield fruit.

You can also plant berries in the Fall, but check the distinct recommendations based on your location and hardiness grow zone as this will offer insight into the best time to plant specific crops.

If planting in a bed or garden, try to space out your berry plants about 18 inches from one another. This allows them plenty of room.

Strawberries do not like to be crowded as it affects their exposure to the sun, which is needed for sweet, tasty berries.

Strawberries do not grow well near nightshade plants, like eggplants, peppers, or tomatoes.

The reasoning is that they compete for the same nutrients in the soil, which can compromise the health and hardiness of your berries. This can make your berries more vulnerable to disease.

If you have used the soil or bed for these nightshades, or if you have used it for growing blackberries or raspberries recently, wait three years to plant strawberries in the same spot.


Proper Watering for your Strawberries

You should keep an eye on the soil surrounding your strawberries to ensure it does not dry out between watering.

Water and provide your plants with a good inch of water in the late morning or early afternoon, when the soil and temperatures are at their warmest.

Avoid soaking the strawberry plants’ leaves to prevent burning in the sun.

You want to make certain that your strawberries absorb the water before the cooler temperatures of the evening arrive.


Feed and Fertilize your Strawberries

If you want big berries, you want to consider fertilizing and feeding the plants.

Your soil needs to contain enough nutrients to allow the berries to mature and grow large, so fertilizer is key. If you provide the plants with rich, nutritious soil, the berries will more likely be bigger.

Try adding a couple of inches of rich organic compost to the soil, and if you are planting in containers or pots, use a premium potting mix that will provide necessary nutrients to your berry plants.

You may also consider using a continuous-release type of food for your plants that you can find at home and garden retail venues widely.


Container Gardening with Strawberries

Even though strawberries like plenty of room to run and grow, you can successfully cultivate large, tasty berries in pots or containers, too.

In fact, it may be easiest to provide adequate sunlight when you can literally pick up and move your strawberries as needed.

This is also a great tactic to prevent deer and wildlife from nibbling on berries before you have the chance to harvest them.


Frequently Asked Questions About How To Grow Large Strawberries


What type of Strawberry tastes the best?

If you are looking for a tasty, sweet strawberry, that grows quite large, you cannot go wrong with the Earliglow variety. This type is harvested in June and the berries are big, though the yield may not be as abundant as other varieties. Earliglow is lauded for being one of the most delicious types of strawberries available.


Is it easy to grow strawberries?

It isn’t hard to grow strawberries. The best approach is to use a raised bed or containers, with well-draining soil in a spot that receives full sun daily.


Where should you plant strawberries?

Strawberries do best in a location that has good soil and is exposed to the sunlight. They are a versatile plant so you can grow them in smaller spaces or pots, but do not crowd your plants. Also, do not plant them near nightshade plants, like tomatoes or peppers, for best results.


When can you purchase fresh strawberries?

If you want to buy fresh, in-season strawberries, you will find the tastiest berries during the peak season, from April through June, typically. In warmer climates, like California and Florida, you will find fresh berries available practically all year.



It is not difficult to grow your own strawberry plants. The satisfaction of nurturing and eating your own strawberries is unsurpassed.

Use these tips to cultivate and harvest your own fresh berries this season!