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How Fast Does a ZZ Plant Grow? The #1 Best Answer

How Fast Does a ZZ Plant Grow? The #1 Best Answer

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How Fast Does a ZZ Plant Grow?

When choosing a new plant, one of the factors that have to be considered is how quickly it’s going to grow.

There might be a corner or ledge in your home that’s crying out for a green addition but the plant dimensions are an essential piece of knowledge you need to know. 

ZZ plants are renowned for being hardy and able to handle some neglect according to the University of Iowa. Hence, the ZZ plants are also fairly slow at growing as well.

In this article, I will tell you how fast they actually grow, how to speed up or slow down that process, and even some factors that can affect the growth rate.


How Fast Does a ZZ Plant Grow?

A ZZ Plant does grow up to 6-inches a month in spring and summer. On average, it takes a few years for a ZZ plant to reach a height of between 2 and 4 feet. 


How Fast Does a ZZ Plant Grow?

How Fast Does a ZZ Plant Grow?


The Average Growth for a ZZ Plant

The ZZ plant has a very laidback nature. It doesn’t need too much attention for it to survive and this is reflected in how fast a ZZ plant grows.

On average, it’s expected that ZZ plants will only grow by a couple of inches in one season.


The ZZ plant only grows a couple of inches in a season

The ZZ plant only grows a couple of inches in a season

I know that’s disappointing to read because one of the ways I know my plants are thriving is if I see new growth. For example, my monstera produces a new leaf every few weeks year-round.

But my ZZ plant isn’t as easy to read.

However, I did some research and I learned various factors can affect how your ZZ plants grow.

It’s relatively easy to manipulate how fast the ZZ grows, they’re things that both new and experienced plant owners can do.


Factors You Can Manipulate to Help ZZ Plants Grow Faster

Just like humans, plants need TLC to thrive. Think about how good you feel when you’re in the company of people you love, eating delicious food and laughing.

Plants are similar. They need the right conditions to thrive and not only survive.

There are various factors that you can manipulate to speed up the growth of a ZZ plant.



Even though ZZ plants can survive in low lighting, they do best in bright, indirect sunlight.

If you place your ZZ plant in an area with bright, indirect sunlight, it will grow an extra couple of inches

If you place your ZZ plant in an area with bright, indirect sunlight, it will grow an extra couple of inches

Placing the plant in a spot with perfect lighting may encourage it to grow an extra couple of inches.



It’s not necessary to feed your ZZ plant in order for it to be happy but it won’t do it any harm either. During spring and summer, feed your plant once a month with a liquid fertilizer that’s balanced.

To help your ZZ plant grow, you can feed it with a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month

To help your ZZ plant grow, you can feed it with a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month

Try diluting it for the first couple of months so the plant becomes accustomed to it.



ZZ plants are native to Eastern Africa where the climate is hot and humid. It can be very hard to recreate that exact climate (unless you live in Eastern Africa!) but it’s crucial that you keep your ZZ plant warm.

If it’s too cold, the ZZ plant will begin dropping leaves and droop.



The internet is littered with articles that recommend allowing your ZZ plant to become rootbound. This isn’t true, plants don’t thrive if they don’t have the space to grow.

Move the ZZ plant up a pot size, give the roots some room and you’ll start to see the benefits above the soil in no time.



A regular watering schedule, where the soil is allowed to dry out between waterings, will keep the plant happy. We need to drink enough water to feel our best and it’s the same for greenery.

A hydrated ZZ plant will grow quicker than average.

A regular watering schedule for your ZZ plant will help it grow a couple of inches more

A regular watering schedule for your ZZ plant will help it grow a couple of inches more

Remember, if you want the opposite effect and you’d rather keep the plant small, it’s easy to tweak these tips. A darker corner, no fertilizer and a smaller pot size are all simple ways to slow growth.

You could also divide the plant and make smaller ones to give away to friends and family if you feel the mother plant is getting too big.

ZZ plants are slow growers by nature. Unfortunately, manipulating factors won’t make a noticeable difference in the speed of its growth.

All you’re doing is changing it from slow to moderate but you could still be waiting years for the plant to reach maturity.


Frequently Asked Questions about How Fast a ZZ Plant Grows


How big will a ZZ plant get?

On average, ZZ plants will grow to between two and four feet. However, with the right conditions and enough care, they can grow a lot bigger.


Why is my ZZ plant not growing?

Focus on the care you’re giving your plant. Is it receiving the right amount of light and is it in the right type of soil? Has it been given liquid fertilizer? Does it need to be repotted to a bigger pot? These are all factors that could be slowing down the plant’s growth.


How long do ZZ plants live?

The ZZ plant has longevity which makes it an ideal starter plant for people new to keeping houseplants. Because it’s new to plant owners, the general consensus is that they’ll live for between five and ten years but there’s no reason why they can’t live longer with the right conditions.


How best to make my ZZ plant bushy?

This plant will become fuller by producing new stems. One of the ways of doing this is to encourage new growth within the pot it’s in and this will give the plant a bushier appearance. Another way is to propagate either using stem or leaf cuttings and then add these to the mother plant pot.



Even though this plant is a known slow grower, that doesn’t mean it’s not an enjoyable experience looking after it.

You’ll still be rewarded with new growth as long as the right conditions are being provided. It just won’t be as regularly as some of your other houseplants.

The ZZ plant is definitely the tortoise of the plant world.