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Anthurium Pallidiflorum Care – My Best Tips

Anthurium Pallidiflorum Care – My Best Tips

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If you love pendent Anthuriums with velvety leaves, keep reading to explore a rare variety known as Anthurium Pallidiflorum. It is also called Strap Leaf Anthurium.

The plant care for Anthurium Pallidiflorum is easier for gardeners that live in warm areas as it prefers temperatures of 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 32 degrees Celsius). This plant also needs well-lit locations that receive medium, indirect sunlight. Make sure you grow it in a humus-rich mix that’s either peat-based or sphagnum moss.

This species has long, sub-velvety leaves and belongs to the Porphyrochitonium section of Anthuriums. This plant is native to Ecuador. It’s a rare aroid with long, slender leaves. Even the young leaves have a sheen, especially in sunlight. The leaves can even develop golden mottling, but it’s not permanent.

Some growers suggest that the juvenile version of this plant resembles Anthurium Waroqueanum. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, this plant is a least-concern species and is threatened by habitat loss. So consider yourself lucky if you find this plant or even a small cutting.

This plant is often confused as Anthurium Vittarifolium, which a common variety of Anthurium. Remember that this species belongs to the Araceae plant family; therefore, plant care will be easier if you own other plants from this family.



Plant Care for Anthurium Pallidiflorum



In tropical forests, this species grows in humus-rich, organic soil. Therefore you should choose a similar mixture for your indoor plant.

The potting mix should also have good moisture retention and drainage properties. As a simple recipe, know that Anthurium Pallidiflorum can grow in 100% soilless medium, sphagnum moss. Alternatively, you can also use a peat-based mix.



Water is the most crucial element of plant care for Anthurium Pallidiflorum. You can easily mess it up because houseplants are sensitive to over and underwatering. A finger test is the best way to establish a watering schedule or to know whether your plant actually needs any water.

Simply insert your finger a few inches deep in the soil to inspect the moisture level of the top layers. If soil is moist, skip watering for now, whereas if it’s dry, water your Anthurium. You can also check moisture by the appearance of the soil; if it looks dry or crumbly, your plant needs water.

If you want a precise reading, you can use a moisture meter. It will monitor the moisture level for you, and your plant will never suffer from water stress.

Generally, you should water the plant regularly from spring through summer. But your plant requires less water in winter compared to summer, so reduce the number of times you add water.



It is best to grow Anthurium Pallidiflorum under medium sunlight, not too bright or too low. To save your plant from travel shock, keep it in indirect sunlight for the first few days. Other points to consider about light for Anthurium Pallidiflorum are:

  • Direct sunlight will burn the leaves and flowers(if any).
  • Too less light will result in stunted growth and fewer leaves.

It is best to experiment and find an ideal spot within your house for your Anthurium Pallidiflorum. Just make sure the spot receives an adequate amount of sunlight throughout the day.



Anthurium Pallidiflorum grows in warm, tropical regions. It requires warm temperatures to thrive as a houseplant. Maintain your household temperature between 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 32 degrees Celsius).

If your indoor temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius), I would suggest introducing artificial heat using heat pads. Anthuriums do not respond well to extreme temperatures.

If you expose it to a very low temperature, it will stop growing, and in case of high temperature, your plant will start wilting.



As a tropical plant, the Anthurium Pallidiflorum is used to high humidity. But as an indoor houseplant, this plant will survive in moderate humidity between 40-60%. I have installed a humidifier near my Anthuriums because it makes it easier to maintain the necessary humidity for all the plants. Other cheap alternatives are:

  • Mist your plant regularly, but this will be time-consuming if you have several plants.
  • Add some gravel or stones to a tray and place your pot in this tray. Now add water; as this water evaporates, humidity is created.
  • Group your plants together.

Keep in mind that this species needs excellent air circulation for good health.



Fertilize the Anthurium Pallidiflorum weekly in growing months. You can use a fertilizer that is specifically designed for Anthuriums. I fertilize mine with a liquid fertilizer that is diluted to ¼ strength in water. You can use any fertilizer that has high phosphorus.

Excessive fertilization will do more damage than good. Therefore it is best to be considerate or apply less than required.



Anthurium Pallidiflorum requires repotting after 2 or 3 years. Failing to repot your plant when required, will result in stunted growth. Therefore it is best to repot your Anthurium Pallidiflorum as soon as you notice the following:

  • Roots outgrowing
  • Disease or pests
  • Unhealthy foliage

Do not choose a very large pot when repotting.



Pruning is an excellent method to maintain your houseplants. But it’s important to understand how and what should be pruned. If you want to prune an Anthurium Pallidiflorum, follow these steps:

  • Make sure all your tools, including garden scissors or pruning shears, are clean. You can disinfect them with a neem oil solution or rubbing alcohol.
  • The next step is to trim the yellow or infected leaves. Start by trimming the leaves from the lower part of the plants.
  • Now trim any part of the plant where you want to encourage growth. Pinching few leaves at the top will make the plant look fuller.
  • You can store the trimmed, healthy leaves for propagation. Never trim more than 1/3 of the plant in one session.

In my experience, the best time to prune the Anthurium Pallidiflorum is at the beginning of spring.



At one point in your gardening journey, you will definitely want to expand your plant collection. This is where propagation comes in handy. Propagation is simply reproducing your plant without any cost.

For the best results, you should propagate the Anthurium Pallidiflorum in the spring season. This is because the cutting has enough time to establish itself as a young plant.

Follow the propagation guide below:

  • The first step is to locate a healthy stem on your Anthurium Pallidiflorum.
  • Next, wrap some sphagnum moss around the node at the selected stem.
  • Make sure you moisten the moss well before wrapping. I would suggest soaking the sphagnum moss in water for 1 -2 hours for this purpose. The moisture on the moss will ensure a humid environment for better root formation.
  • I always use clear plastic sheets so that the moss is clearly visible.
  • Before tieing the moss, make sure you make a few holes on the plastic for airflow. And never wrap any leaves because they will start decaying.
  • Spray the sphagnum moss every other day to maintain moisture, and within 2-3 weeks, you will notice tiny root growth.
  • Now you can open the plastic to remove the moss as well as cutting.
  • To take cuttings, make an angled cut just below the root formation. Make sure the cutting is at least a few inches long with one leaf on it.
  • Finally, place the cutting in a soil medium and water the soil well.

This method for propagating an Anthurium Pallidiflorum is the safest because even if no roots are formed, you will not damage the healthy stems because you have not taken any stem cuttings.



This species does not have any significant blooms as an indoor plant. However, the foliage is the main attraction for this plant.



The development of the leaf highly depends on the light, temperature, and humidity you provide. This species produces long strap-like leaves that have a beautiful shine and are green in color. With the right care, this plant can produce 36 inches long leaves.


Common Problems for Anthurium Pallidiflorum


Water Stress

Anthurium is easy to grow but only when watered well. Just like several other houseplants, Anthuriums are sensitive to water stress, both under and overwatering.

Anthurium Pallidiflorum is mostly killed by overwatering. Your plant will grow better if you allow it to dry before watering. Excessive watering can lead to root rot and other problems. It is best to establish a watering schedule based on the light, temperature, and humidity you are providing to your Anthurium Pallidiflorum.

To prevent under watering, never let your Anthurium Pallidiflorum dry out completely. To revive an underwatered plant, soak the root ball in water for about 1 hour.



Anthurium plants will get sunburns if exposed to the afternoon sun for too long. The plant requires bright sunlight, but it cannot withstand the direct sun. The simplest solution for sunburns is to move your plant to a shady location. Trim the damaged leaves to enhance the appearance of your plant.


Cold Temperature

As mentioned previously, Anthurium Pallidiflorum likes growing in places with higher temperatures. Therefore it suffers from slow growth if the temperature falls below the lowest. It is best to grow your Anthurium plant in warm temperatures between 70-90 degrees Fahrenheit (21to 32 degrees Celsius).


Brown Leaf Tips

Anthurium plants develop brown leaf tips when they are over or underwatered. The best strategy is to feel the soil before adding water. This way, you will water the plant only when needed. I would also suggest trimming the leaves with brown tips to enhance the appearance of your Anthurium Pallidiflorum.


Yellow Leaves

Yellow leaves on Anthurium Pallidiflorum are a result of light stress. Your plant is receiving too much sunlight and has started losing the green color. But do not panic because this issue is resolved by moving your plant to a location with less light.

The next step is to trim the yellow leaves. This is important; otherwise, the plant will spend its energy in reviving the yellow leaves.


Root Rot

Anthurium plants are highly susceptible to root rot, and if left untreated, it can kill your lovely plant. Root rot is identified by soft, mushy roots. Remember that the roots of a healthy plant are white as well as firm.

Root rot occurs when the soil remains soggy for too long. This results in the spread and multiplication of fungal spores. As this fungus grows, the healthy roots turn brown and mushy. This fungus hinders the plant’s ability to absorb nutrients via roots. Eventually, the leaves will wilt, turn yellow, and fall off.

If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should immediately inspect your plant. Using a shovel, remove the plant from the pot to inspect the roots. If all the roots are mushy, black, it is too late to save your plant.

But if some healthy roots still exist, you can save your plant. All you have to do is to repot your plant to a fresh soil mix. But first, clean the roots underwater. Make sure you do this gently without breaking the healthy roots.

Now trim all the mushy brown roots. Your plant is ready to be repotted. The last step is to sterilize your equipment with bleach and water solution (1:3 ratio).


Bacterial Blight

When Anthuriums are infected with bacterial blights, they develop v-shaped, watery lesions. These lesions are present at the edge of the leaves. Another possible symptom is chlorotic leaves. This bacteria needs to be treated immediately. Else the lesions can spread to infect other healthy leaves or plants.

This bacteria mostly infects the plant via pores on the leaf surface. It can also enter the leaf if you accidentally damaged the leaves while handling or pruning. Never leave the foliage wet because this bacteria can easily swim on wet surfaces.

You can control this disease by lowering the humidity and temperature. But increase the air circulation and use drip irrigation to water your plant. Trim the infected foliage and discard them immediately.


Tips for an Unhappy Anthurium Pallidiflorum

  • For a very dry climate in the winter months, you should use a humidifier near your Anthurium Pallidiflorum.
  • Allow your Anthurium Pallidiflorum to rest in the winter months at a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius). Simply reduce the fertilizer and water application.
  • Water your Anthurium plant only when the top inch or two feel dry in touch. Note that the more light and warmth you provide, the more water your plant requires.
  • Anthurium Pallidiflorum goes dormant in winter, so it needs less water during that period.
  • Always use clean tools to reduce the risk of disease and fungus.
  • It is better to repot in case of excessive growth because a crowded root system will inhibit plant growth.
  • When you first notice any symptoms of disease or fungus, treat your plant immediately to stop the spread.


Frequently Asked Questions about Anthurium Pallidiflorum


The leaves of my Anthurium Pallidiflorum have yellow and brown spots, what is wrong?

This is due to low sunlight. You should remove the unhealthy leaves and shift your plant to a bright location with proper sunlight. Check your pot or bottom tray for any extra water that might be standing. Drain that and make sure the drainage holes at the bottom have no blockages.


My Anthurium Pallidiflorum keeps toppling despite regular repotting, what should I do?

You should choose a deeper pot while repotting. Your plant keeps toppling because it is top-heavy.


Can this plant grow in average humidity?

Anthurium Pallidiflorum is an adaptable plant; it can grow in both high and average humidity. You can either keep the humidity higher than 60% or maintain an arid environment of 40-60% humidity.


What is the best way to showcase Anthurium Pallidiflorum?

You can show off the long leaves of Anthurium Pallidiflorum in a hanging basket. This way, the leaves will cascade downwards, creating a tropical look.


My Anthurium Pallidiflorum has started showing droopy leaves, why is that?

Droopy leaves are an indication of a thirsty plant. Your plant is being given less water than required. Simply alter your watering schedule and give more water to your Anthurium.


Is this plant safe around cats or dogs?

The leaves and stems of Anthurium Pallidiflorum contain calcium oxalate crystals; therefore, keep it away from your pets.


Is good drainage necessary for Anthurium Pallidiflorum?

Every houseplant demands good drainage; otherwise, it will suffer from root-rot. I would recommend adding perlite to your potting mixture to improve the drainage.


Is Anthurium Pallidiflorum purifying the air?

This plant is an air purifier that absorbs harmful toxins from the environment.


How can I reduce the intensity of sunlight for my Anthurium Pallidiflorum?

Direct sunlight is harmful to houseplants; therefore, it is important to reduce the intensity of light rays. Especially if your plant is growing in/near a window. Several options are available; you can either use sheer curtains or window blinds.


What are those tiny roots near the base of the plant, should I trim them?

Do not panic because those tiny roots are aerial roots. I would suggest leaving them. But if you want, you can trim them without damaging other parts of the plant.



This rare beauty is the gem of any indoor garden. The velvety leaves with several veins will shine in the sunlight, making the plant even more beautiful. This plant is an adaptable species that thrives in several indoor conditions.

If all these reasons are not enough to convince you to buy an Anthurium Pallidiflorum, know that it’s an air purifier as well. So it will not only decorate your interior but also purify the surroundings.