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Anthurium Lineolatum Plant Care — #1 Tips!

Anthurium Lineolatum Plant Care — #1 Tips!

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Anthurium Lineolatum is considered a rare plant.

This plant is native to Ecuador and is known for its beautiful leaves that have a paper-like feel.

Anthurium Lineolatum comes from a family of unique plants known for their large leaves and beautifully shaped blooms.

They are grown best in hardiness zones ten and above.


Anthurium Lineolatum Plant Care

Anthurium Lineolatum requires indirect sunlight to grow well. Keeping it in loose soil with a pH ranging between 5.5 and 6.5 is the best option. Fertilizing your Anthurium Lineolatum once every three to four months can potentially help achieve desired results. Provide an environment with a temperature between 70°F to 90°F (21°C – 32°C). Water once or twice a week depending on the conditions your Anthurium is in.



Anthurium Lineolatum needs loose soil. Thus, the best option is a soil mix combined with Peat, Perlite, and an Orchid mix

Keeping the soil pH within the range of 5.5 to 6.5 would be best.



This Anthurium needs moderate watering. It can be done by watering your plant once or twice a week. 

You can water once the soil’s top two inches becomes dry.

To know when the top two inches of the soil has become dry, follow any of the two methods:

  • Either press your finger into the soil
  • Or place your hand on the soil and press it down.

If you do not feel the moisture on your finger or hand, you need to water your Anthurium Lineolatum.



Lineolatum needs indirect sunlight. 

Providing it with direct sunlight will cause the leaves to burn, so you should avoid this at all costs.

If you’re not too sure about Anthurium Lineolatum’s light needs, you can have a look at the light levels for plants.



Keep it in temperatures ranging from 70°F to 90°F (21°C – 32°C). 

This plant thrives in warm temperatures as it is a tropical plant.



Keep humidity levels high between 60% to 80%. 

You can maintain this high humidity level by buying a humidifier or placing your plant in an area of the house where humidity is high.



This plant does not need fertilization often.

It would be best to fertilize it once every three to four months with a high phosphorus level fertilizer.

When you decide to buy fertilizers, you should use a slow-releasing fertilizer.

You should also dilute the fertilizer to one-quarter of its strength before using it on your plant.



You can repot your Anthurium if it looks like it has become rootbound. 

Some of the signs that show your Anthurium Lineolatum is rootbound include:

  • Roots coming out of the drainage holes.
  • The pot is starting to break.
  • The leaves look dry and dull even when you water them.
  • Roots start spreading on top of the surface of the soil. The roots may appear to be in a circular motion.

It is best for you to repot your plant during the spring season once your plant is no longer dormant. 

To do this, arrange a bigger pot than the one your plant is in right now. Add in some loose soil mix.

Then carefully remove your plant from the pot and place it in the new one. Do not fertilize it for the next few months as the new soil will be fertile enough.



Not a lot of pruning is needed. You can prune this plant if:

  • You’re planning to reduce its size
  • You wish to remove dead leaves
  • You want to promote further growth in your plant.

When pruning, make sure that you are using sterilized equipment; using unsterilized tools can cause infections and attract diseases to your plant.



Anthurium Lineolatum can be propagated through stem cutting. Cutting is not difficult as you do not need to measure from where you cut the stem off. 

In order to propagate this houseplant, follow these steps:

  • First, cut off a branch from the main Anthurium Lineolatum plant. Cut the stem down to the soil, or you can even cut it from anywhere you like.
  • The amount of cutting you take is up to you, as this will depend on the amount of Anthurium Lineolatum you wish to grow.
  • Cutting the stem right down to the soil won’t harm your plant. Wherever you cut the stem from, that area will eventually grow new stems or leaves.
  • Cut off the husks present on the stem. These are stipules that are brown and leaf-like. You do not need these on your stem when propagating, as this is a measure to protect new leaves.
  • Remove any withered, dead, or yellow leaves. If any flowers are growing on the stems, you need to cut them off as well.
  • Flowers require a lot of energy to grow; thus, you must remove them so that excess energy does not waste their growth. Your Anthurium Lineolatum needs to focus its energy on growing its roots first and not nourishing its flowers.
  • The longer your stem cutting is, the better your new plant will grow. It will even be better for you to take a stem cutting with many aerial roots and a couple of leaves.
  • Cutting the stem right at the lower node will promote the rooting of your plant. This part is not necessary if your stem cutting already has some roots on it.
  • In the fourth step, you can put some rooting hormone on the ends of your stem cutting. This isn’t necessary, so you can skip it if you like.
  • You can also put some cinnamon powder at the cut ends of the roots. This spice is known to have antimicrobial properties, and it will help keep your new Anthurium Lineolatum healthy, as well as safe from fungal infections.
  • You will have to place your cuttings inside of a container in this step. The container can be a pot filled with soil or a water container. When placing your new Anthurium Lineolatum into the soil, make sure all the aerial roots are also under the soil.
  • Keep at least one of the nodes under the soil, and make sure that another node is above ground.
  • If more than two nodes are on the stem, try to bury more than one node under the soil.
  • You will have to cover the pot with a plastic bag or use a plastic tub in the next step. Anthurium Lineolatum loves growing in high humidity levels, so to maintain its requirements, you need to follow this step no matter what.
  • If you place your Anthurium Lineolatum in water, then you do not need to cover the plant.
  • In the final step, you will have to observe with patience as this step can take weeks. In this step, you will see your first growth within five to six weeks of planting your new Anthurium Lineolatum.
  • Once a new leaf forms, you will know that your Anthurium Lineolatum has also grown new roots.



It has pinkish-red blooms. They grow as a spathe-like structure, surrounded by a thick spadix. 

The blooms have an almost similar shape to the leaves but are much smaller in size.



Anthurium Lineolatum can grow leaves that are as long as 40cm once they have fully matured. The leaves have almost a paper-like texture and are dark-green in color. 

Once your plant has fully developed, it can grow as tall as 70cm in height.


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Common Problems for Anthurium Lineolatum



These are insects that are capable of flying from one plant to another. They love to travel in groups; thus, if one of your plants has an infestation, the rest of them can also get infested. 

If you spot a thrip on your plant, then you need to treat the plant as soon as possible.

Getting rid of these pests would be easier by shaking your Anthurium Lineolatum pot outside. Doing so will cause the thrips to fly off of your plant. 

Adult thrips and baby thrips are attracted to flowering plants, and thus, you might find them occasionally on your Anthurium Lineolatum.

Thrips often carry “necrotic spot virus” with them, and when they go from one plant to another, this virus can spread considerably. 

Thrips can be gotten rid of by removing weeds or grass near the plant.

Keep observing your Anthurium Lineolatum throughout the next few weeks after you have gotten rid of the thrips. 

Prune off any of the damaged parts of your Anthurium Lineolatum.


Red Spider Mites

A lot of plants around the world are potentially red spider mites infested. For this reason, you won’t easily spot them initially once they land on your plant. 

Once your Anthurium Lineolatum gets an infestation of red spider mites, you will notice their presence everywhere as they multiply fast. 

Thus, you need to take care of your Anthurium Lineolatum well so that it does not get infected by these pests.

You will know if red spider mites have infested your plant once your Anthurium Lineolatum starts to look dusty and unhealthy. 

The dusty appearance is because of red spider mites; if you look at them closely, you will see that the “dust particles” are moving around.

They tend to make webbings on the underside of the large leaves present on your Anthurium Lineolatum. 

Thus, it is hard to see them at first sight as most plant owners do not check the bottom sides of the leaves.

Observing your Anthurium Lineolatum leaves under a magnifying glass every month or so can help you prevent the spread of these pests. 

Red spider mites appear red in color; however, there are other types of spider mites as well. However, red spider mites are the most common type of spider mite.

The best way to control spider mites’ spread or getting rid of them is by planting natural predators on your Anthurium Lineolatum. 

Insecticidal oils or sprays will also do the trick.


Tips for Growing Anthurium Lineolatum

Anthurium Lineolatum, like any other Anthurium plant, does not require a lot of care. But every plant needs some amount of care to grow well. 

To ensure your Anthurium Lineolatum grows the best it can, follow these tips:

  • Water it moderately, maybe once or twice a week, depending on where you live. You could also water it once the soil’s top 2 inches have become dry.
  • Keep it in loose soil that has a pH level of 5.5 to 6.5
  • Keep your Anthurium Lineolatum under bright indirect sunlight.
  • Keep your Anthurium Lineolatum under 60-80% humidity levels.
  • Plant your Anthurium Lineolatum in a loose soil mix. The best option is soil mix with one part Peat, one part Perlite, and two parts Orchid mix.
  • Keep it in temperatures ranging from 70°F and 90°F (21°C – 32°C).
  • Make sure your Anthurium Lineolatum is provided with fertilizers with high phosphorus once every three to four months.


Frequently Asked Questions about Anthurium Lineolatum Plant Care


How can I make my Anthurium Lineolatum bloom?

Providing your Anthurium Lineolatum with optimum levels of temperature, water, fertilizer, and humidity will help it bloom well. Make sure you plant your Anthurium Lineolatum in loose soil.


How often should I water my Anthurium Lineolatum?

You should water your Anthurium Lineolatum once a week if you live in an area where temperatures are not too high. But you’ll have to water it more depending on how high the surrounding temperature gets.


What fertilizer’s best for Anthurium Lineolatum?

Anthurium Lineolatum needs a fertilizer with high phosphorus levels.


Why are the leaves of my Anthurium Lineolatum turning brown?

The leaves of your Anthurium Lineolatum might be turning brown due to exposure to intense sunlight. High levels of sunlight can scorch the leaves of your Anthurium Lineolatum, making the leaves brown.



Anthurium Lineolatum is a fragile-looking plant that is grown indoors for its unique paper-like leaves. 

This plant can always be a part of any plant owner’s garden as it does not ruin but enhances everyone’s aesthetics.

Keeping this plant next to other plants, such as a Hoya plant, can even bring out its uniqueness.