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Anthurium Pedatum Care — #1 Best Care Guide

Anthurium Pedatum Care — #1 Best Care Guide

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Anthurium Pedatum is a stunning foliage plant that one can find in tropical rainforests. 

It is considered endogenous to Colombia, Western Andes. This plant is known for the gorgeous web-like foliage it develops.

It is also known as Anthurium Fortunatum G.S.Bunting and Pothos Pedatus Kunth, as well as belongs to the family of Araceae Juss and the genus Anthurium Schott. 

You should definitely grow this plant in your garden as it requires very little attention.


Anthurium Pedatum Care

Anthurium Pedatum thrives in a soil mix that is well-draining and has a good amount of peat added. Water it only when the top inch is dry and provide it bright indirect light for good results. Keep the temperature between 70-90 degrees Fahrenheit (21-32 degrees Celsius), while the humidity needs to be somewhere between 40-65 percent.


Anthurium Pedatum Care

Anthurium Pedatum Care




Anthurium Pedatum grows best in well-draining soil with a high peat content. Peat blends are more effective at reducing soil compaction. 

As a result, the soil will be stronger and more nourishing for a long time. A peat blend will also guarantee an increase in water absorption, which results in a more prolific crop.

With this mixture, I have found that I can provide the finest Anthurium Pedatum upkeep, and the plant has thrived as a result. 

I have even found that they continue to develop even during cold weather. As an outcome, choosing the soil that is very absorbent is critical for long-term health.



You will not have to water your Anthurium Pedatum frequently when placed in a spot where it receives very little to moderate light throughout the day. 

While most plants tend to dry out well before watering, I’ve discovered that one should not let Anthurium Pedatum dry out completely before watering for good results.

Hence water your plant according to the environment of the place in which you are cultivating it. 

The Anthurium Pedatum that I’m growing needs watering only once a week, and the results came out promising.

However, manually test the moisture of the soil with your finger for better outcomes. Your Anthurium Pedatum is thirsty if the top 2 inches of soil feels dry and no soil grains stick on your finger.

Nevertheless, keep in mind while watering that the Anthurium Pedatum dislikes wet soil. If the soil is constantly damp, it can succumb to root rot.



The Anthurium Pedatum, which I have been growing lately, isn’t very demanding about receiving a lot of bright indirect light. 

Rather, my Anthurium Pedatum has thrived in a light-diffused environment. Such an environment means that the plant is mostly indoors and away from the south and west windows most of the time. 

To offer the finest Anthurium Pedatum care, I suggest placing a glowing light right above the plant.

As a result, a low to moderate amount of light in the house is adequate to meet the requirements of your Anthurium Pedatum.



Yet again, the Anthurium Pedatum is not a plant that requires a lot of heat, a temperature between 70-90 degrees Fahrenheit are considered optimal (21-32 degrees Celsius).

Similar to other Anthuriums, this too can be grown at a temperature of about 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius).

However, as far as you don’t have high temperatures, it’s fairly adaptable to your environment. One tip is to watch your temperature and avoid making it fall too low.

For the best Anthurium Pedatum health, maintain it at a pleasant and moderate temperature all year.



Anthurium Pedatum is considered a fussy plant when it comes to the humidity level for it. 

For the optimum Anthurium Pedatum care, having a medium to higher humidity rate in the household is recommended.

Humidity translates to a range of 40 to 65 percent. Try using a humidifier if you can’t exactly replicate this naturally. 

Browning or yellowing on the tops of your Anthurium Pedatum’s leaves is one sign that you’re doing something wrong.



To make Anthurium Pedatum maintenance easy, keep the same fertilization pattern the same way you would almost all other Anthuriums. 

Practicing so means providing the plant a well-balanced liquid fertilizer monthly.

However, if you give appropriate care to your Anthurium Pedatum, you will notice that it flourishes. If this occurs, you can raise the frequency of fertilization to twice every month.

Most Anthurium Pedatum owners will assure you that this is a species that thrives even when it’s not in bloom. As a result, a good, reputed liquid fertilizer will promote fresh vegetation.



Some gardeners habitually remove their houseplants from their nursery containers as soon as they reach a maturity level. However, in my opinion, you should wait with the Anthurium Pedatum.

Anthurium Pedatum, like many Anthurium varieties, may survive being root-bound for a while but will not love being repotted to a bigger pot too quickly.

I think that you should repot Anthurium Pedatum only when it demands. So if you notice that your plant is cheerful, strong, and showing signs of healthy growth, you should hold repotting it.

Please take note of any visible cues that indicate it’s time to begin repotting. It would involve breaking out of the existing pot or roots climbing up the walls of the pot for an Anthurium Pedatum.

Finally, when it’s time to repot, go for the next larger pot size to ensure that your Anthurium Pedatum upkeep is long-lasting.



Pruning an Anthurium Pedatum has several benefits. The most exciting part is that you’ll enjoy it for much longer time.

Since recovering Anthurium plants with wilted blooms and aged leaves takes a lot of work. If you remove them, the plant will be able to use that vitality to generate new blooms and foliage.

Pruning occasionally is a must to keep an Anthurium Pedatum healthy and robust. You can prune your Anthurium Pedatum any time of the year.

To prune your Anthurium Pedatum, you will need the following tools:

  • Sharp scissors or pruning shears
  • Gloves and goggles

Following are the steps that you need to follow for successful pruning of your Anthurium:

  • Remove any yellow or brown leaves first. If they don’t fall off readily, use your pruners to clip them off.
  • Snipping off the stem of fading blooms at the plant’s base is the easiest approach to get rid of them. It stops the plant from focusing its energy on seed production rather than producing a lovely new blossom.
  • Then look at the Anthurium Pedatum as a whole. Trim any leaves that differ from the plant’s natural appearance. These are all the ones that are too large or have a strange angle to their growth.
  • Just be cautious not to remove all the leaves from the plant; at least four should remain connected.

Always disinfect your pruning tools with alcohol or bleach to avoid the transmission of diseases.



Anthurium Pedatum is a simple plant to propagate. Use this method like you do for any other kind of Anthurium plant.

It involves carefully choosing an Anthurium Pedatum branch and nurturing it to maturity. 

When utilizing a potting mix created up like the parent Anthurium Pedatum plant, propagation is more successful.

To be honest, Anthurium Pedatum is probably one of the easiest plants to propagate.

  1. Choose your Anthurium Pedatum’s strongest branch. It refers to a plant with noticeable roots at least 1/2-1 inch long.
  2. You must pick this offshoot from the outer crown region of a healthy Anthurium Pedatum.
  3. Cut the offset from the bottom of the parent plant with a sharp blade or pruning clippers.
  4. Put this offset in an Anthurium Pedatum container having a peat moss soil mix that has enhanced.
  5. Pat the soil mix gently in order to bury the bottom inch of this branch generously.
  6. Insert a stake into the soil, protecting the roots, to anchor your offshoot as it develops. Connect the shoot to the stake with a knot.
  7. Water your Anthurium Pedatum thoroughly until you see the water draining off its pot’s drainage holes.
  8. Track the development of your Anthurium Pedatum branch by placing it in filtered light and keeping the soil hydrated.



The blooms of Anthurium Pedatum are also very showy. 

The flowers grow a 3 to 4 inches long spathe that is greenish to yellow in color. Along with this, it also has a spadix, often found in purple shade.



Anthurium Pedatum can grow to a height of about 2 to 3 feet (0.6 to 0.9 meters), and the leaves can spread to a width of almost 6 feet (1.8 meters). 

The foliage is heart-shaped when young, and as it matures, it develops a lobe-like appearance.

The plant grows very showy and stunning green leaves, for which it is well known. It can thrive in USDA hardiness zones 11 through 13.


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Common Problems for Anthurium Pedatum




Rhizoctonia Root Rot

Rhizoctonia erupts in Anthurium Pedatum roots and bottom stems, but it could also cause harm and propagate in the leaf tips when circumstances are damp. 

Small, fragile stems are brittle, become waterlogged, and are unable to hold the plant’s mass. To prevent

Root rot by Rhizoctonia; try dodging overstressing your plant. Fungicides that comprise strobilurin can also cure this illness. 

To prevent the disease from spreading anymore, remove infected plants and plant debris from the potting medium.


Bacterial Wilt

Foliage yellowing causes bacterial wilt, which is a prevalent disease. It spreads swiftly in Anthurium Pedatum, causing the leaves and stems to turn brownish to bronze in color.

Bacterial wilt is particularly problematic in a hot, damp climate, and wilting occurs quickly. During the summer, do not collect diseased dirt.

Phosphorous-based fungicides are significantly beneficial in the treatment of this disease.


Bacterial Blight

Germs that emerge all along the leaf borders contaminate Anthurium Pedatum. 

Yellow spots around the leaf ends develop swiftly to form lifeless V-molded wounds, which is the most frequent side effect of bacterial blight.

Bacteria can also destroy a leaf if it is damaged while pruning or bugs eat away at the leaf tissues. These germs can pass through the wounds during bloom harvesting.

Using a good mixture of fungicides can combat bacterial blight. Apply fungicide to your plant 2-3 times every 7-10 days.





Aphid pests come in a variety of colors, including brown, green, red, white, and black. 

They are stalking insects that pierce the Anthurium Pedatum body and extract juice using their eating mouthparts.

Yellow and changing foliage, poor growth, and an awful black sticky residue on the Anthurium may signify Aphids. 

They create a sticky substance called honeydew as they feast, which quickly becomes infected with black sooty mold.

Viruses can also transmit through aphids, many of which are incurable. Worse comes to worst, the plant dies.



Mealybugs are white insects that produce a white defensive powder to help them hide. 

They prefer to live in the plant’s safe places, such as where branches meet or on the lower leaf surface.

Anthurium Pedatum nourishment is consumed, cell walls are utilized, and Anthurium’s juices and organic materials are depleted. If your plant seems to be faded and you’ve tried watering it several times with no luck, it could be due to mealy bugs.

Another indicator is the start of yellowing foliage, which occurs when leaves have starved of food and water. Mealybugs will ultimately get your plant killed if you leave it untreated. 



Thrips are so small that spotting them with the human eye might be challenging. Signs of a thrips infection can be smudgy reddish-brown discoloration.

The black dots on the plant are apparently the thrips’ feces. Anthuriums with uneven foliage or blooms that fall before blooming are also signs of thrips.

If the pest infestation is large, the only solution is to throw away the plant. However, you can certainly treat the pests in the initial stages using insecticidal sprays or rubbing alcohol.


Tips for Growing Anthurium Pedatum

  • Wear gloves when performing the pruning task as the plant contains calcium oxalate, which may irritate your skin.
  • For optimum growth, you should maintain the humidity level between 40 to 65 percent.


Frequently Asked Questions about Anthurium Pedatum Care


Is Anthurium Pedatum toxic?

Every part of Anthurium Pedatum is considered toxic. If your pet consumes it, they can feel burning and irritation in the mouth.


How do I avoid yellow leaves on my Anthurium Pedatum?

The main cause of yellow leaves is overwatering the plant. The roots stay wet for very long, and the leaves begin yellowing. To avoid yellow leaves, you must first check the moisture in the soil and water the plant when the inch of soil feels dry.



Anthurium Pedatum is a plant that will reward you with a stunningly looking plant if you provide it with all the necessary care it needs. 

The plant can be cultivated anywhere in your garden in a spot that receives indirect light.

Many offices and schools also have it placed indoors to enhance the beauty of the place and form a peaceful environment. 

If you are into plants that produce stunning green leaves, Anthurium Pedatum has to be on the top of your list.