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Anthurium Regale – Regal Care Guide

Anthurium Regale – Regal Care Guide

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Regal is the right name for this spectacular plant. Heavy veined, heart-shaped leaves that begin pale and evolve into a velvety green with time.

Anthurium is an indigenous American genus developed in 1829. An Anthurium Regale specimen is often challenging to locate, and some find it challenging to develop. Anthurium Regale belongs to the family of Araceae.

Anthurium Regale is very convenient to grow, a tropical plant that needs little outdoor and indoor maintenance. They flourish in moist soils with high organic compounds and perform best when the sun is filtered. These indoor plants grow at temperatures between  55 – 80 degrees Fahrenheit (13°C-27°C). Make sure to avoid frost and cold weather.

These unique Peruvian plants are a heart-winning addition to the Anthurium range. Also, these broad leafy beauties are a smart option to add some green hue to both your house and the yard.

They add an elegantly tropical accent to every well-lit room or cascading of your favorite planter.

Anthurium Regale expands out of a central, firmly rooted stem supporting a broad four-foot foliage. In order to attain its full potential, a moss wrapped totem is extremely important to help promote this beautiful exotic.

Anthurium Regale can be cultivated as a houseplant or outdoors in temperate regions. It is an excellent tropical plant with well-developed root systems. Anthurium Regale is generally referred to as Laceleafs, tail flowers, and flamingo flower species.

The inflorescence is made up of a spathe and a spadix. Also, the spathe is a delicate leaf, while the spadix is leathery in texture.

The spadix is frequently confused with the flower, but it isn’t. The actual tiny flowers are delicate and have been mainly grown along the spadix. Besides, such flowers are bisexual and include common reproductive organs.



Anthurium Regale Plant Care



Anthurium Regale enjoys a well-drained yet moist, high nutrient blend. Try to stay away from muddy, dry, or sandy soils. A multi-substrate combination is suitable for commercial mixtures. You may also use a mix of orchid combination and perlite

The soil of the Anthurium Regale should be well-drained with a mild water keeping capacity. The soil is supposed to function in a perfectly balanced mix. The value of pH must be neutral, around 6.6 and 7.5.

If you are planting Anthurium Regale outdoor, plant it in a well-drained location.



The water requirements of Anthuriums differ with temperature and weather conditions. Make sure your Anthurium Regale plant is watered periodically, but don’t overwater the plant. Water your Anthurium Regale if you feel the soil is dry when touched.

Anthurium Regale is prone to root rot, so overwatering the plant can kill the roots. If the plants become too dry in the pot, the growth of your plant will be slowed down. It becomes difficult to wet the root ball again.

In the spring and summer, you will water the plant three times per week. Whereas watering the plant once every two weeks in winter will work perfectly fine.

Water Anthurium Regale after soil in summer reaches at least 80 percent dryness. Whereas in winter, pour a little warm water when it’s fully dry.



Anthuriums like to stay in a well-lit location, but they don’t enjoy the direct sun. They have a higher resistance to partially shady areas, particularly in winter. Crucially, these plants can not tolerate long hours of direct sunlight.

Anthurium Regale is optimized for medium to bright indirect exposure to the sun. If the plant is put in the dark, there would be fewer flowers.

Anthurium Regale requires 70-85% sunlight. Depending on where you live, filtered sunlight is considered best. If you plant Anthurium Regale in a brightly lit location, you can face the problem of leaf burns.

If you plan to plant it outside, it is preferred to help the plant adapt to its surroundings by keeping it out in the shade. Slowly switch to a sunny spot after a week or two to avoid tension before planting.



The optimum temperature range for the Regale plant is between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit (15°C – 21°C). From personal experience, they do not take temperatures well below this range.

It is recommended that they are moved to warm areas when the temperature drops below 55 degrees Fahrenheit (13°C).

Anthurium Regale plants enjoy warm weather and stay the healthiest in a warm environment.



Like all other Anthuriums, Anthurium Regale plants also love moisture. The humidity level should be between 70% to 80% as it works ideally for these plants.

During the dry days, use different techniques to make it stay moist. You can mist the foliage frequently. Adding a pebble-water tray beneath the pot will also help. Try placing a humidifier near the plant.



You may use well-balanced fertilizer to improve the growth of your Anthurium if you like; however, too much fertilizer may cause problems.

Over-fertilization triggers leaf burns, which starts as browning around the edges, but may kill whole leaves.

Using water-soluble fertilizer with low nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium content, such as 1-2-1 fertilizer, will prevent leaf burns or overfeeding.

Nitrogen is a genuine issue; in addition to the possible leaf burn, nitrogen promotes plentiful leaves but prevents flower production when added in abundance.

Adding an effective orchid or houseplant fertilizer during the growing season gives good results. In colder days, plants do not require any extra nutrients.

Potentially dangerous salts buildup from fertilizers in the soil, so you should regularly flush the entire root ball with water; put the pot in the sink and allow the water to drain through the soil out of the drainage holes.



It’s a great idea to repot older Anthurium plants into a fresh air-permeable mix once in every two years. When your Anthurium has grown too large for a pot, repotting is a smart option. Perform this ideally in the spring, since these days promote bud growth.

Place the plant in a pot that’s at least 20% wider in diameter than the prior one and use specialized Anthurium soil to do so. If you are repotting your plant, simultaneously mix in a bit of Anthurium feed so that the plant has some extra nutrients available.



Anthurium Regale pruning should be performed periodically to keep the plant healthy and balanced. Allowing older growth to stay on the plant can lead the stem to bend, which may proceed to stunted growth.

Take a careful look at your Anthurium Regale plant, then start pruning from top to bottom. Remove any decolored or damaged leaves. Remove the wilted or dead flowers down to the stem base.

You may also eliminate the leaves to enhance the appearance of the plant, but keep at least three to five in place. Use high-quality cutting tools, as rusty blades can rip and crush stems.

You should eliminate the suckers from the bottom of the Anthurium Regale, or else they would draw energy from the plant, therefore shrinking the size of the flower. Trim the suckers while they are tiny; cutting large suckers will harm the base of the plant.



Propagation of the Anthurium Regale plant can be done by taking a cutting.

  • Retrieve an existing Anthurium plant to remove the cutting. Use pruning scissors to cut a length of one stem that is at least 6 inches long. Choose a stem with two or three sets of leaves on it.
  • Fill a 10-inch wide clay pot 3/4 full of well-drained soil. Choose a pot with draining holes in the bottom.
  • Build a hole in the middle of the soil, 2 to 3 inches deep.
  • Put the cut end of the Anthurium cutting into the opening, and cover the space with the extra potting soil.
  • In a position that has humidity and controlled sunlight, place the cutting.
  • Wait until the cutting grows its roots, which will take between four to six weeks.

Anthurium Regale can also be propagated using seeds.

  • Shallow trays are suitable containers to plant Anthurium seeds.
  • The quality product solution is vermiculite, which has already been moistened.
  • Push the seed gently into the vermiculite, allowing an inch (2.5 cm) in between.
  • Covering the tray will accelerate germination by raising heat and retaining moisture.
  • Place the container where the temperature is around 70 degrees
  • If too much moisture builds up, take off the cover for a while to help excess moisture to evaporate and the seedlings to breathe.
  • Gently move the seedlings to separate containers and take general Anthurium care.



Anthurium Regale produces exquisite flowers comprising both male and female organs. With proper maintenance and frequent fertilization, the Anthurium Regale plant develops new flowers throughout the year.

However, there are three months of flowering, a few months with no flowering, and then it blooms for three months again. If the plant has glossy leaves and develops fresh flowers, you can presume that it enjoys the right conditions and will bloom for several years.

When your plant has a new flower, cut around 2 inches off the end of the stalk and place it in a clean vase containing tap water. Anthurium Regale flowers are relatively clean and preserve clear water. Renew the water in the Anthurium vase nearly once a week, at the very same time.



Anthurium Regale can grow stunningly large with its leathery leaves. If you fulfill this specimen’s requirements, you will be rewarded with tremendous growth. The average plant can grow up to a height of about 60 to 96 inches (5 to 8 feet).

Anthurium Regale grows leaves that can reach 36 inches (3 feet), often more extensive. Collectors who have seen an Anthurium Regale in Peru record specimens with leaves reaching a height of about 72 inches (6 feet).



Common Problems for Anthurium Regale


Root Rot

Anthurium Regale may be contaminated with rot disease. Root rot occurs due to stagnant water; this possibly suggests inappropriate watering. Do not give any water to the plant until its potting compost is basically dry, and only use fresh, well-draining potting manure.

Roots that turn brown and decay, and stems and leaves that turn yellow or brown, are the major signs of infection. If you notice this, take the Anthurium out from its container, remove the rotting bits, and place the healthy fragments in new excellently-draining potting compost.


Aphids and Scale Insects

Anthurium Regale can attract aphids and scale insects. These are creepy creatures with back legs resembling that of a cricket. They can be detected by seeing the insects itself or the yellow or brown patches on the leaves of the Anthurium Regale.

You can kill aphids by treating them with cold water from a plant hose. Scale insects are a little harder to get rid of and would need an organic pesticide.


Bacterial Blight

The first visible signs are yellowish, water-soaked growths along the leaf margins that develop rapidly to develop dead V-shaped lesions. The bacteria invade the plants of the Anthurium Regale by entering pores along with the leaf tips.

If contaminated plants are detected, they should be removed immediately. Always sterilize the cutting instruments before you use them. Sterilization will reduce the risk of infection.


Bacterial Wilt

The very first symptom of this disease is the yellowing of leaves. It spreads rapidly into the plant’s vascular system. It turns the veins in leaves and stems into a brown, bronze kind of color. Plants can show signs of wilt even though sufficient soil moisture is available.

A strict sanitation program is the most effective way to avoid the spread of this pathogen and ultimately remove this from the plant. Fungicides containing phosphorous acid are also said to be useful in preventing infection.


Black Nose Disease

The black nose can disrupt the development of cut flowers and potted plants. The first signs noticed are tiny, brown to black spots on the floral spadix. These spots increasingly expand, become watery, turning brown to black, and can cover the entire spadix. Eventually, the spadix will fall off.

Growers can also observe black, spore-containing structures on dead stems and leaves. The small spores can be easily moved by spraying water or air movement. A strict sanitation program is a must. Fungicides having mancozeb is very useful.


Phytophthora or Pythium

This infection primarily attacks the root system of the Anthurium Regale. Under extreme conditions, the leaves can have black to brown leaf patches.

The use of well-drained, synthetic soil mixtures will help you in staying safe from this disease. Infected plants should be discarded, and the rest of the plants should be sprayed with fungicides.


Tips for Growing Anthurium Regale

  • Grow your plant in filtered sunlight. Keep it moist and in an area with high humidity.
  • Frequently cut the dead flowers, leaves, roots, and stems to make the plant stay healthy.
  • Never overwater your plant.
  • Plants can be harmed by heaters, fans, and air conditioners if they are too near, but they will benefit from gentle air circulation.
  • Support the Anthurium Regale plant with a stake if it keeps dropping.


Frequently Asked Questions about Anthurium Regale


Is Anthurium Regale harmful?

Anthurium Regale contains compounds that are poisonous to humans and pets. Try wearing a pair of gloves to protect your hands when pruning Anthurium; the sap can cause slight skin irritation.


How do I increase my Anthurium Regale blooms?

Encourage your Anthurium Regale to bloom with diluted phosphorus-rich fertilizer by supplying plenty of indirect sunshine, sufficient irrigation, high humidity, and weekly feeding.


Should Anthuriums Regale be misted?

Maintaining a humidity level of about 80% is desired. You can quickly generate moisture for the plant by misting it with room temperature water every couple of days.


How often should I water my Anthurium Regale?

Water your plant when the top 1-2 inches of soil dries out. Never overwater the plant as it causes problems for the growing plant.


What kind of fertilizers works for Anthurium Regale?

Caring for Anthurium plants may not require too much fertilizer. The plant needs to be fertilized with one-quarter houseplant fertilizer once every three to four months.


Is Anthurium Regale easy to grow?

Despite its susceptibility to humidity and temperature, Anthurium Regale plants are moderately hardy and easy to maintain when kept indoors.



Anthurium Regale is a stunning plant having huge velvety leaves. They have heart-shaped leaves, which are about 48 inches long and with a width of 36 inches. It can grow even more significant, especially in the wild.

The elegance of the velvety Anthuriums comes at a price. The large concentration of calcium oxalate crystals in the body of the Anthurium Regale contributes to toxicity. Keep this toxic plant away from your kids and pets.

Anthurium Regale is a native and unusual evergreen plant in the Araceae family. These native Peruvian plants prefer a humid and cold climate with regular watering. They look just as good in your gardens as in your house.

The light green to thick white veins among deep to blackish green velvety leaves will not go unseen by any eye. Anthurium Regale pot plants are quickly growing. They require little attention, and they keep looking beautiful for an extended period.