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Monstera Acuminata Care – Best Tips to Success

Monstera Acuminata Care – Best Tips to Success

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Monsteras are well known as large climbing plants, but there are several species that are compact in size. These Monsteras will complement the indoor setting as a perfect small-sized houseplant.  Today we are talking about the Monstera acuminata.

This one is sort of a mystery. Most people that claim to have a Monstera Acuminata unknowingly have a regular Monstera Adansonii at home.

Monstera acuminata from the Araceae plant family,  will enjoy well-draining soil and being allowed to (almost) completely dry out between watering. Place your plant near a well-lit window, but not in direct sunlight to imitate its natural growing habitat.

This Monstera is also known as the shingle plant. It is used as an ornamental plant because of the showy, attractive leaves.

In addition to the beautiful foliage, Acuminata also has air purifying properties.

This one is endemic to Guatemala. The stems are short and flattened with internodes of about 2 to 4 inches. The leaf stalks are 6 inches in size, whereas the leaf blades are 4 to 10 inches.

In their natural habitat, Monstera acuminiata is only found on the largest trees according to

The juvenile plant is much smaller and more heart-shaped. It has thick, waxed leaves that grow in two stages and overlap the elliptical stem in cross-section.

This small Monstera is epiphytic in nature. This is what you need to remember when creating a perfect indoor environment for your Monstera acuminata. Overall this plant will require little attention from you.


Monstera Accuminata Care

Monstera Accuminata Care


Plant Care Guide for Monstera Acuminata



For compost, you can use a good blend of peat, sphagnum moss, charcoal, and sand. A ball of 100% soilless medium, sphagnum moss in which the roots can spread out will also serve the same purpose. But the only issue with this medium is that your, Monstera acuminata, will have slow growth in the beginning.

Another suitable option is an aroid mix that will guarantee all the necessary nutrients for the Monstera acuminata. As long as the mixture drains well and is rich in nutrients, your Monstera will thrive.

As a houseplant, this will thrive in USDA hardiness zones 10b+. In tropical climates, this plant can be planted anytime throughout the year. For other climates, you can start a new Monstera acuminata anytime between spring to autumn.



Knowing when and how much water your plant is the first thing you should be learning about your houseplants. Monsteras are generally forgiving plants, but they need regular watering.

Water the Monstera acuminata only when the top 2 inches of soil have dried out. I water my Acuminata plant once every week. But ensure that you water it moderately and evenly. The environment you provide for your plant will dictate its actual watering needs.

Monstera acuminata kept in a dry, hot climate might require watering more than once in the week. Comparatively, in a moderate climate, watering once will be enough.

My Monsteras that are staying in bright windows like to be watered more than those kept a few inches away. So the three main features that will control your plant’s watering needs include light, temperature, and humidity.

Signs for an underwatered Monstera include:

  • Yellow, dry leaves with brown spots.
  • Drooping leaves.
  • Potting soil pulling from the surface of the container.
  • Wrinkled, crispy leaves.

As a simple rule, water the Monstera acuminata regularly in the summer season but drop the frequency in the winter as environmental conditions change. However, apply water after testing the soil. There are three ways to test the soil before watering; use a finger test, wooden sticks, or moisture meter.



This Monstera plant likes to live under bright, indirect light. If you suspect the light hits the plant directly during certain hours, filter the sunlight but installing window blinds or sheer curtains.

Outdoors grow it under a net or tree because the sun will burn the leaves. As an indoor houseplant, Monstera acuminata can survive in medium sunlight.



This warmth-loving plant needs high temperature constantly for good growth. Average room temperature that does not go below 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18°C)

is adequate for the Monstera acuminata.

This plant can tolerate maximum temperatures of 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30°C). I would also suggest frequent misting of the leaves.

This species is frost tender, so protect it from freezing cold temperatures. For very cold climates, bring the outdoor plant inside during the frost. Since this plant originates from a tropical climate, a humid and warm environment makes it feel at home.



This plant will require a humidity level of 40 to 80%. Just like other Monstera, this one also likes a moist, humid environment. Spray your plant to provide humidity for the aerial roots.

You can also increase the air moisture by using other methods like grouping plants together or installing a pebble tray. I have invested in a humidifier to control the humidity for my houseplants, and it has proved to be a convenient but costly method.



Occasionally feed the plant with a light fertilizer application in the growing seasons. I use 20-20-20 liquid fertilizer. You have to dilute about half a teaspoon in one gallon of water. I apply this solution directly to the soil during the watering sessions.

A slow-release granular fertilizer is also great because it releases the nutrients gradually into the soil. This protects your Monstera acuminata from over-fertilization. As an additional step, leach the potting soil every season to eliminate salt buildups.

To give an iron boost, use a mixture of chelated iron with water. Stop fertilizing in autumn and winter as the plant enters dormancy. Therefore it won’t need much watering or fertilizers.



Repot the Monstera acuminata every two years in the spring season. Avoid disturbing the root system too much while repotting as it might shock the plant. Repotting gives you plant more room for growth.

Choose a pot that’s few inches larger in height and width from your previous pot.



You should either prune the leafless, trailing stems or install brass plant support or coco panels to help your plant climb. This plant is my favorite because of its small size but once established; it’s an aggressive grower.

You can prune this plant any time before winter starts. Prune and trim the old, decaying leaves for aesthetics and growth.



Propagation is relatively easy for the Monstera acuminata. Just cut the stems at points where aerial roots are present on the internodes. This Monstera cutting will happily root even in water.

The ideal time is in spring or summer, but you can take the cuttings any time of the year as long as there is no fear of cold weather. The detailed steps for propagation are discussed below.


Stem Cuttings in Soil

  • Sterilize all your tools before you start the process. You can do this with rubbing alcohol or a bleach and water solution. Clean, germ-free tools are important because they eliminate the risk of infections or diseases.
  • Take a 4-6 inches long cutting from a healthy stem. Let the cuttings dry for a few hours so that the callus can form.
  • I dip the ends of the cutting in rooting hormone powder; this helps my cutting root faster. You can use any commercially available rooting hormone, but I would suggest using an organic one.
  • The cutting can be planted in a deep pot containing a moistened mixture of peat moss and sand in equal parts.
  • You have to keep the stem cutting in a bright area that has lots of warmth. Water the mixture whenever it feels dry to maintain the moisture level.
  • I have covered my cuttings with a plastic zip bag; this will hold the humidity required for the cutting. But you need to make a few holes for air circulation. Open the bag for 2-3 hours every day.
  • The plant will most probably root in spring. Root development can take a few weeks to a few months, depending on several factors. Cuttings taken from the same plant at the same time might root at different times.


Stem Cuttings in Water

  • There is another rooting medium for your cutting, water. In this method, all other steps are similar to the previous section, but you will place the cutting in water instead of soil.
  • Take filtered water and let it sit for a few hours (overnight is better). This helps in the dissipation of chlorine or any other impurities.
  • Trim any leaves near the lower end of cutting. This is critical because else the leaves will rot in water.
  • Place the lower end of the stem cutting in a water jar. Keep this jar in a position that’s well-lit but receives no direct sun. Maintain some warmth and humidity.
  • Change the water after 3, 4 days, or whenever it feels muddy. Under optimum conditions, you will be rewarded with tiny roots in 2-3 weeks.
  • Once established, transfer the stem cutting to a pot with a good quality mix. Do not leave the cutting in water for too long this leads to weak, water roots.


Air Layering

  • Another favorite method for propagation of Monsteras is air layering. You have to just wrap the node with damp sphagnum moss.
  • Secure the moss with some plastic wrap but leave an opening for airflow. Wrap loosely so that you can check for root development. You can also use ties or strings.
  • Spray the sphagnum moss with water to keep it moisturized. Once the roots develop, make a cut right below the node, and you will have a stem cutting.
  • Plant this cutting in a proper potting soil that is suitable for Monstera plants. This method is the safest because you will not lose any part of your plant even if you fail.

You can follow any of the methods and continue the plant care discussed to grow your cutting into a healthy Monstera acuminata.



This plant has big yellowish-white flowers that are 4 – 11 inches (10-30 cm) in size. From inside, these flowers resemble a beehive. The blooming season for this plant is late spring-summer. Mostly those grown in temperate regions will produce the blooms and fruits.



Adult Acuminata plants have leaves similar to those of Monstera Adansonii, but it takes several years to reach maturity. But if you compare its leaves with Monstera Adansonii, you will notice the leaves for Acuminata are smaller and smoother.

As the Acuminata plant matures, the leaves start to develop the leaf fenestrations or holes. These holes help the Acuminata deal with the winds and rain of tropical storms in its natural habitat.

Outdoors it can grow 6 to 15 feet. This plant has a varying growth rate. As a young plant, Monstera acuminata is medium or slow-growing. Once the plant has established itself, the plant grows faster.

This evergreen, Hemi-epiphytic climber can develop long stems with proper support. The leaves are very elegant, with a smooth texture and iridescent. The elongated, ovate leaves on the trailing vines have holes in them.

If your Monstera plant develops long leafless stems, it needs something to climb for growth.


Common Problems for Monstera Acuminata


Yellow Leaves

Monstera plants develop yellow leaves when they are undernourished or overwatered. Overwatered Monstera acuminata has sweaty leaves.

Refrain watering your plant until the soil feels almost completely dry. If the issue does not resolve, repot your plant in a fresh soil mix. You can feed your plant some extra houseplant food or fertilizer to fulfill its nourishment requirements.


Brown Leaf Edges

This is caused by low humidity or dry air. Mist your plant once a week or keep it next to a humidifier.



Prepare soap -mixture and apply on the leaves, stems to tackle the scale insects. For spider mites, you can get rid of them by showering your houseplants with a strong stream of water. You should do this in a bathroom or outdoor garden to avoid any unnecessary mess within your house.

Treating houseplant pests in the early stages of infections is very easy; only neem oil or rubbing alcohol is enough. But for heavy infestations, you will have to use horticulture oils or fungicides.


Root Rot

This disease attacks the roots of plants growing in damp or wet soil. It can reduce the life span of your Monstera plant. Early leaf drop, wilted leaves, and poor growth are the main indications of root rot.

Root rot is caused when your plant is poorly drained or overwatered. The soggy soil prevents aerial roots from absorbing oxygen that leads to oxygen deficiency.

You should trim the rotting roots because this disease can easily spread to the healthy roots. You can prevent these conditions by planting you Acuminata only in well-draining soil.

You have to protect your plant from overwatering as well; therefore, allow the soil to dry a bit before the next watering session.


Very Small New Leaves

If young leaves are very small in size, your plant might not be getting proper sunlight. Generally, this Monstera does tend to have small leaves as an indoor houseplant. But try moving it to a brighter location like near a window for better leaf growth.


Tips for Growing Monstera Accuminata

  • As this plant is sensitive to the sun, I recommend placing it on a window sill that is facing west or east. Or a position where evening or morning sun is available.
  • Stop repotting too often to prevent excessive growth and prune the plant regularly by pinching off new growth.
  • Always use room-temperature, filtered water for your houseplants. Leave the water overnight so that chemicals like chlorine will evaporate.
  • It is better to slightly under-water your Monstera plant than over-water it. Underwatering does less damage compared to overwatering.


Frequently Asked Questions about Monstera Acuminata


Is Monstera Acuminata pet friendly?

Keep the Acuminata plant away from pets as this plant is highly poisonous if ingested.


Can Monstera Acuminata tolerate full sun?

Monsteras are very versatile in terms of lighting conditions. They survive in low light but have faster growth in a bright location. Few hours of full sun are great for this species.


How can I water my Monstera Acuminata?

Take your plant to a sink or shower area. Using a watering can slowly add water until it starts flowing from drainage holes. Don’t forget to empty the drainage tray after a few minutes.


Is the Monstera Accuminata a terrarium plant?

Monstera acuminata is a great plant for a humid terrarium.


How can I ensure adequate warm temperature for my Acuminata plant?

Use bottom heat mats to provide additional warmth to your Monstera plant, especially in winter.


Why does My Monstera plant have mold on the surface of the soil?

This mold on the soil surface indicates you are overwatering your Monstera plant. Another indication of overwatered Monstera is mushy stems. Let them dry out and minimize the watering frequency.


Can I grow Monstera Acuminata outside?

This plant can be grown outdoors only if you have a sheltered location outside, and if there is no threat of frost damage.



Monstera acuminata is loved by all Monstera growers. This evergreen trailing or vining epiphyte is a popular choice to grow as a houseplant because of its small unique leaves. When you grow it with support or trellis, it gives a tropical rainforest feel to your plant.

This Monstera is sensitive to sunlight and cold temperatures. Therefore provide the right conditions for good growth.