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Anthurium Waterburyanum Care — Top Tips!

Anthurium Waterburyanum Care — Top Tips!

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Anthurium Waterburyanum is endemic to Ecuador. This Anthurium has long velvety leaves and is mostly grown because of this feature. This plant grows best in hardiness zones ten or higher.

Anthurium Waterburyanum is not the official name for this plant. 

It was named Anthurium “Waterburyanum” after the original collector of this plant named Bette Waterburyanum.


Anthurium Waterburyanum Care

Anthurium Waterburyanum needs to be kept in humidity levels ranging from 50 to 80 percent. This plant likes being kept under bright indirect sunlight and cannot survive in temperatures lower than 59°F (15°C). Keep the soil of Anthurium Waterburyanum slightly moist. The ideal temperature range is 65°F to 86°F (18°C – 32°C).



Anthurium Waterburyanum likes to be in soil with a pH range of 5.5 to 6.5 (slightly acidic). It also needs to hold in a well-draining soil mix. 

Thus, creating a soil mix with equal parts perlite, pine bark, and peat is the best option. You can also make another soil mix with one part peat, one part perlite, and two parts orchid mix.



Anthurium Waterburyanum does not need watering often. However, it does always need to be planted on moist soil. 

You can water your Anthurium Waterburyanum when the soil’s top 2 inches have become dry.

You can know the soil is dry from the top two inches if you just stick a finger into the soil. If your finger feels dry, then you need to water your Anthurium Waterburyanum.



Anthurium Waterburyanum is a tropical plant that usually grows under the shade of taller trees. Thus, it requires bright indirect sunlight to grow well.

You can keep it near a south-facing window, but make sure it stays at least two to three feet away from it. 

The reason for this is the sunlight coming from south-facing windows is too harsh for this plant. But if no north or west-facing windows are in your home, then this is the best option.



Anthurium Waterburyanum needs to be kept in temperatures ranging from 65°F to 86°F (18°C – 32°C). As a tropical plant, it grows best in warm, high-humidity areas.

Anthurium Waterburyanum is also not frost resistant, so bring it indoors during winters.

The lowest temperature it can handle is 59°F (15°C). 

High humidity levels and warm temperatures are the best way to ensure your Anthurium Waterburyanum grows well.



Anthurium Waterburyanum likes to be in high humidity levels between 50-80 percent. 

You can maintain this humidity level by keeping your plant in areas with high humidity. These areas can include the kitchen or a bathroom.

You can even purchase a humidifier or place a pebble tray filled with water under your Anthurium Waterburyanum.



Anthurium Waterburyanum requires fertilizers with high phosphorus levels. Whatever fertilizer you choose, make sure you use only one-quarter of its strength by diluting it in water. 

You only need to fertilize your Anthurium Waterburyanum once every two to three months. 



Root bounded Anthurium Waterburyanum needs repotting fast as this plant does not like to be root-bound. 

You can check if your Anthurium Waterburyanum is root-bound by finding the following clues:

  • Wilting of foliage occurs, even after you water the plant.
  • If you find the roots circling on the soil’s surface.
  • The water is running straight out of the drainage holes.
  • When the container cracks or is bent
  • Roots poking through drainage holes.

If Anthurium Waterburyanum is extremely root-bounded, repot the soonest you can. That is because your Anthurium Waterburyanum will start to die fast.

However, if your Anthurium Waterburyanum does not look extremely root-bound, then it is best to wait until the spring season to repot it. 

When repotting, make sure the new pot’s 2-3 inches bigger than the last container.



Anthurium Waterburyanum does not need pruning often. You only need to prune it when dead leaves hang off the plant, or some pests have infested it. 

Make sure to do these when pruning your Anthurium Waterburyanum:

  • Do not cut off too much of the plant
  • Only remove what needs to be removed, for example, dead leaves, old leaves, and dead stems.
  • Use sterilized pieces of equipment.



Anthurium Waterburyanum can propagate through stem cutting. 

Follow the process below to successfully grow this plant from a cutting.


Step 1

Cut off a stem from the main plant. You can cut this stem off of anywhere on your plant. 

How many stems you trim depends on how many new Anthurium Waterburyanum you wish to grow.

You can cut the stem off from right above the soil level as well. Your plant won’t die if you do this. It will eventually start to grow new leaves from this area.


Step 2

Once you have taken a stem cutting, remove all the brown leaf-like husks from the stems. These leaf-like husks are known as stipules and are only needed when new leaves are emerging.

You do not need this for your new plant at the start of growth. So do not worry about cutting off this part as it will not harm your plant in any way.

You should also remove any leaves the look dead, brown, and yellow.

This step is the longest one throughout the whole propagation process as you will also have to remove any flowers present on the stem. 

Flowers are beautiful, but they take a lot of energy to grow. Thus, a new plant cannot maintain them, and it would be best to get rid of them.


Step 3

Make sure that the stem cuttings you chose to have at least two nodes present on them. The amount of cutting you take will depend on you, so it’s fine even if you took one. 

You should just make sure that the stem has two or more nodes on it.

The larger each stem is, and the more aerial roots it has, the more likely your Anthurium Waterburyanum will grow well and survive till the end. 

Having some extra leaves on the stems is a plus point. If you snip your stem right at the lower node, this will encourage your new Anthurium Waterburyanum to grow roots faster. 

However, this is not necessary, especially if there are already a few roots present on that stem.


Step 4

This step is optional. If you want to, you can dip the cut end of the stem into a rooting hormone, as this will allow your plant to grow roots faster. 

Rooting hormones are available in powder and chemical form.

If you are using powder rooting hormone, then dip the stem’s cut end into the powder before placing it into the soil. 

When using liquid rooting hormone, add a few drops in the soil or the water container your Anthurium Waterburyanum will use.

You can also brush a little cinnamon on the ends of the cut. This spice has antimicrobial properties and can help keep your Anthurium Waterburyanum safe from any fungal infections.


Step 5

Finally, in this step, place your cutting into a container of your choice. You can put it in water or place it in a soil substrate containing perlite or orchid mix. 

When placing it in soil, make sure at least one of the nodes of your Anthurium Waterburyanum is under the soil.

Keeping the aerial roots under the soil will be beneficial for your new Anthurium Waterburyanum. 

Make sure one of the nodes stays above the ground as this is the place from where the fresh leaves will emerge.


Step 6

Anthurium Waterburyanum grows well in high humidity levels; thus, you will have to place a plastic bag over your new Anthurium Waterburyanum. 

This step is necessary as one cannot maintain such high humidity levels any other way.

You can also place a plastic tub with a locked lid on top of your new Anthurium Waterburyanum. 

However, if you are placing your Anthurium Waterburyanum in water, then no coverage is needed.


Step 7

In this final step, you just need to wait five to six weeks before you see any growth in your new Anthurium Waterburyanum.

Once you see new leaves forming, you will also know that the roots have begun to grow.



Anthurium Waterburyanum can grow blooms. 

However, this plant is not grown for its blooms but is recognized mostly for its large, velvet leaves.



Anthurium Waterburyanum has long, ovate-shaped leaves that have a velvety texture. It has foliage that are light to dark green in color. 

Anthurium Waterburyanum can grow leaves that can be as long as 30 cm once they have matured.

Anthurium Waterburyanum overall can grow 30 to 40 cm tall once it has fully matured.


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Common Problems for Anthurium Waterburyanum


Bacterial Blight

These will appear on plants as small spots that are water-soaked and have light green areas around the spots.

As this spot becomes large, the plant’s tissue begins to die, and the center starts turning brown. 

Eventually, these spots have a yellow ring around them, and this is when you know that your plant has bacterial blight.

You can avoid the spread of bacterial blight by reducing the number of times you mist your Anthurium Waterburyanum. You can also use fungicides to get rid of this blight from your Anthurium Waterburyanum.


Fungal Root Rot

Fungal root rot is a condition that can be caused by many different fungi, such as:

  • Fusarium
  • Armillaria mellea
  • Oomycetes
  • Clitocybe tabescens

When your Anthurium Waterburyanum starts to look dull, becomes yellow, and its growth has stunted, it means its roots are rotting. 

Your plant may even begin to wilt, lose many leaves, or even die.

The best way to treat root rot is by removing your Anthurium Waterburyanum from its pot and snipping off all the dead roots. 

Before snipping off the roots, make sure you wash them first.

Chances of survival for your Anthurium Waterburyanum are low when its roots start to rot, but this does not mean one cannot save it.


Tips for Growing Anthurium Waterburyanum

Anthurium Waterburyanum can thrive in any home if the basic tips for growing if followed well. 

When it comes to Anthurium Waterburyanum, follow these tips to make sure your plant thrives at any spot:

  • Keep your Anthurium Waterburyanum under bright indirect sunlight.
  • Keep it in loose soil that has a pH level of 5.5 to 6.0
  • Plant your Anthurium Waterburyanum in a soil mix that is loose. A combination of equal parts perlite, pine bark, and peat is the best option.
  • Keep it in temperatures ranging from 65°F and 86°F (18°C – 32°C).
  • Make sure your Anthurium Waterburyanum is provided with fertilizer once every three to four months.
  • Keep your Anthurium Waterburyanum under 50-80% humidity levels.
  • Water it moderately. It means only water it once the soil’s 1-2 inches have become dry.


Frequently Asked Questions about Anthurium Waterburyanum Care


Can you root Anthurium Waterburyanum in water?

Anthurium Waterburyanum can be rooted in water. However, in the long run, the roots can start to rot. Thus, it is best that once the plant has grown roots, you should place it in a soil substrate.


Can Anthurium Waterburyanum be propagated through leaf cuttings?

Anthurium Waterburyanum cannot propagate through leaf cuttings.


Is Anthurium Waterburyanum toxic for animals?

Anthurium Waterburyanum is toxic for both animals and humans. Thus, if you or your pet has consumed the plant by mistake, then you should go and see a doctor.


Do Anthurium Waterburyanum like being root bound?

Anthurium Waterburyanum does not like to be root bound. Thus, once the roots start to pop out of the drainage holes, repot your Anthurium Waterburyanum.



Anthurium Waterburyanum is a beautiful plant that can brighten up any room. This plant is grown for its lovely leaves and does not require much care. 

It looks its best when it’s paired with other plants such as philodendrons or caladiums.