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Hoya Aldrichii Care – You Want To Know This

Hoya Aldrichii Care – You Want To Know This

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(image credit: IG angieplantys )

A member of the immensely popular Hoya genus, the Hoya aldrichii derives from the Apocynaceae family.

Boasting the same well-known and loved features of any Hoya variety, the aldrichii is said to be one of the easier Hoya plants to keep in the home environment.

For Hoya aldrichii care keep temperatures between 60 °F to 70 °F (16-21 °C) and use a well draining potting mix using potting mix, orchid bark, perlite, and sand. Bright indirect light is best. Water when the soil is dry to the touch and then water thoroughly. Keep humidity above 50% and fertilize during spring and summer using a liquid fertilizer on a monthly basis.

Commonly referred to as a Christmas Island Wax Vine, this Hoya plant has a habit of climbing and is typically displayed for its vining tendencies.

This Hoya’s splendid umbels boast multiple flower displays throughout the seasons. You’ll therefore find that the best Hoya care encourages an array of pink flowers that have a distinct deep purply pink center.

Most surprising to many Hoya plant fans here is that the flowers on an aldrichii have a smooth appearance. This contrasts with the many other Hoya varieties whose flowers possess tiny hairs.

A Hoya aldrichii will also offer some of the most fantastic heavy scents of the Hoya family when in bloom.

When this plant is not in flower, you’ll still be able to benefit from its gorgeous light green firm waxy leaves. Those keen-eyed plant owners may also notice a distinct light visible veining on its leaves.

An Indonesian native, this Hoya really is said to come from Christmas Island, located in the Indian Ocean!

With Hoyas claimed by Gardeners’ World to be one of the best flowering plants to grow, here I share with you my advice for providing the very best in Hoya aldrichii care.






It goes without saying that when it comes to all Hoyas, they demand a good draining soil mix.

Of course, for Hoya aldrichii care, this plant is no exception and deserves the best soil mix you can provide.

I also like to add a fantastically well-draining substrate to the mix of soil I use for my Hoya aldrichii.

This is because this plant will not tolerate under any circumstances waterlogged soil.

So, when you do water here, the soil will need to be able to encourage water to run through while providing essential nutrients in the process.

My choice of Hoya soil for an aldrichii is a good quality combination of:

Potting mix – A renowned and reputable mix that specifies it’s for Hoyas in its description is perfect here.

Orchid Bark – Bark is the perfect addition to your Hoya soil as it works hard to create pockets. It will also ensure your soil doesn’t drain away from the bottom of the pot each time you water. Bark will also prevent any perlite in your mix from flowing to the top of your pot.

Perlite – Recommended for many plants, a Hoya aldrichii will benefit from the addition of this light rock matter as it prevents compacting.

Grit or sand – By adding an element of horticultural sand or grit to your soil mix, you ensure a substance that won’t break down over time.

This means that when combined with perlite this material prevents the swelling of soil at the top and bottom of the pot while reducing any compacting over time.

This entire blend will promote a lighter and airy choice of soil that offers plenty of pockets. This means that the roots of your Hoya aldrichii will be able to grow with ease in between these pockets.



I find that my Hoya aldrichii care is at its peak when I give this plant as much bright but indirect light throughout the daytime.

However, this means ensuring that I can continue to keep up this light schedule during both sunny and indeed winter months!

So, when the weather outside is good, the best light for my aldrichii comes from the sun.

Placed on a west-facing window, my Hoya aldrichii gets a fantastic amount of natural light morning and evening.

When it comes to midday, this light is fine until we reach the summer months.

When the sun becomes a bit too much for my Hoya aldrichii, even behind a net curtain, I then move it away to make sure the leaves aren’t scorched or become yellow.

However, during winter, as most plant owners will know, it’s often harder to get as much bright natural light.

For me, this means rethinking the plant’s position and moving it to my east-facing window to drink up as much of the sunlight as it can.

This seems to be enough for my aldrichii’s needs but I am aware of friends who successfully use grow lights during these darker periods.

It’s all about getting the balance right for better Hoya aldrichii care throughout every season.



Hoya aldrichii care when it comes to watering may initially seem a little harder to get right. This is especially so if you’re new to the world of the Hoya plants in general!

But I find that it’s relatively simple if you do two things – one, don’t overwater and two don’t underwater!

The thing here is finding a balance. A Hoya aldrichii, like many of its family members, will not tolerate sitting in a waterlogged pot for long periods.

So, when you water this plant, water it thoroughly making sure that the water runs through, before draining off any excess.

I tend to water my plants early in the morning and allow them to drain for the next few hours on my kitchen worktops placed on a towel.

How you can tell if your aldrichii needs watering is by taking your fingers and inserting them into the top two inches of its soil. If the soil here is dry and crumbs in your hand, it’s time to water.

However, if the soil is still damp, I’d advise holding off on the watering can for now!

Whereas I find myself watering a Hoya aldrichii once or twice a week at most during summer and less often during winter, each home environment is different.

Thus, the temperature, humidity, and indeed placement of your Hoya aldrichii will tend to dictate its watering requirements.

My best advice here for increased Hoya aldrichii care is to get acquainted with your plant by look and indeed touch to get the balance right.



As a guide, the best temperature for all Hoyas is the one that you find the most comfortable living in.

Certainly, for the best Hoya aldrichii care, I find that a living temperature of anything from 60 °F to 70 °F (16-21 °C) is perfectly fine for this plant type.

The only thing I will say though is that if this temperature drastically drops or indeed increases, it will greatly disturb your Hoya aldrichii.

An aldrichii thrives when its temperature is sustainable and offers no surprises.

Therefore, if you place it in an environment whereby it could drop considerably below 50 °F or hit over 95 °F, then this plant will, unfortunately, start to suffer.

Consistency in temperature is therefore key here. This means it’s something to consider both overnight and during changes in seasons.



As with the subject of temperature, I find my best Hoya aldrichii care where humidity is concerned is to keep it as stable as possible.

I’ve also noted over the years that this Hoya variety tends to do okay in normal household humidity levels.

My home has around 70% humidity on average throughout the day, and I’ve never experienced any issues in this department.

But I also work hard to ensure that my Hoya is never placed near draughts or heaters. Keep humidity above 50% if possible.

If you find your Hoya aldrichii needs a little more humidity in your home, it’s worth considering adding a pebble tray to rectify this or using a humidifier.



If you want to witness fantastic growth and visually stunning blossom from your Hoya aldrichii, then a good fertilizing schedule is crucial.

The best Hoya aldrichii care works based on feeding during spring and summer, allowing the plant to rest during fall and winter.

For me, this means using a quality reputable liquid fertilizer to do the job. A fertilizer that is high in nitrogen (N) is the perfect addition for the new and younger of Hoya aldrichii. This will help to encourage good growth in its foliage.

Then, once your aldrichii is more established and a good size, you can concentrate on its flower production more. This means switching to yet another liquid fertilizer but this time one that has a high ratio of phosphorus (P).

I work by sight when fertilizing my Hoya aldrichii. This means getting to know around a month before when it does bloom and feeding it according to the instructions on the bottle.

I then do this monthly until the plant becomes dormant and I don’t expect to see any more flowering for a few months.



With the best Hoya aldrichii care, these plants can be easily propagated and are performed mostly via cuttings.

I have so far experienced success here with placing such cuttings into the soil and even sphagnum moss before growing on.

However, you can also attempt to grow a Hoya aldrichii by rooting them in water.

All you need to do is select a suitable healthy vine to take your cuttings from. This means avoiding one that is actively growing but one with a healthy dose of immature leaves on it.

A stem of around four inches in length with at least one node and a couple of sets of leaves on it will work wonders here.



When it comes to growth, you can expect this plant to achieve around one to two meters if given the best Hoya aldrichii care.

A climbing Hoya that usually boasts larger than average leaves, the leaves on an aldrichii can reach a width of 6cm and lengths of 12cm.

In terms of this Hoya flowering, this displays several umbels that contain around 15 to as many as 30 small, shaped flowers that resemble stars.

If the health of your Hoya aldrichii is good at this stage you can expect these flowers to gradually mature for around 2 to 3 weeks, giving you a wonderful display for many days.



I have always worked by the rule of not repotting my Hoya aldrichii until I really must. This means allowing it to become snug in its pot and root-bound.

For the utmost of Hoya aldrichii care, it’s not advisable to repot this type of plant regularly.

So, I tend to think about potting my aldrichii at least every other year.

When I do this task, the pot that I choose to repot into is always just one pot size up from its current one.

This ensures the Hoya aldrichii has room to grow but most importantly does not become swamped by an oversized pot.

When I do repot, it tends to be in the springtime and preferably before a bloom.



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  1. Whenever possible, try to propagate your Hoya aldrichii during the springtime.
  2. Opt for a few of the healthier vines and ones that are already established.
  3. Using a sharp tool, cut the vines cleanly and at an angle.
  4. Remove any leaves that are at the base of the vines, so as not to pot them or immerse them in the water when growing on.
  5. Make up a pot of soil that is in the same condition as its mother plant.
  6. Pat the cuttings carefully in place into this soil mix and then water.
  7. Put this mix in a well-lit area to grow on, checking on it at regular intervals for watering requirements and growth progress.
  8. Alternatively, if you place your vine cuttings into the water make sure this is not water straight from the tap. Keep the glass/bottle here in a well-lit area and change the water regularly until you note new roots appearing,



Once you get your Hoya aldrichii care spot on, you’ll find this is a relatively problem-free plant.

However, when you first start out with this variety, I’m aware of two potential issues newbies face.


A Hoya aldrichii easily succumbs to pests when not cared for correctly.

Due to the succulent foliage that a Hoya puts out, it can become a prime target for mealybugs.

In addition to these pests, these plant types can also succumb to scale, thrips, and spider mites.

However, as with all Hoyas and indeed houseplants, preventive measures will ensure this does not occur regularly.

Often pests are a sign that your Hoya aldrichii isn’t in the best of health.

This does however mean taking some time out to isolate the plant and consider its overall care plan.

Mealybugs are often brought in off other plants and spider mites are a great indication of a plant in distress.

Work at eliminating them and then reconsider your Hoya aldrichii care overall. This will then prevent another flare-up.


A Hoya aldrichii hates having a soggy bottom!

If there’s one thing your Hoya aldrichii will not put up with is consistently sitting in water.

Often an aldrichii will display its resentment of this situation by yellowing leaves, dropping new leaves, or producing misshapen leaves.

Unfortunately, overwatering is all too common for in-house plants, and the Hoya is no exception. But it’s often harder to rectify if it persists.

For this reason, get into a good watering habit from the start with your Hoya aldrichii care.

This means observing the signs from your plant and not seeking to keep the soil soaking wet at any point.

It’s worth remembering that a plant can often recover from a lack of watering – but one that experiences root rot is often the biggest challenge of all.



  • Offer a Hoya aldrichii the most amount of natural light that you can during the day, albeit indirectly.
  • Ensure you use a well-mixed soil for this Hoya type from day one and that it’s well-draining.
  • Never be tempted to overwater your Hoya aldrichii and allow it to dry out a little between watering.
  • Consider using a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen when your Hoya aldrichii is a youngster. Then try moving this fertilizer to a more phosphorus-based one when it’s established for increased flower growth.
  • Allow your Hoya aldrichii to become root-bound and only consider repotting it when it is absolutely essential to do so.




I have heard some plant experts rule out misting. Is this the same for a Hoya aldrichii?

In the plant world, the subject of misting is an ongoing debate and one with no clear answer it would seem!

Why I personally advise against misting is the whole concept of starting off issues. This includes damp, fungus gnats, and wet and soggy roots, leaves, and soil.

The issue with misting a Hoya aldrichii is that you are simply manually surface spraying the plant. This is not a good enough solution to a potential issue.

Thus, if you find your Hoya aldrichii needs increased humidity, look to long term solutions as mentioned above, including a pebble tray or humidifier.


I am about to propagate my Hoya aldrichii for the first time. Do I need to use a rooting hormone?

As with all plants when propagating, you can if you want to use a rooting hormone.

This is usually a powdered substance that you can dip the cut end of your vine into before planting on.

A rooting hormone works because of its anti-fungal properties. This means that they get to work on the cut end of your vines callous quickly.

Though I do use this substance if I have it to hand, it isn’t strictly essential and will not hinder your growing process.

Rather, think of this as an optional process if you like.



If you’re looking for a climber that not only offers stunning foliage but deep-rooted colorful blooms, the Hoya aldrichii really does make the grade.

What’s more, if you appreciate a tantalizing strong scent from your plants, a Hoya aldrichii when well cared for will emit a strong scent into the early evenings.

A Hoya aldrichii visually looks great whether run up a trellis or cascading over a hanging basket.

So, get the balance just right here, provide the best Hoya aldrichii care, and this Hoya plant will reward you well for many years to come.