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Peperomia Fagerlindii – An Indoor Gardeners Guide

Peperomia Fagerlindii – An Indoor Gardeners Guide

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Peperomia Fagerlindii, otherwise known as creeping hearts, has small bead-like leaves. The purple stems and green leaves make a striking combination.

This variety has a succulent plant structure meaning it can naturally store some moisture. This plant falls in the list of Peperomias that make great houseplants.

It likes a well-draining mix that contains coco coir, orchid bark, compost, and charcoal. It needs higher humidity levels that fall in the range of 60 to 90%. You should also maintain a moderate temperature of around 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius).

Like many other Peperomias, this one also comes from coastal areas of Ecuador, Southern America, according to

This flowering plant is suitable for container gardening or hanging pots. Since it’s found only in its native region, it was officially classified as an endangered species in 2004.

This species is named Fagerlindii in honor of Folke Fagerlind, who was a Swedish plant collector and botanist.

This plant is often confused as Peperomia Perciliata. The biggest perk of this Peperomia is the durability.

As a non-toxic houseplant, this species is appreciated by pet owners. This guide to Peperomia Fagerlindii care is helpful for both expert and amateur gardeners.



Peperomia Fagerlindii Plant Care



The pH of soil needs to be between 6 to 7. You can prepare a potting mixture for your Peperomia Fagerlindii by using the following ingredients.

  • A good quality potting soil
  • Charcoal to absorb impurities and improve soil drainage.
  • Coco coir for aeration.
  • Compost, specifically worm compost, to increase the nutrient content.
  • Orchid bark because as an epiphytic plant Peperomia Fagerlindii loves it.

Mix all the above ingredients in a big bucket. Peperomia plant’s favorite soil mix is well-draining, rich, and light. The above mixture has all these qualities.



As a successful houseplant owner, you need to remember a simple rule for watering. Only add water when necessary because extra water can do more bad than good.

I would recommend checking the top layers of soil with your fingers before you start watering.

You have to saturate the soil with fresh water gently and slowly from above. Always help the water to soak through the roots by adding it until it starts flowing from the hole at the bottom.

After a few minutes, dispose of the extra water.

Watering it twice a week should be enough. Drainage holes are mandatory for potted plants because you don’t want the extra water sitting on your soil.



Light is essential for indoor plants. But understanding what level of light is beneficial for your plant is equally important. Peperomia Fagerlindii needs full sun or semi sun, provided the sunlight is not falling on the plant directly.

They hate hot temperatures and high sunlight environments. Because it will make the green leaves develop blotches as they are scorched by the sun.



The Peperomia Fagerlindii needs an average temperature of 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius). Make sure your indoor temperature never reaches the two extremes; 12 degrees Celsius, which is extremely cold, and 30 degrees Celsius, which is very hot.

If the outside temperature in your area is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, you can keep this plant outside.



Peperomia Fagerlindii is very tolerant in terms of humidity; it does well in both low and high humidity. You can maintain indoor humidity near your plant between 60 to 90%.

This plant needs at least 75% of air humidity levels during the summer months. In other months it can handle lower humidity. Humidity is necessary for houseplants because it helps in the transport of water within the plant body. The following information will help you rectify humidity related issues.


Too low humidity will result in

  • Yellowing of leaf edges.
  • Browning of leaf tips.
  • Flowers are wilting and drying quickly.
  • Dry, wilted leaves


Too high humidity results in

  • Gray mold on the flowers and leaves.
  • Leaves and stems are rotting


Examine your plant based on the above information to decide whether the humidity is too high or too low for your Peperomia Fagerlindii.

Low humidity can be resolved by grouping the plants together, as you will create a mini-forest that will trap air moisture. Using a humidity tray is another solution for low humidity.

Keep your plant in the bathroom if you want to expose it to high humidity. Make sure the humidity is higher at night. This plant does not like being near radiators or heaters because they create a very dry climate.



Since most indoor plants are exposed to closed environments in pots, unlike their natural habitats where they receive external nutrients like hummus, rotting wood, they need extra help from their growers.

Giving extra food to your plant keeps it happy and healthy. You can easily manage the feeding requirements of this plant with a balanced fertilizer. As the plant grows, it will extract all the nutrients from the soil.

Plants appreciate fertilizers but not too much of them. Excessive fertilizing can cause chemical burns.

In the growing season, I like feeding my Peperomia every two weeks. Your plant will perform better when it receives a dose of 20-20-20 houseplant fertilizer.

This ratio ensures your plant gets an equal amount of iron, potassium, and nitrogen. The most important step in fertilizing a Peperomia Fagerlindii is to dilute your fertilizer at half strength.

You have to reduce the fertilization during the fall and winter days because plants require much food in dormancy. A good estimate is to add the fertilizer once every month in dormancy.



Repotting should be performed after one year when the roots start showing out from the drainage holes. Before placing your plant in the new pot, you can also do light root pruning to eliminate unhealthy roots.

However, remember that this variety enjoys being in a tight pot, so do not go for a very big pot. You can replace the potting mix whenever it looks like the soil needs to be refreshed.

When grown in a container, Peperomia Fagerlindii needs an extremely well-draining soil mix to replicate its natural growing conditions.

If the soil has become too loose or compacted, your plant is ready for repotting.



Your Peperomia Fagerlindii will greatly benefit from a pruning session in early spring before it starts growing again.

You can pinch the leaves with your fingers or use clean pruning shears. If the stalks become leggy or too long, you can trim them to a manageable size. This plant is easy to prune as long as you don’t damage the stems.

Soak your shears in a mixture of bleach and water and wipe them with a clean cloth. This will reduce the chances of transmitting deadly bacteria or fungus to your plant while pruning.

A protip is to store all the trimmed leaves and stems to create more plants through propagation, which will be discussed in detail in the next section.



  • Trim the stem at a slope or angle; later dip the end of this stem in a rooting powder mix.
  • The next step is to remove leaves from the lower part of the stem. Your stem cutting should have at least one leaf node that will be inserted in the soil.
  • Bury the node in a mixture of moist potting soil, and you will have a baby Peperomia Fagerlindii in a few weeks.
  • If you want to try water propagation, submerge the above cutting in water. You can use a glass jar and fill it will clean, soft water.
  • If you want your cutting to thrive, leave it in a bright location with indirect sunlight.
  • You have to be very patient with water propagation because it can easily take 3 to 4 weeks for root growth. It can take even longer for new leaves to grow.
  • You can add the rooting powder to your water to speed up the process. You should also refresh the water every 10 to 14 days.
  • There is no foolproof method for successful propagation. It is best to take more than one cutting.
  • Please remember that your Peperomia Fagerlindii cannot live in the water forever. After a few months of growth, it is better to move it to a soil-based growing medium.



During the blooming season, this variety produces unique inflorescence shaped blooms on the purple stalks.

These spike flowers are small in size and in a beautiful shade of pure white. This plant mostly blooms in summer or spring, but some growers have had the white blooms in other seasons as well.



I would describe the leaves of this plant as egg-shaped. The succulent leaves are thick and pointed at the edges. Some of the leaves even curl inwards and have a frizzy texture.

They simply hang on the long purple stems. The tiny leaves are 0.5 inches long and 0.25 inches wide.

As an adult plant, Peperomia Fagerlindii can grow 15.7 inches (40cm) tall and 4 inches (10cm) wide. This plant grows epiphytically with a moderate growth rate. This makes it a perfect foreground plant.


Making a DIY Terrarium

A terrarium is defined as an indoor gardening container that can be sealed fully or partially. They retain moisture while allowing the light and heat to enter the container.

This type of container is perfect for humidity-loving plants like Peperomia Fagerlindii.

I would suggest using a partially open terrarium because it facilitates better airflow and reduces fungal disease and condensation issues.

You will need a glass container, beach stones/gravels, a large spoon, terrarium plants, sterile potting soil, activated charcoal, and moss for decoration. You can easily create your own terrarium using the steps below.

  • Take a clear glass container that has a lid. You can even use an empty pickle or mason jar. Make sure the container you choose has a wide opening; this helps in handling the plants. I would suggest choosing your terrarium based on the size of your Peperomia Fagerlindii.
  • The next step is to figure out how excess water will escape because your terrarium will not have any drainage holes. You should add a layer of moss and stones at the bottom to soak the extra moisture.
  • Now using the large spoon, add a layer of activated charcoal. This will not only help with drainage but also control any unpleasant odor in your terrarium.
  • Add another layer of moss to prevent the soil from mixing in the charcoal or stones underneath. Place a few inches of the chosen general purpose potting soil. Do not fill your terrarium all the way to the top with soil.
  • Prepare your plant by inspecting the root systems and trimming any unwanted areas. Dig a small hole in the soil and place your plant in the soil. Make sure there are no air pockets between the roots of your plant and the soil.
  • If you would like to enhance the look of your terrarium, you can add decorative accents or figurines.
  • The last step is to water, use a spray bottle, and make sure the soil is just damp, not fully saturated in water.

If your plant has overgrown, it is best to transfer it to a bigger terrarium or an open terracotta pot.


Common Problems for Peperomia Fagerlindii


Ring Spot Virus

This virus produces deformed leaves on Peperomia Fagerlindii. This disease is caused by a mosaic virus. The infected leaves will also have round marks on them. Another symptom is that young leaves are mostly twisted or curled.

The only information about this virus is that it thrives in high humidity. Sadly there is no treatment for the ringspot virus; you will have to remove the infected leaves or throw your plant away if it is heavily infected.

Prevention is the only way to protect your plant against this virus; avoid leaving any water on the leaves. Water during early morning so that plant has plenty of hours to dry itself during the sunny hours.



Tiny bumps or raised areas on both sides of the leaves confirm the presence of oedema or edema. How this originates is still unknown. These raised areas gradually turn dark, and as the disease progresses, the infected leaves become distorted.

Unfortunately, the diseased leaves cannot recover. Therefore, it is recommended that you discard these leaves. Disinfect all your tools after removing these leaves because this virus can spread and infect other parts.


Rhizoctonia Leaf Spot

Leaf spot is another common issue with indoor Peperomias. If your plant has black or dark-brown leaf spots with a mushy texture, it is suffering from a Rhizoctonia leaf spot.

These lesions can appear on any part of the plant, not just the leaves.  To control the spread of this spotting, immediately dispose of the infected parts and thoroughly disinfect your plant.


Phytophthora Rot

This rotting can occur on any part of your Peperomia plant, and it spreads through the soil-borne fungus. This infection starts from leaves around the soil and slowly spread to the stems.

One of the most common symptoms is the blackening of branches near the soil surface. If left untreated, the leaves start drooping, and the plant starts wilting.

To treat this rot, the first step is to destroy the infected stems and leaves. Next, you should improve the drainage of your soil mix and avoid overwatering.

To prevent this infection in the future, you should take cuttings from healthy plants only. You should sterilize all your pots/containers before putting any plants in them.


Fungus Gnats

These flying insects are very small, only 1/8 inch in size. They are mostly found on the leaves or soil surface of the Peperomia plants.

You will also notice webs on the soil surface. These insects damage your plant’s root system as the larvae feed on roots, root hairs, and stem tissues.

To control and eliminate fungus gnat populations, you should reduce the algae growth on your plant. Also, reduce the amount of water applied because overwatering supports their growth.


Tips for Growing Peperomia Fagerlindii

  • Always drain the tray at the bottom because water sitting there can lead to the dropping of leaves and root rot.
  • Rotate your plant every few days to avoid lopsided growth.
  • Make sure you apply the fertilizer around the roots or soil and not on the leaves directly.
  • Pruning will keep your Peperomia Fagerlindii under control.
  • This variety might behave as a succulent, but it requires more water and humidity compared to average succulent plants.


Frequently Asked Questions about Peperomia Fagerlindii


The leaves on my Peperomia Fagerlindii are turning very soft; what should I do?

Soft leaves that have spotting on them is a major signal of overwatering. Withhold watering for few days and let the soil dry on its own. You can resume watering once you are sure that the soil has no extra moisture in it.


What do droopy leaves indicate for this plant?

If the leaves suddenly start drooping, you should check the moisture content of the soil. In most cases, droopy leaves are a result of extremely dry soil or low humidity. You can soak your plant in a bathtub to moisturize the soil and increase the humidity around your plant.



Despite being an endangered species, this pet-friendly variety is loved as an indoor plant. It can thrive anywhere inside a terrarium or your living room corner.

This plant is a perfect small-size Peperomia that crawls with tiny leaves and often blooms during alternate months.

Most gardeners refer to it as a jewel for terrarium planting. Just keep your plant happy with basic care, and you will have a long-lasting plant.