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Peperomia Ruby Cascade Care – Read this!

Peperomia Ruby Cascade Care – Read this!

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(image credits, IG:flauntyourleaves)

Considered to be a delightful, easy-going houseplant, Peperomia Ruby Cascade adds a tropical vibe! Peperomia is a large genus belonging to the Pepper family, also known by its Latin name, Piperaceae.

There are quite a few varieties of this type of plant, many presenting themselves in the form of flowering plants, shrubs, and fleshy herbs.

The biggest similarity between the different species is their large, fleshy leaves and reddish stems.  

As the name suggests, the Ruby Cascade is a member of Peperomia with stems that trail down. This gives it a cascading effect.

This differs from the more common plant features that do not droop down, such as Peperomia Hope. The leaves of just about any Peperomia add a sweet smell to any home, sometimes even reminding plant enthusiasts of maple syrup! 

The Peperomia Ruby Cascade plant is quite hardy, meaning that they can survive several changing variables within their environment.

To successfully take care of one of these beautiful tropical plants, you’ll have to consider all of the different elements involved in their specific care. That’s exactly what this article is for!

Peperomia Ruby Cascade Care

The healthiest Ruby Cascade plant will be given well-draining soil that is high in organic matter. They also should be exposed to bright, indirect sunlight in a room that stays between 18-26°C (65-80°F). Overall moisture content should be relatively high in terms of humidity with watering once every other week unless showing signs of poor growth. 


The Ruby Cascade plant is adaptable and rather easy to care for, but this does not mean that they have preferences. When it comes to the requirements of this flora, they are pickier about the soil that they are placed in because it makes a difference for their overall growth.

The most important aspect in regards to the soil you choose is that it should be well-draining and has organic matter. 

Regular potting soil isn’t the best substrate to opt for. It doesn’t have enough nutrients to support your plant’s growth and blooming. Peat-based soil and a compostable material produce the best results. P

eat tends to be the best option when mixed with anything like pumice, sand, or loam. This will allow the soil to breathe without getting soggy. 


With plants, we generally see bright green foliage and that’s one indicator to show that they are healthy.

That’s not the case for certain species of Peperomia, such as the Ruby Cascade. With darker green leaves, you’ll want to be mindful of where you place your flora. 

They do need plenty of light, given the fact that they are a tropical and subtropical plant, but direct sunlight will only end in burned foliage.

The preferred spot for a Ruby Cascade plant would be in a spot that gets ample sunlight that is bright yet filtered. 

If you would like more information on how the positioning can affect how much light they receive, look over our article on light levels.


Take a look at the leaves of your Ruby Cascade plant and you’ll notice that they bear a resemblance to those on succulents. True to the nature of those desert plants, a member of Peperomia does poorly when overwatered.

You’ll want to give it ample time to dry out between watering sessions. Also, make sure to provide drainage holes on the bottom of the container. 

As for the frequency in which you water your Ruby Cascade, we suggest doing so about once every seven to ten days, possibly even every other week if you see that the leaves have taken on a wilt-like appearance.

You can always check the soil to determine how often to water. If the top inch of soil is dry, you may proceed to add water. 


The main concern with temperature for any Peperomia individual is that they can’t withstand extreme conditions. This can go in either direction.

They are found within the tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America, meaning that they really can’t withstand an environment that is either too hot or cold!

So then, what is the best temperature range to support the growth of your Ruby Cascade? We suggest keeping your plant in a room that doesn’t fall under 65 °F (18 °C) and won’t exceed 80 °F (26 °C).

If this isn’t possible, or you have a particularly cold home, you may want to consider placing your plant next to a heater. For the opposite problem, choose a location that is well ventilated so that the leaves do not dry out. 


Contrary to what any succulent-like plant would want, the Peperomia Ruby Cascade plant does not do well with low levels of humidity. Tropical species are dependent upon getting this extra moisture so that their leaves do not dry out.

If you have a relatively dry house, you should consider misting your Ruby Cascade plant at least once every few days. 

In their natural habitat, you would find members of Peperomia exposed to at least 90% humidity, though they do not need to have it quite that high when kept in an indoor setting. Try to keep humidity above 60%.

Most homes sit at about forty percent for their humidity content. You will want to increase this by watering regularly and misting your plant as an additional source of moisture.


When it comes to blooms, some species of plants need more help than others! Although quite small, Ruby Cascade plants do need the added assistance It’s just imperative that you don’t give them too much, or the wrong kind, as this can cause damage to the root system. 

You can opt for an all-purpose generic fertilizer, but we suggest that you be cautious in doing so.

Given the fact that you aren’t watering your Ruby Cascade plant all that frequently, any solution that doesn’t get absorbed into the plant won’t be flushed out with a watering session.

Your best option would be to use a liquid fertilizer that is diluted to half of its intended strength and apply it in the warmer months every other week. Keep in mind that you should not use fertilizer during their dormant state, or in the fall or winter.



There are two popular methods used in the process of propagating a Peperomia Ruby Cascade plant. These techniques are by stem cuttings and division.

Both are relatively straightforward.

The main component to keep in mind is that the newly developing plants should be kept at a slightly warmer temperature than your average Ruby Cascade plant. Don’t worry. We will discuss this in greater detail later on!


Members of this group can take the shape of a tree, shrub, or herbs depending on the species. The Ruby Cascade plant isn’t known for being among the larger species, only reaching a few inches in overall height.

Their length, however, is much greater. Those iconic red stems can reach outwards of a few feet if not properly trimmed back from time to time. 


The type of pot doesn’t have too much of a bearing on the state of your Ruby Cascade plant’s overall well being. You can either place your flora into a medium-sized terrestrial pot or one that is hanging. What matters most is the frequency of repotting. 

Due to the amount of stress that repotting inflicts on the fragile leaves of a Cascade Ruby plant, this should be done if necessary. Being slow growers, these plants won’t outgrow their living situation for at least a few years.

When you go about doing this, be wary of how fragile the roots are. The new pot should be at least a few inches larger than the last container. 

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Propagating Peperomia “Ruby Cascade” from Stem Cuttings

  • Choose a healthy Ruby Cascade plant that you would like to propagate and wait until the late fall months. 
  • Take one of the vines and make an incision that is at least five inches, cutting just underneath the bottommost joint that connects the stem and leaves.  
  • Remove any foliage that is located on the lower third portion of the plant. 
  • Set your freshly cut stems off to the side so that they can dry out. This generally only takes about an hour. The purpose of this is to allow the incision site to callus. 
  • Bury your cuttings into a pot with peat-based soil that can drain properly.
  • You’ll want to keep the temperature relatively high for this time, between 21 and 24°C (70° and 75°F). Use an additional heat source if you can’t meet this requirement.
  • You should start to see roots form after about a month, where you can then replant them in a pot that is three inches wide or more.


3 Common Problems with Peperomia “Ruby Cascade”


Although not detrimental to the plant’s well being, those trailing stems can grow to be at least a few feet when not pruned back.

Any grooming should be done towards the end of the fall season due to the plant being mostly dormant by this time. Be mindful that excessive pruning can damage the individual or severely impact the growth. 

Always use a sharpened, sterilized knife to prevent it from negatively impacting your plant. The best strategy is to cut away any parts of the plant that have been dead or damaged to keep from inhibiting growth.  

Wilted Leaves

Overwatering can be a major issue when it comes to just about any Peperomia species. You’ll see this in the wilting of leaves, or scabs that can appear on the foliage.

Remember that these plants don’t require a lot of water despite being tropical dwellers. Water your Ruby Cascade once every other week, checking on the soil. The top inch of the substrate should be dried out before adding more water. 

 The colder months, when the plant would be more dormant, should be supplied with less water than during the growing seasons. Overwatering can also cause the soil to become soggy. 


Leaves Turning Yellow

The yellowing of leaves is related to a lack of oxygen. We mentioned early that these plants require soil that is properly draining and high in organic matter.

Rather dense soil types tend to cut off oxygen taken in by the plant, especially if the soil becomes soggy and compacted down by overwatering.

You can avoid this problem by including drainage holes in the underside of the pot, be mindful of how much water you are providing your plant with, and letting it dry out between watering sessions.


Tips For a Happy Peperomia “Ruby Cascade” Plant

  • Prune back the stems only when needed and during the dormant months.
  • Propagate your plant through stem cuttings or division. 
  • Opt for soil that is peat-based or made of compostable matter to provide your Ruby Cascade with plenty of nutrients. 
  • Only water once every seven to ten days, increasing the frequency to once every other week if the soil becomes soggy. 
  • Place your plant in a spot with bright, indirect light.

Read about Peperomia elongata care next.

Frequently Asked Questions About Peperomia “Ruby Cascade”

Is Peperomia “Ruby Cascade” a succulent?

Despite having leaves that resemble the foliage of a succulent, these tropical plants are not true succulents. They have higher humidity requirements than those desert inhibitors. 


Does Peperomia “Ruby Cascade” grow fast?

These plants are not known for being fast growers, though some steps can be taken to help them out. Using fertilizer in the warmer months gives them more sustenance and boosts their growth rate.  


Does a Peperomia plant purify the air?

Interestingly enough, Peperomia species do purify the air in your home by significantly reducing any formaldehyde levels. These plants are beautiful, and serve a purpose!



The Ruby Cascade plant is a wonderful addition to have in your home. It adds a tropical vibe without needing the same amount of requirements that you would see with these plants.

They thrive on bright, indirect sunlight, high humidity, and somewhat frequent pruning whenever the stems have become die back. 

One fun aspect about members of the genus Peperomia is the variations that they offer. The Ruby Cascade is just one of many!

We have articles on the FrostPepperspotGinny, and Hope variants if you’re curious and want to add one of these individuals to your Peperomia collection.