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How to Grow and Care for Philodendron Xanadu

How to Grow and Care for Philodendron Xanadu

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(image credits, IG: valurcons)

Philodendron xanadu has recently been reclassified to Thaumatophyllum xanadu. This houseplant has an enormous spread (up to 6 feet wide (182cm) ). It grows fast and will let you look like a pro indoor gardener in no time.

Philodendron xanadu Takeaways

Species Sedum morganianum
Synonyms Sedum burrito, Burro's tail, Donkey's tail
Family Crassulaceae
Genus Sedum
Growth Trailing, succulent
Height 2 feet
Width 3 feet
Soil Well-draining soil mix that doesn't retain water for too long
Watering Every 14-21 days
Light Bright indirect
Temperature 65-80 °F (18-26 °C)
Humidity 40-50%
Fertilizer Fertilize monthly in spring and summer
Propagation Stem cuttings or leaves in well-draining soil mix
Toxicity Non-toxic to cats and dogs. Keep it away from children.

Philodendron xanadu Care

Put the Philodendron xanadu in a spot with bright, indirect light. Use a potting medium of well-draining peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite. Water generously once the potting mix is about to dry out about once a week. The ideal temperature is 65ºF (18ºC) and 85ºF (29ºC). Humidity between 50-80%. Fertilize once a month in spring and summer using a well-balanced liquid fertilizer.

Philodendron xanadu Care
Philodendron xanadu Care

Philodendron Xanadu Care Guide


One of the things that attracted me to Xanadu is its capability to grow in any soil mix. As long as the growing medium is loose and well-draining, this plant can thrive.

I like to grow my Xanadu in a potting mix containing sphagnum peat moss. Its capability to retain moisture and only release it when needed is a key benefit for plants like this.

It’s also good at holding on to nutrients, preventing them from being rinsed out when watering.

If you prefer a different substrate, consider soilless mixtures, such as peat/perlite or peat/vermiculite.

Incorporating ingredients, such as vermiculite and perlite, improves the aeration and drainage of the soil.


Unlike other Philodendrons, the Xanadu has a very compact structure. As a result, it requires adequate amounts of light to maintain this structure.

In that regard, the best spot for growing this plant is one exposed to bright or medium, indirect light.

Too much light and your Xanadu’s leaves will get scorched. Too little, and it will deviate from its compact structure and become leggy.

You can also occasionally expose your plant to a little natural light to boost its growth. The morning sun is the most recommended for this.


Philodendrons fare best in a moist potting mix, but not wet, and the Xanadu is no exception. If the growing medium is too wet, the roots may rot.

To avoid this, always perform a moisture test before watering. Dip your finger into the top few inches of the potting mix and assess the moisture levels.

If the soil feels wet, wait a few more days before continuing your watering routine. But if it feels dry to the touch, you can proceed with watering it.

One question that many gardeners ask is, “How often should I water my Philodendron Xanadu?” Unfortunately, there’s no straightforward answer. It all depends on the length of time it takes for your potting mix to dry.

When it comes to technique, give your Xanadu a generous watering. You should water until excess water drains from your pot’s drainage holes.

However, get rid of the drained water to prevent the plant from sitting in soggy soil.

Here are a few more pointers to help you get the watering right:

  • Remember that your plant’s water intake will depend on several factors, such as the current season and the amount of light it’s receiving. As a rule of thumb, you should water less often during winter.
  • If you’ve placed your Xanadu in a pot that is too large, the potting mix will take slightly longer to dry, so ensure you give it ample time.
  • Increasing the light intensity that you expose your Xanadu to can enable it to use water faster
  • Avoid flushing it with excess water if your potting mixture is dense and heavy. But, if it’s not too dense, you can flush it with excess water to eliminate toxins.


Another factor you should consider when growing the Philodendron Xanadu indoors is temperature.

You want to maintain a relatively warm temperature as this is the condition it’s used to when growing in the wild. Specifically, keep the temperatures between 65ºF (18ºC) and 85ºF (29ºC).

For most homeowners, maintaining the temperature at this range is a breeze. But what if you live in an area with a cold climate? Or, how can you keep your house warm enough for your Xanadu during winter? Here are a couple of tips:

  • Set your thermostat above 60°F (16°C). If you don’t have a thermostat, then consider taking your plant to the warmest space in your home.
  • If you go on vacation, request a friend/neighbor to monitor your plant occasionally. While at it, they should ensure that your thermostat is functioning effectively.
  • Don’t place your Xanadu on a windowsill once temperatures dive. This particularly applies to homes that aren’t equipped with double-glazed windows. Alternatively, create a barrier between the window and the plants. For instance, you can place a cardboard or Bubble Wrap.
  • Avoid taking your Philodendron outdoors in winter, even if it’s for a brief moment. Please wait until the first day of your spring frost-free date to increase its chances of survival. Even if it’s not exposed to too much cold, thrusting it back to a setting with low light levels is not good. The plant may struggle to readjust to these conditions.

Now, if subjected to a very cold environment, this plant is likely to die back. But it’s a hardy plant and may withstand this setting. If it doesn’t freeze, it will recover once the tide turns.


Philodendron Xanadu will thrive with moderate to high humidity between 50-80%. It means that it will do well in regular household humidity.

However, if you live in an area that is a little dry, consider other ways to raise moisture levels. You can mist it regularly. Or, you can place it relatively close to other houseplants.

Doing so increases humidity in that area as water will evaporate from the plants through transpiration.


While it’s not mandatory, I like to apply fertilizer to my Xanadu to boost its growth. Besides, a fertilizer makes up for any missing nutrients, which is particularly important when using a soilless mix.

You’ll want to go for a well-balanced liquid fertilizer for this plant. Put the fertilizer in a spray bottle for ease of application.

Spray the fertilizer once a month during spring and summer. Reduce frequency to once every two months during fall and winter.

So how do you know whether you’re applying enough fertilizer to your plant? Well, you should monitor the growth of your leaves.

If the size of the leaves is still tiny despite applying fertilizer for a month, it could be because the plant is not receiving enough of it.

You can also check the leaves’ coloration. If they appear to be pale, there’s a high probability that your Xanadu is not getting enough nutrients, specifically calcium and magnesium.


The Xanadu can be propagated using root cuttings. Follow these steps:

Stem cutting

  • Cut a piece of stem from your current Xanadu using a small garden knife. It should be about 3 inches long. Also, ensure you cut above one of the leaves.
  • Remove leaves, if any, from the stem cutting. Leave only two to three leaves at the top.
  • Prepare your pot with a soilless mixture or organic soil and place your stem.

Your plant should start rooting within two to three weeks. After rooting, you’ll notice the leaves starting to form as well.


The Philodendron Xanadu is a fast grower. This makes it an excellent choice for homeowners looking to fill their gardens with plants within a short amount of time.

When it comes to size, this plant is a little wider than it is tall. It can grow 3 to 5 ft. (0.9 m to 1.5 m) in width but only 2 to 4 ft. (0.6 m to 1.2 m) in height.


Once your Xanadu fills its current pot with roots, it’s advisable to repot it. This way, you can provide more room for continued growth.

When choosing a container for repotting, pick one that is just 2 to 3 inches bigger. This will give your plant a larger growing space.

However, the space won’t be so big, resulting in inefficient drainage. Ensure that the new container also has drainage holes at the bottom.

Philodendron xanadu Outdoor Care

This plant can be grown outside in USDA hardiness zone 9a-11. Zones 10-11 are ideal. Select a spot in the garden with full sun or partial sun. Avoid dense soil.

If you are in Zones 9a or below, you can keep this Philodendron outside from May on. Put this plant inside once night temperatures fall below 65ºF (18ºC).

Philodendron Xanadu Pests and Diseases

Despite the Xanadu being a low-maintenance plant, it’s highly susceptible to bacterial diseases, such as:

Leaf spot

This disease is characterized by brown, black, or yellow spots on the Philodendron’s foliage. It’s caused by a fungus, which thrives in damp conditions.

To treat leaf spots, isolate the infected plant to prevent others from suffering the same fate.

Next, cut back on your watering. You might also want to stop spritzing if this is something you’ve been doing.

Erwinia blight

This disease attacks your Xanadu at or below the soil line and can even spread to its leaves. Erwinia blight thrives in a damp environment.

So to prevent it, avoid overwatering. Also, pay attention to your watering technique. You want to leave the potting mix evenly moist but not saturated.

Apart from diseases, this plant can also get infested with pests like mealybugs and aphids. Luckily, these are easy to get rid of using homemade insecticidal soap.

Tips to Keep Philodendron Xanadu Problem-Free

The Philodendron Xanadu doesn’t need much in the way of maintenance. Here are the main points to keep in mind:

  • Place your plant in a spot exposed to bright, indirect light. If growing outdoors, you’ll want to look for a shady area, advisably one of the zones 10b to 11
  • Plant your Xanadu in a quality potting mix; it needs to be rich and well-draining
  • Water only when the top few inches of your potting mix are dry
  • Start feeding your plant at least four weeks after planting
  • Prune if the plant grows too long/wide to give it a compact and neat look

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are my Philodendron Xanadu’s leaves turning yellow?

The Philodendron xanadu is a foliage plant that is grown primarily for its attractive foliage. So when the leaves begin turning yellow, you may feel frustrated. There are a few reasons why this plant’s foliage can discolor, such as:

  • Too much light – consider moving your plant to an area exposed to less light. If growing outdoors, move it to a shaded area. Or, grow bigger plants near your Xanadu to provide the much-needed shade.
  • Overwatering- another common culprit is overly moist soil. If your potting mix is soggy, it compromises your plant’s ability to absorb oxygen through the roots. This can, in turn, cause its foliage to yellow and eventually, wilt.

Is Philodendron xanadu poisonous?

Philodendron xanadu is poisonous and needs to be kept away from children and pets like dogs and cats.

All sections of this plant contain calcium oxalate crystals. If the plant is mishandled, the crystals can cause a burning sensation, pain, or swelling of the throat, lips, mouth, and tongue. The inflammation can lead to other complications, such as:

  • Heavy breathing
  • Difficulties when speaking or swallowing
  • Copious salivation

If the plant’s sap comes into contact with your skin, this may cause dermatitis or irritation. Seek medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms.

The last Xanadu

Philodendron xanadu thrives in well-draining soil, general home temperatures, and bright indirect light. Fertilize once a month during the main-growing phase.