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Growing Sansevieria Moonshine – Moonshine Snake Plant Care

Growing Sansevieria Moonshine – Moonshine Snake Plant Care

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Sansevieria Moonshine is an evergreen perennial cultivar of the Sansevieria trifasciata (synonym. Draecaena trifasciata). This species earns its name from its green leaves. They are broad, upright, and sport silvery-green color, giving them a moonlit look.

Thus earning itself common names such as Silver Moonshine, Moonlight Snake Plant, or Sansevieria Moonshine.  

The S. trifasciata is native to the tropical regions of West Africa and is a tough, low-maintenance houseplant.

The Silver Moonshine itself is nursery produced. Not only is it the most striking, but it is also the rarest of its kind. 


Sansevieria Moonshine Takeaways

Species Dracaena trifasciata Moonshine
Synonyms Dracaena Moonshine, Sansevieria moonshine, Snake Plant 'Moonshine', trifasciata 'Moonshine', Silver Moonshine, Moonlight Snake Plant
Family Agavaceae
Genus Sansevieria
Growth A succulent with thick rhizome supporting rosettes with thick leaves growing vertically from the plant’s base.
Height 6 feet
Width 1 feet
Soil Well-draining succulent or cactus soil
Watering Water every 21 to 28 days
Light Bright indirect light
Temperature 55 to 85°F
Humidity 40-50%
Fertilizer Fertilize 1 times per month
Propagation Division, offsets, and leaf cuttings
Toxicity Toxic to humans and animals such as cats and dogs. Contains saponins


Sansevieria Moonshine Care

To care for Sansevieria Moonshine provide bright indirect light. Succulent soil that is well-draining is best. Only water when the soil has dried out about every 4-6 weeks. Keep the temperature between 55°F and 85°F (13°C and 29°C). The humidity should be between 40-50%. Fertilize twice a year in spring and summer.

Sansevieria Moonshine Care
Sansevieria Moonshine Care

Sansevieria Moonshine Growing Guide


A soil mix that is free-draining, such as a succulent or cactus potting mix, is ideal.

Being a succulent, the Sansevieria Moonshine is drought-tolerant. This means that it hates soggy soil. Drainage is a huge factor when choosing soil for your Silver Moonshine. 

Soil-free potting mixes also work well as the organic matter used holds onto less moisture.

This plant is susceptible to root rot. Soil that takes longer to drain water is likely to encourage the plant’s roots to rot. Better soil drainage results in a healthier Sansevieria Moonshine.


Bright indirect light is best for Sansevieria Moonshine.

Like most Sansevieria, the easy-going Silver Moonshine is not fussy when it comes to lighting conditions. It is able to adapt to anything from full sun to full shade or low light.

In bright light (direct) your plant may begin to show signs of sun scorching.

Sansevieria Moonshine grown in lower light conditions may have its leaves turn a darker green color. 

Preferably, Silver Moonshines should be kept in bright, indirect light. This lighting situation is ideal as it allows the plant access to get the nutrients it needs. This in turn creates a flourishing Sansevieria Moonshine. 

It is also possible for your Silver Moonshine to be moved from one lighting situation to another. All it needs is time to adapt to the new situation. This is done by slowly introducing your plant to the new lighting condition. 

Leave your Sansevieria Moonshine in the new light situation for a short amount of time. Slowly increase the time spent in that light until the plant has fully adjusted.


Water Sansevieria Moonshine every 4-6 weeks once the soil is dried out.

The Sansevieria Moonshine is a drought-tolerant plant. Drought tolerance means that your plant does not require large, frequent watering. The Silver Moonshine requires a very minimal amount of water to stay strong and healthy and thrive. 

As a succulent, the Sansevieria Moonshine stores water in its leaves. Overwatering your Silver Moonshine is a serious offense in its books. Overwatering can lead to root rot and the eventual demise of your beautiful Silver Moonshine plant. 

During the Sansevieria Moonshine’s active growing season watering should occur once every two weeks. The growing season for this plant is during the warmer months of spring to summer.

In the winter months, the frequency of watering should be reduced to just once a month. 

During the cooler months of winter, the plant enters a dormant state where the nutrient intake and water absorption stop. If your Silver Moonshine plant is left to sit in water its roots will get ruined. 

The amount of water you give your Sansevieria Moonshine should be minimal. Just enough to wet the soil is perfect, but do not make the soil soggy. The soil should be allowed to dry completely before you water your plant again. 

If your Silver Moonshine is in a pot of soil that doesn’t have adequate drainage, the amount of water given should be reduced even more. 


Sansevieria Moonshine should be kept in temperatures between 55°F and 85°F (13°C and 29°C). 

Warmer temperatures are what this plant likes best! The Silver Moonshine can handle fluctuating temperatures but nothing below 41°F (5°C). 

Temperatures lower than this will start to cause damage to your plant. The damage may include scarring of the Silver Moonshine’s leaves.


A general room humidity between 40-50% is ideal.

The Sansevieria Moonshine does not require any additional humidity. The soil needs to be given time to dry out in between watering, thus extra humidity is not necessary. Regular room humidity is sufficient. 

Silver Moonshine plants will do well in whatever humidity levels are in the room it’s kept in. This is a hardy and adaptable plant and will quickly adjust to its surroundings. 


Fertilize twice a year in spring and summer.

Silver Moonshine is a slow-growing plant.

Fertilizing should be done during the growing season in the months of summer and spring. 

Fertilizing your plant a maximum of twice a year is all that is necessary. When doing so, fertilizers intended for varieties of succulents and cacti will work well. 

Do not overfeed your Sansevieria Moonshine. You should avoid fertilizing your plant in winter.


Sansevieria Moonshine can be propagated through division, offsets, and leaf cuttings.

Although possible to grow a Sansevieria Moonshine from seeds, it is not recommended. It is a longer, more difficult process.


Sansevieria Moonshine plants are capable of growing to heights between 2ft to 6ft (0.6m to 2m). Growing vertically from the plant’s base, the leaves can reach as broad as 4 to 5 inches (10.2 to 12.7cm).

The Silver Moonshine can be grown both indoors and outdoors. This rare plant is loved for its extraordinary-looking silvery leaves. Occasionally the broad leaves of the Silver Moonshine feature narrow, dark green margins along its edges. 

Newer foliage bare more prominent white and silver tones. The leaves darken with age, sometimes as much as becoming darker green. 

The darkening of this plant’s color can also be a result of low light exposure. Although, low lighting is not detrimental to the health of your Sansevieria Moonshine.

Once your plant’s leaves have shifted to a darker green color, they cannot be reversed. 


Silver Moonshine produces lightly fragranced, white blooms.


Silver Moonshine plants make for fantastic potted plants. These plants do well in containers such as planters, pots, and flower pots. 

Be sure to always use a pot or container with holes for water drainage. Certain pots will also help your plant to dry out. Terracotta pots are good for this. 

The Sansevieria Moonshine does not need to be repotted often. In fact, this plant thrives when root-bound. A Silver Moonshine plant that is root bound has a slightly higher chance of producing flowers. 

Often, your plant will let you know if it is feeling overcrowded and needs a change of pot.


Repot it every three years.

If your Sansevieria Moonshine breaks or bursts out of its pot, this is your sign it is time for a new one.

Repotting your Silver Moonshine by carefully removing it from its current pot and moving it into a bigger one. If necessary, add some extra potting soil. 

It is best to repot your Silver Moonshine during the warmer months.

During the colder months, the plant goes into a resting period.

Repotting during this time may cause it to go into shock. 

Propagate Sansevieria Moonshine

Propagating your Silver Moonshine can be done by division, leaf cuttings, or by using offsets. 

Using the method of division is simple.

When your plant is fully grown, you can divide its clumps of leaves that are overcrowded. The clusters of leaves should then be separated from the rootstock. 

Usually, the clusters will come apart with some roots still attached.

These can then be planted individually into a well-drained potting mix. Wetting the soil around your Silver Moonshine’s roots will aid in keeping them as long as possible. 

Offsets are also known as new rhizomes. If you plan to use this as a method of propagation, all that needs to be done is separate the baby plant from the parent plant.

A healthy leaf of your Sansevieria Moonshine should be taken with it. 

Next, you can simply put the baby plant into well-draining soil. You should not water the offsets immediately.

Allow the Silver Moonshine offsets for about a week for the soil to dry out before giving them more water. 

Finally, propagation can be done through leaf cutting. With a mature leaf, cut it into pieces at least 2 inches long (5cm).

The cut edge of the Sansevieria Moonshine leaf should then be left to dry and callous. This may take a day or two. 

Once scabbed over, the leaf-cutting can be planted about 1 inch deep (2.5cm).

Use well-draining soil. After a while, the cuttings will begin to grow roots of their own. 

In all cases, your new plants should be placed in a spot with bright, indirect light.

Common problems with Sansevieria Moonshine

Sansevieria Moonshine plants are fairly problem-free. The only issues that may arise are due to an error in care. They are however fairly easy to fix in most cases. 

These issues include root rot, darkening of leaves, and minor pest problems.

Overwatering your Silver Moonshine plant will result in root rot. The Sansevieria species is prone to it. 

Although able to adjust to various light levels, leaving your plant in very low light may result in its leaves turning a dark green color. This, unfortunately, cannot be reversed.

The only pests to bother your Silver Moonshine are spider mites or mealybugs. Use a cotton swab or q-tip with rubbing alcohol.

Alternatively, you can use dishwater soap or neem oil diluted in water.

Tips to keep Sansevieria Moonshine problem-free

  • Only water them when their soil is dry
  • Do not place them in direct sunlight to avoid their leaves getting scorched
  • Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove any dust build-up


Sansevieria contains saponins and is toxic to animals such as cats and dogs as well as humans according to ASCPA. If ingested it can lead to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Keep your plant out of reach of cats, dogs, and small children. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Silver Moonshine plant toxic?

Sansevieria Moonshine is mildly toxic to animals and humans if ingested. It is best to keep your plant out of reach of cats, dogs, and small children. 

What benefits does the Sansevieria Moonshine possess? 

The Silver Moonshine is an excellent air purifier. It releases oxygen all day, every day, even at night. They also absorb harmful toxins, such as formaldehyde, from the air.