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Pumpkins have long been a favorite fruit of both growers and consumers and for many reasons. They can be used for edible purposes, for a variety of dishes and desserts, or used recreationally for decoration or making jack-o-lanterns for display during Halloween. No matter what your purpose is for growing this fun and quaint fruit, …

Read More about Why Are My Pumpkin Leaves Wilting? Oh!

The zucchini, also known as the “summer squash”, is a popular season crop that is enjoyed across the globe.  So much so that April 25th is the annual Zucchini Bread Day! They are an extremely easy crop to grow and a versatile vegetable that is a staple in many cultures.  But what if your beloved …

Read More about Why Is My Zucchini Plant Wilting? The Answer

The Christmas Cactus, which is also known as the Schlumbergera truncate, is a holiday plant often handed as a gift to others.  It has bright pink and red flowers, which makes it a popular plant in America. It is grown in the USDA hardiness zones 10 to 12 and can often be confused for the …

Read More about Why is My Christmas Cactus Wilting? Let’s Find Out!

Hydrangeas are flowering shrubs that bloom in the summer and spring seasons. The Hydrangea is a very quick grower and will fill your space in one summer season, attaining a height of 15 feet (4.6 meters). These shrubs are perennials and grow a variety of flowers in hardiness zones 3 to 7.  Although these shrubs …

Read More about Why My Hydrangea is Wilting – Let’s See

We love Hibiscus because it’s beautiful and easy to care for. It gifts us with beautiful trumpet-like flowers that wonderfully decorate the home and garden. It’s usually a healthy, vibrant plant, so when it’s wilting, your Hibiscus is telling you that there’s something wrong. But don’t you worry a bit. In this guide, we’ll help …

Read More about Why is my Hibiscus Wilting? That’s Why!

Basil is a herb that is much-prized for its taste and essential oils. It originates from the tropics of Africa and Asia but will live happily in subtropical regions.  Basil requires much from its environment. It needs strong sunlight and frequent watering, in well-drained, fertile soil.  It is a tender plant that is usually grown …

Read More about Why is my Basil Wilting (And How To Fix It)