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Begonia Foliosa Care Tips that Nobody ever Told You about

Begonia Foliosa Care Tips that Nobody ever Told You about

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The beautiful Begonia Foliosa is a wonderful houseplant choice for a wide variety of reasons. It’s bushy evergreen foliage and fuchsia-like blooms set it apart from several other plant species. It is also widely known as Begonia Fuchsioides Var. Miniata and Begonia Fuchsioides.

The plant care of this tender perennial is nothing out of the ordinary. It likes to bask in bright dappled sunlight and enjoys being watered regularly. It thrives in soil that drains well and has good aeration. As it is a tropical species, it loves a humid terrarium.

The Begonia Foliosa arises from the Begoniaceae family. It is native to the lands of Colombia and Venezuela. It is shrub-like and bears succulent, pendent stems that are long, thick, and hold glossy green leaves. The Begonia Foliosa plant produces panicles of small reddish-pink flowers that can add color to any dull space.


How Not To Kill Your Begonia Foliosa

Basic Plant Care Instructions for Begonia Foliosa



For the plant to reach its maximum growth potential, it must be grown in its ideal soil-type. In the case of the Begonia Foliosa plant, the preferred potting mixture is peat-mix.

To make the ideal potting mix for your Foliosa plant, add some peat moss and perlite or vermiculite to the mixture. Please remember not to use alternatives such as compost or garden soil.

The Foliosa plant thrives in moist and well-draining soil. The potting mix should have some organic matter and not hold too much water. Furthermore, the soil should allow considerable aeration.

The tropical Begonia Foliosa grows well in soil with a pH range of 6.1 to 7.3 (slightly acidic to neutral). The acidic soil helps the plant absorb nutrients more efficiently.



This perennial beauty has mesic water preferences. To keep your Begonia Foliosa plant happy and healthy, establish a good balance between watering and withholding it.

The Begonia Foliosas develop well with a regular watering schedule; water it when you think its soil is somewhat dry. However, please do not let the soil dry out completely.

I suggest you keep your Foliosa plant’s soil moist, but not excessively wet or soggy. An easy way to determine whether your Begonia Foliosa plant needs water or not is to use your fingers.

Poke your fingers into the Foliosa plant’s soil and see if it feels too dry. If it does, it is time to add some water. On the other hand, if the soil seems fairly wet or moisturized, let it dry out a little more and add water later.

A good way is to simply allow the top few inches of the soil to dry out before watering. This will prevent you from overwatering your plant and exposing it to infections.

For extra care, I recommend you use room-temperature and chlorine-free water for your Foliosa plant. Please ensure that you do not under-water or overwater your Begonia Foliosa plant as it can cause serious problems such as wilting and root-rot.



The Begonia Foliosa loves the sun. However, too much of anything can have adverse effects. Similarly, placing your lovely Foliosa plant in direct sunlight for extended periods can lead to problems such as burnt leaf-tips.

Place your Begonia Foliosa plant in bright dappled sunlight. Partially-shaded windows and partly-covered outdoor spaces are great options for such plants.

If you cannot find the perfect lighting for your Begonia Foliosa plant in your home, make the ideal setting. You can tie a cloth to a window and place the plant next to it. This will only allow filtered light to hit the Foliosa plant.

Alternatively, you can put your Begonia Foliosa plant in artificial growing lights. In both conditions, your Foliosa will grow into a vibrant and healthy plant.



The tropical Begonia Foliosa can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. However, exposing it to unfavorable conditions for a long time can lead to significant damage.

The evergreen Foliosa species likes moderate temperatures. During the day, it prefers temperatures ranging from 50 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit (10 to 30 degrees Celsius). However, it likes milder temperatures in the nights within a range of 54 to 64 degrees Fahrenheit (12 to 18 degrees Celsius).

Fortunately, typical households fall within this range of temperatures, and thus, growing the Begonia Foliosa plant usually is not much of a problem. However, if you live in regions with much colder or hotter temperatures, you might have to make a little more effort to maintain the Foliosa plant’s desired temperatures.

I suggest you keep your Begonia Foliosa plant away from direct drafts of winds, which can come in from open windows, air conditioners, heaters, etc.



The Begonias naturally grow in tropical areas. Therefore, they enjoy environments with high humidity. For the Begonia Foliosa, particularly an ideal humidity level is 60% to 80%.

The humidity in average households is within 30% to 60%. Your Begonia Foliosa plant may grow well within this humidity level; however, some varieties may have trouble adjusting and require a more humid environment.

Luckily, increasing humidity levels in your house will not be much of a hassle if you use one of the options I have mentioned below. One way is to place all your houseplants together. This will help each plant get access to its needed humidity.

Alternatively, you can purchase and use a humidifier to maintain the Begonia Foliosa plant’s desired humidity levels. Another way is to mist the Foliosa plant’s surroundings from time to time to prevent dehydration.

However, please keep in mind that an overly-moisturized or wet plant will fall prey to diseases and fungal infections much faster. Therefore, make sure not to keep your plant in an excessively humid room.

I suggest you refrain from using water that is too alkaline as it may cause the Begonia Foliosa plant’s leaves to drop. Please use neutral water, with a pH of about 7.0.



The beautiful Begonia Foliosa plant has moderate fertilizing needs. It prefers being fed during the growing seasons and mostly does not require feed during the dormancy seasons.

Feeding your Begonia Foliosa plant with good-quality fertilizer timely is imperative to ensure fast and healthy growth. This evergreen beauty loves well-balanced fertilizers that have a 1:1:1 ratio containing nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium. Each of these minerals promotes lush foliage and vibrant blooms.

For a more specific feeding schedule, I suggest you feed your the Begonia Foliosa plant every two to three weeks. If you plan to go with the slow release fertilizer, put the fertilizer at the start of the growing season of summer and spring. Let the plant remain unfertilized during the winter season.



The alluring Begonia Foliosa plant likes being slightly root-bound; it helps the plant absorb nutrients more efficiently and grow better. Therefore, please do not be too eager to repot your Foliosa.

I suggest you repot your Begonia Foliosa plant when its container seems full of its roots. If you are not sure, carefully take your Foliosa plant out of its pot and check for the presence of any loose soil. If there is some, gently pot the Begonia Foliosa plant back into the container. Give it some time to grow and fill its container.

After a few weeks, recheck your Foliosa plant. When the container is entirely filled with its root, repot it. However, you do not necessarily have to decide on a bigger pot. You can opt for a container with a diameter that is about 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) bigger.

If your Begonia seems to be falling over after you shift it to its new pot, your container has a surplus of soil and nutrients. If this happens, change your Begonia Foliosa plant’s container and put it in a smaller one.

In the new container, spread the roots evenly and carefully. Then, set its soil well with the help of your hands and add some water to firm the potting mix.



Another reason why this perennial beauty is an excellent houseplant option is that it does need any pruning. The Begonia Foliosa plant has beautiful small glossy foliage. Due to its convenient size, it mostly does not require pruning.

However, if your Begonia Foliosa plant has been infected with a disease and there is a risk of spreading infection, you can cut off some of its affected leaves with the help of a pair of pruning shears taking great care not to damage any plant vines.

Please make sure your pruning scissors are clean and germ-free before using them on any of your plants.



Luckily, the Begonias are one of the easiest plant species to propagate. They do not require much except for a few things. You can even leave out rooting powder as these plants grow considerably well on their own.

Before pruning, I recommend cleaning all your gardening equipment, such as knives and pruning shears, with a plant-equipment cleaning solution or rubbing alcohol. Also, please wear appropriate clothing as the propagation process may get messy.


Leaf Cuttings Method

You will need a pre-prepared potting mix, some scissors or a knife, and some water. Follow the steps below:

  • Please prepare a container with a potting mix containing an organic and well-draining soil mix.
  • Now add some water into this container to form a firm potting mix.
  • Next, take a healthy Begonia Foliosa plant and cut a young and healthy leaf right from the plant’s base. Also, cut off the leaf’s stalk.
  • Create a few slashes on the underside of this leaf along its central vein.
  • Now, turn this slashed leaf down on the prepared firm potting mix.
  • Allow the leaf to absorb the potting mix’s warmth and moisture. This will encourage growth at the slashed/damaged parts of the vein.
  • After some time, several baby plants will begin to form on the leaf.
  • Afterward, new roots and plantlets will grow along the vein from the base of each cutting.

This may take 3 to 6 weeks; therefore, be patient with your baby Begonia Foliosa plants.



The bushy Begonia Foliosa plant gives rise to beautiful pendulous, fuchsia-like pink-reddish flowers. The bloom size is a mere 1 inch (2.5 centimeters); however, its beauty and attraction are a lot greater.

The Begonia Foliosa plant blooms in the late spring or early summer. It is widely grown for its lush green foliage and unparalleled unique flowers.



The Begonia Foliosa plant has a slow to moderate growth rate. It can reach a height of 20 to 39 inches (51 to 99 centimeters). The herbaceous beauty can spread up to 4 to 20 inches (10 to 50 centimeters). Its flowers grow within 1 inch (2.5 centimeters).

It may take Begonia Foliosa plant 5 to 10 years to reach its full potential height.


Common Problems for Begonia Foliosa


Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is a fungal infection that often appears when a plant is exposed to high humidity or dry conditions for a long time. It starts as a white or ash-grey film over the plant’s leaves’ upper and lower surfaces, usually the older foliage.

Powdery mildew may restrict new growth and disrupt the plant’s structure overall. It can also cause the blackening of the leaves. Moreover, the flower buds may also not open due to the severe infection.

Fortunately, the solution to this problem is relatively easy; simply spray your plants often with insecticidal spray or wash the Foliosa plant’s leaves with insecticidal soap.



A frequent attacker of Begonia Foliosa is aphids. The aphids often form clusters on the plant’s baby shoots and flower buds or underneath its old foliage. If infested by aphids, the leaves often twist upon themselves or bend at abnormal angles.

Aphids may also affect new growth, slowing it down drastically. Another problem is that aphids produce a substance called honeydew, which provides a favorable environment for sooty mold fungus to grow. This can cause further damage to the already affected plant.

To get rid of aphids, a quick solution is to use insecticidal spray or soap and thoroughly mist/wash your plant with it.



A common problem for several Begonia plants’ owners is mealybugs. The mealybugs preferred conditions consist of high humidity and mild temperatures, which also happen to be Foliosa plant’s favorites. The mealybugs feed on the plant and excrete a sticky liquid called honeydew, which attracts ants. The honeydew also provides the perfect medium for sooty mold growth.

Mealybugs affect new growth, slowing it down significantly. They also form a whitish covering on the plant’s leaf axils. Close inspection of the Foliosa plant further confirms their presence.

To eliminate mealybugs, use an insecticidal spray and regularly sterilize your gardening tools.


Cold Water

As manageable as the Begonia Foliosa plants are, they can be very fussy when it comes to the type of water they require. Many Felosia plant owners have complained that the plant does not react well if its water is too cold, hot, or overly chlorinated. Therefore, please only use lukewarm or room-temperature water for it.

To minimize the water’s chlorine content, fill a bucket with water, and let it sit for 12 to 24 hours. Once the chlorine has settled, only then use it for watering your Begonia Foliosa plant.


Snails and Slugs

Another frequent issue is snails and slugs. They are not as common as the other problems; however, they can attack the plant occasionally. The snails and slugs feed on decaying plant leaves and stems.

To check if your plant has been infested, look for silvery trails that appear as gold dust on your plant. If you see any, chances are your plant is attacked by snails and slugs. You might also notice some holes in your Foliosa plant’s leaves, and its seedlings chewed off at the base.

To get rid of the snails and slugs, remove any rocks, pipes, pots, or any such things that you have placed close to your plant. They may use these for shelter during the day. The removal of such objects will leave them shelter-less, and they will most likely leave the plant.


Tips for Growing

The following are some tips:

  • Please place your Begonia Foliosa plant in bright filtered sunlight.
  • Please use lukewarm and low-chlorine water for watering.
  • Please do not over-feed your Foliosa plant as it may cause toxicity.
  • Water the Begonia Foliosa plant when its soil’s top few inches are slightly dry.
  • Try supplementing your Foliosa plant with sphagnum moss, coconut coir, or perlite for healthier growth.


Frequently Asked Questions about Begonia Foliosa


Do Begonias Foliosa plants need a lot of water?

Please maintain a regular watering schedule for your Begonias Foliosa plant. Do not let the soil be too wet or soggy; keep it moist. Likewise, do not dry out the plant entirely.


Do Begonias Foliosa plants come back year after year?

The Begonias Foliosa plants are tender perennials, meaning they come back every year. However, to maintain this consistency, their preferred environment must be provided.


Do Begonias Foliosa plants like sun or shade?

The Begonias Foliosa plants like a little bit of both, keep them in partially-shaded areas. Place your Foliosa plant in bright dappled sunlight for optimal growth.


How long do potted Begonias Foliosa plants last?

Most potted Begonias Foliosa plants last for 2 to 3 years, even when given excellent care. However, some varieties do last longer and live up to 5 years.


The Begonias Foliosa plants, with their beautiful foliage and vibrant bright blooms, can light up any space. Whether placed in baskets or grown in pots, they certainly are a sight to behold.

Their care is also fairly easy, which adds to the list of reasons of why they are great houseplants.

Furthermore, they are mostly non-toxic to humans; however, they can severely affect pets if ingested. Therefore, please keep your pets away from them.