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Philodendron Grandipes Care — Best Guide

Philodendron Grandipes Care — Best Guide

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Today we are discussing the rare ‘Philodendron Grandipes.’ This plant has glossy green leaves. Most features for this plant resemble the Philodendron Jodavisianum.

This herbaceous evergreen plant, like many others, belongs to the plant family of Araceae. 

It is endemic to the tropics of Columbia, Panama, and Ecuador in South America. This plant is categorized based on its short internodes and terrestrial growing habit. 

This plant is toxic, so it’s not recommended for plant owners with naughty pets. The calcium oxalate crystals in the leaves can irritate the mouth and esophagus of your pet. 


Philodendron Grandipes Care 

This philodendron variety should be grown in peat-based soil of pH between 5 and 6. You need to water it whenever the top 2 inches or 5 cm of soil are dry. It can adapt to a shaded or filtered light location in your house or garden.  Keep the temperature between 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit (21-26 degrees Celsius) and humidity levels between 70-90% for optimal growth. Fertilize every two weeks in spring and summer.



The overall plant health of your Philodendron Grandipes depends on the potting soil you use. 

Based on the information about its native habitat, you can use a peat-based soil mixture for this philodendron variety because it needs both good drainage and moisture retention. 

A fast-draining soil mixture will protect your potted plant from root rot. 

If you are not into creating your own soil mix, it’s best to buy a succulent soil mix

You can follow the simple recipe to create a custom mix for your philodendron that can replicate the native soil conditions:

  • Compost (20%)
  • Cocopeat (50%)
  • Potting soil (30%)

Adding organic matter to the soil mixture’s a must. Coco peat will increase the porosity of the potting soil to ensure the drainage of excess water. 

You can replace coco peat with regular peat moss. However, if you prefer using peat moss instead as you know how to use it, then go ahead.

Another thing to remember about soil for this plant is that philodendrons generally like an acidic soil mix. Therefore conduct a soil test to ensure the pH is between 5 and 6. 

Avoid using a heavy soil mixture because it retains more moisture than required which invites bacteria and fungus growth in the soil. 



Gardeners make the mistake of watering only the top layers of soil. But the Philodendron Grandipes should be watered deeply. 

Add water until it starts seeping through the pot’s bottom through its drainage holes. This ensures moisturization of the soil. 

You can keep a tray or saucer to collect the excess water. Discard this collected water after an hour or so because leaving it under the plant will create a soggy mess at the bottom. 

Creating a fixed schedule for this plant will take some time, but you should water it when 50-70% of the potting soil has dried out. 

In summer watering it after 1 or 2 weeks is recommended whereas in winter water it less. 

You can use a moisture meter or check the moisture level of the top 2 inches manually with your fingers before watering the plant. 

In addition to careful watering, you should also select the pot with drainage holes. The drainage hole can be blocked in the following scenarios: 

  • You do not empty the saucer at the bottom after watering 
  • The soil is compacted, or the roots have blocked the hole
  • You are not emptying the decorative outer pot



Philodendron Grandipes is a shade-loving houseplant because, in nature, it grows as a forest understory plant. 

But it doesn’t mean the plant can’t handle sunlight. You can still grow this plant under bright, filtered sunlight. 

There is a high chance of direct sun exposure in the afternoon. Ensure your plant’s shaded at that time. 

Blinds or sheer curtains are a great help in this regard. Outdoors, you can use the garden cloth or shade cloth. 

If you’re not sure about the plant’s lighting requirements, do read up on the light levels plants need to learn more about it.



You can plant the Philodendron Grandipes in the outdoor gardens of USDA hardiness zones 11 to 13. In other areas, this plant will appreciate growing indoors where it’s protected from frost damage. 

One of the reasons Philodendrons are loved for indoor gardening is because they thrive in average household temperatures. 

This variety needs a temperature of 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit (21-26 degrees Celsius). 

Do not let the temperature drop below the 55 degree- Fahrenheit (12.7 degrees Celsius) mark, especially at night.  



This variety is native to regions where it receives continuous rainfall and high humidity. Gardeners often struggle with keeping the Philodendron Grandipes happy because of their high humidity needs. 

You should mist this plant more often in winter because the atmosphere becomes dry due to indoor heaters. This plant needs at least 70 % of humidity levels, but the ideal level is close to 90%. 



Even if you planted the philodendron in a rich soil mix, your plant needs some extra nutrition in the growing season. 

You can fertilize the Philodendron Grandipes every two weeks in the growing season of spring and summer. 

Houseplants stop growing or grow slowly in winter, so they should not be fertilized during this phase. 

Over-fertilizing or winter fertilization can result in soil build-up in the soil. A light dose of fertilizer is good, but overfertilization leads to root burns. 



At some point during the growth journey, your philodendron will require repotting. 

When you see these signs, your plant needs a new home with fresh soil:

  • Its root bound or outgrowing the current pot
  • Your plant is growing slowly 
  • You can see leftover fertilizer or minerals in the soil as a white residue 
  • You have identified a root rot infection 
  • Your plant was recently infected with pests

As the plant matures, it starts spreading the root system. But if there isn’t enough room for root growth in the current pot, the roots will displace the potting soil and come out of the drainage hole. 

Repotting is an easy task. You have to simply take the plant out, prune infected roots and replant it in a slightly bigger pot with a fresh soil mixture. 

Before starting the repotting procedure, prepare a well-draining rich soil mix. 

If the root system is cluttered, gently untangle the roots. This is important to allow airflow around the root system. 

Choosing a very large pot is not the best choice because the soil will hold more water than needed. 



This is a low-maintenance philodendron because it requires no or even little pruning. You can prune it if it’s showing signs of leggy growth.

You can trim it whenever the foliage is yellow, brown, or infected. Always use disinfected tools and start pruning by getting rid of leaves at the bottom of the plant. 

Prune indoor philodendrons in the spring or fall. 



  • You can propagate this variety using the stem cutting method. Start by locating a healthy-looking petiole and leaf on the mother plant. 
  • Trim this leaf with at least three inches of petiole attached to it. Use a rooting mixture to treat the cut end. This is optional but recommended. 
  • Now bury the cutting in a small pot with well-draining soil mixture. Water the cutting every other day to keep the soil moist. 
  • This cutting needs the same level of light, temperature, and water as you would provide for mature Philodendron Grandipes. Please read the instructions given previously in the article. 
  • Once the cutting develops its own root system and some new leaves, you can shift it to a bigger pot. 



This plant can bloom throughout the year, but it flowers most actively in July and August. The inflorescence-type blooms of this plant are white, green, red, or purple. 

Each leaf axil will grow 2-4 inflorescences. The peduncle is between 0.9 to 5.5 inches (2.5 to 14 cm) in length. 

In native areas, it also produces creamy white berries. 



The dark green leaf blades of this plant are ribbed. This is a climbing variety, and the leaves are huge when the plant reaches maturity. 

The leathery surface and texture of the foliage differentiate this plant from others. 

The lower side of the leaves is pale green and semi-glossy. The upper surface varies in terms of finishing; it’s either glossy or velvety. 

The leaves for this terrestrial plant are pendent-shaped. The petioles are 0.5 inches in diameter and 9.8 – 28 inches (25-73 cm) in length. The color of the petioles varies from medium green to red. 

The leaves are broadest in the middle, and the length is between 7.8 – 19.6 inches (20-50 cm), whereas the width is between 6 – 14 inches (15-36 cm).

Installing damp support in the pot will help the Philodendron Grandipes climb. You can buy a premade moss pole or create your own pole at home. 


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Common Problems for Philodendron Grandipes


Watering Issues

Overwatering is detrimental for the Philodendron Grandipes, but it can be caused by several factors, so careful analysis is important to solve this issue. 

The major sign is a droopy plant with yellow leaves. 

You are watering Philodendron Grandipes too often, or the water is not draining efficiently. 

This plant likes moisture but never create a pool of water near the root ball. Using soil with poor drainage can also result in overwatering. 

All this extra water near the roots will impact the ability to supply water and nutrients to the plant. It will also reduce root respiration as less oxygen is available. 

One major sign of underwatering is a droopy or brown plant despite regular watering. This could be because you are not watering the philodendron deeply. 

The plant is also sensitive about humidity levels, so low humidity can also cause the leaf edges to turn brown. 

Immediately give your philodendron a good soak of water to help it recover from underwatering. You should keep the soil moist for a few more days to prevent any further damage. 

Both under and overwatering can have dangerous outcomes for your plant. Letting the plant suffer for too long can kill it. 


Tips for Growing Philodendron Grandipes

  • If your plants keep showing signs of yellow leaves, dehydration, and leaf shedding, it’s highly recommended to revise the soil mixture. Using the wrong soil can give rise to several other issues for your plant. 
  • Philodendrons are famous for their tolerance against root-bound conditions, but leaving the plant in this state for too long can impact the moisture and nutrients supply via the roots. 
  • If your plant is infected with root rot, you have to repot it at any cost. Even if the infection was not severe, the bacteria could still survive in the soil, so discard the infected soil. 
  • Watering the plant a day before the actual repotting ensures it comes out of the pot easily. It also reduces the effects of transplant stress. 
  • Deep watering will help this plant in developing a good root system. 
  • If your plant is growing outside and the temperature stays lower than 55 degrees Fahrenheit at night, it’s time to bring it inside.


Frequently Asked Questions about Philodendron Grandipes Care


What are different features you should keep in mind while creating or buying a soil mix for Philodendron Grandipes?

The soil mixture you create or buy should be well-draining, moisture-retentive, nutrient-rich, and airy enough to allow air circulation around the roots. 


How can you increase the aeration within the potting soil?

You can include perlite in your soil mix, which not only improves aeration but also helps in drainage. 


What factors will impact the watering frequency for Philodendron Grandipes?

This is a moisture-loving plant, but you need to remember that the frequency of watering depends on the light level, soil type, temperatures, and humidity. Carefully examine these for your plant and formulate a watering schedule accordingly. 


What’s the best watering frequency for Philodendron Grandipes?

You have to water it only after the soil’s first 2-3 inches is dry. You can check the soil after ten days of watering. If you use a well-draining philodendron soil mixture, this is is the average time the soil takes to dry out. 


How can you remove the salt build-ups or minerals from the potting soil?

Salt build-ups or minerals are often the results of overfertilizing. You can leach the potting soil with water. If this does not help, repot your Philodendron Grandipes. 



This plant grows natively in tropical moist forests. It has broad ovate leaf blades. The coloration of this plant can vary depending on its native area. 

This plant likes to stay moist at all times, but you need to plant it in a well-draining soil mixture. 

The only concern about this plant is the toxicity of the leaves. If you want more options, read our article about 18 cat-friendly houseplants