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Can Anthurium Grow in Water? #1 Expert Answer

Can Anthurium Grow in Water? #1 Expert Answer

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Anthurium is a genus of around 1,000 species of flowering plants that belong to the Arum family’s biggest genus called Araceae.

Apart from Anthurium, the common names of this plant include, Tailflower, Flamingo flower, and Laceleaf.

Many Anthurium species can be cultivated as houseplants or outdoors in moderate environments.

When you cultivate plants in the water instead of in the soil, it’s called hydroponic growing. It is quite an easy procedure when it comes to Anthuriums.

Let me explain more about growing Anthuriums in water.

Can Anthurium Grow in Water?

You can grow Anthurium in water. All you have to do is take a portion from the Anthurium, take all the soil off, and keep it in the water to grow or redevelop. Surprisingly, Anthuriums propagate and thrive in water.

Can Anthurium Grow in Water?

Can Anthurium Grow in Water?

Cultivating Anthurium in Water

You need to take the Anthurium from its pot if you want to cultivate an Anthurium in water.

When thoroughly scrubbing the dirt off the roots, the plant can adapt to immersion and growth in the new environment.

Propagation is preferred when you don’t want to take the Anthurium out of its container. All you need to do is take a piece of the plant and put it in water.

If you cut the plant properly, it will soon develop a new root system and create new foliage.

Wash the roots beneath lukewarm running water first to place your Anthuriums in water. Make sure there are no residues of soil left to prevent roots from rotting in the water.

Before you plant your Anthurium in water, make sure to wash the roots with lukewarm water first

Before you plant your Anthurium in water, make sure to wash the roots with lukewarm water first

Take a look below to learn how to cultivate your Anthuriums in water.

  • Take cuttings from your favorite Anthurium. It’s best to take the cuttings from the biggest Anthurium plant you have.
  • Splitting bigger plants into smaller sizes will keep them more robust and promote more flowers.
  • Detach the roots of the Anthurium plant the soonest you get it out of its container. Identify offshoots and roots that you can effortlessly divide.
  • You can choose any kind of container. Both of them will showcase your plant beautifully.
  • However, if you select a container with a slender neck, you won’t easily take out the plant in case you need or want to.
  • Fill your container with about a quarter of water and place your Anthurium cuttings in it.
Fill the container where you'll plant your Anthurium cutting into with a quarter of water

Fill the container where you’ll plant your Anthurium cutting into with a quarter of water

  • You can use tap water for growing Anthuriums hydroponically. However, ensure it is not filled with chemicals and toxins, or it should not be overly filtered.
  • It is best if you use mineral water as it prohibits limescale formation on your container.
  • Rainwater is also a safe choice if you don’t have access to mineral water.
  • If you place your Anthurium in a jar, you might want to assist it in order to prevent it from bending to one corner or falling over.

You will have to regularly add water to the container for months to make sure that your plant receives enough water.

To boost leaf color, adding liquid fertilizer (just a few drops) to the water can help.

You can add a few drops of liquid fertilizer to the water to boost your Anthurium's leaf color

You can add a few drops of liquid fertilizer to the water to boost your Anthurium’s leaf color

Best Location to Place Your Anthurium When Grown in Water

After you have successfully transferred your Anthurium plant to water, the next step is to choose the right location for it.

Place your Anthuriums in a place where they have easy access to bright indirect light.

But, ensure the Anthurium does not get in contact with direct, harsh sunlight. Filtered and indirect light is best to grow a healthy Anthurium plant.

Make sure to place your Anthuriums in an area with an easy access to filtered and indirect light

Make sure to place your Anthuriums in an area with easy access to filtered and indirect light

Water Care

Change the water occasionally. You need to change the water every week or so, and immediately if the water begins to alter in color.

Once you notice any change to the water's color, change it weekly or so to keep your Anthurium growing healthy

Once you notice any change to the water’s color, change it weekly or so to keep your Anthurium growing healthy

A clear container will be helpful for you to examine the level of water and the expansion of roots.


Feed the Anthurium with a small dose of liquid fertilizer once a month or two to promote healthy development. One-half or a teaspoon of liquid fertilizer in 7.5 liters of water would be enough.

You can also utilize water from an aquarium to nourish the plant. Just combine 1/3 of it in fresh water. Your Anthurium will love the nutrients included in fish waste.

Avoid adding any fertilizers of any kind to your Anthurium cutting during the beginning phases of developing a root system.

Later, adding a few drops of liquid houseplant fertilizer during water change can help in keeping your Anthurium grow healthy.

Benefits of Growing Anthurium in Water

The hydroponic procedure provides your plant with a safe and protected environment to grow and thrive.

In addition to a unique growing experience, it has the following benefits.

Reduced Risk of Pests and Diseases

Often, pests, diseases, and other infectious agents can contact your plants through the soil. Hydroponics, on the other hand, do the reverse and protects your Anthurium from these risks.

A strong hydroponic system will not make it easy for pests, diseases, bacteria, and molds to affect your growing plant.

As long as you comply with proper cleaning and hygiene procedures, your plant will stay free from pests and diseases when grown in water.

Control Over Environment

Growing the Anthurium in water gives you the chance to manage the growing environment. A clear glass will ensure you can see the roots at all times.

You will be able to control the nutrients by adding liquid fertilizer.

And water itself is taken care of already by keeping the Anthurium in water.

You have more control with your Anthurium's environment if you grow it in water

You have more control with your Anthurium’s environment if you grow it in water

Disadvantages of Growing Anthurium in Water

Water Roots

When growing Anthurium in water they will produce so-called water roots. Water roots look different from soil roots. They are usually a brighter beige color.

Your Anthurium plant will adapt to the water by growing a different kinds of roots and will get rid of the soil roots in case it was already growing in the soil.

The disadvantage is if you are planning to plant your Anthurium in the soil there will be a transition time and transplant shock.

Water roots have to turn into soil roots. In addition, your Anthurium will have to grow genuine soil roots.

Supplying Nutrients

Water alone over an extended time will not carry sufficient nutrients and growth will stunt if you do not provide additional liquid nutrients.

You have to exactly measure the nutrients needed for your Anthurium plant. But if you do this Anthurium can grow indefinite in water if you exchange the water regularly.

Algae Growth

When using a clear container algae will start to form and grow. In can get quite bad and after a while you will not be able to see into the container anymore.

In addition, once algae form on the roots the nutrient intake of your Anthurium will become close to impossible.

Therefore you need to make sure that not too much direct light is shining into the vessel you are using and also you need to make sure to exchange water frequently.

I usually change the water every 5 days to once a week.

Read more about Anthuriums.

Frequently Asked Questions about Growing Anthurium in Water

Does growing Anthurium in water means less watering?

While you grow Anthuriums hydroponically, you can water it less often, but this doesn’t imply you can completely forget about caring for your plant. Change the water once every four weeks. Throughout this time, be sure that the container always has enough water.

Which container is best for growing Anthurium in the water?

Use ornamental, clear, broad plant pots or jars and place them on tabletops, cabinets, and study tables for a chic appearance. Avoid using narrow vases as they will inhabit Anthurium growth.