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Anthurium Pedatoradiatum Care – Grow it huge!

Anthurium Pedatoradiatum Care – Grow it huge!

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A more recent addition to the houseplant market, the Anthurium pedatoradiatum or also known as Anthurium Fingers is charismatic!

Famed for its finger-like leaves, the leaves on these plants fan out to mirror that of a hand.

This plant found in the south of Mexico according to is fast becoming the choice for many, due to its fantastic pinnatifid leaves.

A member of the Araceae family, the pedatoradiatum species of plant differs slightly from its Anthurium members. This is because most Anthuriums are hemiepiphytic.

The Anthurium pedatoradiatum is, in fact, classed as a terrestrial.

For this reason, it’s good practice to mirror as many of the conditions an Anthurium pedatoradiatum would encounter in its natural habitat, wherever possible.

With the right home environment, the anthurium plant may well offer as many as 13 fingers!

Here I offer my advice on the best Anthurium pedatoradiatum care to ensure you too can enjoy this most spectacular looking indoor plant.



Anthurium Pedatoradiatum Care Guide



An Anthurium pedatoradiatum with thrive in soil that is well-draining but also higher in peat.

Peat mixes work harder to reduce soil compaction. This means the soil remains healthier and nutritious for longer.

A peat mix will also ensure water absorption is more significant, and thus, your plant remains more productive.

I find that I can offer the best Anthurium pedatoradiatum care with this medium and the plant thrives as a result. I’ve even noticed that they persist in growing throughout the winter months.

So, a highly absorbent choice of soil here is vital for continued good health.



I’ve found that an Anthurium pedatoradiatum isn’t overly fussy about getting massive amounts of bright direct light.

Instead, the pedatoradiatum has been perfectly happy kept in a diffused light area. For me, this means more in the interior of my home and away from my southwest-facing window.

I do, however, have a grow light over my plant to provide the best Anthurium pedatoradiatum care.

So, a low to moderate offering of light in the home is enough to fulfill the needs of your pedatoradiatum.



As my Anthurium pedatoradiatum receives low to moderate light throughout the day, I don’t have to water it too often.

But, whereas most plants like to dry out before watering, I find that the best Anthurium pedatoradiatum care means not being allowed to thoroughly dry out.

For this reason, I suggest watering to the conditions of your home environment.

For me, this means around once a week. However, for increased results, keep physically checking your soil dampness level with your finger.

If your soil is dry to the touch at around 2 inches, it’s time to water it.

Yet, one thing l will also say is that the Anthurium pedatoradiatum does not like water-logged soil. It can fall victim to root rot if the soil stays continuously wet.

Therefore, it’s a case of balance here and taking visual clues from your Anthurium pedatoradiatum.



Once again, the Anthurium pedatoradiatum is not a plant that asks for much on temperature. For this reason, it’s one of the more adaptable of plants.

Like the other anthurium family members, I offer my pedatoradiatum a warm temperature around 70° Fahrenheit (21°C).

Yet, as long as you don’t have extreme temperature rates, it’s pretty much flexible to your specific surroundings.

One thing I will say, though, is ensuring your temperature doesn’t change dramatically and drop too low.

Aim to keep it at a comfortable and neutral temperature throughout the year for best Anthurium pedatoradiatum care.



Though the Anthurium pedatoradiatum is not overly vexed when it comes to temperature, it is when it comes to humidity!

So, I recommend a moderate to higher humidity level in the home for the best Anthurium pedatoradiatum care where possible. This means from 40% to as much as 65%.

If you can’t quite match this naturally, consider using a humidifier here.

One way your Anthurium pedatoradiatum will tell you you’re getting it wrong is through a browning or yellowing on the tops of its leaves.

These are also some of the more thinner leave types and, therefore, more sensitive.



To make Anthurium pedatoradiatum care easier, I’ve found that you can pretty much treat it in the same way as most other anthuriums when fertilizing. This means offering it a well-balanced liquid feeder monthly.

But, if you get your care spot on here, you may well find your Anthurium pedatoradiatum begins to flourish. If this happens, you can increase this fertilizing to bi-monthly.

Many Anthurium pedatoradiatum owners will tell you that this is one plant that continues to grow well out of season. So, an excellent reputable liquid fertilizer will encourage new growth.



Pedatoradiatum is easy enough to propagate. You simply follow the same method you would do here for any other type of anthurium plant.

This means selecting an offshoot from a mature Anthurium pedatoradiatum carefully and growing this on.

Propagation here is more effective when using a soil mix, and one made up like the mother Anthurium pedatoradiatum plant.

In all honesty, this is perhaps one of the easier of plants to propagate successfully!



As a good grower, if Anthurium pedatoradiatum care is at its highest level, this plant will reward you with growth. In fact, it’s not unheard of for an Anthurium pedatoradiatum to reach heights of 1 meter!

I mentioned before, when fertilizing, this plant may even continue to put out new growth when most other plants enter dormancy.

One way to spot the stages of growth as well is through the Anthurium pedatoradiatum leaves structure.

Immature leaves don’t have a finger look, but heart-shaped – but more matured leaves are the central finger leave structures here.



Many people tend to pull their plants from their nursery pots as soon as possible. But, I suggest waiting with the Anthurium pedatoradiatum.

The pedatoradiatum, along with many anthurium types, can tolerate a bit of root-bound and will not appreciate being moved to an overly large pot too soon.

In fact, several of my Anthurium pedatoradiatums still sit in their original nursery pots some years later!

My advice here is to pot to the needs of your Anthurium pedatoradiatum care. This means if your plant is happy, healthy, and indeed presenting new signs of growth, hold off on potting it.

Use any visual clues that suggest it’s time to start repotting. For an Anthurium pedatoradiatum, these include cracking out of the current pot or roots growing up the sides of the pot.

Then when you do repot, go for the next sized pot up to keep your Anthurium pedatoradiatum care sustainable.



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This is my #anthuriumpedatoradiatum aka Anthurium Fingers. This plant has been so much fun to grow. Each fingery new leaf is bigger than the last! ??

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Amanda Rae Wright (@amandaraewright) am


How to Propagate Your Anthurium Pedatoradiatum


Propagating Anthurium Pedatoradiatum by Soil

  1. Select the best offshoot from your Anthurium pedatoradiatum. This means one that shows visible rootlets of at least half an inch to one inch in length.
  2. This offshoot should be taken from a mature Anthurium pedatoradiatum and from its outside crown area.
  3. Using a sharp knife or pruning shears, carefully remove this offset from the base of your mother plant.
  4. Place this offset into an Anthurium pedatoradiatum pot containing the increased peaty soil mix. This should be the same type that houses your mother, Anthurium pedatoradiatum plant.
  5. Making sure the bottom inch of this offshoot is covered, pat the soil firmly here.
  6. To secure your offshoot as it grows, carefully place a skewer into the soil avoiding the roots. Take a tie and attach the shoot to the skewer.
  7. Water your Anthurium pedatoradiatum carefully until the water runs out of the bottom.
  8. Place your Anthurium pedatoradiatum offshoot in filtered light and keep the soil moist, monitoring its growth progress.


Common Problems with Anthurium pedatoradiatum Care

Often referred to as one of the hardier of houseplants, there are few issues concerning Anthurium pedatoradiatum care. In fact, when it comes to pest-related diseases, it’s rare to hear of specific problems with this plant type.

Yet, most issues tend to center around incorrect care and maintenance by the plant owner!


Anthurium pedatoradiatum hates being overwatered and sitting in a soggy pot!

Perhaps the most prominent issue experienced with Anthurium pedatoradiatum is knowing when to stop watering this plant! For sure, if you can’t strike the right balance with your Anthurium pedatoradiatum care, overwatering will encourage a whole host of other issues.

Fungus, bacteria, and wilting leaves are all issues related to giving an Anthurium pedatoradiatum excess water. This is all primarily from a backlog/build up in the soil.

Fortunately, this one will need remedying sooner rather than later if your Anthurium pedatoradiatum is to bypass root rot.

Simply use the guidance I’ve offered above for watering you Anthurium pedatoradiatum care, shaping it to your home environment.


Anthurium pedatoradiatum does not respond well to over-fertilization

One sure-fire way of spotting an over-fertilized Anthurium pedatoradiatum is through their leaves. This is what experts call leaf burn.

Leaf burn happens due to being over-zealous with the fertilizer amounts required! Also, it can happen if you get actual fertilizer on the leaves when they are wet.

Either way, you’ll spot this through brown or yellow discoloration on the leaves. Leaf burn can, though, be easily remedied. Simply reduce the amount of fertilizer you use and ensure it doesn’t touch the leaves when you apply it!


Anthurium pedatoradiatum can succumb to spider mites if they’re stressed

One thing I know for sure is that spider mites are drawn to that Anthurium pedatoradiatums that give off stress signals.

Though I’ve never experienced pests of any kind with my pedatoradiatum, I know of plant owners who’ve had spider mites on theirs.

Usually, spider mites are brought in on a new Anthurium pedatoradiatum. So, I always encourage people to keep their plant isolated for a couple of weeks, as in quarantine.

But Anthurium pedatoradiatum are also liable to fall prey to spider mites when they are stressed. Such stress is usually due to issues surrounding watering, feeding, or placement.

Yet, spider mites, when detected, can be sprayed off, and you can wash the leaves with an insecticide solution.


Tips for Anthurium Pedatoradiatum to Keep it Problem-Free

  • Water your Anthurium pedatoradiatum in relation to the light it receives in your home. Never overwater it!
  • Don’t stress about the temperature of your home. Instead, keep it balanced for your Anthurium pedatoradiatum throughout the year.
  • Make sure your fertilizing solution is the correct dosage for your Anthurium pedatoradiatum. This means ensuring it’s not too highly concentrated.
  • When propagating your Anthurium pedatoradiatum, ensure your plant is fully matured. This will encourage better-growing results while not damaging the mother plant.
  • Opt for Anthurium pedatoradiatum peat soil mix for overall increased Anthurium pedatoradiatum care.
  • Consider using a humidifier to provide a moderate to higher humidity level in your home for this plant.


Frequently Asked Questions about Anthurium Pedatoradiatum Care


Should I bother misting my Anthurium pedatoradiatum?

Though I often advise against it for many plant types, an Anthurium pedatoradiatum will benefit from misting! This is mostly due to its southern Mexican origins.

One of the best ways for Anthurium pedatoradiatum care is to regularly mist them with a light spray of lukewarm water.

Another excellent idea here is to add in a steady light clean, say once a week. By using a gentle sponge to do this job, you’ll further increase your Anthurium pedatoradiatum’s humidity levels.


My Anthurium pedatoradiatum seems to need repotting regularly. Am I doing something wrong?

An Anthurium pedatoradiatum, when kept in the most perfect of conditions, will continue to grow throughout the year. In fact, one of my Anthurium pedatoradiatums puts out new growths at some of the most random times of the year.

Though usually repotting only needs doing around every two years, you may well need to do this more often with a fast grower.

There is nothing wrong with an Anthurium pedatoradiatum outgrowing its pot regularly. In fact, it suggests some tip-top house care maintenance on behalf of its owner!

I would advise those with a fast-growing Anthurium pedatoradiatum to keep a check on the fullness of their pot.

Also, look out for signs that your Anthurium pedatoradiatum has become root-bound and starting to look a little malnourished. This indicates repotting time.


My new home doesn’t receive a lot of natural light. Can I still offer the best Anthurium pedatoradiatum with a grow light?

What I love about the Anthurium pedatoradiatum is how it continues to grow and thrive in lower lighting levels. So, as long as it’s getting some form of light, it tends to remain happy and healthy.

In some areas of my home where light is minimal, I have an Anthurium pedatoradiatum growing under a grow light. This is, once again, a moderate light offering and doesn’t sit too close to the pedatoradiatum’s leaves.

Grow lights can be the ultimate way for those with darker rooms to grow Anthurium pedatoradiatum. Just be sure to take care of the rest of its wants and needs when you offer artificial lighting to get the best lasting results.



If you love your Fatsia japonica, Pachira aquatica, and Schefflera arboricola, then the pedatoradiatum visually combines all three to make one unique stunning anthurium!

I guarantee you, though, that once you buy one Anthurium pedatoradiatum, you’ll find yourself keen on adding more to your collection – such is their beauty.

A fantastic grower when offered the right level of care and attention, this is undoubtedly the best choice of house plant. It’s also an ideal choice for all levels of house plant owners.

So, if you’re searching for low maintenance stunning foliage, then the Anthurium pedatoradiatum may just be your ideal green companion.