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Do You Water Aloe Vera from Top or Bottom? What Experts Say

Do You Water Aloe Vera from Top or Bottom? What Experts Say

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Aloe Vera plants don’t require very much water. According to the University of Florida, Aloe Vera is native to Africa, which explains why it thrives with little water.

When you water Aloe Vera, you water it the right way.

Overwatering or underwatering your Aloe Vera plant could lead to withering and browned tips or even kill the plant.

When you water Aloe Vera, how do you do it?

Do You Water Aloe Vera from Top or Bottom?

Watering Alove Vera from the bottom is the best way to nourish the root system without disturbing the soil or plant too much. However, you can water it from either the top or the bottom.

Do You Water Aloe Vera from Top or Bottom?
Do You Water Aloe Vera from Top or Bottom?

Watering Alove Vera from the Bottom

You can also bottom water Aloe Vera by placing the plant in a water-filled tray, immersing the bottom of the plant’s root system. This strengthens the root system and quenches the plant’s thirst simultaneously.

Watering Alove Vera from the Top

When watering Aloe Vera from the top, point the nozzle of the watering can directly at the earth at the base of the plant. Do not shower the leaves with water. 

The Aloe Vera leaves cannot absorb water directly, so it doesn’t help to pour water on them.

Pouring water over the aloe vera doesn't help the plant as its leaves cannot absorb it
Pouring water over the Aloe Vera doesn’t help the plant as its leaves cannot absorb it

How to Water Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera thrives when you water the roots infrequently but thoroughly, either by watering from above at the soil level (not the leaves) or by bottom water (immersing the roots in water so they can soak it up).

When To Water

Water Aloe Vera every 2-3 weeks. Use your index finger and stick it into the soil. Water once the soil is dry up to 2 inches of soil (5 cm).

Do not water if the soil is still humid. I first lost multiple plants as I wanted to water them well, only to identify root rot.

In addition, the leaves started to shrivel and rot as well

Apart from testing the soil, I found that checking the leaves is the best way to identify if your Aloe plant needs water.

I squish them gently. If they are completely plump and stiff, I do not water them. This means that the plant is full of water.

Once the leaves become limp and soft to the touch, I know that I can water again.

Where to Water Aloe Vera

The best place to water Aloe Vera is directly underneath the leaves.

Since you don’t need to shower the leaves, you are just targeting the roots and emptying the water as directly as possible into the root system.

Since the plant grows directly above the strongest roots, pouring water at the very base of the plant is the best way to nourish it.

The best way of watering your aloe vera plant is by pouring water directly to its base
The best way of watering your Aloe Vera plant is by pouring water directly to its base without touching the leaves when watering from the top

There is no need to water every part of the pot since the main roots beneath the plant can absorb all of the water.

Watering from above the root system doesn’t mean watering above the plant, which is generally inefficient and can even disturb the topsoil in ways that stress the plant.

When you’re watering Aloe Vera, you can just pour it slowly and steadily into the soil directly beside the base of the plant.

How to Bottom Water an Aloe Plant

Bottom watering is a bit more labor-intensive than watering from the top, but it’s still straightforward to do at home.

Besides, Aloe Vera doesn’t need to be watered very often (every 2-3 weeks), so this ritual doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

1. Fill a bucket or a tray with water to about half the height of the soil in the planter your Aloe Vera is planted in.

Fill a bucket or tray with water about half the height of the soil in the aloe vera's planter
Fill a bucket or tray with water about half the height of the soil in the Aloe Vera’s planter

2. Immerse the Aloe Vera planter in the water. Again, the water line shouldn’t be higher than halfway up the Aloe Vera planter.

3. Leave it for 10 minutes and check to see if the soil at the top of the planter is moist or if it is still completely dry.

If the plant looks the same, give it another 10 minutes (20 minutes total) before you take it out of the bath.

This method of watering is very healthy for the plant and can strengthen the root system, but you will still have to water above at least twice a year to remove toxins that can build up in the soil.

Aloe Vera Care

To care for an Aloe Vera, use a succulent or cacti mix. It prefers bright indirect light. Temperatures should be between 60-75 °F (15-24°C). Keep it on the dry side and water it every few weeks. Use a pot with potting holes.

Related: Aloe Vera Care

Frequently Asked Questions

How Will My Aloe Vera Plant Tell Me It Needs Water?

Aloe Vera plants should be watered every 2-3 weeks. If the soil is dry and your Aloe Vera plant has been waiting more than two weeks since its last feeding, you can give it a drink.

How Often Should You Bottom Water Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera should be bottom watered the same amount as you would water it from above – every 2-3 weeks. Otherwise, the same risks of overwatering exist with bottom watering. They only differ in that the water is saturated from below rather than above.

What’s the Best Watering Method for Aloe Vera?

Bottom water encourages root growth and doesn’t disturb the soil’s surface. But, the best way to water an aloe plant is whichever is most convenient for you to do consistently. Aloe Vera will grow best if it is watered regularly and not left thirsty or oversaturated.

Should I Water My Aloe Plant From Above Or Below?

If using your watering can, you should water your Aloe Vera plant directly at the base, below the leaves, and above the root system and soil.

If you are bottom watering the Aloe Vera plant by immersing the lower half of the root system in water, watering from below will also do a great job.

Spraying or sprinkling the Aloe Vera leaves with water should not be done.

Although it’s helpful to clean off any dust that accumulates, Aloe Vera leaves can’t absorb water using its leaves. It is best to bottom water your Aloe vera plant.