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Amagris Ctenanthe Care – A Definitive Guide

Amagris Ctenanthe Care – A Definitive Guide

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The Amagris Ctenanthe or the Never Never plant belongs to the tropical rainforests of Brazil and is known to be a challenging plant to grow. 

This stunning plant has beautiful leaves that have a variety of colors on them. The top part of the leaves is light green, with dark green veins, and the bottom side is purple.

You will find the Amagris Ctenanthe plant in the USDA Zone 10-12. Another fascinating thing about the Amagris Ctenanthe is that its leaves start to close upwards once it’s night.


Amagris Ctenanthe Care

In order to grow Amagris Ctenanthe well, make sure you use well-draining soil, provide them with bright, indirect sunlight. Keep your plant under high humidity levels ranging from 70-80 percent and make sure the temperature is kept between 55°F to 85°F (13°C-29°C).



Amagris Ctenanthe is capable of surviving in many different types of soil. But you’ll have to pay attention to whether or not the soil is well-draining.

Waterlogging can cause several issues for your Amagris Ctenanthe, which is why using a soil mixture that provides the best drainage is necessary. 

Use a mixture of perlite, peat, and potting soil, each of them should be added in equal parts.



Just like any other plant, your Amagris Ctenanthe also needs a proper watering schedule to survive. 

Amagris Ctenanthe is tolerant to changes in soil moisture level, but an important thing to remember is to never let your Amagris Ctenanthe dry out.

Water your Amagris Ctenanthe once the soil’s top starts feeling dry. Every time your water your Amagris Ctenanthe, keep adding the water until you see it draining out of the drainage holes.

An easy way to water your Amagris Ctenanthe is to simply take the pot to your sink. Then open the water into the soil until all the excess comes out of it. 

Since this plant is fairly small, picking it up and transporting it from one place to another will not be difficult.

Remember that overwatering can damage your plant from its roots. The best way to monitor your watering habits is to see the conditions of the leaves and the soil moisture.

If your Amagris Ctenanthe is suffering from brown leaf tips, then your tap water most likely has high levels of chlorine and fluoride.

In this case, it is better for you to stop using tap water and use distilled rainwater or filtered water.



Amagris Ctenanthe requires bright indirect sunlight to grow well. Whenever you’re planning to grow an Amagris Ctenanthe, make sure to keep the tropical rainforest of Brazil in mind when taking care of it.

This plant is used to getting long hours of bright indirect sunlight. It’s used to getting indirect sunlight because of the other much taller plants in the forest that provide it with shade.

If your Amagris Ctenanthe is not provided with proper lighting, then the plant can have problems related to its foliage. 

This plant’s beauty is in its stunning foliage, and thus, any harm to it can ruin the esthetic of your house and garden.

If your plant is not getting proper sunlight, then the color patterns on the leaf can change drastically. When a low level of light is provided, then newer foliage will start to become dark green in color.

The attractive dark green veins will end up blending with the rest of the leaf’s color. On the other hand, excess amounts of light will cause the light green color to fade from the plant.

Suppose you have windows in your house that have trees close to them and provide some form of shade. Then you can place your Amagris Ctenanthe next to that window.

You should avoid placing your plant next to windows that provide indirect sunlight. These windows are usually located on the house’s south or west side.

The best place to keep your Amagris Ctenanthe is by leaving it close to an east or north-facing window. This should only be followed if you’re in the northern hemisphere.



Even though the Amagris Ctenanthe belongs to the tropical rainforest of Brazil, it is still capable of surviving in low temperatures. 

Your plant will survive easily in temperatures between 55°F to 85°F (13°C-29°C). Thus, if your area has cool summers, your plant will not end up dying.

Since the Amagris Ctenanthe likes low temperatures as well, even indoor temperature will be perfect for the plant. 

If the location you live in has extremely cold winters, then never leave your plant outdoors. Once the night comes, your plant can freeze, and the damage caused by this freeze is not repairable.



Amagris Ctenanthe loves to live in areas with high humidity levels. This is again credit to their native land, which are tropical rainforests by nature.

Maintaining humidity levels between 70% to 80% is perfect for this plant. You can increase the humidity around your Amagris Ctenanthe by spraying it with water. 

You can even raise the humidity levels by placing your Amagris Ctenanthe in a tray of water with pebbles.



Fertilizer is an important component for many indoor plants as the soil can lose its nutrients over time. 

When fertilizing your Amagris Ctenanthe, you should preferably use a liquid fertilizer when the growing season arrives and use it at least twice a month.

Do not use fertilizer once the growing season has passed, as you may end up over-fertilizing your plant, and this can kill your plant.



The Amagris Ctenanthe plant doesn’t need frequent repotting as it likes to be pot-bound. Doing it after one to two years during the springtime is more than enough.

If you choose to repot your Amagris Ctenanthe, follow these tips:

  • Be gentle when taking the Amagric Ctenanthe out of the pot.
  • Do not yank the plant out of the pot, as you will damage the stems, leaves, and roots.
  • Use sterilized tools for your plant as unsterilized tools can cause your plant to get infected with some disease.

When you repot your Amagris Ctenanthe, you will have to wait six weeks before you fertilize the plant. This is to let the root system get establish in the soil.

Once the roots have been well established, you should apply a liquid fertilizer to a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer that has been diluted. 

Dilute your water-soluble fertilizer by half of its recommended strength.



Amagris Ctenanthe does not need to be pruned much; most of the time, you just need to remove any dead leaves from it. 

However, pruning is encouraged as it helps your plant grow well. When pruning your plant, make sure to use sterilized tools as this can prevent your plant from getting diseases.

To perfectly prune your Amagris Ctenanthe, follow these steps:

  • Gently grab a part of your Amagris Ctenanthe that you would like to cut off.
  • Get a good angle when trying to cut your plant. Bad angles can cause a lot of damage to your plant.
  • Use sharp tools to cut your plant, so you do not damage the stem.
  • Use rubbing alcohol to sanitize your tools.
  • Cut your Amagris Ctenanthe just below the node. This will reduce the chances of you damaging your plant.
  • Do not prune off any more than one-third of your Amagris Ctenanthe.
  • Prune off any unhealthy part of your Amagris Ctenanthe.



Amagris Ctenanthe can be easily propagated through the use of its offsets. These develop as bushy clumps around your Amagris Ctenanthes base.

The offsets are sometimes known as baby plants that can form on the base of your plant. It is common in houseplants. In order to use offsets in propagation:

  • First, wait until your Amagris Ctenanthe offsets have grown several inches.
  • Then detach the offset from your mother plant.
  • Propagation becomes easy with the offset already has roots developed, so try finding an offset with roots.
  • Plant the offset in a container. Keep your new Amagris Ctenanthe moist but not soggy.
  • Use the same combination of soil as the mother plant. Preferably a balanced mixture of peat, perlite, and potting soil

The Amagris Ctenanthe is easy to propagate from these offsets, and you should always try to propagate it in spring. 

You can propagate Amagris Ctenanthe through stem cuttings. This measure’s done by:

  • Using sharp shears or scissors to cut at least four to six inches of your stem right below the node. If you do not know where the node is, it is simply the area where the leaf connects to the stem.
  • Remove the leaves from the bottommost part of the stem.
  • To make it grow better, immerse the cut side of the stem in a rooting hormone. This step is not necessary.
  • Plant your stem in a pot that is at least four inches big and make sure it has drainage holes. Use moist potting soil.
  • You will then have to cover your Amagris Ctenanthe with a plastic bag or wrap to increase the humidity level.
  • Do not let the soil dry out. Check the soil after every few days and water it once the top part of the soil is dry.
  • Slightly tug on the stem once a few weeks have passed. If you feel that resistance is there, then the roots have formed.
  • Once the roots form, remove the plastic covering as the propagation is complete.



Amagris Ctenanthe is not known for its blooms as they are very rare and are not considered its most attractive feature. 

In most cases, this plant does not even grow flowers, especially if it is kept indoors.

If kept under perfect growing conditions, your Amagris Ctenanthe might bloom throughout the year. The blooms of Amagris Ctenanthe are white or yellow in color.



The Amagris Ctenanthe is considered a slow grower. It is only able to reach a height of thirty centimeters but can spread wide, more than thirty centimeters if given proper care. 

Amagris Ctenanthe leaves can grow up to six inches long.


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Common Problems for Amagris Ctenanthe


Spider Mites

Amagris Ctenanthe loves living in humid climates. Thus, they become susceptible to spider mites as these pests love to live in humid climates, where the weather is warm.

While these pests are deadly for your plant, they’re not impossible to rid of. You simply need to spray your Amagris Ctenanthe with high-pressure water on the front and backside of the leaves. 

Make sure you spray the stems as well.

If you still think your plant is infested with spider mites, use the pesticidal spray once a week to keep your Amagris Ctenanthe safe.



Botrytis or most commonly known as gray mold is a fungus that attacks many house plants. This fungus first looks like a brown or gray spot on the plant and eventually grows into a fuzzy gray spore. 

This is where their gray mold name comes from.

In order to prevent botrytis from infecting your plant, you need to remove any dead or dying leaves from your Amagris Ctenanthe. These dead or dying leaves are the best breeding grounds for gray molds.

You should also avoid keeping the water off the leaves when the humidity levels are high around your Amagris Ctenanthe. Good air circulation is crucial to keep the humidity levels balanced.

Remove any part of the soil that seems to have gray mold on it and spray your plant with a commercial fungicide.

You can make a homemade fungicide as well by taking two tablespoons of baking soda, two tablespoons of vegetable oil and adding them into 1 gallon of water. 

Add this into a spray bottle and mix it thoroughly. 


Tips for Growing Amagris Ctenanthe

Growing plants is never easy, but just by following a few easy tips, you may find that your Amagris Ctenanthe is much easier to grow than before:

  • Keep humidity levels between seventy to eighty percent.
  • Do not place your plant in temperatures lower than 55°F (13°C) or higher than 85°F (29°C)
  • Fertilize your Amagris Ctenanthe twice in the growing season.
  • Use a liquid fertilizer or a fertilizer that’s soluble in water.
  • Place your Amagris Ctenanthe under bright, indirect sunlight.


Frequently Asked Questions about Amagris Ctenanthe Care


Is Amagris Ctenanthe toxic?

Amagris Ctenanthe can be slightly toxic, which is why it should be kept away from animals and children. While most species of Ctenanthe are non-toxic, this species can potentially cause harm to anyone who ingests it, and allergic reactions can occur as well.


Does Amagris Ctenanthe purify the air?

Amagris Ctenanthe is considered strong air purifying plant among both indoor and outdoor plants.



Amagris Ctenanthe is one of the many species of Ctenanthe, and it also shares the common name of the Never-Never plant with them. 

This plant rarely grows blooms, but it’s able to make up for it through its stunning leaves and its capability to provide fresh air indoors. 

Even though this plant is being commonly grown indoors, it does not mean one cannot grow it outdoors; just provide it with good care.