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Anthurium Forgetii White Stripes Care — Top Tips!

Anthurium Forgetii White Stripes Care — Top Tips!

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Anthurium is a vast genus with a collection of about 1,000 plants. Most of the original varieties are native to America, but horticulturists have developed several new varieties using hybridization. 

Today’s plant is a cross between Anthurium Crystallinum and Anthurium Forgetii; it goes by the name Anthurium Forgetii White Stripes. 

It resembles closely to the Forgetii plant, but the silver lining or stripes are more prominent on this hybrid version. The lack of sinus gives it a unique look compared to regular Anthuriums. 

All the hype for this plant is for the unique foliage because it stays compact, so size is not the reason for its popularity. 

There is another version of the Forgetii plant classified as the dark form, which lacks the veining. 

This plant is a hard-to-find beauty, but it’s a perfect pick for your rare plant collection. However, keep in mind that it’s a fussy plant, so following the care instructions is important. 


Anthurium Forgetti White Stripes Care 

This Anthurium will thrive in soil with peat moss, bark chips, perlite, charcoal, and some potting soil. It requires bright filtered sunlight and a temperature of 60 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit (16 to 26 degrees Celsius). Water when the top soil is dry about once a week. Maintain a humidity of 60-80%. Fertilize sparingly every 6-8 weeks in Spring and Summer.



Anthurium Forgetii White Stripes grows best using orchid soil mix. 

An easy home-made soil mix recipe for this plant includes the following ingredients:

Mix the above ingredients with a good quality regular potting soil. Using a well-draining soil mix is a must for this plant because it reduces the risks of root rot. 



Water Anthurium Forgetii White Stripes when you feel the potting soil’s dry. If the topsoil feels moist, you can skip watering. 

The water needs of this plant will vary based on light levels. Even the soil mix and surrounding temperatures can impact the watering frequency. 

You can perform a simple soil test by inserting your finger in the top few inches of soil before watering the Anthurium Forgetii White Stripes. 

Depending on the climate of your house, you will have to water this plant 2-3 times a week on average. 

Experiment and choose a weekly or monthly watering frequency that ensures the soil stays moist throughout the growing season. The plant requires minimal watering in cold months. 

Overwatering should be avoided for Anthurium Forgetii White Stripes, as it can cause root rot. 



This hybrid will tolerate medium or bright light levels. But bear in mind that the ideal lighting condition for this plant is bright filtered sunlight. 

Optimum sunlight will help the plant in maintaining the green color of the foliage. 

You also need to remember that these plants are quite picky with their light exposure. Make sure your variety never receives direct sunlight. 

The sunlight is usually intense in the afternoon so protect your plant during these midday hours. There are several options for this, including shade cloth, sheer curtains, blinds, etc. 

You can also consider relocating your pot during the summer months to a spot with filtered light. 



Both parent plants of this hybrid originate from tropical environments of rainforests in Columbia, Panama, and Peru. Therefore, this plant also needs similar growing conditions. 

To grow this as a houseplant, you need average temperatures of 60 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit (16 to 26 degrees Celsius). 

Never place this plant near air conditioners or heaters because the direct air from these can damage the beautiful green foliage of the Forgetii plant. 



Maintain air humidity levels of 60 to 80% to keep this hybrid plant happy. 

This level of humidity can be achieved in the following ways: 

  • Misting the leaves every other day during the week
  • Growing your plant in a bathroom or kitchen where the moisture levels’ higher compared to the other areas in the house. 
  • Using the DIY pebble tray method. Simply fill the tray with stones or gravel and add water. Slowly this water will evaporate and create humidity around the plant. 

If none of the above methods work for your plant, you should buy a humidifier, especially one of the 11 best humidifiers for houseplants

This might be an expensive option for some plant enthusiasts, but it will help your plant thrive. 



If you grow Anthurium Forgetii White Stripes in a rich soil mix, it will rarely require feeding. 

However, fertilizing anthuriums during the growing months is highly recommended as it strengthens the plant against drought and diseases. 

Based on the fertilizing needs of the original Anthurium Forgetii, you can fertilize this hybrid variety every 6-8 weeks. 

But if you are using a liquid fertilizer, apply it more frequently as liquid fertilizers are absorbed by the plant faster. 



This slow-growing plant will eventually need repotting after few years. The actual growth rate depends on various factors. 

Look for the following signs to decide whether your Anthurium Forgetii White Stripes needs to be repotted. 

  • White residue is visible on the potting soil or the pot surface
  • The plant topples easily because it’s top-heavy, and the current pot cannot support the weight
  • Roots are poking out from the hole at the bottom, or some of them are visible on the soil surface 
  • Your plant is experiencing slower growth in the growing months 
  • The potting soil dries out quicker or slower than usual, indicating the soil mix is not right

No matter the reason behind repotting, you will follow the same steps to repot this variety. Start by removing the Anthurium from its current pot. 

Loosen the roots using a small wooden stick after removing the soil around the root system. 

Trim any diseased roots or foliage before moving your plant to the new pot. Choose one size larger pot to avoid overwatering issues. 

Make sure you prepare a fresh batch of the potting mixture using the instructions given previously in the soil section. Avoid fertilizing this newly repotted anthurium plant. 

Even if you don’t repot the plant each year, you should still consider upgrading the soil because most of the nutrients are depleted at the end of the growing season. New soil means your plant will grow better. 

If you need more information about repotting, you can read the detailed article we wrote about ‘When to repot an Anthurium.’ 



This plant requires pruning to get rid of discolored foliage. The leaves can become brown or yellow due to several reasons. The details for this discoloration will be discussed later in this article. 

Remove any leaves infected with diseases or pests. Removing them will not only improve the appearance of the plant but also focus the energy on growing new leaves. 



You can propagate this plant using any method that suits Anthuriums. Some of our favorite methods are shared below with detailed instructions.

Make sure you perform propagation in the spring season so that both mother and the new plant have a better chance at recovery. 


Root Division Method

  • Take the plant out of the pot as you would while repotting. Carefully look for any signs of root damage or root rot infection. Infected roots are dark, soft, and smelly. It’s best to get rid of these before dividing the plant. 
  • Now separate the root ball into small sections using a blade or scissors. Avoid pulling the roots by hand, or you might damage them. 
  • Each root section should have at least one leaf attached to it. You can have as many sections as you like but make sure few healthy leaves are attached to each of them. 
  • Plant these sections in a well-draining orchid soil mix. Use the ingredients mentioned in the soil section of this article. 
  • Water the plant regularly to help keep the soil moist. This will help the plant grow faster after propagation. 
  • You should also maintain adequate light levels by placing the pots in an area with bright indirect light. 
  • Watch out for your young plants for the next few days until they start growing steadily. 


Leaf Cuttings Method

  • You can also propagate this beautiful hybrid Anthurium using the cuttings method. Choose one or two healthy leaves on your original plant. 
  • Trim these leaves with few inches of stem or petiole attached to it. Thoroughly disinfect the tools used during propagation before and after the procedure. 
  • Plant these leaves in pots filled with a rich, fast-draining soil mix that suits the Forgetii White Stripes plant. 
  • If you keep the soil moist and provide bright light, these cuttings will grow a root system within few weeks. Keep in mind that these cuttings require special attention during the initial stages of growth. 



If you maintain proper growing conditions, the leaves will spread up to 2 feet (0.6 m), and the plant reaches an overall 4-5 feet of height. 

This plant offers the best of both parent plants with silver veins and classical green leaves. The foliage are ovate or round in shape. The foliage has a velvety texture, and the flattened stems are subterete. 

There is no leaf sinus or lobes on this plant. This is a compact plant with bushy growth. But if you provide the right conditions, this slow-growing plant can become a climber. 


Toxicity of Anthurium Forgetii White Stripes

This plant might be one of the most beautiful Anthurium you have ever seen, but you still need to be careful because it’s toxic for pets and humans. 

All parts of this species contain toxic calcium oxalate crystals. 

Make sure Anthurium Forgetii White Stripes is kept away from pets or small kids. You should also wear gloves while propagating or pruning the Anthurium Forgetii White Stripes. 

The sap for this plant is toxic, and contact can cause irritation or skin allergy. 


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Common Problems for Anthurium Forgetii White Stripes


Discolored Foliage

Your Anthurium Forgetii White Stripes might start losing their color due to several reasons. 

The leaves will either turn brown or yellow. The location of discoloration can also help you find the root cause. 

Some of the common causes behind the discoloration of leaves are:


Overwatering your Plant

This reduces the airflow within the soil, and the plant has difficulty absorbing moisture or nutrients.


Inadequate Humidity Levels

Low levels of air moisture will cause the leaves to turn yellow.


Lack of Nutrients in the Soil

You could be using a poor soil mix, or the nutrients have depleted over time.


High Light Levels

Exposing your plant to direct sunlight for several hours can cause the leaves to burn and change color. 


Initially, the leaves will turn yellow, and if you leave the plant in the same spot, they will become brown. 



This natural process is not an issue because your plant is simply aging and losing the old leaves. 

The energy will be used to grow new green leaves. 

All of the above issues can be fixed by providing adequate light, humidity, and moisture levels for your plant. 

But ignoring these can result in the complete destruction of the foliage. 


Tips for Growing Anthurium Forgetti White Stripes

  • Gardeners often fail to provide air circulation around their houseplants. Remember, this Anthurium needs plenty of air circulation to thrive and stay healthy. 
  • Similar to several other anthuriums, this one is also sensitive to temperature changes. Avoid placing it in areas with drafty doors and windows. 
  • Do not keep this plant in humidity lower than 60%. 
  • This plant will not tolerate wet growing conditions, so the soil should not remain soggy for too long. 
  • Disinfect the tools with a bleach and water solution or rubbing alcohol before using them on your anthurium plant. 


Frequently Asked Questions about Anthurium Forgetti White Stripes Care


How can you maintain the symmetrical shape of this Anthurium plant?

Rotating the plant every few weeks will ensure that all leaves receive an equal amount of care, especially in terms of light. This ensures your Anthurium grows symmetrical and healthy. 


What is the best time to fertilize the Anthurium Forgetii White Stripes?

You can fertilize this plant from spring through summer until September. 



The glittery veins complement the green, velvety leaves of this hybrid plant.

Finding the right balance of light, moisture, and temperature for this rare plant will take time, but you can experiment to find the optimum levels. 

You will rarely find this plant being sold in the local nursery, but you can try looking for it on online websites like Etsy, where plant enthusiasts are selling cuttings or young versions of this plant.

If you find this article useful, read our detailed plant care article about Anthurium Forgetii