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Hoya Lauterbachii Care – #1 Care Guide

Hoya Lauterbachii Care – #1 Care Guide

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Hoya Lauterbachii belongs to Hoyas’s family, which are known to be the largest plants on earth, and they are quite magnificent in their appearance, fragrance, and color, which grabs the attention.

One entire bloom is three-inches, which is the size of a coffee cup, and each Hoya Lauterbachii has 6 to 7 blossoms close to the size of soccer balls.

There is not much care needed to grow Hoya Lauterbachii indoors, with low sunlight and arid environment in its surrounding.

As for the flowers to bloom, it needs a higher light level. It’s a massive fan of sunlight, heat and would love to stay in one place and hates cold, dark locations and movement.

The reddish-coppery flowers have a cream-colored center with a delicious fragrance, just like chocolate candy wrappers scent.

Hoya Lauterbachii is a robust climber that requires support; they usually grow on a trellis, train on stakes, and need plenty of room to grow.

It has fuzzy green leaves, which makes it desirable to have them as houseplants. With proper care, they tend to show their beauty in the form of parachute clusters of star-shaped flowers, large cups of red edges.

This plant originates from Thailand’s tropical regions, so it’s quite challenging to grow this plant indoors or any botanical garden. However, with our plant care guide, you can quickly grow a healthy Hoya Lauterbachii.



Hoya Lauterbachii Plant Care Guide



The soil needs to be well-drained. Hoya Lauterbachii soil needs to have good nutrition, so it is essential to know the perfect ingredients for its growth.

Mixing the above in equal parts will create an excellent potting soil for the healthy growth of the Hoya Lauterbachii. The soil pH should be 6.1 to 6.5 (mildly acidic) or 6.6 to 7.5 (neutral).



When watering, we have to bring the soil to a state of visual dryness between watering. We have to thoroughly saturate the soil of Hoya Lauterbachii until water starts to trickle out of the bottom of the pot.

Hoya Lauterbachii grows epiphytically and would prefer a drier root environment. While in the winter season, it is best to stop providing water considering the weather is dark and damp; instead, Hoya Lauterbachii would prefer to be in the sunlight.



Hoya Lauterbachii requires partial sunlight, which could be eastern or western exposure. Hoya Lauterbachii can also grow in the northern window, but they do benefit from a little direct sunlight.



Hoya Lauterbachii would preferably thrive in temperatures above 60 degrees Fahrenheit ( 16  Degree Celsius).

They vary in their natural habitat; those who come from a warmer environment tend to do well in colder nights.

If Hoya Lauterbachii doesn’t flower, try increasing the light or growing it at a little cooler temperature at night.



Hoya Luaterbachii can tolerate low levels of humidity with no harm. But if there are signs of dryness, then it is essential to increase the moisture.

This can be done with an electric humidifier or spraying Hoya Lauterbachii with a water mist or even placing it in a tray filled with pebbles and water.



Hoya Lauterbachii is a light feeder, so I use ¼ tsp of fertilizer per gallon of water once a month. A balanced liquid fertilizer like a 15-15-15 or a blooming fertilizer like a 7-9-5 would be perfect for this Hoya species.

Young Hoya Lauterbachii requires a high amount of nitrogen in fertilizers during the growing spring and summer, which would encourage foliage growth and lush green leaves. When growth stops in winter, it’s best to withdraw the use of the fertilizer.



Hoya Lauterbachii is not very fond of being moved or even being repotted. It would stay in the same pot for a long time, considering they like growing slightly rootbound.

Repotting would also increase the chances of Hoya Lauterbachii flowers to bloom, which is quite rare.

You should keep on checking Hoya Lauterbachii if there are roots visible on the pot’s drainage hole or plastic pots doesn’t provide any more space to grow because that’s when it’s best to repot your Hoya.

But if it is necessary to repot, there is not much to do except keep in mind the soil’s composition and the perfect weather to do this task, which would be in early spring to mid-summer.

I would prefer to have a pot that is 1 to 2 inches larger in diameter and depth than the current Hoya pot to have enough space for the plant to grow or have its flowers bloom.



Hoya Luaterbachii needs pruning when growth is excessive or after the flowering cycle is complete. Hoya Lauterbachii bloom on the new growth, so hard pruning will slow down flowering. But remember not to prune more than two-thirds of the Hoya Lauterbachii growth.

Pruning the wrong buds or leaves would prevent Hoya Lauterbachii to bloom successfully so;

  • Ensure to cut-out wilted or distorted leaves identified as yellow or brown leaves. Remove foliage that shows signs of being diseased with dry or dusty looking leaves.
  • Remove any unwelcome guests that seem to be interrupting the growth of Hoya Lauterbachii.
  • Avoid cutting the wax plant’s bloom because it would further affect the future blooms and prevent the flower from blooming fully.



The best way to propagate Hoya Lauterbachii is to take cuttings that have two nodes. A node is a place where the leaves emerge from the stem.

Hoya Lauterbachii propagation is best in spring or summer when the plant is actively growing. There are two methods that I would prefer to propagate Hoya Lauterbachii :


Herbaceous Stem Cuttings

Hoya Lauterbachii herbaceous stem cutting can be done at any time when the plant is actively growing.

  • The first step would be to cut off the stem 2-6 inches long. There should be at least three sets of leaves of the cutting.
  • Make sure to cut just below the bottom of the node ( a node is where the leaf joins the stem).
  • Remove half to two-thirds of the leaves starting from the bottom and make sure to cut the large leaves in half.
  • Remove all the flowers, flower buds of the Hoya Lauterbachii.
  • Take a pot and put the drained rooting mixture in it, make a hole for the cutting in between with a pencil. Put the cutting in the pot and cover it with the rooting mix. If any leaves are present at the surface of the mix, trim them down.
  • Place the pot in a plastic bag and make sure the bag doesn’t touch the leaves.
  • Place the pot in warm, light sunlight but do protect it from direct sunlight. Every few days, I check the mixture to know whether it’s damp or not and keep the watering in mind.
  • I would check every two-three weeks for the growth of the roots by gently picking up Hoya Lauterbachii. If no roots are formed or are very small in size, then push the roots back in the mixture, re-bag it, and recheck after two weeks.
  • Once the roots have been formed, I would then decrease the humidity for Hoya Lauterbachii by slowly untying the plastic bag and then opening each day little by little.
  • When it is growing well, I would remove the plastic bag, replace the rooting mixture with a good quality potting mixture, and move it to a permanent spot.


Hardwood Stem Cuttings

Hardwood stem cuttings are carried out from the woody stems of the previous season growth. It is another method to propagate Hoya Lauterbachii:

  • I would first cut the stems, which would vary from (4-12) inches; the diameter also varies from ¼ to 1 inch.
  • Each cutting would consist of two nodes; the bottom cut is done below the node while the other on top would be above the node about one half to one inch.
  • I would then dip the bottom of the node in the rooting hormone and secure all the cutting with a rubber band. Then place the bundled cutting in a plastic bag containing highly moistened sphagnum moss or wood shavings.
  • I recommend storing the cutting in the refrigerator; this would keep the cutting in a dormant state.
  • Early spring, take the cutting out of the fridge and remove it from the plastic bag. When planting the cutting, their top ends should face the upwards direction, and you have to completely bury the cutting within the soil one or two inches deep.
  • A constant supply of moisture is needed for the Hoya Lauterbachii, especially in dry weather.

There are also seeds present, which are taken out by drying the pods and breaking them to remove them. But as soon as the seeds are taken out, it’s best to sow them as they become dry quickly.



Hoya Lauterbachii blooms into beautiful reddish-coppery flowers. All Hoya flowers that bloom are so fascinating and eye-catching that it looks like they are made out of porcelain; the flowers are perfect-looking.

Hoya Lauterbachii bloom times vary from the late spring to early summer even to mid-summer. The time can change to late summer till early fall.

Once Hoya Lauterbachii starts blooming, they become gorgeous enough that they deserve to be called exotic houseplants.

Even after providing the plant’s best conditions to grow, there is a higher chance that the plant will not bloom.



Hoya Lauterbachii would reach 8 feet in length provided the right temperature and the best environment for its growth.

Hoya Lauterbachii is an annual; there are no seasonal limits on them. Providing the best conditions for its growth would provide a fruitful outcome in the form of beautiful flowers with sweet-smelling fragrance throughout the year.



Common Problems for Hoya Lauterbachii


Mealy Bugs

Mealybugs are pink-colored pests or insects covered by a white waxy layer; it helps protect the mealybugs from excessive heat and moisture.

They tend to feed by sucking on plant juices and excrete a sticky substance called honeydew. The sticky substance then attracts insects like ants to feed.

The honeydew also provides perfect conditions for sooty mold growth. The symptoms for mealybugs infection on Hoya Lauterbachii include distorted growth with a whitish substance in leaf axils. It can be controlled by the use of neem oil or the use of Insecticidal soap.

It can also be prevented with the help of rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab. Dip the end of the cotton swab in the rubbing alcohol and dab each mealybug with the cotton swab, avoid touching the plant.


Scale Insects

They are seen in the form of oval and flat insects that have a protective layer on them, which is more similar to scales on the body. Due to their hard protective covering, they are not easy to remove from the stems considering they hide under the protective layers and feed on the sap.

Scale insects like mealy bugs secrete honeydew, which leads to the formation of sooty mold, which interrupts the photosynthesis and prevents the plant from growing. I

f present in a large infestation, they can cause deformation or stunted growth with limited nutrients present for the plant. It could be controlled by again using neem oil or insecticidal soap.



Aphids are also soft-bodied insects with mouthparts of small piercings used for sucking on the plant sap; they also multiply quickly and are visible to the naked eye. They attack mostly leaves, fruits, flowers, buds, and sometimes roots as well.

Aphids also secrete honeydew, which provides a suitable environment for sooty mold fungus to grow, preventing buds from opening, and leaves are distorted and twisted.

The honeydew also provides a medium for other insects to feed on the plant for nutrients.

Aphids can be removed easily using alcohol (ethanol) and a cotton swab, dip the end of the cotton swab in ethanol and dab the aphids on the Hoya Lauterbachii to prevent them from feeding on the plant.

Neem oil can also be applied to Hoya Lauterbachii leaves.


Spider Mites

They are also small mites that feed on the sap of Hoya Lauterbachii by penetrating the vascular tissues with their mouths.

Unlike scale, they are not protected by a waxy layer, but they spin webs around themselves that act as micro-repellant for them.

Spider mites exist in multiple types and colors like red, green, yellow, or brown, but the most common is the red spider mite and the two-legged spider mite.

The naked eye does not easily spot them until they are visible by their webs around Hoya Lauterbachii leaves; the nets are seen on the leaf underside.

If this goes unnoticed, then the web would cover the whole plant, and there would be other mites causing severe damage to Lauterbachii.

To control this on time, the use of pesticidal treatment would be useful. There would be a need for two applications considering the presence of unhatched eggs on the leaves that don’t die quickly on the first use of pesticide treatment.

In my experience, the help of insecticidal oil and soaps also turned out to be effective against the spider mites.


Tips for Growing Hoya Lauterbachii


  • Hoya Lauterbachii loves sunlight, so make sure to give them sufficient bright, indirect sunlight.
  • Make sure to provide them humidity of more than 60%.
  • Don’t over-water Hoya Lauterbachii and provide the right amount of liquid fertilizers with the ratio 15-15-15.
  • Make sure to use ceramic or clay pots, and the pots should be of adequate size to allow proper growth to minimize unnecessary repotting.


Frequently Asked Questions about Hoya Lauterbachii


How often do you water Hoya Luaterbachii?

Hoya Lauterbachii needs to be watered once a week, especially in spring and summer. While in fall and winter, it is better to water it less, once every two weeks.


Does Hoya Lauterbachii require sun?

Hoya Lauterbachii requires bright, natural light to bloom. Avoid placing under hot, sunny windows and direct afternoon sun. In darker winter months, it is best to move Hoya Lauterbachii under more light.


What time of the year does Hoya Lauterbachii bloom?

Hoya Lauterbachii blooms late spring to early summer or even sometimes to mid-summer.


Does Hoya Lauterbachii need to climb?

Hoya Lauterbachii has magnificent flowers and fuzzy leaves and is also a vining plant that has tendrils for support to climb.


What is the best fertilizer for Hoya Lauterbachii?

Hoya Lauterbachii is a light feeder, so ¼ tsp of fertilizer per gallon of water once a month would be best for it. In the case of blooming, switch to high phosphorus content in the fertilizers to encourage larger blooms.



Hoya Lauterbachii is a magnificent plant with phenomenal flowers that provide a sweet fragrance to freshen up the house’s atmosphere. They know how to provide beauty, which makes them a lovable plant.

With the proper care and conditions, the plant rewards you in the form of their reddish-coppery bloom, and their foliages are of fuzzy lush green leaves, which cease to amaze everyone.

Other Hoyas to have a look at are Hoya Serpens, Hoya Lacunosa and Hoya Obscura.