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Hoya Nummularioides Care – Perfect Growing Guide

Hoya Nummularioides Care – Perfect Growing Guide

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(image credit, IG: catandleaf)

Native to Asia and Thailand, Hoya Nummularioides is a beautiful plant with enticing features.

It has verdant green leaves, and despite their robust appearance, they are very fuzzy to touch. It grows in gorgeous vines and has bundles of tiny flowers in between.

Unlike some other plants, it does not require direct sunlight, daily watering, or repotting every few months.

However, keeping it in well-drained soil with a suitable substrate like sphagnum or peat moss would be best for a healthy result.

Keep the temperature between 65 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (18.3 to 32.2 degrees Celsius). You should also water regularly in the growth phase and sparingly when it is mature.For optimum growth, the use of fertilizer after every few months would be beneficial.

You can grow it in the garden, in ornamental hanging baskets, or even place the pot at your work desk.

The flowers have shapes like little white stars, with vermillion centers. The natural contrast between snowy white flowers and lush green leaves is an aesthetically pleasing sight.

Due to the flowers, it is among the most richly-scented Hoya family members.

I have grown several kinds of Hoya plants, and most of them take many years to blossom.

But surprisingly, Hoya Nummularioides is a fast-growing plant. If you start with a few cuttings, it will barely take a few months to spread out and acclaim its space.

So, if you would like a beautiful plant that adds significant value to your place in a short amount of time, this would be a perfect choice.



Hoya Nummularioides Plant Care



As the plant eventually absorbs many nutrients and water from it, it is essential to be mindful of the composition of the soil that you use.

Hoya Nummularioides is an epiphytic species that comes from rich jungles. It is naturally habitual of feeding on leaf moss and organic debris collected from other plants.

When isolated for growing in other places, well-drained soil is best suited for its growth because it prevents water pooling that damages the plant.

You can search for it in the market or, better yet, create your mixture at home. After experimenting with different ratios, I found that adding ⅓ peat moss, ⅓ perlite, and ⅓ orchid bark to the potting mix makes for an ideally fluffy and organic soil.



Like all plants, this species also need water for healthy stems, sturdy leaves, and vivid flowers. You can use flexible techniques when it comes to watering your Hoya Nummularioides.

Their water requirements are low, but like a child needs more nutrition when growing, your plants also need more water in their growth phase. Remember to water it from top to bottom, every few days for the first few months.

Once it is mature, you can shift to doing it every other week and not stick to a watering schedule. However, make sure you keep an eye open for any dry and brittle leaves as they show dehydration in the plant.



As they grow in trailing and climbing vines, Hoya Nummularioides often find themselves in places that offer the best sunlight. I have discovered that they are more pleased near good light sources, but direct sunlight can be harmful.

Placing them in direct sunlight causes heat stress symptoms like floppy leaves that most people try to undo by over-watering their plant.

It is never the right approach because an excess of both water and sunlight is distressing for Hoya Nummularioides.

The most sensible way to prevent it is to provide your plant with indirect sunlight. You can place or hang it next to a window sill so it can absorb the essential light without getting scorched.

If you have a canopy of trees outside, placing it directly on the window sill would also be a smart choice as the branches of other trees will filter the sunlight while shading your plant.

It would be best if you took more caution in summers as the sunlight is more intense then.



If you grow plants, you would have noticed that plants often have a different texture and appearance in different seasons.

External temperature affects the plants’ internal functions, as they rely on chemical reactions, which can only occur at specific temperatures.

I have seen that high-temperature stunts flowers’ growth and causes leaves to decay. I also heard that unsuitable temperatures cause root rot, which is particularly challenging to treat.

The optimum temperature range for this plant is between 65 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. (18.3 to 32.2 degrees Celsius).

You do not want to leave this plant without shade in the summer months, especially if you reside in a hot climate.

Similarly, too much cold also hinders growth. In all situations, make sure the temperature does not fall below 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius) or rises above 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius).



As Hoyas are used to growing in rainy forests, they prefer a sufficiently humid atmosphere. It helps them in a process called transpiration, through which water distributes minerals and nutrients to plant organs as it rises.

Hoya Nummularioides also utilize this process.

However, their leaves are thick, which provides them immunity against low humidity to an extent. They are tolerant and do fine in a dry atmosphere, but there are more blooms when I keep the air humidity up to 60%.

If your surroundings are naturally dry, do not worry because you can improve the humidity.

Firstly, you can mist the leaves with water and let them dry on their own. Secondly, you can use a humidity dish to increase the water concentration in the environment, and your Hoyas will feel relieved.


Occasional use of a good fertilizer can go a long way for this plant. It compensates for any nutrient or mineral deficiency that may occur in the soil.

I can feel the improvement whenever I fertilize my plant every few months. For Hoya Nummularioides, fertilizing them monthly in blossom season is a great practice.

They usually blossom twice a year, in fall and spring.

Liquid fertilizers are incredibly easy to use, as you can have to add a few portions of water, then pour them in soil and on vines.

However, make sure that the fertilizer you buy is rich in the three core elements-nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. If you notice a deficiency of any of these nutrients, adjust your fertilizer composition accordingly.



You may have to repot your plant when you see its vines intertwining in complicated ways and roots crawling out of drainage hole. While this may happen if you chose a small pot initially, this plant can comfortably grow in the same pot for years at a time.

My first pot for the Hoya Nummularioides cuttings was only 3 inches in diameter, but it was not only after a year had passed that I felt the need to repot. Nevertheless, this species proliferates and repotting your plant every two years would be an innovative idea.



As this plant has thick leaves that, more or less, self-sustain their shape and texture, you do not have to prune it regularly. The vines are also supposed to grow long, and you can witness this if you use a hanging basket.

However, sometimes it appears to be messy due to the tangle of branches, and pruning the spare parts would be an excellent way to make it appear organized. It would be best to use disinfected scissors and only clip the unhealthy areas, such as wilting leaves and brittle branches.



If you love your plant’s features and want to place it in other spaces, propagating it is convenient and economical. I tried propagating my plants a couple of times and found it a delightful process.

For Hoya Nummularioides, I find water propagation the best method as I love to observe the vines as they mature and branch. Here are some easy-to-follow steps that will come in handy:

  • Before you start, wear protective tools like gloves and remember to disinfect your scissors.
  • Carefully cut a small branch from the stem, but make sure it has a couple of nodes and leaves on it.
  • Take a clean and transparent jar of water, and place your cutting in it.
  • Please make sure the leaves are not fully submerged in the water as it can kill the plant before it has a chance to grow.
  • Place your jar on a window or terrace where it has access to sunlight, but not directly.
  • Keep an eye out for the growth of roots and branches!

The best part is that you can watch all steps of its development. Once the initial stage is over, you should shift it to a well-suited soil mix, preferably with sphagnum moss, where it can grow properly.



Hoya Nummularioides has gorgeous flowers with marvelous color combinations and shapes. They are grown in clusters on the vines and are like miniature stars.

While the velvety petals are a glistening white, the center or corona of a flower is pigmented rosy or the color of red wine.

A bunch of these is even smaller than an average-sized thumb. The flowers may bloom once or twice a year, based on your climate and the conditions you supply them.

Mine usually bloom in the late spring or early fall and are a remarkable sight for everyone who lays an eye on them. They are also heavily scented, so a sweet aroma prevails throughout the lounge where I hang their baskets.



I was first surprised when I saw the rate at which it grows, but now it is one of my favorite features of this plant. The growth rate is ideal, in the real sense of the meaning. They do not grow massive in a fortnight or leave you hanging for years.

Instead, they grow a couple of branches in a couple of months, which I find very convenient.

With this plant, you do not have to worry about pruning or repotting soon. It can occupy the same place for several years, though the vines may intertwine with any objects in their way.

It makes them perfect for the hanging baskets that add ornamental value to your place, but they look equally beautiful on a work desk. Ensure you only place young ones on the desk, unless you want your room to turn into a Jumanji-inspired jungle!

Thus, if you want to let them grow naturally, baskets with some well-drained soil work the best, as this plant likes to develop a stronghold of the soil through the roots. Once fully developed, the vines can be as long as 2 meters (6.5 feet).



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Common Problems for Hoya Nummularioides



These are incredibly common yet dangerous. You can spot these by checking the leaves and branches of your plant. If you see a white powdery substance spread all over, it is a sign of their presence.

Checking with a bare finger is not a good idea, but if you accidentally touch them, you will sense that their little bodies are layered with a sticky fluid, referred to as honeydew. They cause the plant to be deficient in essential nutrients.

Moreover, they can freely crawl and infest different neighboring plants. Even though Hoya is less prone to catching mealybugs, it is not a strange occurrence, and you should regularly examine the plant.

You can get rid of mealybugs if you take measures promptly. Apply some alcohol on a cotton swab and dab it on the fluffy white area where bugs are. Repeat this process every week till you see visible improvement.



Aphids are small, black insects with long legs and a sharp mouth that they use to pierce through the branches of your Hoya. They suckle the plant’s life force, its cell sap, which forms nutrition like glucose and amino acid that your plant needs for energy and growth.

Here are some signs that aphids might have infested your plant:

  • Leaves are turning yellow and curling at the edges.
  • The stem is pulpy and swollen.
  • Any flowers that bloom are deformed.

Of course, the most obvious way of spotting aphids would be directly checking for their presence. They often hide under the leaves, so you might want to examine there.

The best way of getting rid of them is by blasting them with high water pressure. But you must not let too much water hit the plant.

You can also pick them by hand but remember to wear gloves and cover any bare skin while doing it.


Root Rot

You may notice the roots of your plant decaying, but most often, people do not get to the root of the problem until it is too late.

It could be when the blooming season passes, and no flowers grow, or the stem tends to mushy. The critical point is that it is not a disease but a sign. It mostly happens when roots submerge in too much water for too long. To treat root rot, you should:

  • Firstly, drain any excess water pooled at the base of the plant.
  • Gently take out the plant from its soil mix, taking extra care of the roots.
  • Prepare a new mixture with a well-draining substrate in a different pot.
  • Move your Hoya Nummularioides there and let it grow.

Choosing a suitable substrate is vital as you want a mixture that does not hold the water and lets it drain. Besides, you need a substance that would soak up any excess water. Increasing the ratio of orchid bark in your new mix would be a practical solution.


Tips for Growing Hoya Nummularioides

Though I have listed individual factors above, here are some general tricks and tips that you can use for a remarkable experience in growing your Hoya Nummularioides.

  • I have found that this plant grows much quicker when I place it in humid conditions. If you are in a dry area, using a humidifying dish or misting the leaves would be a great idea.
  • Though not directly, remember that it still needs light to grow. Placing it on a South facing window would be ideal.
  • Fertilize regularly as the blooming season arrives, and the little flowers will thank you.
  • Consider the rich scent while choosing a location for them, as some people are allergic to sweet scents and feel dizzy in their presence.


Frequently Asked Questions about Hoya Nummularioides


Is it okay to keep my Hoya Nummularioides plant indoors?

If you have a sunny window, you can keep them in the shade nearby. But avoid placing in a windowless room or in the corner of your TV lounge where it is usually dark. A very dark place can severely affect growth.


Is keeping it around children or pets safe?

No particular hazards, as such, are known for this plant. However, the scent can be too strong and may release toxins in the air. So, keeping it where pets and children do not stumble would be a better idea.


Why do my Hoyas not bloom?

It is the lack of one of the conditions described above that delays their blooming. They need the recommended humidity, light, water, and temperature to thrive.



Hoya Nummularioides is a delightful species, and it does not require any exceptional care.

Creating a suitable atmosphere is easy and will help it grow optimally. When cared for properly, its blooms and the growth rate is stunning. You can keep it for several years and enjoy the sight.

Read about some other lovely Hoyas like Hoya Fungii, Hoya Calycina, and Hoya Cinnamomifolia.