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Anthurium Meaning And Symbolism — The Anthurium Flower

Anthurium Meaning And Symbolism — The Anthurium Flower

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In this article, I’ll discuss the Anthurium’s meaning and symbolism. With its heart-shaped leaves and flowers, Anthurium andraeanum is a tropical plant like no other. It belongs to the arum family.

It is also called Flamingo Flower, Painter’s Palette, Tail flower, and Laceleaf. Painted Tongue, Boy flower, and Flamingo lily.

Its heart-shaped flower features a spathe. The spathe or bract has a glossy and waxy shine and is colored. It is often seen as an exotic flower. The botanical flowers, however, are small clusters growing on the spadix.

Let’s now dive into the meaning and symbolism of this houseplant.


Anthurium Meaning And Symbolism

Anthuriums mean and symbolize love and friendship. The main reason is the red bract that is heart-shaped and surrounds the flower. Anthuriums are available in different colors. Popular colors are red, pink, white, and yellow. Depending on the color, these flowers take on different meanings.

Anthurium Meaning  & Symbolism
Anthurium Meaning and Symbolism

The beautiful flower is supposed to bring luck, keep away evil, and symbolize abundance and happiness. It provides positive vibes.

The University of Guelph states that these flowers symbolize long-lasting friendships and love.

The red, heart-shaped bract that surrounds the flower makes anthurium a symbol of love and friendship
The red, heart-shaped bract surrounding the flower makes anthurium a symbol of love and friendship.

White, pink, and red Anthuriums make great flowers for Valentine’s Day. All these colors can symbolize love.

Pink, red, yellow, and white are the most popular colors of the anthurium
Pink, red, yellow, and white are the most popular colors of the anthurium

In a study by Ben Gurion University, participants were asked to describe different flowers. The Anthurium flower and leaf shape were described as modest and simple by the participants. They also highlighted a connection to nature and authenticity.

People with an Anthurium as a birth flower are associated with happiness and satisfaction.


Anthurium Etymological Meaning

In Greek, Anthurium means tail flower. Anthos for flower. Oura for tail. This refers to the spadix in the center of the spathe.

The spadix found at the spathe's center is the one referred to as the anthurium's tail in its Greek etymological name
The spadix found at the spathe’s center is the one referred to as the anthurium’s tail in its Greek etymological name


Anthurium Flower Color Meaning

The color meaning impacts the symbolism of this heart-shaped beauty. With its dark green foliage, the bright colors of the flowers pop even more.

When I talk about the flower color, I refer to the spathe. The anthurium’s flowers are tiny and are part of the spadix.


Red Anthurium Flower

The red flower symbolizes love, friendship, lust, and sensuality.

Red anthuriums symbolize love, friendship, sensuality, and lust
Red anthuriums symbolize love, friendship, sensuality, and lust


Pink Anthuriums

Pink anthuriums symbolize feminity as well as love in their purest form.

Pink anthuriums symbolize feminity and that of the purest form of love
Pink anthuriums symbolize feminity and that of the purest form of love


White Anthurium Flower

White foliage signifies pureness and peace. White flowers also symbolize innocence and purity.

Aside from peace and pureness, white anthuriums also symbolize innocence and one's purity
Aside from peace and pureness, white anthuriums also symbolize innocence and one’s purity


Purple Anthurium Flower

This color variation is new. The purple anthuriums’ blooms symbolize royalty and success.

Purple anthuriums symbolize royalty and success
Purple anthuriums symbolize royalty and success


Anthurium For Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, Anthuriums symbolize good luck, relationship, and love. They bring luck and protect the house from evil.

This is why they are the perfect gifts for party hosts.

If you're attending a housewarming party, it's best to gift the host anthuriums as they bring  luck and guard the house from evil spirits according to Feng Shui
If you’re attending a housewarming party, it’s best to gift the host anthuriums as they bring luck and guard the house against evil spirits, according to Feng Shui.

Anthurium Mythology

In Greek, Anthurium plants symbolize Cupid’s arrow. The arrow is used to make people fall in love with each other.

Anthuriums are thought of by the Greeks as something that symbolizes Cupid's arrow
The Greeks think of anthuriums as something that symbolizes Cupid’s arrow.


The Cultural Significance of Anthurium

In the Philippines, China, and Belize, Anthurium treats illnesses like kidney diseases, rheumatism, and arthritis. Stuartxchange mentions that people drink, inhale, and boil the plant.


Uses For Anthuriums

Known as the hospitality flower, the symbolism of Anthurium goes further. The flower is also a sign of purity and innocence.

The flowers of Anthurium plants are believed to bring luck. They could make people fall in love. Based on their symbolic meanings, there are many uses for these heart-shaped blooms.



These flowers are popular for weddings. They are used in summer weddings. They are famous for garden weddings. They provide a tropical vibe and are perfect for the reception table.

If you're holding a garden or summer wedding, you can use anthuriums as part of your decor
If you’re holding a garden or summer wedding, you can use anthuriums as part of your decor

You can also use anthuriums in bridal bouquets.


Birthday Gift

Anthurium flowers are some of the longest-lasting flowers in the plant kingdom. These cut flowers make great uncommon birthday gifts.



As the meaning of the Anthurium flower is associated with luck and prosperity, they make a fantastic present for graduates.

As anthuriums symbolize luck and prosperity, you can give them as graduation gifts
As anthuriums symbolize luck and prosperity, you can give them as graduation gifts



Anthuriums are the perfect gift for invitations. They’re also great gifts for housewarming parties.

They are often gifted to the host of a party. They symbolize abundance and joy.


The Painter’s pallete is a popular houseplant. It blooms throughout the year. In addition, Anthurium plants are easy to care for indoor plants.


Anthurium Flower History

For hundreds of years, these plants remained almost unnoticed, according to Ouranthosthenature. The natives didn’t take a particular liking to these plants.

Hawaii Neotropics mentions that Anthurium andraeanum was first brought from England to Hawaii in 1889 by Samuel Damon.

In the 1940s, Anthurium flowers were incorporated into flower bouquets by Hawaiian florists. They are used in hotel and company lobbies around the globe. Over time Anthuriums started to symbolize hospitality, according to the Hawaii Herald. They are also called the Heart of Hawaii.

In the 1970s, fungal diseases such as bacterial blight spread, and the Anthurium plant production almost halted in Hawaii.

Today Anthurium flowers are the most important cut flowers in Hawaii.

According to Anand Agricultural University, they are number eleven in the global flower trade, just behind the orchid.


6 Interesting Anthurium Facts

  • Anthuriums purify the air
  • Anthuriums are toxic and contain insoluble calcium oxalate crystals
  • It is the 11 most popular cut flower on the planet
  • Anthurium has more than 1000 species
  • They flower year-round
  • Anthurium scherzerianum looks very similar to Anthurium andraeanum