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Anthurium Watermaliense Care — Top Care Guide

Anthurium Watermaliense Care — Top Care Guide

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Anthurium Watermaliense is known for its exquisite foliage that gives every home and office a tropical feel. Commonly known as Black Anthurium, this variety’s an evergreen perennial.

The name Black Anthurium comes from its stunning dark-colored blooms that have a heart shape.

Anthurium Watermaliense is grown best in hardiness zones 10-11. It is now mostly grown indoors as many people like to keep it in their homes and offices as an air purifier.


Anthurium Watermaliense Care

Anthurium Watermaliense is an epiphytic plant and is capable of growing without soil. It thrives best under partial shade and can survive in temperatures as low as 59°F (15°C). Anthurium Watermaliense requires watering moderately, so unless the top two inches of the soil are dry, do not water it again. This aroid thrives in temperatures ranging between 65°F to 86°F (18°C – 32°C) and high humidity between 50-80%. 70+ is preferred.



Anthurium Watermaliense requires soil that is loose and has a pH range of 6-6.5. 

You can make the best soil mix for your Anthurium Watermaliense by mixing:

  • One part peat
  • One part perlite
  • Two parts orchid mix

Or you could also add in equal parts of perlite, peat, and pine bark. Anthurium Watermaliense does not always need to be in the soil.

If you have a strong stem plant, you can grow your Anthurium Watermaliense with soil as it is an epiphyte.



Anthurium Watermaliense needs watering moderately; thus, you have to fret much about its watering schedule. 

However, to make sure your Anthurium Watermaliense doesn’t get over-watered. Rewater your plant once the top one to two inches of the soil has dried up.

You should be able to tell if the soil is dried up two inches deep if you press the top of the soil firmly. If the soil has dried up two inches deep, you will feel no moisture on your hands.



Anthurium Watermaliense requires partial shade. The reason for it is an epiphytic plant and has always grown under the shadow of other plants. 

Keeping it close to a north or west window is the best choice.



Anthurium Watermaliense thrives in temperatures ranging between 65°F to 86°F (18°C – 32°C). It grows best under warm temperatures. 

So, keeping away from low temperatures as much as possible is ideal for your Anthurium Watermaliense.

Anthurium Watermaliense may not like the cold much, but it can still survive in temperatures as low as 59°F (15°C). 

A combination of warm temperature and high humidity levels is the best way to make sure your Anthurium Watermaliense is healthy.



Anthurium Watermaliense is a tropical plant and needs to be kept in high humidity levels ranging from 50 to 80 percent. 

You can increase the humidity levels by simply misting the leaves of your Anthurium Watermaliense. 

Please do not use this method too often throughout the day as it can damage the leaves and attract pests.

The best way to increase the humidity levels would be to purchase a humidifier or place a tray filled with water and some stones under your Anthurium Watermaliense.



You do not need to fertilize your Anthurium Watermaliense too often. When fertilizing, do it is six inches away from the base and use a slow-releasing fertilizer.

Fertilize your Anthurium Watermaliense tri-annually. If you do not fertilize your Anthurium Watermaliense at all, then it will grow extremely slow.



Anthurium Watermaliense does not need repotting very often. You only need to repot Anthurium Watermaliense every two to three years. 

When repotting, make sure:

  • The pot where you’ll place the plant in is at least 3-4 inches larger than the old one.
  • Sterilize the equipment before using it.
  • Check the pot’s bottom to see if the roots come through the drainage holes. If no roots are coming out of the drainage hole, you do not need to repot your plant.



Anthurium Watermaliense does not especially need pruning. However, if you want your Anthurium Watermaliense to grow bushier, pruning is the right option. 

Pruning is known to make Anthurium Watermaliense grow further, and this is why pruning your plant once a year is a recommendation.

You can prune your Anthurium Watermaliense when:

  • There are dead leaves.
  • There is some form of infection or infestation.
  • You want to reduce your Anthurium Watermaliense’s size.
  • You want more leaves to grow, and the old ones look dull.

Anthurium Watermaliense is not difficult to prune. You can easily prune your Anthurium Watermaliense by using sharp shears or scissors. 

Make sure that you sterilize every piece of equipment before using it.



Propagation of Anthurium Watermaliense is simple: this plant can be grown in water or soil. 

In order to propagate your Anthurium Watermaliense through stem cuttings, follow these steps:


Step 1: Cut a piece of stem

The first thing you do is prune off a stem from your main Anthurium Watermaliense. It’s your call how far down you wish to cut off the stem. 

The amount of stems you cut depends on how many new Anthurium Watermaliense you want to grow.

You can trim until the level of the potting mix if you want to. 

The plant won’t die because of this cut, and eventually, new leaves will sprout from the cut area.


Step 2: Clean the stem and prune excess leaves

Take your stem cutting and remove all the brown and leaf-like husks that are on your stems. These husks are known as stipules, and it only there to protect new emerging leaves. 

Your new plant will not initially need it; thus, removing anything that takes up extra nutrients is best.

Prune away old and yellowing leaves. If any flowers are present, prune those off as well.

One cannot maintain Flowers during a propagation process. They could eventually kill off your new plant as it is not yet well-grown, and flowers need a lot of energy to grow.


Step 3: Count the nodes

The number of cuttings you take from your main Anthurium Watermaliense depends on you. But make sure that each stem cutting will have a minimum of two nodes. 

The longer each stem is and the more aerial roots it grows, the more likely your plant will survive a long time.


Step 4:Treat the stems cut ends

You can put rooting hormone at the stem’s cut end. This step is optional as your plant will grow well even if you do not treat it.

Rooting hormone chemicals are available in the form of a powder, and you can dip the cut end into the powder. Then you can place it into a growing medium.

You can even purchase the liquid rooting hormone if you are rooting your new Anthurium Watermaliense in water or perlite. 

Just add a drop or two of it into the water or perlite, and this should help your plant root faster.


Step 5: Planting the stem cuttings

You can now plant your stem cutting in water or a soil substrate that has perlite. You will have to bury as much of the aerial roots beneath the soil.

If the stem does not have leaves or roots, make sure at least one root’s beneath the soil. 

You must also make sure that the second node remains above the ground so new 

leaves can emerge from it. 

The more the node, leaves, and aerial roots present on a stem, the better your plant will grow.


Step 6: Cover your new plants up

Covering your new plants with a plastic sheet will help increase the humidity levels around your Anthurium Watermaliense. 

This plant loves high humidity levels; thus, you must grow it in its optimum conditions.

A plastic tub with a locking lid on it in lieu of a plastic bag is also another option. This helps keep the moisture inside your plant. 

You do not need to cover your new Anthurium Watermaliense if it is planted in the water.


Step 7: Wait for your new Anthurium Watermaliense to grow

Anthurium Watermaliense will take a few weeks to show some new growth. It can take at least five to six weeks for you to see any new leaves or roots forming.

With enough time and proper plant care, your new Anthurium Watermaliense will thrive just like your main Anthurium Watermaliense plant.



Anthurium Watermaliense has stunning dark purple and black blooms that are heart-shaped. 

The bloom is known to have a spathe-like structure surrounded by a thick spadix.



Anthurium Watermaliense has large and wide leaves up to 2. feet across. 

The plant overall can grow up to 2 to three feet tall.


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Common Problems for Anthurium Watermaliense



These pests are some of the most irritating insects that can take over your Anthurium Watermaliense. 

Mealybugs attack the leaves of your Anthurium Watermaliense by sucking out the sap from them. 

They will leave a sticky dew behind after feeding on it, which will attract even more pests and diseases to your plant.

The best way to control mealybugs is by observing your plant’s leaves. 

Make sure that anytime you spot something small and white on the leaves; you start treating your plant immediately. Use neem oil mix with water and spray the foliage to kill them off.



These pests are similar to mealybugs and also attack the leaves of your Anthurium Watermaliense. 

They, too, like to suck out the sap of your leaves, which causes them to start wilting.

The best way to get rid of aphids is by spraying high-pressure water on the leaves. You can also use soapy water on the leaves, and this will kill the aphids.


Tips for Growing Anthurium Watermaliense

Every plant can thrive in any home. The basic tips for growing them work if followed well. 

When it comes to Anthurium Watermaliense, you can follow these tips to make sure your plant lives a healthy life:

  • Keep it in temperatures ranging from 65°F and 86°F (18°C – 32°C).
  • Make sure your Anthurium Watermaliense is never kept in temperatures lower than 59°F (15°C).
  • Keep your Anthurium Watermaliense under 50-80% humidity levels.
  • Water it moderately. Meaning only water it once the top one to two inches of the soil has become dry.
  • Keep your Anthurium Watermaliense under partial shade.
  • Keep it in loose soil that has a pH level of 6 to 6.5.


Frequently Asked Questions about Anthurium Watermaliense Care


Can Anthurium Watermaliense be grown both indoors and outdoors?

Anthurium Watermaliense is capable of growing both indoors and outdoors. If you reside in an area with the outdoor temperature is warm and the climate is humid. Then your Anthurium Watermaliense will thrive outdoors, but if you don’t, then you will have to keep them indoors to maintain them.


Is it easy to take care of Anthurium Watermaliense?

Anthurium Watermaliense does not require a lot of attention. Even with basic knowledge of plant care, you can make this plant bloom throughout the year.


How long do the blooms on Anthurium Watermaliense last?

Blooms on Anthurium Watermaliense will live for two to three months once they’ve grown. However, once they die, they can bloom again throughout the year.


What benefit does having an Anthurium Watermaliense give?

Anthurium Watermaliense is considered an air-purifying plant. It can absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.


Is Anthurium Watermaliense toxic?

Anthurium Watermaliense is toxic to both humans and animals. Thus, if ingested, you should seek out a medical professional.



Anthurium Watermaliense is a stunning plant that is a must-have in everyone’s home and office. This plant is famous for livening up workspaces as it acts as an air purifier.

Such a beautiful plant always seems like a difficult task to grow, especially since it has many blooms. 

However, many do not know that this is one of the few indoor flowering plants that do not need much care. Thus, investing in this plant will not waste your time in any way.