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Anthurium Tremulum Care — What You Need To Know

Anthurium Tremulum Care — What You Need To Know

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Anthurium Tremulum is a rare Anthurium variety, and unfortunately, it is also threatened by habitat loss. This plant is from the Araceae family of flowering plants.

It’s commonly found in tropical areas of Ecuador and Colombia. Its native habitat is in the subtropical forests of Pichincha province of Ecuador. 

Even as a potted indoor plant, Anthurium Tremulum can grow huge leaves. The leaves are long, trilobed with a pointed triangular shape. 

The leaves have a pleated green look. It’s one of the best anthurium varieties for hanging baskets. 

According to Tropicos, this plant was collected by Luis Sodiro, who was a field botanist. The word Sodiro is added to plant names of several other species to acknowledge the collector. 



Anthurium Tremulum Care

This plant should be grown in soil that contains perlite, orchid mix, and peat. Keep the pot in partially shaded or bright filtered light. This tropical beauty needs warm temperatures of not lower than 65 degrees Fahrenheit and not beyond the 85-degree Fahrenheit (18-29 degrees Celsius) mark. Water about once a week as a general rule of thumb and fertilize monthly in spring and summer. Keep the humidity level around 80% if possible for ideal conditions.



You can plant the Anthurium Tremulum in a loose, airy, but well-draining soil mix with a pH of around 6.5. 

The following mix suits most anthurium varieties:

  • Perlite (1 part)
  • Peat (1 part)
  • Orchid Mix (2 parts) 

Choosing the right soil mix is the first step in caring for any plant. Because using the wrong type of soil means your plant will have slow growth or die. 

Some gardeners also recommend an equal mix of peat moss, pine, and perlite. The soil mix should not be moisture-retentive. 

Else the roots will be deprived of oxygen supply. This also increases the risk of bacteria or fungi growth within the soil which eventually causes root rot.  

Whatever soil mix you use, make sure the pot itself has excellent drainage. 



The most unusual point about anthuriums is that they need plenty of moisture to thrive, but at the same time, too much of it can kill the plant. It’s all about finding the right balance. 

In nature, Anthurium Tremulum plants are epiphytic and grow on trees where they continuously receive moisture, but the roots do not remain in the water for too long. 

The same applies when growing them as a houseplant. You have to water them regularly but avoid submerging the roots in standing water. 

One simple way to do this is by checking the topsoil every other day. This will ensure you water the Anthurium Tremulum only when the soil is dry, but it never stays thirsty for too long. 

Both under and overwatering can create issues for anthuriums grown as a houseplant. 

However, paying close attention to your plant for the first few weeks can help you understand the watering requirements. 

Watering frequency for this plant changes based on the following:



It demands more moisture in summer compared to winter mainly because the soil dries out faster.



More light means that the faster it is for water found in the soil to evaporate. 

Hence your plant needs more water in bright light unlike in medium or low light.



Continuously high temperatures also increase the water demand.



This Anthurium variety should be grown in a partially shaded location to protect the green leaves from harsh sunlight. 

As an indoor plant, you can keep it under bright filtered sunlight near a window. 

The leaves cannot handle direct sunlight, so make sure the window has curtains or blinds to mellow the sunlight in the afternoon. 

Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight will damage or burn the foliage. 

Learn more about light levels for plants by reading about it here in this site.



This anthurium can be grown as an outdoor plant in 10-11 USDA hardiness zones. 

For other zones, it’s best to grow it as an indoor plant where you can maintain temperatures of 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 29 degrees Celsius). 

This plant does not tolerate cold climates where the temperature dips below 60 degrees Fahrenheit or 15 degrees Celsius. 

If you’re a bit confused still, read up on how cold is too cold for houseplants to have a better idea about it.



Misting is the easiest way to keep your humidity-loving plants happy, but it should be done only during the daytime. 

In winter or dry climates, you need to mist this tropical plant every day to keep the air moisture high. This plant’s ideal humidity level is around 80%. 



We have already mentioned that this plant needs a well-draining soil mix but bear in mind that the mix should be rich in organic matter and nutrients. 

The level of nutrients within the potting soil is equally important for long-term plant health. 

You can use liquid fertilizer designed for anthuriums to fulfill the nutritional needs of the Anthurium Tremulum. 

It should be fertilized throughout the growing season once a month and stop feeding it in late autumn. 



If you notice that the root system of your Anthurium Tremulum is overflowing from the pot, your plant needs repotting. On average, this is after 1-2 years of planting. 

You can water the anthurium plant a few hours or one day before repotting. This makes repotting easier, and the plant has a better chance against transplant shock. 

Take the plant out from the pot by gently teasing its roots as you take the soil out of the container. 

When you repot, ensure the anthurium plant’s in the same soil level. Fill one-third of the pot with potting soil and place your plant to check if it’s at the same level. 

If not, pour some more soil to raise the level. 

Now cover the root ball with potting soil and firm the potting soil with your hands. You can also use a garden spatula. 

Water the soil to help it settle in the new pot. It’s completely normal for anthuriums to wilt for few days after repotting. 

Keep the newly repotted plant in a shaded location for some days. Later, when you are sure that your plant has adjusted to its new home, you can move it to a bright spot. 

You can also do a reading on repotting Anthurium plants to have a better inkling of how to proceed with this step.



Pruning or maintenance for this plant involves getting rid of diseased or discolored foliage. Start by trimming the leaves near the plant’s base. 

You can also perform pruning if your plant has been recently infected with bacterial or fungal diseases. 

But make sure the diseased foliage is disposed of. Avoid using these leaves as leaf litter in the garden. 



Propagation is the reason behind the spread of rare plants like Anthurium Tremulum. It allows plant owners to share their beloved flora with other plant lovers. 

Propagating an anthurium is not difficult, but it’s tricky. 

Luckily, there are several ways to propagate an anthurium plant, so if one method fails, you can try the other one. 

We are sharing key points about each method below.


Propagating using Aerial Roots

  • If you are growing anthuriums as houseplants, you already know about aerial roots on these plants. Aerial roots are simply defined as the roots that grow on the petiole or stem above the soil surface. These special roots help the anthurium plant absorb the atmosphere’s nutrients and moisture. 
  • For propagation, you can use the plant’s aerial roots. Start by locating aerial roots on your healthy plant. Trim these roots and plant them in fresh orchid-based potting soil. 
  • Make sure you dip the aerial roots in rooting hormone before burying them in soil. This will accelerate the growth. 
  • If you keep the soil regularly moist, these tiny roots will start growing new foliage and stems, and you will have a new Anthurium Tremulum plant. This will take 4-6 weeks. 


Propagating using Cuttings

  • Leaf and stem cuttings are other popular methods for propagating houseplants like anthuriums. Take 3-6 inches long stem cuttings with one or two leaves. Make sure the leaves are healthy without signs of pests or diseases. 
  • Then leave the cut end to dry out for 1-2 days. This helps the cutting in recovery. Dip the cutting’s dry end in rooting hormone powder for better growth. You can use a premade rooting hormone or prepare your own using a DIY recipe. 
  • Bury the stem cutting in soil up to the leaves. You can use strings or wooden sticks to prevent the leaves from touching the soil surface. 
  • You can also use leaf cuttings instead of stem cuttings. But this method takes longer and has a low rate of success. Take few healthy leaves and make cuts on the lower side. 
  • Lay down the leaves on moist potting soil. If everything goes right, these leaves will develop tiny roots in the potting soil. 


Propagating using Root Division

  • This is another common method of multiplying your plants. You have to divide the root system into several sections and plant them in separate pots. 
  • Each root section should have some leaves attached to help the plant transform into a mature anthurium. 
  • You can perform root division while repotting or any other time in the spring season. Just make sure the root ball is not infected with root rot. Root pruning will ensure no unhealthy roots are left with new plants. 

Its recommended to propagate healthy and disease-free plants only but did you know that propagation is a useful technique to save the healthy parts of a diseased or dying plant as well. 

You can check out our list of the 12 easiest houseplants to propagate



This plant rarely blooms if grown as an indoor houseplant, so growers do not pay attention to blooms. 

The peduncle-shaped purple inflorescence on this variety is 6 inches (15 cm) long and 0.5 inches (1.5cm) wide. 



The shiny green leaves are wider at the base with a deeply cordate leaf shape. It’s much paler in the lower side of the Anthurium Tremulum’s leaves as compared to its upper side.

The leaves are heavily lined or puckered once the plant is mature. 

On average, this plant reaches a maximum height of 4 – 4.5 ft and a width of 3.2 ft. The leaves are 17-23 inches (45-60 cm) long. 

The elongated leaves are more prominent in mature plants. But I would recommend getting the young seedling version of this plant so that you can enjoy the transformation throughout its growth. 


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Common Problems for Anthurium Tremulum



Houseplant pests are a common issue for almost all plant species, and Anthurium Tremulum is no exception. 

The beautiful green leaves of this plant can attract whiteflies, mealybugs, scales, and spider mites. 

Controlling these bugs in a small population is easier compared to when they have heavily infested your plant. Control strategies include biological, chemical, or natural methods. 

The safest approach is the use of natural products like neem oil or horticulture soaps. 

These products will not damage the plant, but they take time to kill the bugs, so you will need to reapply them several times during treatment. 

It’s best to keep a check on your plant on a regular basis to avoid any pests from spreading. This is done by checking the top and bottom of the leaves while watering the plant. 

You can read our detailed guides about treating whiteflies, scales, spider mites, and mealybugs on houseplants. 


Tips for Growing Anthurium Tremulum

  • When repotting, avoid planting too deeply; else, the crown can rot. 
  • Do not fertilize the Anthurium Tremulum for several weeks after repotting. This will help the plant adjust to the new location faster. 
  • Adjust the watering schedule of your potted anthurium in such a way that the soil remains moist but not wet or soggy. 
  • Never allow the potting soil to dry out completely because this plant is not used to growing in dry climates. 


Frequently Asked Questions about Anthurium Tremulum Care


Misting the plant is not helping my Anthurium Tremulum. What other techniques are recommended to elevate the humidity?

You can try the pebble-tray method. Simply set up a tray filled with water and pebbles below its pot. As this water evaporates throughout the day, the humidity around the anthurium plant increases. The water should not touch the soil in the pot’s bottom. 


How much bigger pot can I use while repotting my Anthurium Tremulum?

The new pot should be only 2 inches bigger than the old one. If you use an extremely large pot, your plant will struggle with overwatering.



The elongated leaves of this plant are the selling point. You will rarely see this long-leafed anthurium in your local garden store. 

I would suggest looking for it online on websites that sell rare and exotic plants. 

Please take extra care if you have pets or children in your house because Anthurium Tremulum is toxic and not for consumption.