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Monstera Subpinnata Care in a Nutshell

Monstera Subpinnata Care in a Nutshell

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Monstera Subpinnata is a fragmented leaf plant from Ecuador that looks elegant.  The foliage is widely segmented and leaves 12 inches long and 8 inches wide when fully grown.

As it climbs, the vine appears to remain narrow and thin—a brilliant foliage plant and with its fern-like foliage distinct from many other Monsteras.

Monstera Subphinnata is very easy to grow tropical plant. They thrive best in moist soil with high organic matter. Monstera Supinnata thrives in temperatures ranging from 55° – 80° F ( 12.7 to 26.7 degrees Celsius) and in lower light conditions.

Monstera Subpinnata, with deeply pinnate foliage, is a somewhat classy looking plant.

The patio zone is 4b-11. Indicating that the potted plant can thrive in cooler areas during the summer months, but it must be brought indoors before frost.

Prevent frost and temperatures that are freezing.

Periodically rotate your Monstera to guarantee consistent growth on all sides and also dust the leaves so that the plant can photosynthesize effectively.

Take the chance to check the undersides and keep a watchful eye out for bugs while dusting the leaves, too. Continue reading to learn more.


How Not To Kill your Monstera Subpinnata

Monstera Subpinnata Plant Care Overview

Monstera Subpinnata does well in slightly damp soil. Allow the topsoil to dry out before watering again. As far as light goes, Monstera subpinnata does best in bright, indirect sunlight. The best temperature for this aroid plant lies between 18 to 27°C (64 to 80°F). As a tropical plant, Monstera Subpinnata prefers high humidity (60%+).

Now, let us have a look at Monstera Subpinnata Plant Care in more detail. 



Monstera Subpinnata does well in wel-draining soil. An airy aroid mix is perfect for this plant. They are susceptible to overwatering as epiphytes with aerial roots, so they do not want to remain in soggy soil.



Always make sure to evaluate the watering needs of your plant upon receiving it. It is essential to check the moisture amount in the soil before giving your plant water to ensure that it is not damp right below the surface.

Consider aerating the plant’s soil before the initial watering, as well. To prevent stress during transit, most nurseries compress the soil, so aerating will help the soil breathe and emit moisture.

Due to over or underwatering, yellowing most commonly occurs. It is usually due to overwatering if you see a mixture of yellow and brown on the same leaf. If entirely yellow leaves occur on other leaves, along with some crispy brown patches, then it may be due to underwatering.



Install your Monstera Subpinnata, where it would receive indirect sunlight that is medium to bright.

You might notice leggy growth as a result, but it is tolerant of lower light levels. So it is suitable for a position where it will receive bright indirect light like a few feet away from a window facing south, west, or east.



Holding the atmosphere of this plant at the right temperature is not the most critical factor to remember. They seem to prefer spaces at a temperature of 64-81 ° F(18 to 27 °C). Something lower than 64 ° F or 18 ° C will considerably slow down any plant development.

Below the minimum temperature, there are chances that your Monstera Subpinnata will be wilting and dying from cold.



Your Monstera Subpinnata’s humidity requirement will be much greater than other widely grown houseplants. Keep the house between average or high humidity for the most vital plant anywhere.

Generally, a humidity level above 90 percent performs best. This can be done only in greenhouses or terrariums.

The leaves may often be misted to ensure that these criteria are met. The Monstera Subpinnata enjoys humidity in general and will thank it for growing more significant, more extensive, and stronger leaves.

You can also elevate humidity by using a humidifier, watering the plant daily, or using a pot underneath the plant with pebbles or stones filled with water.



Although Monstera Subpinnata typically grows slowly, you can use organic fertilizer for your Monstera once a month during the spring and summer months to encourage new development.

In particular, when they are fertilized, house plants can grow from spring through fall.

Fertilize once a month, following the product directions for dilution and administration, with an organic houseplant fertilizer. Using an organic potting mix in the soil with a slow-release fertilizer, your plant won’t need fertilizer for the next six months.

During the winter, no fertilizer is required; it is vital to give your Monstera time to breathe during the colder period of the year.



It is recommended to repot every 18-24 months for larger floor plants. In order to allow growth, you usually want to choose a potting vessel 2″-4″ larger in diameter. Your plant roots could drown, so it is preferred to choose a pot slightly larger than the previous one.

Repot into the same size vessel if you want to retain the current size of your plant, provide fresh soil, and cut off some roots and foliage. The best time for repotting your Monstera Subpinnata is spring or summer, as the plant is at its fullest.



Pruning is an essential part of any plant care routine. Pruning eliminates leaves that no longer support the plant, but which still utilize the resources of the plant.

This frees up resources for healthier leaves and new growth to sustain them.

Pruning will help you monitor the size and shape of a plant as well.  So make sure you are pruning your Monstera Subpinnata. It is pretty easy to prune a monstera.

It’s a hardy plant, so it doesn’t need a careful process of pruning. In other words, if you’re not doing a perfect job, your plant will most likely be good.

Monstera Subpinnata is very toxic, so it is recommended to wear gloves while you prune your plant.

Use sharp and clean tools as it will ensure you have nice and clean cuts instead of crushing your stems. Always clean your tools with a disinfectant to prevent any bacteria from entering your plant.

Prune your Monstera Subpinnata in spring or summer if you want to encourage healthy growth. If you prune your plant in spring, you will get the best results, and your plant will recover fast.

Start pruning by cutting any old or diseased leaves at the base of the stem. If you are pruning because you want to encourage growth, cut the plant at the location where you want the growth. If you want your plant to grow in height, cut it from the top.



You can propagate your Monstera Subpinnata by the method of stem cutting

  • Cut a 4- to 5-inch-long (10 to 12 cm) stem (or side shoot) just below a leaf, and remove all but two or three leaves at the top.
  • Dip the cutting end of your plant into the rooting hormone. The rooting hormone is a liquid or powder that contains all the essential hormones required for the root growth by the cutting method.
  • Insert your stem cutting in a pot or container which is filled with about 3 inches of soil mix, perlite, or vermiculite. Your container should have drainage holes.
  • Place your container in a self-sealing plastic bag. Prop the bag with toothpicks, so the plastic does not touch the leaves. Seal the bag to reduce water loss but open the bag once in a while to let the plant have fresh air.
  • Place your container in bright indirect sunlight. Your plant requires just the right amount of light. Never place it in direct sunlight as this will burn your plant’s leaves.
  • When the cuttings are well rooted, which takes about 4 to 8 weeks, and the plant produces new growth, introduce them to individual potting soil containers.



They usually don’t bloom indoors, but they grow edible fruit that is said to taste like a fruit salad in their natural habitat.



Subpinnata is a lovely finger-like Monstera’s variety that, if allowed, can climb to heights of 264 to 360 inches. Depending on soil type, sunshine, temperature, and other factors, the growth rate and leaf color of Subpinnata can differ significantly.

In patio and indoor containers, Monstera can grow well. Generally, allow enough space for development, a 10″ diameter pot will work to get started.

The looser the roots, the bigger and healthier your plant will be. When the plant becomes root dependent, its growth slows down; it is time for a large container.

Usually, the famous splits of The Monstera Subpinnata occur only in the more mature leaves of the plant, and only if the plant is put in optimal conditions. If yours has a lot of light but no divisions, then be patient.


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My Favorite Unfurling Leaf Of the Week by my Monstera Subpinnata. #MonsteraMonday

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Common Problems for Monstera Subpinnata


Leaf Spot

The leaf spot is a huge stain found on the leaves of a plant that is typically caused by a fungus.

If there are a few spots on the leaf and they begin to develop, they will gradually join together and become a large block on the leaf. Sooner or later, the entire leaf will turn brown and drop off.

If you find any brown spots appearing on any of your leaves, it is vital that you immediately separate the plant to minimize the exposure to other plants and discard the infected leaves.

If you mist your plants, avoid misting the affected plant.


Root Rot

Like most other indoor plants, Monsteras are vulnerable to root rot, which is usually caused by overwatering. Root rot is a kind of disease that affects the roots of a plant when the soil stays too damp, and the roots can not breathe.

Root rot occurs beneath the soil, making it hard to identify; however, your Monstera can display some indications above the soil.

They are wilting, twisted or yellowing leaves, stunted growth, or dropping foliage. Roots that damage from root rot will be black and mushy, and could even fall off when you touch them.

It is suggested that the affected plant be replanted in fresh soil with proper drainage to prevent standing water to control root rot.

It is also advised that you carefully wash the diseased roots and cut all brown, soft sections of the roots with a disinfected pair of scissors or a tool such as a cutting shear for bigger roots.


Spider Mites

Spider mites are tiny reddish-brown in color and have spider bodies like their names. They live in groups and are usually located on the underneath of the foliage and the leaf joints of your Monstera Subpinnata.  

The signs that your Monstera is affected by spider mites are discolored, or browning leaves curled up or shriveling leaves with yellowing marks.

Spider Mites can be treated with chemical pests and insecticides. Wash your plant with water to dislodge the bugs.

The use of neem oil is also extremely helpful. Apply the oil using a cotton swab or damp cloth. Separate the infected plant from the healthy ones. Take special care of the plant and make sure that no infected leave is touching other leaves.



Mealybugs are the scale insects that suck the sap from plant stems and leaves, leading to stunted or disfigured growth of the leaves, yellowing of the leaves, and dropping of the leaves.

These small white bugs on plants are most typically found on new growth, along the veins of the leaves, and at the joints of the leaves, though they can be noticed anywhere on the plant.

You can use a solution of rubbing alcohol to get rid of the bugs.

Dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and clean all the visible mealy bugs carefully —Mix 1 cup of alcohol with few drops of dishwashing liquid and some water.

Add the solution in a spray bottle. Spray the whole plant, not just where the bugs are visible, spray the stems and top, and bottom of leaves well.


Scale Insects

Scale insects will primarily damage the stem and leaf joints of your Monstera Subpinnata on its foliage. The scale insect appears flat and round in form and is very short in stature.

Indications that your plant is infected by scale insects are leaf drops or yellowish leaves and white/ yellowish spots on the leaves, stems, or branches.

Scale insects can be treated easily using organic methods. It is necessary to separate the plant so as to prevent the spread of the scale to other nearby plants.

There are a few items that you can use to try to remove the scale. These include insecticidal soap, rubbing alcohol, and neem oil. You can also consider cutting off the infected areas.

While Monsteras are more immune to pests than many other tropical low-light plants, it’s susceptible to common pests. So keep a close eye on your Monstera Subpinnata and use the fungicide spray whenever you suspect an infection.


Tips for Growing Monstera Subpinnata

  • Place your plant in bright to medium light within 39 inches from a window.
  • Use a pot with drainage holes to remove the excess water to save your plant from flooding.
  • Keep a keen eye on your plant so that you can easily detect any disease that might attack the plant.
  • Fertilize your Monstera Subpinnata once a month during the whole spring and summer for the best results. To promote growth and root health, a little bit of food can go a long way.


Frequently Asked Questions about Monstera Subpinnata


Do I need to mist my Monstera Subpinnata?

In almost any environment, this plant will flourish, but if you want to give it a special treat, lightly mist it once a week. It’s best to mist your Monstera in the morning so that the water has more than enough time to evaporate before night.


Does Monstera Subpinnata purify the air?

Large-leafed Monstera plants have been shown to be one of the most efficient for minimizing air pollution, including the trendy Monstera Subpinnata plant.


Is Monstera Subpinnata toxic?

The leaves of Monstera Subpinnata are mildly toxic for your pets. Generally, the ingestion of the leaves will cause mouth and stomach irritation and possible vomiting.


How often does Monstera Subpinnata grow?

Your plant’s growth depends on its access to light and water. With bright indirect light and steady humidity, Monsteras can grow 12-24 inches per year in ideal conditions. Bear in mind that the normal growth trend of the Monstera is to spread widely rather than attaining height.


How do I know that my Monstera Subpinnata is infected by root rot?

If your Monstera has root rot, the very first area you’ll see is in the leaves. You will find dark brown to black stains on the lower leaves because they are the first to consume extra water and any fungus or bacteria that has invaded the roots.


Monsteras get big on the ground or in a pot and are often barely recognizable from their potted juvenile state. In any well-lit room or cascading from your favorite hanging planter, they add a beautifully tropical accent.

Best grown in 9b-11 zones, this Monstera needs 70-85 percent of sunlight. Sun shielding is the best option depending on the intensity of light. Subpinnata plants should be carried indoors or covered during the winter months at the northern end of their growth zone.

Note that each plant is a specific living thing and may have different needs, particularly in their respective locations. Pay attention to your Monstera’s condition and its watering requirements, and you will have an excellent and healthy plant.