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Philodendron Goeldii Care Guide for Experts

Philodendron Goeldii Care Guide for Experts

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Discover the unique attributes of Philodendron goeldii, known for its lush green foliage and compact form.

Next, we’ll explore essential care guidelines for this remarkable plant.

Philodendron Goeldii Care

Philodendron goeldii requires moderate sunlight that falls indirectly. It likes to grow in moist sphagnum moss or peat-based soils. It prefers humidity that is above average (higher than 60%). It grows well at temperatures ranging from 50-86 degrees Fahrenheit (10-30 degrees Celsius).


Philodendron Goeldii prefers to have its soil moist as well as adequately drained. The soil must contain organic matter, for example, sphagnum peat moss.

The sphagnum peat moss consists of decaying matter and dead insects, which have extraordinary qualities that help retain water and maintain the soil’s pH.

The soil pH must range from 5-8 for their healthy growth. The soil must be slightly acidic or slightly alkaline; otherwise, a mishap would affect the plant, considering the sphagnum is also acidic.


Watering should be done twice a week, and whenever you water, try to make sure there is a break between the watering for the soil to dry and absorb the water.

In the growing stage, since Philodendron Goeldii prefers moist soil, the soil is to be provided water until fully saturated, and you can see the moisture with the eye on the surface.

Philodendron Goeldii, just like most plants, is sensitive to overwatering. Overwatering may lead to root rot.

In winter, water less.


Philodendron Goeldii loves to bathe in indirect sunlight, which varies from medium to low light. It’s better to be cautious not to expose it to direct sunlight; otherwise, your Philodendron Goeldii will get dried out.

Generally speaking, placing it near a north-facing window or in an area with filtered or dappled light is a good practice.

In winter, if the Philodendron Goeldii is grown outdoors, make sure to bring it inside before the first frost, as Philodendron goeldii is very sensitive to cold temperatures.

How Not To Kill your Philodendron Goeldii


Philodendron goeldii grows best in temperatures less than 59 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius). The morning temperature ranges from 50 degrees Fahrenheit to 86 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius to 30 degrees Celsius).

For the nighttime, 53.6 degrees Fahrenheit to 82.4 degrees Fahrenheit (12 degrees Celsius to 18 degrees Celsius).

But make sure Philodendron Goeldii is not exposed to low temperatures; otherwise, there is the risk of wilting or leaf drops.

This also applies to the Philodendron goeldii, placed outdoors or in the garden.


For Philodendron goeldii, keep in mind that they grow well in moist soil, meaning the humidity level must be high. Anything ranging from 60%-80% in the morning and night is acceptable.

Ensure this with a humidifier or by placing it in a tray filled with water.


For the maximum growth of their lush green leaves, the best solution would be to use medium-balanced fertilizers with a ratio of 10:10:10 of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium.

But if your plant needs some extra nutrition, add manure, considering it’s rich in organic matter.

Make sure to provide fertilizer once every month, especially in summer and spring. While in winter, it’s best to stop giving the fertilizer to Philodendron goeldii.


Considering Philodendron goeldii hates to be moved, it’s best to repot it after two years. It would be effective only when the roots of the Philodendron Goeldii have grown out of the pot. Philodendron Goeldii loves to be root-bound.

The pot should be larger than the previous pot, approximately 2,3 inches larger. Ensure the new pot is big enough to adequately settle the soil and root ball. Also, make sure the soil is well-drained.


Pruning Philodendron goeldii is unnecessary, considering they don’t take up space. But if you want to do pruning, then make sure to do it lightly. This would help to make the plant bushier and full of life.

Only cut out the yellow leaves or the infected ones.

Some leaves indicate their health; make sure you prune the unhealthy ones. Pruning can be done at any time of the year for Philodendron goeldii.


Several techniques allow us to grow Philodendron goeldii quickly, like layering and cutting techniques that will enable us to carry propagation.

Propagate through stem cuttings

To propagate Philodendron goeldii through stem cuttings, follow these steps:

  1. Cut a piece of the stem, which would be 2-3 inches, and whenever you would carry out the propagation, choose a node just below another leaf.
  2. Make sure to remove all the extra tiny leaves on it except for 2-3 leaves.
  3. Ensure the cutting is deeply embedded in the soil’s potting mixture, but the leaves do not touch the soil.
  4. Place the mixture in dappled sunlight near the window or the door.
  5. Check for root growth after 2 or 3 weeks; when you try to pull the roots, they will show some resistance; that’s when you will realize Philodendron goeldii is ready to be transplanted.
  6. Shift the young Philodendron goeldii to a bigger pot so that it can grow smoothly.

Another method is layering; there are different types of layering that can be used to propagate your Philodendron goeldii. I’m going to discuss a few ways which are widely used.

Tip Layering Method

  • This is done when Philodendron goeldii has some slouching stem that can reach the ground.
  • Then, try to bury the tip of the shoot about 3 inches.
  • If it doesn’t fit in the soil, try to pin it down in the soil.
  • Otherwise, the hole should be about 4 inches deep so that the stem could be quickly buried.

Compound Layering Method

  • It’s done the same way as simple layering, so it’s not complicated.
  • This is done with multiple shoots that are embedded in the soil.
  • To do that, make sure the stem is buried between the node and the bud.

Stooling Layering Method

  • Cut down the plant close to an inch above the soil in the dormant season.
  • The active roots would produce shoots.
  • Pile the soil over the new young shoots.
  • The new young shoots would develop roots with time.
  • Then, separate the shoots from the main plant and have them transplanted in another pot.

French Layering Method

  • This method would include cutting off the plant’s stem up to 3 inches above the soil surface in the dormant season.
  • Then, next autumn, separate the best shoots that have grown.
  • Pin these shoots in the ground around the plant with the help of U-shaped pins.
  • Then, next spring, the buds, as well as the stems, would produce shoots.
  • When the shoots have grown to a reasonable length (3 inches), cover them with soil to the extent that only their upper tip is visible.
  • This process is repeated until the piled-up soil is 6 inches deep in spring.
  • When autumn arises, remove all the soil to check on the horizontal stems.
  • Cut or separate the stems and have them planted in individual pots.

Air Layering Method

  • This method could be used in spring or summer.
  • First, remove the extra leaves on the stem and cut the bark.
  • Then, cover the cut with an organic mixture of matter. Cover the bark with a plastic matter on both sides and tie it well.
  • Once the roots are seen through the plastic, remove it but not the organic covered stem.
  • The last step is to cut the covered stem from the end and transfer it into a separate pot.

Philodendron goeldii can also be propagated via seeds, but this is rarely done since the seeds are not easily accessible. But if you want to try this method, remove the seeds from the inside when the fruits have fully grown.

Plant them in the soil. It can be done at any time of the year.


Philodendron goeldii has its own specific blooming time, but they tend to bloom out the whole year. Philodendron goeldii will generally bloom two to three times, and they tend to show their beauty for a limited time.


Philodendron goeldii can grow up to a height of 8 inches (20 cm) and a width of 4 inches (10 cm). With proper care and nutrients, you will see beautiful, lush green leaves that grow in a spiral.

Philodendron goeldii grows annually but is intolerant to too much direct sunlight and cold winters.

Excessive sunlight would burn the leaves, while in winter, they cannot withstand lower temperatures as they would wilt.

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This must be one of my most easygoing plant. I really just placed him and left him in a corner without much care. Once the statement plant of my home, he was replaced by my alocasia and displayed in a corner. Never one to complain, he has been growing at his own pace amidst low light setting and sometimes forgotten watering schedule .This is a tribute to plants like him and also to people we sometimes take for granted and kind of forget. By the way, check out those leaves decked out like a spiral wheel on one petiole. Think I will need to show him off again at a more prominent corner. ? #philodendronfriday #philodendrongoeldii #thaumatophyllumspruceanum #philodendronfanatic #aroidaddicts #philodendronfanatic #urbanjungle #urbanjunglebloggers #houseplantplantclub #plantsmakepeoplehappy #instaplants #houseplantcommunity #planttherapy #plantlover #greenthumb #houseplantplantclub #instaplant #indoorjungle #apartmentbotanist #livingdecor #house_plant_community #apartmenttherapy #sgplants #sgplantslover #plantpeoplesg #sgplantclub #plantsareamazing

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Common Problems for Philodendron Goeldii

Leaf drop

It is a common disease amongst all the plants. Leaf drop occurs due to several reasons, including having a shock from being repotted or even transported from one place to another.

There is also seasonal change as plants become vulnerable during the winter season.

Dry weather can also cause leaf drop. Due to the Philodendron goeldii plant being a humidity lover, it needs moisture, so if not provided, that would affect the leaves. And finally, some pests and diseases can also cause this drop.

To prevent it, it is best to give them their essential care.

Root Rot

Root rot is a disease that tends to grow in damp soil, and its main target is the plant roots. They tend to shorten the life span of the plants. Wet soil causes a decrease in oxygen intake, weakening the bases and allowing root rot to spread to the plant.

The second cause is when another fungus is present, contributing to spreading the root rot to the plant. The damp conditions support the fungus, which then does its work.

The Philodendron goeldii can be saved by restricting yourself from over-watering the plant, and the soil must be well-drained so that there is no room for root rot. Chemicals like methyl bromide should be used to prevent it, and finally, prune the infected ones to eliminate the rot.


Mealybugs are also common as they are small, soft-bodied insects and are visible to the naked eye with their white appearance in clusters. They suck the plant’s juices and cause wilting of leaves, fruits, and flower buds.

They produce honeydew that forms a sooty mold fungus and invades the plant to destroy it. Use neem oil and insecticidal soap on the plants to keep them safe. Otherwise, wash them with water if the bugs are not significant in numbers.


Aphids are small insects that travel from one plant to another. They are also visible by the naked eye and can be seen on the plant stem in clusters. They cause damage by secreting honeydew and drinking from the plant sap.

This sugary content again leads to the formation of the sooty mold fungus. Which then cause the dropping of leaves, dead stem, and flowers. To keep Philodendron goeldii safe, use neem oil and insecticidal soap on the leaves.

Spray water onto the leaves to wash them away. Chemicals can also be used to spray on them, but make sure the plants are not sensitive to them. Then, prune away damaged parts or use the help of rubbing alcohol.

Spider Mites

Spider mites are tiny creatures that are not spotted easily on the plant. But their symptoms are seen as holes present on the leaves or there are dead yellow spots on the surface. Spider mites are usually seen as red, black, or brown.

To prevent them, make sure to provide the leaves with enough water and humidity in the air to stop these insects from growing because they thrive in dry conditions. Otherwise, use the help of neem oil and insecticidal soap for their treatment.

Scale Insects

There are two types of scale insects that we need to be careful of. One would be hard-scaled, while the other one would be soft-scale. The hard-scale are the most difficult to remove as they cover themselves with a layer to protect themselves from other insects.

To keep the plant safe, use the help of rubbing oil on the leaves, use a sponge’s service, and then wherever you see a scale insect, dap on it and make sure to clean away the plant after they’re killed—Cut away the stems of plants where they are present in large groups.

Tips for Growing

  • Philodendron goeldii grows well in indirect sunlight and prefers above-average humidity.
  • The soil for Philodendron goeldii must be damp for its significant growth.
  • The right amount of fertilizers is needed for Philodendron goeldii’s growth.
  • Water it regularly and deeply so that it is enough for Philodendron goeldii to survive and grow.

Frequently Asked Questions about Philodendron Goeldii

Is Philodendron Goeldii pet friendly?

Philodendron Goeldii is toxic to both pets and humans.

Does Philodendron Goeldii bloom fruit and flower?

Philodendron Goeldii showers their blooms the whole year, and their fruits are also grown, but it’s a rare event when they bloom. Philodendron Goeldii does bloom for few times with the right care.

Do Philodendron Goeldii like coffee ground?

Coffee ground is a good remedy as Philodendron Goeldii is a slow-growing plant. It would help to boost their growth.

How to make Philodendron Goeldii bushier?

Philodendron Goeldii would require the help of pruning. Try to cut the end of the vines; this would make the plant look neater and also make them bushier as well.

How long does it take Philodendron Goeldii to grow?

Philodendron Goeldii roots would start growing properly after ten days, but the time could be extended to three weeks. But it must be provided with proper care and attention for fast growth.

Can Philodendron Goeldii take full sun?

Philodendron Goeldii can take full sun but also needs shade. Excessive sunlight can even burn the leaves, so it’s better to provide direct daylight for a limited time.


Philodendron Goeldii is a fascinating plant that is easy to grow and take care of. This is a rare species, also called Tree Philodendron, because it develops a trunk and sheds the lower leaves with time.

The leaves would grow and expand upwards as they tend to look aesthetic in your room.

The gigantic leaves with the spiral growth pattern would provide a unique appearance. This plant would make anyone happy with its fresh tropical look and fulfill your dream of an indoor jungle.