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Philodendron Martianum – #1 Care Hacks

Philodendron Martianum – #1 Care Hacks

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Discover the key care essentials for your Philodendron martianum.

From soil and light requirements to watering tips, temperature considerations, and more, this guide provides expert advice to ensure your Philodendron martianum thrives beautifully.


Follow these care tips for a thriving Philodendron Martianum:

  • Soil: Use orchid bark, charcoal, peat, and Perlite for pots or organic matter-rich soil with leaf mulch and compost for the ground. Ensure excellent drainage
  • Light: Thrives in bright, indirect light, making it ideal for indoor spaces with filtered sunlight
  • Watering: Water deeply, once a week or every 10 days. Let the soil dry completely before watering to prevent root rot
  • Temperature: Maintain 20-22°C (68-71°F); protect from temperatures below 15°C (60°F)
  • Humidity: Keep the environment humid; mist or use humidifiers, especially in low indoor humidity

Now, let us have a look at each of the care aspects in more detail.


Philodendron martianum care requires highly epiphytic conditions even when it’s grown terrestrially i.e. high in chunky organic matter, very little soil substrate, and well-draining.

If you want to grow Philodendron martianum in a pot, you get the best results by using orchid bark, charcoal, peat and Perlite. Brick bits and gravel can also be added to encourage fast drainage.

Mixing sand is a good way to improve drainage if you grow Philodendron martianum in the ground.

They will thrive in organic matter-rich soil, so use plenty of leaf mulch and sterile compost. This also helps the soil retain moisture.

Pro tip: use a raised spot like the mound of a tree to grow Philodendron martianum – this way, the landscape will allow for natural draining of excess water.


The species occurs in the understory of rainforest in Brazil, often completely underground under a thick layer of leaf cover, throwing out those big leaves through the debris. That is how the plant is adapted to low light conditions, making Philodendron martianum care easy for indoor growing.

That said, they really grow much bigger in long light exposure. To create ideal Philodendron martianum care conditions give it 70-85% of filtered sunlight. If you grow Philodendron martianum indoors in a container, give it an east window or a west window spot.

If you want to grow Philodendron martianum outdoors then a 20-40% shade cloth may be needed. I grow Philodendron martianum under the shade of a big tree in my garden, and it’s been doing great.

If you live in the northern zones, it is best to grow Philodendron martianum it in a pot. You can bring them indoors and put them under fluorescent lights in winter months.


One important aspect of Philodendron martianum care is watering.

The chubby, swollen petioles and the thick leaves of this plant indicate succulence.

The petioles store water and starch for the dry spells.

It would be a fatal mistake to overwater our Fat Boy. The plant is incredibly susceptible to root rot. Watch out for any sign of yellowing along the leaf edge.

I water just deeply to moisten the whole mix – that’s about once a week to once in 10 days, depending on where you live and the humidity conditions there.

The watering cue is to let the soil dry out completely before watering.

How Not To Kill Your Philodendron Martianum


Philodendron martianum care is dictated by its Brazilian origins. Unlike other philos, it actually tolerates a wide temperature range of 15 to 35°C (60 to 95°F).

However, since their natural habitat is seaside forests, they prefer moderate weather. The ideal range to grow Philodendron martianum is narrow 20 to 22°C range (68 to 71°F).

It doesn’t do well in temperatures below 15°C (60°F). In winter, you should promptly move the plant indoors, as they are very chill-sensitive.

Once it is away from frost and safely indoors, you can grow Philodendron martianum at comfortable indoor room temperatures and in lower light conditions. If it’s very cold indoors, they may stop growing or reduce in size.


As with all tropical plants a humid environment is good to grow Philodendron martianum.

They love being misted, and it helps them stay fresh and clean. You can even give the leaves a sponge wipe to make them look fresh and shiny.

Mist them as often as 3 or 4 times a week in winter if your indoor humidity is very low.

You can use humidifiers to give your Philodendron martianum the right environment through dry months.

That said, you can grow Philodendron martianum in low humidity conditions as well as long as optimum moisture is maintained. Like I said before, they have “ideal” conditions, but they are quite tolerant and forgiving.


I grow Philodendron martianum in a rich organic soil mix. That is all it needs. The succulence takes care of the plant by storing nutrients.

If you want to get it a little extra fertilization, there are a few things you can do and a few precautions you need to take.

For potted Philodendron martianum care, you can schedule a routine dose of balanced organic fertilizer, which you can pick up from your local store.

Something like a fish emulsion well diluted and administered every 4 to 6 weeks gives a real boost to the growth. This is to be used only in the growing months. Remember to cut back on feeding the plant in winters.

The reason I prefer organic feed over chemical fertilizers, particularly for aroids like philodendrons, is because they are slow-release and safe to use.

If you’re using a chemical fertilizer I would recommend you go for a balanced liquid like a 1-1-1 or a 10-10-10. You should thin down the concentration of the fertilizer to a third of the prescribed level.

Excessive fertilization curls the tip of the leaves and even kills the plant.

If you’re propagating, your juvenile Philodendron martianum care will need fertilization. If left unfertilized, they tend to grow very slowly. Use a triple-diluted solution for young plants once the roots are well established.

Pro-tip: Use only very good quality balanced foliage fertilizers. Heavy salts in cheaper fertilizers will damage the roots and possibly kill the plant.


Philodendron martianum are aroids, i.e. plants that reproduce through monocotyledonous inflorescence that come with a spathe and spadix. The spadix contains male, female, and sterile flowers.

When the female flowers are mature, they become receptive to pollen from the male flowers.

According to the University of Florida, nurserymen propagate self-heading philodendrons from seeds or through tissue culture.

Both of these techniques are not feasible for home growers. At one time, Philodendron martianum was both rare and expensive, but due to the use of “tissue culture” in propagation of Philodendron martianum used by nurseries, it has become common.

Tissue-cultured plants don’t often achieve the size or beauty of a wild-collected specimen due to the chemical processes used in their cloning.

There are some propagation methods suitable for home growers that I’ve shared in detailed steps below.


This plant is a terrestrial epiphyte. It grows on forest floors, often on fallen trees—the best way to grow Philodendron martianum in the ground.

It grows pretty large, with the leaf blades growing to a foot long or bigger. The plants reach a height of about 80cms to a meter.

Because of their rosette formation, they take up plenty of lateral space. This is the only disadvantage of growing them indoors.

You can grow Philodendron martianum pretty well as container plants, too. It is not a particularly fast grower, and it is not pruned.


For your patio and indoors, you should grow Philodendron martianum in fairly large pots. These plants have strong root structures and need room to spread out.

For ideal Philodendron martianum care, a 10″ (25cm) diameter, 10″ (25cm) deep container is a good size to start off. Use very well-aerated soil as described in the soil section.

If the roots get to breathe, you can grow Philodendron martianum more reliably. Repot about once in two years or when the plant gets too big for its pot.

Philodendron martianum care tip: Since the plant roots need to dry out between waterings, using a netted pot with an equal-sized liner helps you examine the roots before watering if need be. This is particularly useful for juvenile plants.

The mature plants need a heavy base. You can opt for terracotta planters that are excellent for moisture management.

Philodendron Martianum Propagation – Step-by-step Guide

The first rule of Philodendron martianum care during propagation is that you should do it ONLY in the growing season when the weather is relatively warm, and humidity is moderate to high. Spring is the ideal time.

Propagate Philodendron martianum from basal branches

  • The mother plant will branch out at the base, and the new branch will throw roots towards the soil.
  • Once the roots are established, you can carefully cut the branch off the main plant.
  • Plant this in a separate pot with a 50-50 mix of peat and Perlite
  • You’ll know if the roots are established if they are firmly fixed in the soil when you tug at them.

Propagate Philodendron martianum through root division

This is a reliable method, but I warn you, it’ll destroy the look of your plant. I would recommend it only if your Philodendron martianum has outgrown its container and the roots emerge from the drainage holes or over the sides of the pot.

  • Wait until the start of summers to remove the entire plant from its planter.
  • Gently separate the root system until you see the thick stem at the center.
  • Make a note of how many divisions you’d like. For an average size plant, you should end up with 3 to 4 divisions.
  • Make sure each division has at least a couple of leaves.
  • With a super-sharp garden knife, cut through the thick stem and separate each section out along with a good portion of the root ball.
  • Rest them for a day or two for the cut to callous before you plant in individual pots.
  • Feed them with very dilute quality fertilizer until the plant picks up and stabilizes.

Common Problems with Philodendron Martianum

Sudden wilting of leaves or yellowing

This typically happens due to root rot caused by overwatering or a fungal infection of the roots.

Check the base of the plant immediately. I would salvage a few cuttings and try to propagate them separately in a fresh pot with sterile, well-draining soil.

Irregular tan patches on the leaves

This could be due to bacterial infections like sometimes seen in Philodendron martianum such as Erwinia blight or Pseudomonas leaf spot.

You can tell if the infection is bacterial from the typical disagreeable smell the plant emanates. The disease normally affects smaller plants and appears to be less severe on large plants grown in the ground.

This bacterial infection needs moisture to spread. First of all, isolate the plant from all other plants in your garden, cut away the affected leaves, minimize watering and stop misting the plant, and keep the leaves dry or allow them to dry very quickly to control spreading. Bactericides are typically not needed.

Dark patches on the leaf

This could be due to cold draft exposure. Cut off the damaged leaves and move your plant to a warmer location.

Yellow leaves / brown leaves

If you notice the edges getting brown and dry, then you’re underwatering. If the leaves turn yellow and the soil feels soggy, it could be a sign of overwatering.

Pale color: Leaves lacking the characteristic dark green color are typically a straightforward indicator of poor lighting. You should move your plant to a brighter spot.

Common pests

When you grow Philodendron martianum, pests, and insects are not something to worry about.

The common pests of this plant species include aphids, moths (worms), fungus gnats, mealybugs, scales, shore flies and thrips.

The best control measure is a routine application of insecticidal soap and neem oil once a month or as prescribed on the package.

My Philodendron martianum care routine for pest control includes washing down the leaves with a water jet once a week when I water the plant and wiping them dry. Severe infestations require more detailed treatment, typically involving chemicals.

Tips to Keep Philodendron Martianum Problem-Free

These are some hacks for Philodendron martianum care that I’ve learnt over the years.

  • Due to succulence, Philodendron martianum care requires intermittent dryness.
  • The perfect temperature range is between 20°C – 22°C (68°- 71°F)
  • Indirect sunlight is the best to grow Philodendron martianum.
  • Avoid temperature shocks like taking it suddenly indoors or outdoors. Acclimatize the plant before moving it.
  • Wash the leaves regularly to prevent pests and dust accumulation. But make sure to dry out the leaves after washing.
  • High humidity promotes lush growth and shiny foliage, so it is a good idea to mist the plant regularly.
  • Grow Philodendron martianum in a big planter with loose soil or, better, straight in the ground.
  • Repotting is ideally done in spring before the plant begins active new growth.
  • Remove the dead leaves and branches to avoid spreading infections.

Frequently asked questions about Philodendron Martianum

Is Philodendron martianum pet-friendly?

ASPCA reports that philodendron is toxic to dogs and cats. The plant contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals similar to other plants in the Araceae family.

Chewing or biting into this plant will release these crystals causing tissue penetration and irritation the mouth and GI tract. Pets that consume any part of the plant may exhibit vomiting, pawing at the mouth, lack of appetite, and drooling.

Does Philodendron martianum purify air?

You can grow Philodendron martianum for their air purifying properties. These plants help in removing common household toxins from the air, like formaldehyde making it a healthy addition for your space.

The NASA studies on indoor pollution done in 1989 recommends 15 to 18 plants in 6 to 8-inch- diameter containers to clean the air in an average 1,800 square foot house.

Can you grow Philodendron martianum from seeds?

Technically, yes. But this needs the plant to flower and when grown indoor in pots they rarely flower. The seeds have limited longevity unless it is properly processed and vacuum packed. This is usually the method adopted by professional nursery growers and not by home garden enthusiaists

Does misting Philodendron martianum help?

Periodically showering the plant with water and applying insecticidal soap will help keep pests at bay. Besides, philodendrons are tropical plants, so higher humidity will promote lush growth and shiny foliage. Just watch out for bacterial infections which spread due to moisture.


Philodendron martianum is quite forgiving with beginners and busy folks. Due to its succulence, it can take a bit of neglect.

The real danger with this plant is water-logging, which you must avoid.

The best thing about growing philos is that there are over 500 varieties, and each one looks dramatically different from the other but would have identical care requirements! So, you can have a stunning display of colors and shapes without having to worry about what care to give to each kind!

That quality can turn even the most reluctant person into an active gardener!

I would encourage you to try out Marble Pothos, Philodendron Brandtianum, or Philodendron Billietiae, all of which are suited for an indoor environment.