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Are Snake Plants Toxic To Cats? Surprising Answer!

Are Snake Plants Toxic To Cats? Surprising Answer!

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Are snake plants toxic to cats? Snake plants are toxic if cats eat any part.

Sansevieria trifasciata, aka the snake plant, is a perennial part of the Agavaceae family (Century plant family), according to the University of Arkansas.

It has long, bright green leaves that are blade-like and long that resemble a snake when standing erect, hence the name.

This plant is straightforward to take care of, so many people love to have it on their bedsides, study tables, and living rooms.

It has an incredible height of about three feet, even when grown in small containers.

It is not frost-hardy, which is yet another reason why people love it so much.


Are Snake Plants Toxic To Cats?

Snake plants are toxic if ingested by cats. They contain a chemical compound called saponin. Cats consuming some of this plant can experience symptoms such as diarrhea, drooling, and abdominal pain. In rare cases, even death can occur.

Are Snake Plants Toxic To Cats?
Are Snake Plants Toxic To Cats?

Are Cats Allergic to Snake Plants

Cats are not allergic to Snake plants. However, ensure that no parts of these plants are ingested as they are toxic and can adversely affect cats.

Can Cats be Around Snake Plants

It is best to keep cats away from Snake plants. The Sansevieria family is toxic to animals such as cats and dogs. However, this does not mean that you cannot have any of these plants at home. Just ensure they are not reachable by pets and children.

Cat ate Snake Plant- What to Expect at a Veterinarian Clinic

It is recommended to take your cat to a veterinarian clinic as soon as you see it developing any signs of illness, allergy, or infection after eating parts of a Snake plant.

Take your cat immediately to the vet once you see signs of infection, allergy, or illness after coming into contact with a snake plant
Take your cat immediately to the vet once you see signs of infection, allergy, or illness after coming into contact with a snake plant

These symptoms could widely differ in different types of cats, depending on how big your snake plant is and whether any chemical substances have been used.

Common allergy symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, swelling of lips or tongue, abdominal pain, or excessive drooling from your cat’s mouth.

Vomiting is one of the signs of a cat reacting to the snake plant it ingested
Vomiting is one of the signs of a cat reacting to the snake plant it ingested

Once you are at the veterinarian clinic, you will be asked all sorts of questions about your pet, such as its age, its recent encounters with any other animal or a plant, whether your pet is allowed to go outdoors without supervision, medical history, and any abnormal behavior observed.

Once a medical history has been recorded, your cat will be physically examined for signs of swelling, cysts, or other physical abnormalities.

Vital functions, such as the cat’s blood pressure, temperature, and breathing rate, will be examined through blood testing.

Once the results are out, a possible diagnosis will be made about your cat’s health.

You will be given a set of instructions regarding treatment and the precautions you may take post-treatment.


How to keep a Cat away from a Snake Plant

Because Snake plants are hazardous for your cats, it is best to find ways to distance your pets from this them.

If your cats are of a curious kind, they will want to try and explore everything they see. You will have to put some effort into making the plants seem less appealing.


1. Relocate the Snake Plant

The first thing you can do to keep the cat away from your snake plants is to relocate the plant.

This is easy to do as snake plants are very low-maintenance and do great even in locations with little sunlight.

If you can move the plant to a different room and shut the door, your cats will easily stay out of it, saving you the hassle of constantly looking them over.

Relocating your snake plant is a way to keep it away from your feline pal
Relocating your snake plant is a way to keep it away from your feline pal


2. Elevate the Snake Plant

If you can not put the snake plant in a different room to distance it from the cats, you can also consider elevating it to a position out of their reach.

Hanging your snake plant is another way of keeping your cat away from it
Hanging your snake plant is another way of keeping your cat away from it

This will be trickier to do as cats can reach almost everywhere if they are determined.

However, if you ensure that cats have nowhere to jump to the plant, you can conveniently keep your plant safe.


3. Use Citrus Fruits

Another way to keep the cats away from the plant is to make it seem unappealing. You can do this by looking into things that cats dislike or find threatening.

Placing citrus fruits near your snake plant can help keep the cat away from it
Placing citrus fruits near your snake plant can help keep the cat away from it

For instance, cats are threatened by large green objects. Similarly, they dislike the smell of citrus fruits. You could use this information to your advantage and spray a fruity citrus scent on your plant.

In this way, you will get a pleasant fresh scent in your house, and your cats will also not want to go near it.

Placing a green bottle or a cucumber by the plant’s side will also help keep the cats away.

Read the in-depth article about houseplants that are toxic for cats.


Frequently Asked Questions about Snake Plants Being Toxic to Cats


What will happen if my cat licks a snake plant?

Snake plants are toxic if ingested by a cat. Because the snake plant has chemical compounds that are dangerous for a cat’s digestive system, severe diarrhea and dehydration can occur. Sometimes, it can lead to death – but rarely. You must call a vet if your cat has licked a snake plant.


Is a snake plant pet friendly?

Snake plants may be appealing, however, they are not pet-friendly. They are extremely dangerous if ingested. Severe side effects can occur after eating a snake plant, such as diarrhea, dehydration, and death.


How do I prevent my feline pal from going near my snake plant?

You can try making your cat afraid of the snake plant by using substances that cats dislike. Citrus fruits, green objects, and cayenne pepper are examples. Just place your snake plant with a cucumber on its side or sprinkle a little bit of cayenne pepper on it. This will act as quite the repellent.

Conclusion About Are Snake Plants Toxic To Cats

Snake plants are toxic to cats and dogs. They contain saponins, according to ASCPA.