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3 Foolproof Ways How To Kill Bermuda Grass In Fescue Lawn

3 Foolproof Ways How To Kill Bermuda Grass In Fescue Lawn

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One of the worst infestations your Fescue lawn can get from time to time is Bermuda grass. It grows at a fast rate and very resilient, even in the toughest of yards.

Finding the best approach to killing Bermuda without damaging your Fescue can be tricky, especially in the early Spring when both are attempting to grow and start competing in your lawn.

It is important to know how and when to kill the Bermuda grass before moving forward in your lawn.

How To Kill Bermuda Grass in Fescue Lawn

If Bermuda grass is attempting to take over and overrun the Fescue that is planted, natural removal options like digging with a shovel or covering the ground to prevent sunlight and kill the roots can be a method you can use. For larger invasions of Bermuda, herbicide usage may be the solution you need.

Remove With Shovel

All Bermuda grass invasions start small and in a patch. If you are able to catch the outbreak in your lawn early on, you can simply dig up the Bermuda grass and remove it from your lawn.

You want to catch the Bermuda grass growing in the early Spring so that you can see it before digging.

Simply place your shovel about an inch below the grass so that you catch all the roots and dispose of them.

You do not want to dump it in another area on your property because it will take root and start to spread.

Cover The Ground

Like most tough grass varieties, Bermuda thrives off of direct sunlight in order to grow and compete with the Fescue nearby.

One of the more natural ways to fight and kill the Bermuda grass is to eliminate its direct sun so that it cannot grow and take root in the Spring.

If you have a patch of Bermuda grass that you want to stop before the next season, then you can cover this area with mulch, cardboard, or even a landscape ground cover tarp to protect the soil and kill the Bermuda grass naturally.

Weed Killer and Herbicides

If you have dug out Bermuda grass on your lawn, and it continues to return, you may need to move to a weed killer or herbicide.

These products do have strong chemicals that can be dangerous to your children, pets, and even any wildlife that takes refuge on your property periodically.

When you use the weed killer, you need to be sure and spray directly on the Bermuda that you are targeting and choose a blend that will not affect other grass near Bermuda.

Types of Herbicides

If you have no other choice than to move forward with a herbicide to kill the Bermuda grass, then make sure you are selecting one of the two herbicide options available that is safe for your lawn and your lawn goals.

Non-Selective Herbicide

This type of herbicide has the main ingredient of glyphosate, which is able to get into the root of the unwanted growth and kill it completely.

This is a broad-spectrum herbicide that can be used on a variety of different weeds and unwanted growth.

This also makes it dangerous for your Fescue grass, meaning that you should only be spraying it directly on the Bermuda grass. Any Fescue grass that is sprayed will also be killed.

Selective Herbicide

These chemicals are designed to target certain types of weeds so that other plants nearby are not damaged by spraying this herbicide.

Instead of attempting to spray each strain of Bermuda grass, you can spray the selective herbicide in a single area and only the Bermuda grass will perish, protecting your Fescue lawn.

Most selective herbicides come with the active ingredient of fenoxaprop, which changes the make-up of the Bermuda grass causing it to die.

Bermuda Grass Resistance

Because it is more resistant and able to grow in less than perfect conditions, Bermuda grass has a tendency to take over an area pretty quickly if it is not managed.

When it is growing amongst your Fescue grass, it is critical that you manage it while maintaining the safety of your Fescue, also.

Frequently Asked Questions About How To Kill Bermuda Grass In Fescue Lawn

When is the best time to treat the Bermuda grass?

If you are planning to remove the Bermuda grass instantly from your property, then you should begin treating the lawn in early Spring. During this time you can shovel out and dispose of Bermuda patches, or spray the herbicide to eliminate the Fescue grass before it is able to really take off. If it has a chance to start growing substantially, it will be much more challenging to kill in the weeks ahead.

Which herbicide is the right one for treating my Fescue lawn?

If you have to take the route of herbicides on your lawn to fight and kill Bermuda, your best and most efficient option would be a selective herbicide. With this type of fertilizer, your Fescue grass is protected, and you do not have to stress over trying to avoid it. You can spray a big patch of both Bermuda and Fescue mix, and only the Bermuda will be killed.

Move Forward With Fescue Lawn Protection

Having a beautiful lawn full of healthy Fescue grass is something that many homeowners enjoy each year.

Being able to keep it safe from weeds or even Bermuda grass is a maintenance step that is necessary since the two grass varieties are able to grow in similar environments.

If not treated, unfortunately, Bermuda will often take over and kill the Fescue.

Take advantage of one of the listed methods to kill the Bermuda grass and continue enjoying your lawn all season long.