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Anthurium Peltigerum Plant Care — Top Tips!

Anthurium Peltigerum Plant Care — Top Tips!

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The Anthurium Peltigerum is an attractive-looking plant from the Digitinervium family. 

The plant has long, slender leaves having a rough-appearing surface covered with a cotton-like pattern. The veins are sharp and well-demarcated, giving the plant a classy finish. 

With sub-cylindrical petioles and coriaceous blades, the Peltigerum plant’s leaves are a visually pleasing sight. 

It is considered an unusual Anthurium due to its peltate leaves, which only three Anthuriums species possess. 

The plant naturally has green spathes; however, some clones of the Peltigerum have been found in Columbia with red spathes. 

It usually grows as an epiphyte but may also develop as a terrestrial plant. It is part of the Araceae family and an evergreen herbaceous plant. 

Normally, it grows in tropical, mountainous regions of Ecuador; although, some commercial varieties that develop exceptionally well in average urban environments are now available.

The plant’s leaves have numerous basal veins, which give rise to several tertiary veins, making the foliage resemble a turtle shell. 

Hence, this plant’s other name is the turtle shell Anthurium. To grow this beautiful plant in the most ideal and effective way, follow this simple guide.


Anthurium Peltigerum Plant Care

The Anthurium Peltigerum plant needs bright, indirect sunlight, bi-weekly watering, feeding with a liquid fertilizer every two months, and low to moderate humidity levels exceeding 55%. It grows the healthiest foliage when placed in temperatures above the 60-degree Fahrenheit mark (16 degrees Celsius). A good temperature range to strive for is 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 26 degrees Celsius).



The Anthurium Peltigerum plant requires gentle, loose, and moist soil that drains well and contains organic materials, such as peat moss, pine bark, or bone meal. 

It is advisable to add some ground soil, and mulch to make the ideal soil mix.

Alternatively, you can use a two-part orchid, one-part perlite, one-part sphagnum moss, or equal parts of pine bark, peat moss, and perlite

All these mixtures provide the Anthurium Peltigerum plant with the necessary soil ingredients it needs to grow and thrive.

You also need to avoid using clay-like or thick soils as they hold excess water, significantly increasing the plant’s susceptibly to various infections and diseases. 

Ensure the soil’s moist but not too soggy if you want to ensure good growth. 

A pH of about 6 to 6.5 (slightly acidic) works exceptionally well for the Anthurium Peltigerum plant. 



The Anthuriums only grow well when they’re given ample time to dry out between waterings. 

Too little or too much water results in a wide variety of infections, which considerably complicate things for the Anthurium Peltigerum plant’s gardener.

Ideally, you should water the Anthurium Peltigerum plant every 2 to 3 days, ensuring you water all the parts evenly. 

Water it from the top, providing its soil’s base is sufficiently moist. Some house gardeners water about six ice cubes once a week; however, I recommend bi-weekly watering as it is more reliable. 

The best water indicator for the Anthurium Peltigerum plant is its soil. You are recommended to water the plant when the soil is dry. 

On the other hand, if it is wet, you need to withhold watering till it dries out again. It’s crucial that the water does not accumulate in the pot. 

Grow this Anthurium in a container with drainage holes (at least 3).



The Anthurium Peltigerum plant prefers bright, indirect sunlight to be able to perform all its vital functions, such as photosynthesis and inter-plant transportation while staying fresh and hydrated. 

Place the Anthurium Peltigerum plant in front of the east, south, or west-facing window for the best results. All these locations offer excellent sunlight and promote new growth. 

You can also place the plant just next to a balcony door. The goal here is to protect the plant from unobstructed light, so its leaves do not undergo scorching.

Some Anthurium Peltigerum plant growers also place this beauty under artificial growing lights, which act almost like sunlight. 

The Anthurium Peltigerum plant can also manage in low light; however, it will most likely not produce any blooms. 

Therefore, to ensure healthy growth, it is advisable to place it in its desired light settings.



The Anthurium Peltigerum plant can tolerate a considerable range of temperatures; thus, it grows as well in cool as warm regions. 

However, for it to achieve its best growth, you are advised to place it in its preferred temperature range.

During the day, maintain a temperature range of 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 26 degrees Celsius), and no lesser than 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15.5 degrees Celsius) at night. 

Mild temperatures prevent the plant from frost and shock. 

You must also place the Anthurium Peltigerum plant away from direct drafts of cold or hot winds. During the sweltering summer months, bring the plant indoors

In the spring season, you are recommended to place the Anthurium Peltigerum plant outdoors in open settings. During this time, the plant grows most actively and enjoys the mild heat. 



The Anthurium Peltigerum is a tropical plant that prefers mild to moderate moisture in its environment. 

While the natural, more wild types prefer higher humidity levels, the artificial, commercial plants manage just as well in moisture levels above 70%.

For best growth, place the Anthurium Peltigerum plant in humidity levels exceeding 80%. The high levels keep the Peltigerum plant hydrated and fresh, allowing it to function normally. 

However, you are advised to keep a close eye for any signs of disease as high humidity levels are also one of the major causes of serious diseases.

To maintain moisture levels greater than 80%, group all your houseplants in one room or place the Anthurium Peltigerum plant next to a tray filled with pebbles and water. 

Alternatively, you can install a humidifier in your plant room. You can also get a moisture meter to check the moisture level in the room consistently.



The Anthurium Peltigerum plant likes balanced, high-quality fertilizers with all the macro and micronutrients, including nitrogen, phosphate, potassium (NPK), zinc, manganese, and calcium. 

It is a light feeder requiring feed once every 3 to 4 months.

To prevent toxicity, feed the Anthurium Peltigerum plant with a one-quarter strength fertilizer, evenly spreading it over its soil and roots. 

Use a slow-release fertilizer for feeding the Anthurium Peltigerum plant once every three months. 

Alternatively, you may also opt for liquid fertilizer. You can follow the feeding instructions mentioned on the product packaging for this feed type.



The Anthurium Peltigerum plant should be repotted every 1 to 2 years. 

Although the Anthurium’s size is seldom a reason for repotting, refreshing the soil’s ingredients is important for the continued survival and growth of the plant. 

Move the Anthurium Peltigerum plant to a one-size larger pot for optimal growth.

To repot, take the Anthurium Peltigerum plant out of its current pot and treat the roots with some fungicidal spray. 

Prepare the larger pot by filling it with a suitable potting mix, preferably with some peat moss and mulch

Once the pot is filled with the soil, place your Anthurium Peltigerum plant in it and observe it for a few days to ensure it adjusts well to its new environment.



Pruning the Anthurium Peltigerum becomes essential when the plant is taking up more than its designated space, or there is diseased foliage or vines. 

Before the problem worsens, it is better to get rid of the infected parts.

Remove all the yellow and diseased leaves and branches you see. Make sharp, angled cuts to prevent exposing the internal structures to opportunistic pathogens. 

Also, you are advised to use disinfected tools on your plants and wear protective clothing/gloves to prevent any harmful reactions.



The Anthurium Peltigerum plant can be propagated using its stem cuttings. 

You will need a healthy Anthurium Peltigerum plant, some rooting powder, water, pruning shears, fertilizer, and a small pot or reusable plastic bag filled with an appropriate potting mix. 

  • Start with disinfecting all your planting tools with some rubbing alcohol.
  • Next, cut a 4 to 6 inches long stem from the healthy Anthurium Peltigerum parent plant.
  • Keep this cutting overnight so it forms a callus.
  • The next day, put some rooting powder over the stem’s base to encourage root formation.
  • Place the stem cutting into the prepared pot.
  • Be sure to add some mulch and peat into the soil mix. 
  • Add some water into the pot and a minute amount of fertilizer. 
  • Place your Anthurium Peltigerum in any brightly lit area.

Once you see some roots emerging along with some foliage, place the plant under bright, filtered sunlight and start treating it as a mature Anthurium Peltigerum plant. 



Only a few types of the Anthurium Peltigerum plant tend to have blooms. 

The blooms are small and last for only 2 to 3 months; although, they may repeatedly appear almost all year long. 

If the plant’s natural conditions are correctly mimicked, the plant can produce up to six blooms at one time.

The Anthurium Peltigerum plant’s foliage enjoys greater popularity than its flowers.



The Anthurium Peltigerum plant has a slow to moderate growth rate, reaching a height of about 39 to 40 inches (100 to 101 centimeters) and a spread of 29.5 inches (75 centimeters). 

It grows relatively easily through USDA hardiness zones 10B to 11. 

It is most active through the spring and summer seasons and becomes dormant during the winter season.


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Common Problems for Anthurium Peltigerum


Bacterial Blight

One of the most common problems the Anthurium Peltigerum plant suffers from is bacterial blight, most often caused by Xanthomonas

The plant initially forms yellow, chlorotic spots. Following this, the plant forms water-soaked lesions over the leaf margins. 

The bacteria enter through the pores, resulting from pruning or any damage. They infest on the plant, sucking all its cell sap and lessening its productivity. 

Treat the plant as soon as you see any yellow lesions. Spray it thoroughly with a bactericidal spray and separate it from other plants. 

Additionally, protect the plant from excess moisture to prevent secondary infections.



Wilting can occur due to a number of reasons; however, in most cases, the Anthurium Peltigerum plant wilts due to an infection caused by the bacteria Ralstonia solanacearum. 

The affected plant shows chlorosis, and the leaves’ veins along with the stems turn brown. When cut, the stems produce a brownish slime and dry out. 

To treat such a plant, spray it with a strong bactericidal agent and apply neem oil on its leaves. 

The latter is a natural bactericidal agent that protects plants against several pathogens without disrupting their pH levels.


Root Rot

Another issue, root rot, is often caused by Rhizoctonia solani. This disease is also referred to as ‘damping off.’ 

In most cases, the juvenile, tender stems are affected; they become brittle, weak, and are no longer able to support the plant. One thing spreading this pathogenic organism is wet conditions. 

To prevent root rot, it is important not to mix old soils with new soils. Use soils that are airy and well-draining. 

Moreover, you should water the plant only when needed and wipe off any excess moisture when you mist it.


Tips for Growing Anthurium Peltigerum

  • Plant in freely draining, loose soils only.
  • Place in bright, filtered sunlight. 
  • Give ample time for the soil to dry completely before rewatering. 
  • Prune every few months. 
  • Use new, fresh, and organic soil every time you repot.


Frequently Asked Questions about Anthurium Peltigerum Plant Care


How do you make an Anthurium Peltigerum plant grow faster?

The Anthurium Peltigerum prefers high moisture and free-draining soils. You should try your best to place it in its ideal conditions while misting it every other day. It is also essential to feed the plant bi-monthly with liquid fertilizer and keep it away from diseased plants and bugs.


Where does the Anthurium Peltigerum plant grow best?

The Anthurium Peltigerum plant grows exceptionally well in locations where there is dappled sunlight, abundant moisture, and temperatures exceeding 55 degrees Fahrenheit. With an ideal care routine, the plant reaches a height of 39 inches within a few years. 


How long do Anthurium Peltigerum plants last?

The Anthurium Peltigerum plant lives for about 2 to 3 years, provided it is provided with ideal care. It also produces flowers almost all year round, with the blooms lasting 2-3 months. Plant growth is most active during spring and dormant in the winters. 


What fertilizer’s best to use for your Anthurium Peltigerum plant?

The Anthurium Peltigerum plant prefers high-quality fertilizers made explicitly for the Anthuriums. It should contain all the essential macronutrients and micronutrients, including calcium and magnesium. It is important to feed it every 3-4 months with slow-release fertilizers.



The Anthurium Peltigerum is a rare but wonderful plant. It requires little care, which includes filtered, bright sunlight, weekly watering, high moisture levels, and airy, well-draining soils. 

It should be planted away from the reach of toddlers and pets, as it may cause toxic reactions in some individuals, e.g., blisters in the mouth and airway passage constriction.