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Anthurium Gracile Care — Expert Tips!

Anthurium Gracile Care — Expert Tips!

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Anthurium Gracile is a gorgeous foliage plant that produces a bunch of red berries along with the leaves. 

From Belize and Guatemala to Peru and the Guianas, Southern Brazil, Anthurium Gracile can be discovered. It’s also recognized as Trinidad and Hispaniola in the West Indies.

It’s easy to spot, thanks to its thick white stilt roots and bright red fruit. 

It would be ideal for terrariums because it keeps a manageable size. Since the roots will hang down 3 feet or more if planted in containers, it makes a lovely display.


Anthurium Gracile Care

Use a 50% perlite and 50% regular potting mix to grow Anthurium Gracile. Put it in a well-lit space away from the sun while watering it when only a few inches of soil feel dry. A temperature between 50 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (10 to 29.4 degrees Celsius) and a humidity level of 60% are perfect. Fertilize monthly in spring and summer with a fertilizer high in nitrogen.



Like other members of the Araceae family, Anthurium Gracile loves to have a soil mix that drains excellently. 

The roots of the Anthurium like to stay moist but will begin to deteriorate if left soggy or too damp. 

Soggy soil will only cause root rot in your Anthurium Gracile. You can create your potting mix for the plant by mixing the following items in equal parts:

  • Perlite (helps in good drainage)
  • Peat moss
  • Pine bark

If you cannot create your soil mix, you can buy a commercial orchid mix, and it will do just as well. 



During the early growing period, from March through September, you should keep the soil slightly moist and not soggy. 

Water your Anthurium Gracile well, and when the soil’s top 1-2 inches feels dry, rewater the plant for optimum growth.

Overwatering your stunning foliage plant will cause the leaves’ tips to turn yellow. At the same time, underwatering will lead to browning of the leaf tips.

Therefore, it is crucial to keep a balanced watering schedule so that the plant does not face any problems.



Anthurium Gracile needs to be placed in a warm and well-lit spot but away from direct sun exposure. 

The most important factor about the care is protection from the sun as it can cause scorching and yellowing of the foliage.

Although direct sunlight is not appreciated, placing it in an extremely dark spot also leads to many problems. Being placed in a dark spot will lead to untidy and leggy stem growth.

Providing it early morning and early evening sun is acceptable. Winter is the only time in which Anthurium Gracile will withstand some direct sun exposure.



Anthurium Gracile is a tropical plant and loves a warm, humid environment. You need to be very careful about the temperature you provide since not receiving optimum growing conditions will lead to problems for this plant.

The optimal temperature range for Anthurium Gracile is between 50 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (10 to 29.4 degrees Celsius). 

This range is perfect during the day, and the temperature not less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius) during the nighttime.

Remember keeping it at an extremely low temperature will keep the soil soggy, and very high temperatures will cause the drying and yellowing of the leaves.

Do not place Anthurium Gracile near air conditioning and heating vents.



Anthurium Gracile being a tropical plant likes humid conditions; so, feel free to mist the plant now and then. 

During the cold winter, when the air is dry, a pebble tray and humidifier are suggested.

A humidity level of 60% is perfect for Anthurium Gracile. Two tips that you must keep in mind when misting the plant are:

  • Always focus on misting the foliage of the plant.
  • Never mist the fruit or flower of Anthurium Gracile. 

It’s debatable if misting your plants to enhance humidity works. You’ll likely have to spray it several times each day to get a good result. 

Spraying your plants is a good way to maintain spotless foliage that is free of dust and bugs. This helps the Anthurium absorb as much light as possible and remain healthy.



Anthurium Gracile needs a well-balanced fertilizer or one that has a high ratio of nitrogen. During the active growth season of summer and spring, apply the fertilizer monthly.

It will always be safe to dilute the fertilizer to one-third of strength to avoid burning the plant. Anthurium just doesn’t need water to survive and grow; it wants food and nutrients too. 

To keep Anthurium Gracile green and fresh, feed the soil now and then.

You can use a well-balanced fertilizer having an NPK ratio of 15:15:15. 

Here are some measures to adding fertilizer to your Anthurium Gracile:

  • Mix the appropriate amount of feed with water as recommended in the packaging.
  • Then pour this mix over the potting mix.
  • Be aware of not pouring it directly on the leaves and stems.
  • Keep adding the solution until the water runs off through the pot’s drainage holes.



If you can’t decide whether you should repot the Anthurium Gracile or no observe for the following signs:

  • Roots are outgrowing the pot and popping out from the drainage hole.
  • Water is going straight out of the pot without wetting the soil mix.
  • The Anthurium begins to appear pale, shaky, and isn’t growing much.
  • The plant feels extremely heavy and trips over very easily.

When you have decided to repot the Anthurium, consider the following options for a successful plant:

  • If you don’t want the Anthurium to grow very big, change the potting mix and keep it in the same pot as long as possible.
  • If you face difficulty repotting a very big Anthurium, simply remove the topsoil and add a fresh soil mix.
  • If your Anthurium is a vigorous grower and the pot inhibits growth, use a bigger pot to repot.

When choosing a new container, opt for the one that is a bit bigger than the previous one. A container that is about 1 to 2 inches larger and wider is a perfect choice.

If you choose a very big container, there are chances that the new soil won’t dry up fast between watering. This will then lead to suffocation of the roots of your Anthurium.

Water the plant a day before you plan to repot since it helps to loosen the soil, and the plant comes out easily. Take the plant and carefully start loosening the pot but avoid pulling the branches or trunk.

If you are facing difficulty removing the pot, try and loosen the soil around the edges of the pot with a spoon or knife. Another option is to tap the container with a tool to loosen the soil.

Perform a root inspection and discard anything that appears to be dead, moldy, or decaying.

Moving the root ball leads to stress to the plant, even though the soil and roots appear fine. If there are any thick spiral roots, remove them with your hands or chop those off.

Suppose you plan on using the same pot, shake off the potting mix from the plant and chop off 25% of the roots. This helps Anthurium Gracile stay small and fresh to continue growing in the same pot.

Ensure that the new pot is free of old soil. It should be washed with soap, rinsed thoroughly, and dried. 

If you repot your plant in an unclean pot, there’s a chance that bacteria are alive in the previous soil, which could contaminate your plant. Fill the pot bottom with soil. 

Now place the Anthurium in the soil and make sure it is in the center before adding more soil on the top. 

Water the plant thoroughly and continue until the water goes through the drainage holes at the pot’s bottom. However, if you watered the plant when it was repotted, you can skip it and follow the regular watering schedule.

Repotting is quite a stressful procedure for your Anthurium Gracile. It can take nearly 3 to 4 weeks for your plant to adjust to the new environment and begin to thrive again.



You should regularly prune Anthurium Gracile to maintain a balanced and upright plant. Keeping the older growth on the plant will lead to bending of stems and stunted growth.

Here are tips to help you keep your Anthurium Gracile clean and healthy:

  • Scrutinize your Anthurium plant, then start trimming from the top to the bottom.
  • Prune off all the dead and discolored leaves.
  • To enhance the beauty of the plant, you can prune stray foliage but keep at least 3-5 in place. 
  • Always prune the dead leaves first. 

Use good quality tools since blunt tools will tear and crush the stems, making them susceptible to pests and diseases.

To avoid this from happening, clean your tools after every pruning session with 10% bleach solution or rubbing alcohol.



Propagating Anthurium Gracile from seeds is the easiest way to increase it in number. Start the process by placing the berries of Anthurium in water for 5 to 7 days while changing the water every day.

When the berries become soft, rub them on a wire screen to remove the pulp. Rinse the seeds with cold water to thoroughly clean them and put them on a towel for 2-3 hours to dry.

In equal parts, create a soil mix by combining perlite, peat moss, bark, and coconut husk fiber. Evenly spread this germinating mix in a metal or plastic tray.

Pour water on it until the mix becomes moist and squeeze excess moisture. The germinating mix should be kept well aerated and loose.

Sprinkle the Anthurium Gracile seeds onto the germinating mix and some fungicide to prevent fungal diseases. Gently press the seeds 1/8 inches deep and mist with some water until it becomes moist. 

Depending on the conditions provided, the seeds will begin germinating in 5-7 days. After you notice tiny leaflets appearing, transfer them into a pot containing pot mix suitable for Anthurium Gracile.

Regularly water the growing plant and place it in a well-lit area away from direct sun. 

During the early growth period, the temperature should be maintained between 80 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (26.6 to 29.4 degrees Celsius).

Now, if you want to have more plants growing with your Anthurium Gracile, take a look at the 12 easiest houseplants to propagate on this site.



Anthurium Gracile will bloom and self-pollinate to generate clusters of red berries. When you cultivate this plant, you will notice that the very young plant also produces stunning red berries. 

The pulp of the berries contain seed and is sticky in texture. If ingested by the pets or anyone else, it can cause harm.



Anthurium Gracile, also famous as Red Pearl Anthurium, has small, elongated foliage and a curled protective spathe ranging from violet to red. 

After itself pollinates, the Anthurium will produce a cluster of red berries from the brown, purplish spadix it has.

The narrow leaves are 0.3 to 0.9 feet (0.09 to 0.27 meters) long and 0.2 to 0.3 feet (0.06 to 0.09 meters) in width. Whereas the whole plant is about 1.9 to 2.9 feet (0.6 to 0.8 meter) tall.

This Anthurium species is considered attractive because of the slender leaves and vivid red berries shaped like a semi-pendant. The foliage is leathery in texture, forming an upright shape.


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Common Problems for Anthurium Gracile


Brown Leaves

A few things that can cause brown leaves in Anthurium Gracile are:


Root Rot

Inadequately watering your Anthurium Gracile can create root rot and other bacterial issues, which can cause your plant’s leaves to become brown. 

You’ll have to react fast if you find your plant’s roots have changed color or have grown gooey and slimy.

Repot the plant and use a fresh potting mix. Also, provide it the right amount of water if you want to avoid browning of the leaves.


Sun Burn

Anthurium Gracile thrives in the presence of indirect sunlight. Sunburn can occur if the leaves are exposed to too much sunlight. 

If all foliage changes color and turns brown simultaneously, you’ll know that it’s an issue. Transfer the Anthurium to a less sunny spot and, if possible, use curtains to filter the light.


Brown Spots

Brown spots on Anthurium Gracile can be caused by several factors, including:


Bacterial Leaf Blight

You’ll see yellow sores along the leaf margin before brown patches appear, which quickly transform into decaying, V-shaped lesions. With time, these lesions deepen and result in malformed leaves.

When bacteria infect your Anthurium Gracile leaves, they swiftly propagate all through the plant. Yellow, then brown patches occur on the foliage, which may turn bronze in color.

Bacteria that cause this will enter the plant through the pores that are along the leaf edges. It can also enter through damaged areas during pruning.

If the whole plant is infected, destroying your Anthurium Gracile’s the only solution. But if only selected leaves are infected, then just remove these leaves.


Nutrient Deficiency 

Brown stains on your Anthurium Gracile foliage could be due to nutrient shortages rather than a bacterial infection if you’re fortunate. 

Leaves with yellow edges and a few brown patches on them, but no guttation droplets, may suggest nutrient deficiency.

If you know, brown spots are due to nutrient deficiency, feed the plant with fertilizer that is rich in phosphorus, having an NPK ratio of 15-30-15.


Tips for Growing Anthurium Gracile

  • Put it in a location that is warm but away from direct sun exposure.
  • Follow a proper watering schedule for optimal growth.
  • Always sterilize the pruning tools with rubbing alcohol or bleach to prevent disease spread.


Frequently Asked Questions about Anthurium Gracile Care


What will happen if I place Anthurium Gracile in direct sunlight?

It is not a very good idea to place your foliage Anthurium Gracile in direct sunlight. Your plant will suffer great loose the very first of which is the browning of the leaves. If the plant is not protected, the leaves will start to fall, and the plant will ultimately die.


How can I sterilize pruning tools before the pruning of Anthurium Gracile?

It is extremely important to sterilize your tools before you start pruning as it protects against diseases. Use equal parts of water and bleach, dip the tools in it for 30 minutes, and then wash with cold water.



Reading the article, you would have understood that how important is proper care for Anthurium Gracile. Following a proper watering schedule so that it does not die of overwatering or underwatering. 

Fertilizer also plays an important role in growing rich foliage on the plant. Never let it get nutrient deficient, or you will lose the leaves.

Pruning to keep it clean and propagating to double the number should also be followed just the way mentioned above.