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Monstera Spruceana Care – Growing Guide 101

Monstera Spruceana Care – Growing Guide 101

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Most of the 45+ species in the Monstera genus are famous for their unusual leaves with holes. 

Monstera Spruceana was named to honor an English botanist named Richard Bruce. This plant belongs to the Marcgraviopsis section in the Monstera genus.

This plant has a different appearance in both the juvenile and adult phase. The leaves will develop splits or lobes and have textured surfaces in vibrant shades of green.

In nature, young Monstera Spruceana grows in a pressed format by clinging to the host plant. As the plant matures, the number of splits on each leaf increases, giving a jungle-like vibe.

This plant was first announced in 1878 by Heinrich Gustav Adolf Engler (German Botanist). This plant is native to several regions, including French Guyana, Brazil, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Columbia, Venezuela, Panama, Guiana, Peru, and Suriname.

Before 1866, several Monsteras were considered as Tornelia plants, including this one. Though it’s one of the easy-to-care-for Monsteras, it is hard to find because it’s a rare variety.

Monstera Spruceana Care

Grow the Monstera Spruceana in soil containing coco coir, charcoal, pumice, bark, and water it when the top two inches are dry. The surrounding temperature should be around 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit (16-27 degrees Celsius). This Monstera can survive in average humidity (minimum level of 40%) but thrives in high humidity of 70%+.

Monstera Spruceana Growing Guide


Spruceana needs well-draining potting soil for optimum green growth. 

Create a soil mixture in the following parts for this variety.

  • Coco coir (3 parts)
  • Bark (3 parts)
  • Charcoal (1 part)
  • Pumice (3 parts)


An average Monstera with regular watering needs should be watered after 1 or 2 weeks. This ensures the soil mixture can dry out in between watering. 

This is a drought-tolerant Monstera, so maintaining a steady watering schedule for this plant is not difficult.

A common practice is to let the soil’s first 2 inches dry out before you water it.

I would recommend watering your plant based on the actual soil condition instead of a routine or schedule. Because the watering needs to change with temperature, light exposure, and weather.

You have to drain the excess water in a tray below the pot. Let the water collect for 15-20 minutes before emptying the tray.

Keeping it under bright light means your plant needs more water compared to medium sunlight.

Using contaminated or poor quality water can damage the Monstera. 

It’s best to leave the water overnight before watering the plants. You can also use filtered water.

To read more about the best water for houseplants, click here.


This rare Monstera can tolerate bright to medium sunlight. However, no matter the intensity, the light should always reach your Monstera indirectly.

When indoors, keep it near a window sill with filtered sunlight. East or west-facing windows are recommended for this plant.

If you would like to grow it outside, try acclimating it before transferring. This helps the plant adjust to the intense sunlight. 

However, please remember that it is not suited for prolonged exposure to direct sun. Doing this will damage the leaf’s appearance and color.


Monstera Spruceana needs an average temperature of 60 -80 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Temperatures lower than 55 degrees Fahrenheit (12 degrees Celsius) will cause temperature stress.

When growing this tropical plant, remember the tropical habitat and adjust the temperature accordingly. This plant does not grow well with fluctuating or extreme temperatures. 


This Monstera will grow with average air moisture (greater than 40%), but you can go the extra mile to help it thrive. Either mist the foliage or use a humidifier near this tropical plant. 

The optimal humidity for Monstera Spruceana lies above 70%. This is where you will see airroots grow vigorously and it will make it easier for the Monstera to attach to a surface and grow more mature leaves.

The humidifier is an expensive but effective method to instantly boost the indoor humidity level.

Misting should be done for the leaves, not the blooms or inflorescence. Misting will also keep your Monstera leaves dust-free. Which in return allows for maximum light absorption.


This Monstera has average fertilizer needs. Use a regular houseplant fertilizer every now and then. But keep in mind that over-fertilization will have a drastic effect on plant health.

Avoid using the recommended rates as they might be high for a potted Monstera Spruceana. You can use the fertilizer at half strength to make sure you are never over-feeding your Monstera.

Another tip about fertilizers is that your plant needs nutrients during leaf growth. So the best time to fertilize is the growing months. 

Do not add anything in winter or autumn because all the nutrients will accumulate within the soil or, worse, kill your plant.

The initial symptom of over-fertilization is leaf curling. But if you dig the plant and inspect the roots, you will notice burned or damaged roots. 

Now you have to repot to remove the excess nutrients. You can also flush the excess nutrients from the soil using water.

When it comes to fertilizers, follow the simple rule that under fertilizing is better than over-fertilizing.


If your Monstera has paper-like foliage with brown leaf margins or the roots are coming out of the pot, you have to repot it. 

You can repeat this process every 2-3 years to make sure your Monstera plant has a rich soil mixture.

Spring and summer are the best seasons for repotting this Monstera, but growers also repot it in early fall.


Once mature this plant has a very neat appearance and does not look messy at all. 

If any of the leaves are yellow, brown, or diseased, you can trim them using gardening pruners.


Overall this Monstera is an easy plant. However, the propagation is the tricky part where most growers struggle. 

You can propagate this Monstera variety using stem cuttings.

Cut a stem cutting that’s healthy from your Monstera Spruceana. Cut the stem below the leaf node and include one or two leaves in the cutting.

Dip this cutting in rooting hormone before putting it in soil. You should use the soil mentioned in the soil section. Care for the cutting like how you care for the mature plant.

Within few weeks, your plant will put out new leaves and roots. Once the root system is established, transfer it to a bigger pot to encourage plant growth.


The inflorescence on this plant consists of a white spathe and a spadix. This inflorescence is supported by a rounded peduncle.

The spathe is not an actual flower. In fact, it’s a modified version of the leaf. 

Tiny flowers will show along the length of the spadix.


This is a climbing Monstera, and it grows fast. I would suggest helping your plant with a stake or moss pole so that it reaches maximum size. 

This is one of the Monstera that changes its appearance during the early and adult stage. Young Spruceana will have velvety dark green leaves with white speckles. 

Some of them will also have dark green veins. Young plants also have dark margins along the major veins.

There is pale green and a dark green version. The pale green variety will have a semi-glossy lower side. The dark green type has a velvety upper side.

Young leaves are ovate with missing lobes. In the intermediate form, the leaves will develop some holes that will turn into lobes. 

As the plant starts transforming, the lobes become more obvious.

The adult foliage is bicolored, meaning medium and dark green. Full-grown leaves are paler with a dull matte finish.

The leaf size of a mature plant is 19.6 to 27 inches (50 to 70 cm) long and 9.8 to 15.7 inches(25 to 40 cm) wide.

The petioles are about 2/3 rd of the leaf length and have a slightly glossy surface with speckles. They are medium green in color.

Installing Support for Monstera Spruceana

You can use bamboo canes, coco coir poles, moss poles, or U-shaped cane support to help your Monstera reach the ultimate size at a fast rate. 

Make sure you stake the Monstera when it’s young.

Dig a small hole in the pot to insert the support. To ensure maximum stability, insert the pole up to the base of the pot. 

For me, installing any support while repotting is the best way.

Take a PVC pipe and wrap wet moss around it. Secure the moss using garden ties or wire.  

Now insert this moss pole in the pot’s center and secure it with potting soil. You will have to mist the moss while watering the plant.

Common Problems for Monstera Spruceana


Like other Monsteras, Spruceana is also susceptible to common pests like spider mites, mealybugs, and aphids. All of them will feed on the leaves and leaf sap. 

You can minimize or avoid pest-related damage by regularly checking your Monstera plant.

In case your plant is infected, several organic approaches are available for treatment. You can use neem oil, isopropyl alcohol, or horticulture soap.

Root Rot

Root rot is the most common way houseplants are killed. This is because the watering requirements of your plant can change depending on several factors, but most gardeners ignore this fact.

If you let the plant stay in stagnant water or wet soil for too long, fungal diseases can take over the plant.

The most common reason behind root rot is poor drainage or overwatering. Both depend on the soil you are using and the watering habits of your Monstera Spruceana.

The only way to confirm root rot is by inspecting the roots system. Take your plant out from the pot and remove a bit of the soil surrounding the roots. 

If you can see mushy, soft, and dark roots, your Monstera is infected with root rot fungus.

Immediately trim the diseased roots using sterilized tools. Let the Monstera dry out for a day or two and shift it to new soil. Change the pot as well.

If you are still concerned about root rot, you can read our articles about root rot. Detailed knowledge about this subject will help you avoid this issue in your houseplants.

Curled Leaves

If the foliage on your Monstera Spruceana is curled, I have the following tips to help you fix this issue. 

Let’s start by examining what causes curled leaves and how to help the leaves reach their natural state.


If the potting soil stays wet even after 1 week from the last watering session, you’re overwatering your Monstera Spruceana. The water trapped in the soil will cut off oxygen and nutrient supply. 

Use soil mixture with good drainage but only do water if your Monstera requires it. Give a few days to dry out the soil. 


Lack of water will hinder different processes within the plant system. So your Monstera will start curling the leaves, and the leaf margins will be dry and crispy. 

Check the potting soil to confirm that most of the soil is dry. Rehydrate your Monstera by watering it immediately and trim the severely damaged foliage. 

High Temperature

This plant loves a warm atmosphere, but temperatures more elevated than the maximum value will cause stress, and as a result, the leaves will start curling to conserve water for survival.

Water Quality

Using tap water with chlorine or salts can mess up the soil. Avoid using tap water for this Monstera in the first place, or let it sit for 24 hours before application. 

The harmful substances will dissipate within 24 hours. Filtered water is the best solution for this dilemma.

Tips for Growing Monstera Spruceana

  • If you do not want to rely on guesswork regarding watering this Monstera, buy a moisture meter because it gives precise information about soil moisture.
  • Improve the soil’s drainage with perlite, mulch, or sand. These ingredients will loosen the soil mixture.
  • You can harvest rainwater to use for this Monstera variety. The overall quality of rainwater is better than ordinary tap water.

Read about Monstera adansonii care next.

Frequently Asked Questions about Monstera Spruceana Care

Is this plant safe to be around pets?

This Monstera, like many others, can be harmful if consumed by pets or humans. I Would highly recommend keeping your pot out of reach of your pets.

What is the sign of salt build-up?

You must repot in fresh soil if your soil has accumulated any salts after tap water or over-fertilization. You will notice white residue on the soil or pot surface.

Conclusion About Monstera Spruceana Care

Monstera Spruceana offers you a thrilling gardening journey with its different leaf forms and colors. 

This plant should be watered using the alternate drying method to prevent root rot, and under or overwatering issues.

Unfortunately, it’s not a pet-friendly option, so if you have a curious pet in your house, avoid growing this plant indoors.