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How to Repot Pothos? Read This!

How to Repot Pothos? Read This!

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An axiom of the home gardener’s world is that a plant will never grow bigger than the pot it is being grown in allows.

While this may be true, they absolutely will grow to the limits of that pot if given half an opportunity, and your average Pothos plant would have plenty to say about that fact were they given the gift of gab.

As it stands, however, your Pothos will give every indication that it has begun to strain its pot’s limitations thus leaving you with the question, “How to re-Pot Pothos?”

Let’s explore the factors that go into re-potting your Pothos, so you will know that when you are done that your plant will remain healthy and vital after the experience.

How to Repot Pothos?

To successfully re-pot a Pothos plant, give it a good watering to relax and loosen the root system. Fill the new, well-draining, pot with a few inches of potting soil to serve as a new pad for your root ball. Place the pothos on the base and carefully backfill with more potting soil the remainder of the pot, making sure to leave a couple of inches from the top empty.

How to Repot Pothos Plants

Once you have accumulated your potting soil, new pot, and a good general plant food it is time to turn to the re-potting table.

While we will look at these factors in closer detail below, let’s look at the two critical factors needed for a successful Pothos repotting: removing the plant from the old pot and correctly planting in a new container.

Removing Your Old Plant

Prior to putting your Pothos plant in its new pot, you need to get it out of the old container first. Begin that process by giving your plant a thorough watering.

Whether a day or two before or as little as an hour before you begin to repot the plant, this time allows the roots to absorb the water helping them to relax and become flexible as possible.

Once the plant has had an opportunity to soak up as much moisture as possible, I will then gently pull the plant from its existing container being very careful not to damage any of the root structure.

Once out of the old pot, I will look closely at the root ball’s current state.

Should the root ball be free of too many roots surrounding it, you can easily just repot the plant.

If you notice that the roots are entwined and circling around the root ball you can further soak the ball and gently try and extradite the roots from around the ball.

While this may seem like a time-consuming pain in the butt, and it is, your plant will absolutely appreciate the effort and grow healthy as a result.

Prepping Your New Container

Since the root ball requires a nice base of soil to thrive in the new pot, you should fill the new container’s bottom with a few inches of new potting soil.

As wider planters are also deeper, this is an important step to ensure that your plant’s root structure has a place to grow.

Place the base of the plant to sit so that the point where your stem meets the soil remains at least a couple of inches below the top of the pot.

This provides room for water without the fear of water running all over your furniture.

Signs Your Pothos Plant is Pot Bound

If you notice that your Pothos plant’s leaves are drooping regardless of the water regimen you’ve adopted, there is a strong chance that your plant’s roots have reached the limits of that container.

I will carefully check out my plant to ascertain whether this is the case before I head out and shop for a bigger pot for my Pothos.

Owing to the hardiness of these plants regardless of their setting, it is easy to note when something might be amiss with their well-being.

Finding the Proper Container

Once I have determined that my Pothos plant is straining the limits of its current container I begin my search for a new pot environment.

As mentioned, a plant will only grow to the limits of its container, but the Pothos will alert me to the fact with persistently droopy leaves.

Generally, owing to the fact that I am not a fan of repeated repotting, I will tend to select a pot that is two to three sizes larger than its current pot to allow for unfettered growth.

Beyond the size of the pot, however, I will choose a pot that offers superior draining because these plants tend towards root rot when left in standing water.

Additionally, since potting soil is not overtly known for having a wealth of nutrients, I will generally pick up a supply of nutrients while I go new pot shopping.

Any balanced house plant fertilizer should do the trick in giving your re-potting efforts a leg up in succeeding after repotting.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Repotting Your Pothos Plant

Why did my Pothos plant die after it was re-potted?

If your Pothos dies after re-potting it is probably because your pot is not properly draining, or the root system was damaged when removing it from its old pot.

Should I water my Pothos after re-potting the plant?

Your Pothos will absolutely benefit from a thorough watering after you have finished re-potting the plant.

Final Thoughts on Re-Potting Your Pothos Plant

If you are noticing that your Pothos plant leaves are dropping regardless of the watering it receives, your plant has probably gotten pot-bound and will be in need of repotting.

Luckily, the plant is very forgiving, and even the beginning gardener will be surprised by how easy it is to repot their favorite indoor plant.