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Philodendron Nanegalense Plant Care — Definitive Guide

Philodendron Nanegalense Plant Care — Definitive Guide

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Philodendron Nanegalense is considered a native of Ecuador. It has a climbing nature and produces light green velvety and heart-shaped leaves. The leaves also have fuzzy petioles and are ribbed.

It is considered a very rare aroid belonging to the Araceae family. Philodendron Nanegalense is added to the endangered species list and is likely to lose its habitat in the coming years.


Philodendron Nanegalense Plant Care

Philodendron Nanegalense needs to be planted in a soil mix that drains well using perlite, coco chips, coco fiber and regular potting mix. Water once a week and make sure the soil mix remains slightly humid. Do not let the plant get soggy and provide it with indirect bright light. Maintain the temperature at 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 29 degrees Celsius) and humidity levels of 60% and above for the best growth.



Philodendron Nanegalense enjoys potting mix that is loose and rich in organic matter. The soil of the Philodendron should be well-draining and replaced after a couple of years for a healthy plant.

Philodendron Nanegalense likes a rough soil medium that is rich and contains a good amount of peat moss mixed in. 

You can create a soil mix by combining equal parts of coco coir and a commercial potting mix.

Coco coir is considered a better option compared to peat moss, and it somewhat has similar properties. You can create a simple yet effective soil medium by combining the following elements:

  • Combine ¾ potting mix with ¼ of perlite, or 
  • Combine ½ of coco chips with ½ of potting mix, or
  • Equal parts of coco fiber and potting mix.



Philodendron Nanegalense will thrive in a soil medium that is kept constantly moist. 

However, do not let the soil get soggy or extremely damp. An extremely soggy or overly flooded soil only leads to root rot in your Philodendron.

Water this plant when you feel the top few inches are almost dry. The soil in ceramic and clay pots dry very rapidly compared to glazed or plastic, so you must provide water accordingly.

If the foliage of Philodendron Nanegalense starts to turn brown and fall, there are high chances of improper water care. 

Drooping leaves indicate that the plant is either getting overwatered or is not getting the right amount of water.

Always keep a close eye to know what is causing the problem and resolve it right away.



Philodendron Nanegalense will thrive and give you stunning leaves when it is placed in indirect bright light or where it receives medium light. 

If you notice the old leaves are turning yellow, then don’t worry since it’s a natural process.

But if you notice that many leaves are turning yellow rapidly, then your Philodendron is certainly receiving too much sun or is exposed to direct light. 

The plant might grow in low light for some time, but the stems start to get leggy, leading to poor plant growth. 

Therefore, place your Philodendron Nanegalense in a spot where there is no chance the direct sun will touch the plant’s delicate leaves.



Philodendron Nanegalense belongs to the topical plant family and so does not withstand extremely cold temperatures. Placing it in an environment that stays cold for very long periods will kill your Philodendron.

Maintain a temperature between 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 29 degrees Celsius) for optimal growth of the plant.

During the night, a temperature range from 65-70 Fahrenheit (18 – 21 degrees Celsius) will be perfect. 

Whereas during the day, maintain the temperature between 75 to 85 Fahrenheit (23.8 – 29 degrees Celsius).



As far as humidity is concerned, Philodendron Nanegalense being a native to tropical environments prefers high humidity levels. 

This can stance a problem for you if the plant is being transplanted indoors as our homes often do not possess the conditions it likes.

A humidity level of 60% and more is ideal for Philodendron Nanegalense.

However, it will tolerate lower humidity levels, but will not thrive to its full potential.

To increase humidity levels, you can mist or shower the plant with water frequently.

Using a pebble tray will also help or a humidifier to raise humidity if misting isn’t enough. 



Philodendron Nanegalense needs to be fed with a balanced liquid fertilizer that’s macronutrient-rich. Feed the plant on a monthly basis during spring and summer seasons and every 2 months when winter and fall arrives.

When the Philodendron does not receive sufficient fertilizer, it will begin to show a poor growth rate and small-sized leaves. 

Calcium and magnesium are important nutrients for this plant, so deficiency can be noticed when the foliage turns pale.

Overfertilizing Philodendron Nanegalense will lead to browning and curling of the leaf tips. When growth is rapid during the summer season, it is beneficial to feed the plant regularly.



Philodendron Nanegalense loves to grow roots in a cramped space and so do not cultivate it in a very big pot. 

However, when the roots begin to form a tight ball, you must repot the plant in a container that is 1-2 inches larger.

Repot Philodendron Nanegalense in early spring or the late winter season prior to the growth of the new plant. 

A pot that has drainage holes is a must; hence remember this when picking a pot for the transplanting process.

Use a potting mix that contains equal parts of brick, chopped charcoal, peat, and gravel, or a commercial soil mix can also be used. 

The newly transplanted Philodendron Nanegalense needs to be watered thoroughly so that it can recover from the transplant shock it might have faced.

Do not allow the soil of repotted Philodendron Nanegalense to get waterlogged as it causes severe damage to new growths. You can mist the plant now and then to provide the humidity it prefers.

Add a pole or stick in the pot since the plant is a climbing variety of Philodendron. It often develops aerial roots that can be chopped to a controlled size but should never be removed completely.



If you’re not sure about trimming your plant, it’s wise to wait. You only cut a Philodendron Nanegalense when absolutely necessary.

Pruning a Philodendron Nanegalense will be a great idea if it is filling up a lot of space in the pot or if it is becoming tall and bushy. The optimum time to prune this Philodendron is in the fall or late spring.

However, that’s not a thumb rule, and you can prune the plant in any season of the year to remove dead and yellow leaves. 

Trim off the very old and long stems to help new one develops. You will also notice that the old stems usually have no foliage growing on them, and it’s better to chop them off.

Use sharp and disinfected pruning shears to trim and clean the plant. 

Always cut the stem from where it joins the upper part of the Philodendron Nanegalense and then dip this in a rooting hormone to help it develop new, stronger roots.

You should sanitize your pruning equipment before trimming Philodendron Nanegalense. 

This easy but crucial move takes only a few minutes and helps prevent the spread of disease-causing germs that could harm your plant’s vitality.

Wipe any mud or filth from pruning tools before dipping them in a combination of nine parts chlorine bleach to one part water to sterilize them. 

Because bleach can be acidic, sterilized tools should be washed in clean water.

You can also clean up instruments with regular rubbing alcohol, which is effective and less harsh than bleach.



You can propagate your Philodendron Nanegalense by taking stem cuttings from a mature plant. 

Now, if you want to know other plants that are easy to propagate, better keep reading the article on this website.

It is critical to carefully sanitize the instruments prior to propagating the Philodendron Nanegalense. 

Submerge the knives or shears in hot water and thoroughly wash them. This prevents germs from being transferred to the Philodendron needlessly during multiplication.

Opt for a very nice stem on the plant. If it has got aerial roots, that’s perfect; you can cut the stem 2 inches below the roots.

However, if it has no aerial roots, then cut the stem at an angle. Cuttings taken without aerial roots are possible but with very few chances to give a successful plant.

Now dip the cutting in a rooting hormone and allow it to dry well before the next step. Using a rooting hormone helps in the fast growth of the stem’s roots.

The next step is to fill a vase with some clean water and put the cuttings into it. 

Ensure that the cuttings are properly dipped, but the leaves should not touch the water as they can easily rot if they get in contact.

Keep changing the water every week to keep the cuttings healthy and produce a thriving plant. 

When you notice stem cuttings begin to develop roots transfer them in the potting mix designed for Philodendron.

Roots will take around 2 to 4 weeks to appear. Leave the plant in the soil mix, and it will soon begin to develop its own leaves. You only have to provide it proper care from now on.



Philodendron Nanegalense does not produce any blooms and is famous for the foliage it produces on maturity.



Philodendron Nanegalense is another species of the foliage family of Philodendron that produces stunning leaves. The plant is known for the heart-shaped, nervature, and elongated leaves it possesses.

The leaves are light green in color when seen from the front, where they have light hues of pink on the underside.

The leaves of Philodendron Nanegalense are around 7 inches (0.17 meters) long and 4 to 5 inches (0.1 to 0.12 meters) wide. 

The plant will thrive in USDA hardiness zones 9 through 11.


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Common Problems for Philodendron Nanegalense



Thrips are tiny insects that are found attached on the upper and undersides of Philodendron Nanegalense, leading to the death of the plant. 

Although thrips invasion is considered rare, when it does occur, you will only notice the presence when the plant fails to grow and develop leaves.

If the invasion is heavy, your plant will begin to deteriorate, and there will be nothing left to revive it. You can use predating insects like ants to get rid of thrip from your Philodendron Nanegalense. 

Another option is to wipe the plant with neem or horticultural oil right when you notice the invasion.


Spider Mite

Spider mites are among the most widespread and damaging pests that attack houseplants. 

Unfortunately, there are high chances of your Philodendron Nanegalense getting invaded by this if there is no proper care given.

The pest is very small and cannot be easily detected by naked eyes. You will notice the mites sitting on the borders and axils of the plant’s foliage.

No matter how small the invasion is, it will keep prospering by sucking on the important juices from the cells of Philodendron Nanegalense. 

Smaller invasion won’t show much of the damage, but when the invasion gets bigger, you will begin to notice the diminishing health of your plant.

The foliage of Philodendron Nanegalense starts to curl up, discolor and sooner or later fall off. 

The inorganic chemical pesticides used for treating mites are of no use as they kill the benefiting predators that eat spider mites. 

Hence use organic and natural pesticides like insecticidal soaps or neem oil to treat the invasion of spider mites on Philodendron Nanegalense.



Aphids are yet another tiny houseplant pests that will attack Philodendron Nanegalense. 

These, too, like spider mites, suck the sap of the plant and weakens it. It appears to be very small and has a soft textured body.

Aphids are known to grow very rapidly, so it is very important that you get them under control before they lay eggs for reproduction. It is found to develop several generations in just a single growing season.

The pest can be washed off the foliage by a splash of cold water. In case of a large infestation, dust some flour on the leaves or treat it with horticultural oil.



Mealybugs are tiny soft-bodied insects most likely found in warmer conditions. They seem to look like cotton when they emerge on the foliage of Philodendron Nanegalense.

Just like other pests, these too suck out your plant’s sap. A huge family of mealybug will cause foliage curling and yellowing.

On the other hand, a small infestation can be treated by pruning or cleaning the leaves with cotton dipped in alcohol. Another way to avoid over-fertilizing and overwatering the plant unnecessarily. 


Tips for Growing Philodendron Nanegalense

  • Avoid direct contact with sunlight.
  • Always disinfect the tools prior to use.
  • Water the plant only when needed.


Frequently Asked Questions about Philodendron Nanegalense Plant Care


Will Philodendron Nanegalense survive in direct sun?

Philodendron Nanegalense is a foliage plant, and just like other members, it cannot withstand the direct sun. If placed right under the sun, the leaves will start to burn and fall off. Hence place it in a spot with indirect bright light.


What’s the best watering schedule for my Philodendron Nanegalense?

Put your finger into the soil mix, and if the top few inches feel dry, the plant is thirsty. 



Philodendron Nanegalense should be definitely cultivated for the leaves it produces. In order to save this endangered plant, grow it in your space with care and love.

Since it is a very rare plant, it is very crucial to provide it the right care and maintenance. Water the plant with a proper schedule, or it will deteriorate.

Fertilizer helps in the growth of the foliage, and organic soil also contributes to the overall health of the plant. Pests attack is the only problem Philodendron Nanegalense will face during its growing years.