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Postman Joyner Caladium Care — What You Have to Know!

Postman Joyner Caladium Care — What You Have to Know!

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Postman Joyner Caladium is a fancy leaf caladium variety with stunning red leaves. This shade-loving Caladium can be used to add color and elegance to your summer and late spring garden. 

Postman Joyner Caladium is an old-fashioned plant that gardeners have cultivated since the 1700s for the big bright leaves. 

It is a tropical foliage Caladium that is easy to care for and is grown in planters, landscapes, or pots.

The Postman Joyner comes from the Amazon Basin; that is the reason they grow and need warm temperatures.

 It comes from the family of Araceae, and you can blend it with other annuals such as ferns or Hosta’s to create stunning bouquets or vases.


Postman Joyner Caladium Care

Postman Joyner Caladium likes acidic, well-draining soil with a pH of 5.5-6.2. Place it in a spot where it receives bright filtered light and water it when an inch of soil feels dry to touch. Feed it with fertilizer having an NPK ratio of 12:6:6 and provide 50-60% of humidity. The optimal temperature during the day is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius) and 60 degrees Fahrenheit at night (15 degrees Celsius).



Postman Joyner Caladium is the plant that thrives in a well-draining and mildly acidic soil. You can buy a standard soil mix and make changes to adjust it according to the Caladium’s requirement.

You can combine a small amount of sphagnum peat moss into your regular soil to create the acidic soil mix your plant loves. 

You can combine orchid bark, peat moss, coir compost, and perlite in the ratio of 10:10:60:20 to create the perfect blend.

Postman Joyner Caladium will thrive amazingly in this soil mix as it is acidic. Apart from being acidic, the soil should also be well-draining and moist, with a pH ranging from 5.5-6.2.

If you cultivate Postman Joyner in a cold soil mix, you will have slow growth and tuber rot. 

Never plant Postman tubers until the soil reaches the 70 degree-Fahrenheit mark.

You can add perlite, chopped leaves, or mushroom compost to increase the drainage and organic quality of the soil mix. 

When you begin the potting process for Postman Joyner Caladium, start them in a damp soil mix.



Postman Joyner Caladium loves the soil that is watered well and moist. It doesn’t like soil that’s left too dry during the watering. 

On the other hand, the Caladium will also not appreciate very soggy soil. 

When you are growing the plant indoors, it is of utmost importance that you find a balance between underwatering and overwatering.

When you do this, the Caladium is happy and prospers while producing stunning red foliage.

To know if your Postman Joyner is underwatered, check the stems, and if you notice bent and droopy stems, the plant needs water. 

The stems will easily break if you don’t supply your Postman Joyner Caladium with enough water.



Postman Joyner Caladium will thrive in partial to full shade. However, it will be safe to supply 2 to 4 hours of the morning sun. 

The Caladium has very delicate and fragile leaves and so direct exposure during the afternoon will damage them. You can provide bright dappled light to make the plant produce rich, large, and red leaves.

If you have bought Caladium from a nursery, remember that they are cultivated in controlled shaded greenhouses. 

So, if you place them in your garden where it will receive direct sun, the leaves will burn right away.

Exposure to direct sun will result in holes and brown patches on the leaves. If you provide the Caladium with appropriate light, it will soon adapt to the slight exposure to direct sun and won’t scorch.

If you grow Postman Joyner Caladium outdoors, cultivate them in a spot where the light is filtered or provide them some shade. When grown indoors, the Caladium requires bright indirect sunlight.



Postman Joyner Caladium is a plant that thrives in a humid, hot environment and will begin to droop if the temperature is very cold. 

If you want the tubers to survive the cold winter, you must bring them indoors before the temperature drops below 55 degrees Fahrenheit (12 degrees Celsius).

The ideal temperature range for Postman Joyner during the day is 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). 

While at nighttime, it will do best in temperature 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius) or above.

The Caladium might tolerate a lower temperature range, but you won’t be rewarded with fast or big leaves.



Your Postman Joyner will adapt to various ranges of humidity. But since the plant has originated from a tropical environment, it will do great in high humidity conditions. 

That means the Caladium appreciates an environment that is warm and humid. Along with that, a humid environment will help in preventing the tips from turning crispy and drop.

The perfect humidity range for Postman Joyner Caladium is 50 to 60 percent. If you face problems maintaining a humid environment for the plant, there are few things you can do.

  • Try placing a humidifier near the plant, and it will help create humid conditions.
  • Place the pot on a pebble tray. These pebbles will catch the water that drains, and when it evaporates, humidity is created.
  • Mist the leaves of Caladium once or twice a day but don’t overdo it.



Postman Joyner Caladium is a heavy feeder and thus requires frequent food during the active growth season, specifically the plant grown in a pot. 

Fertilize the Caladium with a liquid fertilizer every two weeks to promote the growth of strong leaves. 

Another method of fertilizing the plant is to use a slow-release fertilizer that will keep feeding the Caladium for almost six months.

Although high nitrogen can cause discolored leaves, caution must be taken with phosphorus also. Test the soil for the nutrients it lacks.

If you cannot do a soil test, add fertilizer having a ratio of 12:6:6 every six weeks. In case the soil in your area has high phosphorus, use a fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 15:0:15.



You can repot Postman Joyner Caladium using the tubers. Start the tubers indoors in the spring 1 to 2 months before the last frost, or buy a tuber from a nursery.

Now place the ridged side that has eyes upward as this is the spot from where the shoots and roots will appear and do not cover it with soil completely. 

Place this pot in a room that receives bright indirect light and maintains a temperature of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius).

After the frost has ended, you can move the container outdoors. You can either have the tubers planted within the pot or transfer them to the ground.

For planting in the ground, dig a hole and insert the tubers at a depth of 1 ½ to 2 inches (3.8 to 5 cm). 

The tuber likes rich, moist, and well-draining soil, so it will be ideal to amend the soil with compost or other organic substances.

If you reside in an area that has heavy ground soil, it will be perfectly fine to keep them in the containers having the soil they like. 

Remember that the tuber gets damaged in extremely cold temperatures and won’t revive until the environment gets warm, so do not rush to plant it outdoors.

Your tuber will produce a stunning plant when the soil temperature is 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). In extremely cold soil, the tubers are susceptible to root rot.

Whereas very high temperatures will affect the color of the foliage so keep a very strict eye on the temperature of the soil in which it is growing. 

Maintain temperature below 85 degrees Fahrenheit (29 degrees Celsius) and above 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celsius).



You should prune Postman Joyner Caladium every 2 to 3 weeks. This helps in bigger and stronger leaves. Always remove the dead, damaged stems and leaves.

This will enhance the look and help the plant focus its energy on healthy parts. Use clean and disinfected pruning tools and wear gloves while you perform this task.



You can propagate Postman Joyner Caladium through divisions of the stems.

Start the propagation process by removing the plant from the pot. It is much easy to divide plants in the pot as the roots are within the pot.

Avoid watering your Caladium if you are planning to propagate it. This will keep the soil compact and will come with the roots when you remove the plant from the pot.

Press or tap the sides of the container to loosen the soil around the plant for easy removal. Now turn the container upside down and pull the plant out gently.

The stems of Postman Joyner Caladium grow in groups. You will notice that each group develops individually, making it easier for you to divide them. 

The next step is to separate the groups of stems.

To do this, you will simply need to press or slice between the groups using your hands. while you do this be sure that each group has its own roots.

Next, place the separated stems in individual pots. 

Fill the container having the groups of stems with moist and well-draining soil. You can insert a stick to help the stem stand straight since it is very soft and bends when looking for light.

Thoroughly water your newly propagated plant. This is important because the roots are under transplant stress, and water is something that will help them get over it.

Place the container in an area receiving bright but filtered light. Fertilize the soil with the necessary nutrients after doing a soil test.



Even though Postman Joyner Caladium is cultivated for the stunning foliage, it still produces some flowers. 

It produces 2 to 3 arum-like flowers with white spadix surrounded by a pink or green spathe.

It rarely produces fruit that are white-colored berries with numerous seeds. 

Several gardeners remove the blooms so that plant can focus its energy on growing the stunning big leaves it has.



Postman Joyner Caladium will grow to a height of about 2 feet (0.6 meters) and can spread as wide as 2 feet (0.6 meters). 

When you cultivate the Caladium in groups, be sure to leave an 18 inches (45 cm) distance between each plant so that the plant does not suffocate.

The plant will develop stunning crimson red leaves that are bordered with green edges. You can grow Postman Joyner Caladium in USDA hardiness zones 3 through 8.


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Common Problems for Postman Joyner Caladium



Postman Joyner Caladium is prone to pests that will feed on the cells or eat the foliage. Caterpillars are among the most prevalent pests that attack the Caladium.

It will cause the edges of leaves to become rough as they feed on it. If you observe only a few caterpillars residing on the plant, you can handpick them as it is the fastest and quickest way to get rid of them.

However, if the infestation is large, you can use Bacillus thuringiensis, which is specially designed to control caterpillars’ infestation.

Another pest that might attack the Caladium is aphids. These pests also feed on the leaves by sucking the sap. 

The first symptom of aphids is the discoloration of the leaves. Horticultural oils are also a big help to treat this pest.



The diseases that attack Postman Joyner Caladium usually affect the tubers, the part from where the plant grows. 

Diseases from species like Rhizoctonia and Pythium attack the tubers, causing rotting. 

Another fungus that might attack is Southern Blight, caused by Sclerotium rolfsii, a fungus residing in soil. 

The most effective way to kill this fungus is to dip the tubers in extremely hot water.


Tips for Growing Postman Joyner Caladium

  • Every part of the Caladium is toxic, containing calcium oxalate. Therefore, always take precautions when pruning, propagating, and around pets and kids.
  • To keep your leaves dust-free, use a damp cloth and wipe them now and then.
  • Postman Joyner Caladium goes into dormancy during the winter season and often dies but don’t worry, as it will revive back once the summer season arrives.
  • Always cut dead stems and leaves from the Caladium to make the plant look clean and well-groomed.


Frequently Asked Questions about Postman Joyner Caladium Care


How do I get a bushy Postman Joyner Caladium?

In order to have a bushier Caladium, you must prune the plant on a regular basis. This will help the plant focus on healthy leaves and not waste its energy on damaged parts.


Should I mist the Caladium regularly?

Misting Postman Joyner regularly is not necessary. You must only mist it when the environment around the plant is dry. Misting will help provide a humid environment that the Caladium appreciates.



Caladiums are ideal for bringing life to shaded locations and pairing with other flowering plants. Use them as garden highlights or mass them as striking ground coverings where they’re hardy. 

Dig the tubers during fall and store them in a dry, warm area until spring. 

Caring for Postman Joyner Caladium is very easy. Always take good care of the plant, and you will have a wonderful-looking garden or indoor space.